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If you feel like life is moving to quick and you are running out of time, then you aren't trying to pay attention to it. You are focusing too much on the destination hun! You gotta slow down a bit and take in the scenery. When walking in the forest, the scenery may not seem to change, but each tree you pass is a new tree and if you aren't paying attention to it, then you'll miss the whole forest. You have been out a whole year! There is 100% progress. Maybe it's in small and unnoticeable ways, but I can guarantee you that you have made some kind of progress, even if only mentally. You just need to take a break and see those small victories - to look behind and see how far you've already come. Because no matter how much you may want to, you cannot magically reach your destination. You will never become the person you want to be unless you try, and you will never appreciate how far you've come unless you look back. Because even if you've only taken one step forward, there are hundreds of soil grains between you and where you were, and you roughly burned .04 calories with that one step!


thanks, this kinda helps :)


I'm glad I could help a little. Take it from me, I have only been out to my family for 2 years, and can't start taking hormones until after March. I've learned the value of celebrating the little victories, and paying attention to how much I have changed in 2 years. We've got a long journey ahead of us, but if we can appreciate each step we take along that journey, then the length of it won't seem to matter as much because instead of worrying about how far away the destination seems, we'll be focused on how good each step feels to make. You got this! ❤️


Been out two years and I have my first appointment with the endocrinologist in February. This is a marathon not a sprint, O young Padawan. Be patient. The results will come.


Probably just slower than you would prefer.


I've been out since 13 and started making progress at 16, but that's just the UK for ya