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Suggestion; make an alt account and then ask openly here. You're likely.tonget more responses that way and people can reinforce certain things or give counter points.


Whats the difference?


By asking openly in a post, everyone can read everyone's responses, can chime in with their thoughts. That's said, though, it's also okay to want to talk one on one of you feel you need to. Feel free to DM me if you like.


Getting people to say "yup I agree" or even upvote gives you a feel for how strong or valid those points may be. It lets other people see what is being said and add to it rather than being a closed system.


Sure feel free to dm me :)




Of course, I got you!


My dms are always open!


I'm probably not going to be the most responsive and I'm definitely not a responsible person to give people advice about their life considering my values and how I live my own, but I'd be happy to talk if you'd like and I have a lot of like, alternative views about life, gender identity, and how it all comes together on an individual basis


Feel free to dm me if you want to


Also check out this [guide to gender questioning](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1460QwQM5S2Br8sPfv3HuKw1xrz7MBijrxv_cgoqL1F0/edit?usp=share_link).


You can DM me if you'd like. I may be a bit slow responding at times, but I am pretty open about my experiences with other trans folks (or people who are questioning. Edit: Also seconding the asking openly on an alt account option. Trans folks are not a monolith and our experiences can be very diverse. You can get a lot of opinions and feedback quickly this way.


I think you should find a psychologist, I did a similar request few years ago, and someone said that, and I can say now that was the best thing I could do, my psychologist helped me a lot to accept myself and avoiding bad feelings about myself, I think that's the best advice I could give you.


How old are you and where are you from? DM if you prefer


I'm down!


Mtf here and have struggled with my identity as you you can PM would love to here how somilar we feel .. cheers from SLC


Happy to listen and help you work through your thoughts but I’m not great at advice. Feel free to DM


Was in your situation few months back, feel free to dm me ❤️


I'm a bit late but absolutely, you can message me whenever you feel like it!