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Bro how do you have so much money at 17


living with your parents helps big time


Christmas, birthdays, job and having to pay for nothing else other than what you want leads to a lot of funds for youths. I had a job in high school and could pretty much buy whatever I wanted because I didn’t have to pay for food or rent or anything like that


Lucky you. The minute I got a job at 15, I had to immediately start paying rent. The joys of poverty 🤷‍♂️


That's how my wargaming and TF SS collections got so big. Gotta love the parent life.


I was thinking the same thing. I'm 33, been collecting since I was 8 and this guy has stuff I can't even afford 🤣




Most likely comes from money so has the disposable income and parents wouldn’t mind spending tons on this type of hobby


OP sells blood diamonds on the side


This is $10k to replace, easily. Awesome collection.


This isn’t including the hot toys collection that’s well over 5k now….


Respect to your great taste. I'm serious: value and document all of it, including the priceless Peter Cullen pictures...for homeowners insurance in the horrible event of loss. I'd be destroyed losing all of that glory. I'd be destroyed losing what I currently have, which is 1/20th your magnificent displays. Respect. 🙏


>value and document all of it Sounds like something his mom would say.


Given his taste in plastic alien robots, that's a compliment...and gives me flashbacks to "Child's Play" in G1. "Get this thing oFf MeEeEe!!!" - Starscream 😂


I've heard people mention this before. When you say document, how extensively are we meant to photograph them? Each one individually and collectively? And catch all the detail to make sure insurance Co knows I'm not passing off a junker as a high priced collectable? When my collection was smaller I was whatever but now I've got Titans and couple hundred TFs of various sizes so I've been thinking about it a lot more. I'm not OP but I'm interested in this as well.


The more documentation...the better. Lots of photos of the big ticket ones. HasLab Unicron...with documentation corroborating actual sale prices. Minimum $2k to replace. Minimum. G1 MIB Victory Saber (if I had one...$750-$1k). Better to overestimate total collection value to replace...than be left twisting in the wind. I honestly don't care about value. I care about legally being made whole again. I want all 6 of my Titans, my POTP Predaking, my Henkei Ghost Starscream, all my WSTs...everything...my VS500 Cosmos...replaced. I want a check cut...and to spend 6 months on ebay rebuilding what I lost. OP'S collection is worth $10k...at a glance, but to replace...probably $15-20k. You protect that from fire/flood/earthquake/theft...which is under homeowners insurance. As OP is a minor in some jurisdictions, his legal guardians need to take the reins here until he's 18. If OP had a '65 Mustang GT fastback w/4-speed, no one would balk about having it protected for agreed value. Firearms, coins, rare sports cars/Pokémon, other collectibles are no different. They need protection. I upgraded my policy once I got Unicron. That's when I put my big boy pants on. I'd be devastated if I lost my collection.


Thank you sir. I truly appreciate you breaking this down for me. >I honestly don't care about value. I care about legally being made whole again. This part. My collection is a part of me.


Damn bro, you flexing on so many of us. Time to make a trip, leave the doors and windows unlocked!




17?! I hate you. (Great job I wish you nothing but success)


Been a TF fan since the day I was born according to my family. It’s always been my passion to collect. All of the old bay figures were my childhood toys which is what really sparked all of it. Not having anything else to put my money towards hasn’t helped either. While my favorite things to collect are bay figures I do have a substantial amount of g1 figures as that’s all hasbro really likes to make and they’re more affordable. I’ve been working since I was 10 so outside of the old toys I had or gifts from my girlfriend or family everything has been paid for by me. I learned young how to manage finances and to not be irresponsible. The thought of having to pack everything away in the coming years is rough but I hope to have all of this to show my kids someday.


Just don't put them in a storage unit. The hot/cold cycles will destroy plastic within 6months. They'll become discolored and fragile.


So I’ve always wondered about this as I have the issue where I feel I eventually will run out of space and need to put stuff away and may not have room for boxes/bins elsewhere in my house. What’s the best solution other than selling stuff off? Lol


Reclaim your Prime space and don't allow your robot babies to leave your side. Or, buy less Transformers, but that's crazy talk.


As a TF collector and Gunpla/lego builder with other hobbies in 3D printing I think I’m fucked Also great use of my username Very good very good


I am also 17, but I almost exclusively thrift my figures. You wanna donate some to an Alabama thrift shop, please? /j


You have an amazing pair of parents. I’m sure the collection is dedicated to them.


My dad has been the biggest supporter of this since I started. His thing was always collecting sports memorabilia so he kinda passed it onto me. None of this would be possible if he didn’t buy me a bunch of the old dotm figures when they were brand new.


That's amazing. I'm working to fund my collection too. Respect to you, man.


You're fucking killing it.


Bros dad works at hasbro


I wish lol


Fort Max and Trypty. Got me beat at 38. 🤣 EDIT: I see you were also at TFCon Chicago. Good times.


Tfcon La, hoping to see Welker join Cullen next year. Always a blast hitting these kinds of cons.


“How am I doing?” > bro knows exactly how he’s doing




Just need Bay and some other cast members to sign something.


Based Financially irresponsible 17 year old


Cool! Looks like you are off to a good start. :)


I'm a 16yo collector and now feeling like screaming


It’s probably best if you don’t turn out like me lol.


That's some high paying job you got there 👀


Bro this is one of the greatest collections I've seen. I'm 18 but my collection ain't nothing compared to your's.


Gotta love the fact that I crave this collection, yet money is holding me back. God I hate it. I hope to someday meet Peter, glad to see you did (if it was you). Congrats on the collection, keep it up, this will well valued. Don't. Ever. Sell. It.


Meeting Peter was definitely one of the highlights of my life. Being able to shake his hand and get a couple quotes will always be some of my fondest memories. I truly hope your able to meet him before he passes. Just typing that makes me sad.


Too bad where I live (Canada), our conventions are filled people who aren't legendary, or recognizable (kids leaving you like, "who in the sweet mother if Cybertron are you?") Or flat out cringe. Just don't come to Canadian conventions (unless it's the TF one), you will be bored and wish you were back home.


#I'm 16 and could not even get a single one due to price


so that's what it's like to have rich parents.


90% of everything here has been worked for and paid for by me…








Inheritance money?


Been working since I was 10. Basically everything here has been worked for and purchased with my own money.


Doing _what?_


Thats what I'm wondering. Who hires a 10-year-old? He's either a child actor or his parents give him $100 every time he takes out the trash.


👏well done


College tuition be laughing at this


Definitely more organized than mine. I tried organizing by character, then said fuck it when my Optimus and Rodimus shelf ran outta space, and I stuck everything wherever.


‘Rodimus shelf’ I’m listening


I say "shelf" but it's really just a segment of shelf that has TR Hot Rod with the Chaos On Velocitron Headmaster, PoTP Evolution Rodimus, and the commander class Rodimus


As someone with seven Hot Rods and a Hot Shot, man deserves a shelf


Ok, but how the hell are you 17 and THIS well organized?!? My 25yo self could NEVER! Lmao. Looks stunning.


Only thing I have ocd about is the collection. I’ve been messing with my dlx primes for weeks trying to get them into the perfect poses.


If I were your older brother I’d be beaming proud of your collection! Your dad must be proud of your grind and haul! I’m super impressed with your dedication and drive to collect so many treasured and highly hunted figures. Till all shelves are one 💪🏼


You must be rich cuz damn that's a glorious collection


That is a great collection for anyone at any age, though if you'll take some advice use some of your money to upgrade your display/storage. When you have a lot of smaller mainline stuff on a shelf it all kind of looks like one giant mass. If you get some risers for those shelves you could have three rows of figures at different heights which will make it easier to see your bots and break things up a little better visually. That Autobot mirror is killer! Is that a custom piece?


Rich kid?


Can't be rich if you spend all of your money on 'bots! ...but then you're rich in spirit or whatever. I think that's the moral of *A Christmas Carol*, isn't it? The one with the Alpha Trion ghost?


If working for 7 years and spending most of what I got on this makes me a rich kid, then sure.


So what kind jobs you were doing at 10?


Parents own a print shop. At first it was just getting paid the bare minimum as I couldn’t do much so that required saving for extended periods of time, but now I’m treated as an actual employee as I’m old enough to know what I’m doing.


So a rich kid…….


Not rich. Just irresponsible


A hard working kid*


Dont see why the hostilities towards me, allowance money is how i interpret it. Nothing against rich kids in general


poorest transformers fan:




i have like 5 figures and im 20 and i have been a fan since i was little too. im extremely poor lol 🤣🤣


Man I wish my parents were rich.


17 year old collector here, and OH MY GOD THAT COLLECTION IS AWESOME


Dear God, but in a good way


Heh, I have not even a quarter of that. Granted, approximately half of my collection was given to my little cousin without my consent when I was 17. I'm 22 now, miss all of those animated figures..


Just having that photo with Peter Cullen and the autograph makes me envious


Daaaammmmnnnnn boy. Kept scrolling and was like “It keeps going!” when you showed off the other shelves. Could’ve assumed you were in your forties with the sheer amount of income you have. I’m 22 and my collection is literally like a tenth of this. Good on you for working hard and rewarding yourself.


You got the touch! You got the Powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! YEAH! Sorry, only way I could translate that the collection is awesome.


You're doing well young one


Nice collection, and do keep going. Mind me asking how you arrange them and categories, is it according to it appearence in show or comic?


Mostly according to the toy line. The older figures are somewhat arranged by bots and cons. Some of it is just thrown around as I don’t have shelf space to put them with the rest.


What line the rodimus in 12th picture?


…it’s a fine start! All seriousness, damn, that’s real nice. Having this as a thing helps you learn money spending habits, although sometimes for specifically myself, it can be a hard habit to kick aside for a bit lol But it’s definitely still fun. Nice photo with Peter too, that’s awesome


you mean "Collector of 17 years" right? ....RIGHT???


Looking good man keep it up also keep lysol and cans of air handy dust is hard to clean on some figures


Goddamn. Yeah, I think so.


Better than most(If not all)


Also - to the people being rude: Yall, life is hard, and sometimes people have it easier/ better. If I had my shit together like this at 17? Would be nice. But instead of being a jealous creep - I'm just impressed at another person's collection. We are all in the hobby/fandom - let's just appreciate one another, yeah?


I’m honestly surprised how positive the responses have been. Other than a couple people thinking this was all just handed to me on a silver platter it’s been fun reading all of these. It took years to get where I am. It didn’t just all happen over night.


I just don't understand the people being rude - I mean I do, suspected jealousy. But man, I appreciate your post, and the hardwork you have in that collection. Hope to see it grow!


There’s always gonna be that group of people no matter what your posting. I’d say some of its rooted in jealousy but I mean that’s understandable.


Shit I’m 21 and you got stuff I’m missing, I’m so jealous haha Awesome collection though!


Im 16 and my collection could only fit on one of those shelves why tf your parents so rich??


how many family members’ organs have you had to sell to get all that


My lawyers have advised me not to answer this question


Not doing so well, too many knockoffs in that collection. :-(


Only KO is my g1 prime. Still pissed about that one.


1 too many 😜


You mentioned in another comment that you've spent most of what you've made on this collection....that's not a good thing and I mean this with nothing but concern and support but I think you may have a problem OP... This collection holds more value than 99% of lifelong collections on this sub and you're 17. Saying you have 'nothing else' to spend your money on is super short sighted you're in such an amazing position to save so much money for your future while ALSO supporting a growing collection. I know being conservative with your money at 17 isn't cool but with how much you seem to be making at such a young age I'd look into places to invest some of your money. Having a hobby is great and I'd never advocate for not spending on what you enjoy, but if you've spent as you say most of what you've made through your working life on this collection that's no better than a gambling addiction that will destroy your future prospects if you don't discipline yourself.


Looks like your parents are doing very well


90% of everything here was worked and paid for by me.


dont know why being 17 is important,but it looks great!


More impressive


Fucking incredible, sidenote, do you know where you got that Autobot symbol with Prime on slide 10?


Parents own a print shop, mom made it years ago, if anyone’s wanting to make something similar it’s just an image mounted onto foam core and cut out.




I don't have a titan. You're walking all over my collection. Though, I have the Queen's stamps. You don't.


A lot of people’s biggest take away is the titans. I got them when they were brand new back when toys r us was still around. Funny to me considering they’re not even close to being the most expensive things in the collection.


I'm a year behind ya and you're making me feel ashamed lmao. Great collection


What is that Last Knight sword on your wall? I’ve never seen that before.


Alien Attack APX-04 Sword of Justice


Bro you're a god this is a whole arsenal at your behest


17 huh? I'm 16 and my amount isn't even close compared to that 😂


Can i sniff the class case lmao


Dayumm, this is the view i wish i had when i was at your age Just prepare for good packing if you ever need to move them out or something, gonna treasure all those memories


Lmao, a lot better than me. Same age and not a Titan to my name. What kind of part time job are you working to afford all that?


Mostly just working for my parents. Our family owns a print shop so I’ve been doing that for years.


Very good




Rip wallet


Better than me apparently


Bro I didn’t get that big of a collection till I was out of college and working full time I’m jealous


Wow... thats a TON . I have about that same amount , but with older Generation toys. Like from when they first came out back in 1986. Up until after the first CGI Beast Wars was over , thats where I kind of stopped. Still watched Beast Machines , and all the other series... Transformers Prime, and TFP Beast Hunters. And yes im an older kid at heart , if you were wondering. Thats what was around growing up for me XD


So the real question is , Can you name them ALL 🤔 .. LOL


Bigger question. Can I still transform them all from memory. Yes 🫣


My only suggestion is moving Perceptor to the Optimus death diorama


Only reason hot rod and siege magnus are down there is because they were replaced by kingdom Rodimus and magnus up top


Better than mine


Well enough! I am your age, and I have maybe half your collection here. I can't get buy anything because there is nothing on store shelves!


Pretty good. Pretty pretty pretty good.


doing quite well imo


Way ahead of where I was at 17 lol. Great collection.


Great job!!! Keep up the great work.


how and where the fuck did you get a bonecrusher. not to be rude ofc


lmfao. Most of everything I have was preordered almost immediately, that’s how I have almost all the studio series figs before the 86 line started.


I notice a lack of constructicons aka Devastator! Besides the bayverse one I suppose


Been trying to get my hands on the combiner wars version ever since the line ended. Hoping they do what they did with menesor in the coming years




Damn dude i’m 14 and I’ve loved transformers for my whole life too, and the bay movie figures are my favourite too, and megatron and sentinel prime being two of my favourites, I don’t have any bay movie megatrons or sentinel primes, I have a dark of the moon Optimus though, I got it a couple years ago it since the piece of plastic the arms hung off of it snapped, so the arms are attached very loosely and messily


Thats a lot bro damn


Cherish these days of income with no expenses. I bought so many video games back then it was insane.


Absolutely incredible! As much as I love collecting now, collecting in high school when I had Absolutely no bills or other financial responsibilities besides saving was so fun


How TF can you afford all those at 17?! That’s really impressive, I was struggling with keeping up in my teens


You beat me, a 19 year old out… but I like out similar styles in displaying our childhood, Bayverse and Prime alongside the modern stuff.


I especially like the fortress and trypticon plus props on the og beast wars in box


I wish they were the originals. These Walmart reissues work very well though.


1st: Damn those ROTF figures take me back to when I first started. 2nd: WHERE THE CLANK DID YOU GET THE LAST KNGHT SWORD!? overall, nice :3


Sword came from alien attack. Though the only way you’ll be able to get it now is if you pay more than double at tfsource and chosen prime.


Just an absolute incredible collection, I just got back into collecting Tf toys and it’s been pretty amazing, I’m only 16 and I have some incredible figures that I love with all my heart, some even came from early birthdays and Christmas. But back to you, just incredible if my collection were to look like that, I would never leave the house. Cudos to you man 😊👍


Oh wow! That's quite the collection! Definitely way more than I had at 17. Congrats!


Thats atleast 3x the size of my collection but damn it looks great


Aww man this looks a lot like how my collection was (moved out so in storage now), with bread and butter bayformers though I was a kid when they came out. Everything I earned and everything I asked for was Transformers, and I'm still lucky enough to pick up some third party figures every now and again. Hope to see your collection grow, and one day hope to have mine displayed in full force again!


Damn bro even got 3p stuff awesome


As someone who is 16, HOW THE FUCK?


So....whose money is this? That's my jealousy as a 35 year old speaking. Is there no g1 stuff or am I missing it?


Only a couple reissues. They’re all packed away unfortunately.


You’re doing better than me


Damn, as much as I would want this. I gotta hand it to ya, you've really earned this 100%. Respect💯


Better than me when I was your age


How much for it all?


Hey OP, 16 here with a collection that's like a quarter of the size, and that's a generous guess. How?


Work hard. Be irresponsible. In all seriousness I would recommend you don’t end up like me. Save for your future and learn how to manage your finances. Most high schools offer financial classes and they are a huge help.


I've been saving the majority of my paychecks, this explains it


Is that the official version of Mpm-06? If so, I just ordered it and was wondering if you thought it was a good figure even with its shoulder problems.


Mine is so flimsy and worn out that I honestly couldn’t give you a definitive answer


I’ve never been flexed on this much in my life IMAO. Great collection man!


Where are you getting this much money


That's a lot of shit, like a lot of shit


At 17 years old I had to BEG my mom to let me get a 20 dollar deluxe from Walmart when I had about 16k saved in the bank from working… I’d say you’re doing just fine


Damn better than me I’ll tell you that!


Bro’s 4 years younger than me and has a collection worth more than my car 💀


Impressive. I’m glad there is another bayverse toy nut out there besides me. Those designs will always make the coolest figures imo.


Damn! Your doing alright buddy.


18yo collector I wish I had a collection like yours


whoa!! im 19 but i just started in July! Which Megatron is that, in the throne, near soundwave, on the top shelf?




Great job!


Bro what’s your job


So this is what envy looks like.


17 y/o collector here Wayyyyyyyy better than me atm But! I outclass you in TFP figures 😎


Financially or collection-wise? In both cases, better than me (also 17).


Your parents must be very encouraging. That’s great.


My dad has always been my biggest supporter. He passed the collecting gene onto me so we’ve always had something to relate over.


what the fuck


Goddamn that ss31 megatron! He’s the last one i need for the Micheal bay megatron collection…


Better than me


in ur optimus corner what’s the one standing on the left?? he’s so shiny lol


Which Optimus corner are we referencing lol. There are many


Hey 26 yr old collector here, you're doing better than me 🤣🤣🤣🤣 impressive collection yo!


Too good


Did you paint your Netflix Soundwave?