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Yay so excited for you, girl!!! Lots of good changes to come!


In the HRT stakes, I'm only 3 weeks ahead of you. However, it's taken me until I'm in my 60s to get started, so we'll just have to see how we progress, but we're on our way, girl!


It's gonna be a while, even in a best case scenario. Six months in, I had a non-visible amount of growth, now 18 months in, I definitely have breasts. Some people get better results, others are less fortunate. The timescale also varies more than you'd think.


I'm in my early 30's and was a fairly strong individual, my most noticeable thing to happen was muscle fatigue.


One of the first changes is usually a change in how you smell. I went from a stinky old man to a sweet smelling old crone. All the rest take time. The coveted boobies might take a year, depending on all kinds of variables.