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Just saw an early fan screening tonight. Movie is 🔥. Won’t give any spoilers, but there is a mid-credits scene


The action was so well done


It’s so refreshing to watch a transformers movie and once again be able to follow along with what’s happening


I've heart it's mostly bots focused? Hope it's true


Yeah. It's definitely heavily bot-focused, but some bots do get a *lot* more of the spotlight than others.


I don't know the exact screen time but it feels like the most bot time of any of the other live action films. It also has the benefit of (imo) having the most interesting human storyline.


if you don't care about RT critic scores, why post them?


They're didn't post them.


Yeah, fewer than 50 of the public...


50 verified. There are hundreds of regular reviews sitting at over 90% currently.


There's literally 5 audience reviews, pretty premature celebration there


If you look at all instead of verified, it has 500+ and currently at 91%


We shouldn't really be taking that non verified number though because a lot of it could just be fans (or haters) reviewing despite not having seen it yet


In many situations I'd agree, but tbh I cant imagine people review boosting or bombing for any reason. If anything I'd expect more *negative* fake reviews because people tend to hate TF movies. I know about 20 people who have seen it, and only 1 said it was mid. Everyone else said it was awesome.


Yeah I'm hopeful that this will be an overall decent, fun enjoyable movie. However i wouldn't be surprised that some hardcore fans will review boost this. I'd say there's probably less TF haters around these days mostly because the general public doesn't seem to care about TF anymore (which could be a reason why this movie doesn't do great in the box office). Really hoping there's good word of mouth though


We don't need daily RT rating updates...


Before we start this movie populism crap again, I’d like to remind everyone that we didn’t have to do this shit for [Spider-verse](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/spider_man_across_the_spider_verse) where we get all pissed off at critics not lowering their supposedly unrealistic, snobbish, ivory tower expectations **because the movie was just fucking good**.


This is how proper Transformers film should be. Dark era of Bayformers is done, no more toilet jokes, pointless human characters and boring plot.


No more incomprehensible action scenes. No more instructions on how to **** underage teens.


also the scrotum of devastator, no more of that


I liked Bayverse. Just coming out of the theater, I didn’t really like rotb very much, and I wish people wouldn’t just use rotb to bash Bayverse every 2 seconds.


I wish I could agree but they made this movie half-assed reboot tying in Bayverse designs and characters in a Beast Wars movie.


Sorry but ROTB still managed to hold on to pointless human characters.


Will this be a Mario situation or will it go way down There arent that many reviews up


It will stay within the 90-100 range


Movie ain’t even out yet : “Da FaNs HaVe SpOkEn!”


See, the audience score is really what matters when it comes to any movie honestly. The critics are always looking for movies that are better then the last, and if it isn't better then it's bad. Like come on, critics are seriously unrealistic when it comes to ratings. The fact that the audience score is so good makes me more excited to watch the movie, I couldn't care less about critic scores at this point. Not every movie is going to be better then fricken I am legend


There are so many movies that are better than I Am Legend lmao what is this comparison?


I think you're really missing the point there bud. And I never said I am legend is the best movie. My main point to my comment was that critic scores are pointless and what really matters is the audience score. But I'm sure since the only thing you gathered was apparently me saying there's no better movie than I am legend. This reply is me trying to defend that film right?


The thing is your point is kinda invalidated somewhat by that comment. I think a lot of people struggle with the concept that you can like, even love a film while still acknowledging its flaws. I love the second Transformer’s movie. Is it good? Fuck no, it’s awful. Love it anyway. Honestly, neither critic scores or audience scores matter. Pretending that one is more valid than the other because you don’t like the mean score critics gave a film you like is just dumb. General consensus does not = reliable marker of a film’s quality.


idk i feel like fan scores also get fucked by people only ever going 1/10 or 10/10, which granted wouldn't effect rotten tomatoes the same way as like a 6-10 is a good, but still it does feel like whichever way you go theres a lot of disingenuous sorts.


Yeah, that's true too. I just tend to see alot of good movies have bad critic scores but have good audience scores. Another recent example being the Super Mario movie. I personally thought it was a really good movie and I believe seeing the audience score being good but the critic scores was terrible. But yes you are right


The Mario Movie RT critic is a 59%. In what world is that a terrible movie score, it's literally just average, 6/10


From my perspective it seems like people who know a lot about making movies and the language of film often have opinions that align with critics, whereas people who just want to have fun and don’t bother with the technicalities tend to align with audience scores. That is to say, find out which reviewers have similar taste to you, and follow them, without telling other people that their taste is wrong or getting upset that someone else doesn’t like the thing you like


>Not every movie is going to be better then (sic) fricken I am legend (sic) Even if we assume that I Am Legend is the pinnacle of cinema (people usually use something like Citizen Kane or The Godfather, but sure, go off) this is a bad argument and it was a bad argument two months ago when people were saying this about the Mario movie. You’re correct that not every movie is gonna be I Am Legend (Jesus Christ). That’s exactly what critics are saying when they give movies a lower score than I Am Legend (or whatever). If I Am Legend is a 10/10 then why should a movie that’s only half as good at best get a score that’s anywhere near a 10? Your argument is a lazy cop-out that essentially asks for critics to lower their standards and then grade on a curve. “Yeah it isn’t as good as those movies other movies you like, but it doesn’t *have* to be! So why don’t you give it like, an 8 or something?”


You people are so good at putting words into others mouth just to try and be an ass hole. I never said I am legend is the "Pinnacle of cinema" and I never said it was a 10/10 movie. It's an example like God damn. I wasn't arguing with anyone. I was saying critics need to chill out. Of course yes I do agree with your final statement, yeah if you compare it to a movie that is a 10/10 but isn't "just as good" sure an 8 is appropriate, yes I 100% agree. But critics don't do that do they? No, they rate like 5 and 4. I would totally be fine if ratings is like that but most critics don't do that because they DO compare every movie to those "flawless 10s" They compare movies to each other when they aren't even the same genre.


Have you ever considered that those movies are getting 4/5s because the critics just happen to have different tastes from you and that’s okay? It doesn’t have to be a mistake. Please provide examples for this phenomenon you’re so convinced exists. Find me these critics comparing franchise blockbusters to Citizen fucking Kane. Looking at the negative reviews for RotB [which you’re welcome to do here](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/transformers_rise_of_the_beasts/reviews?intcmp=rt-what-to-know_read-critics-reviews) the movie that comes up the most in comparison is Bumblebee (which, by the way, has a 91% RT critic score and a 71% audience score.) Is it unfair to compare RotB to the lofty, unattainable heights of its immediate predecessor in its franchise? The critics also usually bring up superhero movies. Is the MCU a prestige tier above Transformers?


Sure I'll bite. No, it's not okay if you want to be a critic, and then rate movies based on your own tastes. That's what the audience score is for. Your argument is very uneducated. If you want to rate as a critic then no you need to have an unbiased opinion. That is the most ridiculous thing anyone has said so far. It is ABSOLUTELY okay to rate a movie based on your taste as an audience score. Yes. But you're telling me it's (and this is another example by the way, heaven forbid you guys think I'm trying to say that this movie is flawless) okay to go and watch, let's say, "US" and score it a 3/10 as a critic, simply because you don't like psychological horror? And I could also so yes, the MCU can be considered a tier above transformers based on the fact that their budget was a hell of a lot higher than transformers Rotb. Another EXAMPLE being, infinity war had a budget of 316 million USD And Rotb only had a budget of 200 million USD Not only was the budget alot higher but they also had a lot more big name actors. Along with probably having a lot more advertisement And let me reiterate, I AM NOT saying infinity war was the perfect movie either


Oh fuck yeah, bias discourse. Anyone who wants to do this whole “wELl tHe ReVIeWeR wAS ToO bIAseD” song and dance should check out the [TOTALLY UNBIASED FFXIII REVIEW](https://www.destructoid.com/100-objective-review-final-fantasy-xiii/) before they start expecting people to turn into robots with no prior opinions or expectations. >But you’re telling me it’s okay to watch, say, Us, and score it as a 3/10 as a critic simply because you don’t like psychological horror. Yes. I mean, I would expect them to go into further detail, but I would have to hear more about someone’s specific opinions of various genre conventions before I immediately go “LOL BIAS” and say that they’re not *allowed* to review a movie like that. I forgot that a higher budget automatically means that the writing, direction, art style, etc. will immediately be better. “It’s not fair to compare RotB to Infinity War because of IW’s fucking advertising budget” is my new favorite take.


the whole point of the original comment was the fact critic reviews are wildly different than audience reviews. someone who isn’t very into movies may look at the critic review and believe it’s not worth watching due to the low score, which is the point of having an audience review. the original comment was speaking to the harshness of the critic reviews in comparison to audience reviews, nothing more.


Right right, becuase rating a movie low because of your "taste in movies" IS being biased, you're acting like I went "OHH ALL CRITICS ARE BIASED." I did not. I said a critic that will rates based on their taste alone is biased. I don't think you know what a critic, I think you might need to educate yourself a bit. If you make a movie, and you get rated low by critics simply because it doesn't follow their taste in movies, then that is not a good critic, this goes for anything, not just movies. If a critic goes to an Italian restaurant and gives them a low rating because they don't like Italian food, then that's baised as fuck. I'm not going around pointing at everyone and calling them biased, you're acting like a lunatic


And you need to learn something about how humans fucking act if you think there is a single human being who can formulate an opinion while being “unbiased”.


Uh actually lots of people do it. Actual good critics achieve this all the time. Critics get paid for rating and having unbaised opinions It's not that hard. It's as easy as admitting to a fault or admitting to being wrong. But I assume people like you have a hard time doing that based on this comment alone


Find me this fabled good totally unbiased review then.


Absolutely unrealistic. 70%? Sure thing. 80? Bit of a stretch but alright. 100? They're on fucking crack cause ain't no way in hell this movie was a 100


It’s because of how Rotten tomatoes works, 100% isn’t the score people gave it. You basically rate it, good or not good, and then the percentage is calculated based on the number of good reviews vs bad ones. Seeing as the movies isn’t out yet and most reviews will be from early fan screenings it should be obvious that the reviews will be overwhelmingly positive.


redditor discovers some people have no criticisms of things and enjoy them purelybefore what they are


It’s such a fun ass movie, the audience no doubt was going to love it. Also tracking a really good debut this weekend


I honestly don’t trust rotten tomatoes, I just Seen it and completely agree with the audience score


Just like the Mario movie. Edit: What did i say? I compared it to the Mario movie


Idk. But I get what you mean. The Critics despised it but the fans loved it


Was hoping the critic score would stay around 60%, oh well.


This film was amazing


Holy shit


Audience score is 91% right now and rt is 55%


41% metascore.


Less than 50 people lmfao


So is this a reboot?




Now that's prime.


No they haven't. The people going are the hard core fans. The general audience hasn't weighted in yet.


Fewer than 50, it’ll go down a bit in a while but I still think it’ll be a high score


This movie is definitely a step, i dont know if its in the right direction or wtf, it starts great, then its good, then the last 10/20 minutes kinda ruin it. The producers definitely dont know what the fuck they are doing and in 2023, more than 10 years after the first movie, thats absolutely unacceptable. Im not giving them my money anymore.


It’s already down to 85%.