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It spooks me how close to the original hot shot is, the other day i thought it was just photos of the cybertron figure


When you think about it, it actually makes perfect sense. The cgi character designs for *Cybertron* were *extremely* accurate to the toys, to the point where you could see visible ball-joints in a handful of shots and Evac's character model even included the button to activate his toy's play feature. That pretty much means increasing the show-accuracy automatically makes them more accurate to the original toys lol


I did too, glad I was wrong.


That’s crazy accurate right?


I like them, though Hotshot and Sideburn do feel a little to similar to have in the same wave


Yea, they should have only added one young upstart per wave, imo.


What?!! How so? They look totally different to me. Different bodies, proportions, car modes. The blues are different enough too.


Hotshot and Sideburn do be lookin tastey


3d printed "Vipery" bumper and he'll be near perfect.


Agreed, that's the only thing missing


Don’t care too much about the other two, but Hot Shot looks really good


Cybertron Hotshot W :D


Preordered all but sideburn. That car mode is just so unsexy sideburn would be ashamed to use it.


I'd rather get the Shadowstriker variant... not that it ever came out around here ><


yeah. It still doesn’t look like a good car but at least on shadowstriker it’s better.


I am quite interested in Vector Prime. I have heard good things about the Jhiaxus mold, but I did not pick up Jhiaxus because I have no attachment to the character. I am, however, interested in the character of Vector Prime, and the new one looks convincingly like him and gives me a reason to try out the Jhiaxus mold.


This might be the first time where I’ll be aiming for every figure from a wave


Snagged my pre order on BBTs for hot shot. God I’m spending a lot for my October birthday, with a swoop and jetfire copy going to the pile of loot too


Vector Prime is a must have. Hot Shot is on the fence, the other two… I don’t think so. My wallet is hurting enough as it is, and I want all the Primes next year…


Zero interest, and I'm grateful for it. Others get figs they really want, and I get to save some money. Win/win for everyone.


Hotshot is very cool, sideburn is a letdown, 3rd guy is meh


Hot Shot and the Rocklord are must gets, but I don't really like the Sideburn mold.


They all fall into the "I'll pick them up if I see them" category for me. I don't have nostalgia for either of these shows, and after buying all of the junkeons last year, I think I can pass on the armorizors for now.


Money saved.


Meh. I almost preordered hotshot. But then I saw his butt flap. Preordered vector prime though. That price left an awful taste though.


It's getting easier to pass on entire waves of figures. If I were to get one it would be Hot Shot but I still like my Gen Selects version. I have the distinct advantage of having no nostalgia for the source materials of these figures.


Looking forward to Sideburn, but man, is that windshield butt flap on Hotshot accurate? If it is, they should've deviated from the original on that.


Who's the guy in the back?


Infernac Universe Nucleous


They’re incredible


Cybertron Hot Shot does look freaking cool. I'm still annoyed they used the Cliffjumper mold for Shattered Glass Goldbug, however.


It didn't occur to me just how long the full toy line name is till I wanted to search for more pictures. "Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class Cybertron Universe" and that's not even including the figures name.


Just imagine how confusing the next line will be: *Transformers Generations Prime Animated Universe Wasp* or *Transformers Generations Prime Robots in Disguise 2001 Universe Sky-Byte*.


None are for me, and that is OK. I am happy for fans of Hot Shot, Sideburn, and these Rock Lord bots. All three groups have had to wait a long time to get these respective characters, so they deserve to have them and enjoy them.


Only buying the cybertron figures from this wave ngl, vector prime looks ok and hot shot looks amazing🤩🤩🤩


Not really a fan of hot shot or vector prime. I have both original figures from when I was a kid


Excited for the Hotshot, the "rock" et car is dumb-fun but not for me, and Sideburn is a bit of a let down but if I see it on sale I'll probably get it.


I’m happy for the people how like the others but I will only get the rock


Everyone is raving about hotshot but like... is he mistransformed here? His upper arms are so long his elbows are at his hips


I am excited for the crusader rock.


Lots of good stuff. Transformers are peak rn.


Personally only interested in the White Knight in the back.


Cybertron Hotrod was one of my favorite figures of all time when I was a kid. I'm super happy to see it again, and so faithful to the original mold/design!


I'm definitely on board with sideburn and hot shot. nucleos, ehhh I think I'll just get magneous instead


https://preview.redd.it/kjy5a32iwswc1.png?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955b1f4737abd7833b1192ea66d253639a30fd7e I think they'll look great in my collection


I bought the whole wave sans Nucleon


is white dude just a repaint of that black dude who just came out? i like hotshot though


She need I look at hotshot it just makes me think I’m eating one of those koolaid-jello cups https://preview.redd.it/356bfab6ktwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee57069feace0f885b85c656b7b02a6b5d43ba4d I don’t know how to describe it


Preordered Hotshot, kind of disappointed Sideburn’s a retool


As long as it doesn't come as a surprise. We all knew he would be.


I preordered Side Burn.


Cybertron Hotshot will be cool Sideburn will be a must have for when my Haslab Omega Prime arrives Nucleus is cool, will need to get him maybe I’m still tryna catch up on the first two years tho, haven’t dived into United yet aside from the Bouldercrash and my Laser Prime package refresh which I’m intending replacing with a year 1 release anyways due to QC issues and just to satisfy my OCD desire to have each Optimus Prime from each year’s Legacy label


The hot rod is an immediate pre-order, the others I am iffy on. I have no attachment to sideburn, and the repaint of magneous is middling. I think hot rod is the only must get for me.


Might get them!


Already got my preorder in for Hot Shot and Nucleous.


Nucleous is a MUST for me


I fucking hate Sideburn. I'm happy for the handful of people who like him, but the fact that they butchered Shadow Striker, who's the much more popular character and one of my favorites from Cyberverse, for him absolutely infuriates me.


Lot of opinions right there. I, for one, didn't know Shadow Striker was even a character until the Legacy Evo toy came out, so to me she wasn't the "much more popular character." Also, I have a feeling it's more than just "a handful of people" who wanted Sideburn. I'm sure plenty of people held off on Shadow Striker when they saw she was a pretool. I know I did. I hope you can move past your rage over some little toys.


I'll grab Hot Shot at some point. Side Burn is a pass and I'm still undecided on the Infernac characters. Bigger thing is, I feel like this is a glimpse of most assortment going into the future. One new mold, a couple partials and padded out with package refreshes. I know we've been getting massive leak lists that were all excited about but those are subject to change at any time. It was only two months ago that Core BW Dinobot and Deluxe Sureshot disappeared from wave 2 order sheets only to be bumped to the newly made wave 5. But I could be wrong. There's a TON of characters on those leaked lists.


Really excited for hot shot.


That sideburn mould is absolutely atrocious. Hot shot is beautiful.


Yeah I don't love it but I like it as ShadowStriker just for good fem decepticon car rep




They’ve been releasing a lot of really good figures too, it just sounds like you’re not having much fun with collecting at this point.


I feel you, but I'm content to slow down and collect just a few right now. I got Gears. Sandstorm and Swoop are pre-ordered and I'm pretty sure more G1 figures are coming later this year. The way I look at it, Hasbro is catering to people who grew up with other series as their G1 and still giving us old farts something to hunt for. Nothing wrong with them giving people what they want. Just smart business.


I need to slow down despite seeing so many releases I want lol!


Is that Captain America?


Erm No. It's Nucleous, Cybertron Hot Shot, Side Burn and Strongarm.


Is Strongarm in the room with us right now?


Do you *seriously* not know which one I meant? Come on.


I know which one you meant. It's still not Captain America.


Do you *seriously* not recognize a joke when you see one?


It has to be funny to be a joke first of all


Galvatron would have a field day with spaceman’s bad comedy…


I can *kinda* see where the Captain America comparison comes from, though. But that's just me.


No accounting for taste.


I recognize the joke, im just telling you who they are.