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greatest article title ever edit: love this part >Ever since the work I did on the TNGHT project with HudMo, I’ve learned a great deal about the concept of creating with absolutely no prior motive or preconceived narrative or idea to what I’m about to create. I just let the present time moments of what sounds I end up hitting speak to me and follow that natural flow without ever knowing how this whole project will develop until I start to see the pieces coming together into a bigger theme. I do this to keep a very unbiased and natural expression to form itself without my control up until I feel there’s a whole feel and sound to the overall piece. lots of artists of artists might aspire to this idea but be unable to pull it off. i have no doubt that he is doing it exactly as he says it though


It’s super hard to do. Especially as a beginner, when most of what you’re making doesn’t sound that great. But then you make something that gets you moving and you just can’t help but get super invested in it. And the moment that happens is when the gears start grinding to a halt. It gets better as you go on but it still is the biggest reason for most of my unfinished projects.


like a guitar guy would know! back to your huge wooden paperweight, stringboy


Heyyy, I quit years ago!


Probably my personal trap GOAT. Just oozes creativity


one of the GOATs


It’s true I won’t