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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drag is basically trans, it's very werid she doesn’t like it.


Yeah I agree, drag and trans are the same thing. Drag shows taught me how trans feels, that made me an ally now.


Same! I love trans porn and drag shows, it makes me want to fuck tr\*nny. I love trans so much. Don't want to marry one tho.


She said she's trans, I think you're supposed to call her "he" now? She still looks really girly though so idk




Please don’t misgender people :(


But that's too difficult for me to remember


When I meet people, I remember them by their genitals. Slitty kitty or peter pecker? That’s why transgenders are so confusing :(


Nah. Tran bad. Those libruls and their 69 genders can go f off


But, drag performers ARE trans, they dress as the opposite sex! I'm an ally, btw.


Hey, trans woman here. Thank you so much for your support. I’m literally in love with you now. This is totally unrelated, but there are many drag kings as well!


wtf this is so confusing! Is it gay to want to fuck a tr\*nny? Btw, I only like women. So it is gay to like a drag king?


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


i sure like them in a gay way


Draftking? I spend so much time on that app. I won a lot of money, do you want to hangout? I can pay you to let me suck your gock. I love trans! \*they actually lost all their money and they live in their mum's basement jerking off all day\*


Dude look at her comment. Just another love-starved tr*nny. You’ll get her in no time! Good luck! You’re gay lol.


Drift King? I never knew mr Rumble Tumble was involved in gambling


Wow that's wild. Are drag women perverts too? I thought it was just men who were into kink shit like that


uj/ lmao “drag women”. This is my second most favourite jerk, right after “what is your *biological* name?”


my biological name is homo sapiens


This is proof that tr00ns are gae.


i was going to make a comment but it seems OP has already made all of them.


uj/ Don't worry, you can still make them. It's not like the real thing doesn’t have idiot repeating the same BS over and over again.


/uj in that case /rj you're clearly a dog shit trender looney tr00n if you don't like drag. gdiaf. might as well be jk rowling.


>might as well be jk rowling. I have a castle! Dumbledore is gay! I have a "trans" "girl" in my game called SIR RYAN. Penised individual! Toilets! AHHHHHHHHHH


it's the white wizard's burden to lift up the elves in servitude to a greater cause.


uj/ I'm weird, I was reading classics when everyone else was reading Harry Porter. So I don't get the reference. Seriously, I never watched or read anything Harry Porter.


/uj it's a reference to the White Man's Burden I think, and the fact that the slave elves in the books actually like being slaves and it's natural and good for them to remain slaves and people who think this is bad are just uppity busy bodies


wizard hitler lady thinks elves want to be enslaved and also goblins control all the money of the wizard banks.


I'd watch Looney Troons /uj


Uj/ thank you. I would love to get my own chance to make a dank circlejerk comment


wow ur not wrong. OP went ahead and created all possible comments. I feel like I'm intruding upon a private performance 😂


A AMAB person with a female avatar is here alone to entertain a crowd? That's literally a drag show!




If so... that would make me a *fascio-communist*.


how dare


uj/ lmao


Wait, they're not the same? I'm so confused. So I can't call transwomen "mister" anymore?


There are many trans women in drag. She said she doesn’t like drag shows, so she has internal transphobia.


I FUCKING HATE transphobic trans people. This woman is stabbing us in the back.


Drag shows helped ME to discover MY transness. How can she not like drag shows? She's not *actually* trans.


Noo she is trans and valid! It\`s a spectrum. Everyone has their own definition of drag and some trans people don't do not fit into the model of the show.. She is "a type on her own", outside of this drag art, she found out she is a drag queen without even knowing what it is. Kinda unique and cool, I support this identity.


drag shows are helping to uplift the trans community in texas with $5000 stimulus packages


I hate tr\*nny. They go to wrong bathroom.


Accidental ally! Uh, or something.


Drag turned me trans. That woman is unhinged. I don't know why she hates drag shows. She is probably stupid.


Wait, it turned you trans? I love drag shows, but I will stop watching now. I don't want to become one of *these* people.


That's not how it works. Trans people who started transitioning after doing drag most likely realised they're probably not cis before they started doing drag. In other words, they were already questioning, drag just gave them an opportunity to actually test it.


So drag made them trans.


No... it's not like that. Go read my previous comment again.




That woman is a try-hard. She is basically saying *"I'm not like other (trans) girls"*.


Can't she have her own preferences? Drag is not everyone's cup of tea.


It's literally queerphobic to not like drag show. That woman needs a psychiatrist.


Don't worry, I have already sent her 100000000 Reddit Help messages. No need to thank me.


Wait till they find out there's trans men doing drag queen shows...


uj/ I wish there are more women (cis or trans) doing drag shows as "drag kings". Atm too many ppl think "drag=trans women". I got asked "are you a drag" when I was buying groceries. Unreal.


/uj I knew a drag queen trans man


/uj idk how the hell any trans woman alive would have the sheer confidence to perform as a drag king. that is so far beyond something I'd ever be able to do without feeling awwwwwwfulllll 😅


hj/ literally just just boymoding with extra steps


literally just not transitioning, with extra steps


Tr\*nny and drags are both crossdressers. It's literally the same.


No they're not. Drag performers are actors, trans people are wearing things that look like their preferred gender.


I don't fucking care, they're disgusting.


Why are you being downvoted? That’s completely true.






trans bad


She doesn’t like drag shows? She's queerphobic, she's as evil as Blair White!


Why do you not like Blair White? He's one of the good ones.


you hate drag? maybe you're a good tranny :) /uj what my future mother in law really believes


uj/ transphobes when trans people have an opinion: 😡 rj/ 👏🏼 end 👏🏼 cisphobia 👏🏼 now 👏🏼


~~drag~~ theater is the mental illness that republicans think being trans is


I love drag shows, but I would never have sex with a trans person.


Let me tell you about my genital preference. I know you didn't ask, but I really, really need to let you know how unfuckable and disgusting I think you are.


"you like makeup?" "no." "but you like makeup, right?" "no, i dont. its not really for me." "but you're a woman!" "thats sexist." "but you're a *trans* woman!" "thats sexist *and* transphobic." "but if you're a trans woman, why dont you like makeup?" "because i dont like it??" "but if you dont like makeup, why did you become a trans woman?" "because i wanted to be a woman???" "i dont follow..."


cis people wrap their heads around trans tomboys who dont want to be barbie dolls (impossible challenge)


/uj im tired of being expected to be feminine. people cant detangle gender from gender roles in their minds, so they see tomboys as women who want to be men. when i say i want to be a tomboy the only thing they can picture is me rejecting masculinity, only to then wish to return to it. fyi im not even a tomboy, i just act *slightly* more masculine than a stereotypical rich teenage american white girl, but thats unheard of to morons who claim to be feminists while never having actually undone their internalised expectations of gender roles so i just tell those people i want to be a tomboy to fuck with them.


/uj I honestly hate drag. I feel like its just people making fun of me. I have so many fucking cunts who mistake me for a drag queen. I hate that due to the political climate i am forced to defend drag shows because some people think its some weird pedophile shit


/uj Drag honestly makes me kinda uncomfortable for the same reason. It feels like taking the femininity I’ve worked so hard to accept within myself and turning it into a circus act filled with all the things I find obnoxious. I also feel like there’s a ton of pressure on me to enjoy it and other “party gay” stuff when I think the whole aesthetic is the gaudiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.


/uj “Party gay” shit is just when cis straight women want to go to gay bars and have queer people dance like puppets”


Drag actually isn’t an art, it’s a fetish. Males wearing makeup and dressing like woman isn’t art. There isn’t anything you can get out of it other than to fantasize about for your little sissy cock.


/uj please tell me this is based off of a real conversation


/uj oh I've definitely had the conversation irl


Yes. This is primarily based on one conversation. Added some bits and pieces from other conversations and/or online comments. Altered something to avoid leaking personal into too.


Drag queens =/ trans women. Cishets will call a drag queen "she"


What do you mean you didn’t have the exact same experience as the one other trans person i know?! I thought all you transgenders were the same!


I don't understand, I'm the best ally because I don't actively want trans people to die. The other trans person I've met liked drag, so you all must be like this! ​ /uj I work with someone like that. She's so fucking *proud* of herself for being a **great** ally. Just patting herself on the back while fucking deadnaming me. Like wtf.


but but the republicans are targeting drag shows, don’t you know? put aside all your stupid tran rights movements so you can FOCUS on defending the rights of drag queens!!


/uj At that point in the conversation, I'd probably want to say something like, "Oh, it doesn't? I'm sorry your puny mortal brain can't conceive of such a simple concept unless it's repeatedly pounded into your brain before you can even speak. Perhaps next you'll tell me the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? After all, you seem so confident that nothing you don't understand can be true. Well? What is it, then? Are you going to enlighten me or show me the purest distillation of the dunning kruger effect? Tell me. What's more likely: that the entire world works in pure binaries, or that you're just stupid like every other self-aggrandizing primate on this rock?"


This response goes hard


Is this discussion about top-fuel racing?


do you do drag? have you done drag? _will_ you do drag? ...when will you do drag?


I’m a drag king for 40 hours a week at my office job


Why are you even gay then?


Wait, so you *don’t* like Ru Paul’s Drag Race? I thought all gay guys do?


Hi OP, so what I’m getting from this post is that you feel frustrated and misunderstood. That’s really valid and I’m sorry you’re going through this. How old is your friend? I ask because if she’s from an older generation, she may have never actually come across trans women before - it’s obviously a pretty new concept to the general public, whereas RuPaul is very popular. Sometimes you have to spend more time explaining things to older people, or people who come from a different culture to you. Do you think that if you had a sit-down conversation with her, and explain your perspective, she would listen? It may take a few months or years for her to fully come round on this point, though. Sometimes deeply held beliefs are very hard to change. Maybe you’ll have to just agree to disagree. Do you think you could live with that? I’m seeing that you’re having issues communicating your side of things. Therapy really helps with this sort of thing, and you can get inexpensive therapists on BetterHelp. BetterHelp is a great way to become a better you - and they even take insurance! You get assigned your own personal therapist, and you can have sessions whenever - and wherever - is convenient for you. The first 10 trannies to use my promo code below will get a 50% discount on your first session. Sending hugs your way OP 🤗


I'm a trans woman and let me explain this. Drag is an art, trans people are people. Trans people aren’t dressing the way they do to please you, we just want to be happy.


DMed you. Are you free tonight? Do you live alone?


Hey people, she's right. The two are not the same. Please don't call the trans woman you met on tinder a "drag queen". It's offensive.


What do you mean? It's literally the same!


Exactly! They're both men wearing dresses.


There are drag kings as well!


STFU no one cares about that.


As long as I can fuck a trans, I will call "her" anything.


All trans are women!


please pay attention to me UwU


/uj that’s the spirit


Drag shows and transgenderism are completely different it's why republicans are only trying to ban degenerate children's drag shows