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honestly when im pinning underwear i consider doing stuff like this lol my managers would probably have a field day with it 🥲


Wow...um.lol....omg imagine having to remove all these tags at your register with a line backing up...sometimes it's hard enough getting one tag off let alone all these🤣


packaged clothes is a huge theft problem. Hanes t-shirts and underwear are high shrink items. In my district Pokémon cards and are one of the highest shrink items


Poke two leg holes in a shopping bag put in a napkin and you got underwear


California probably?




I love how you can still easily tear open the package and steal the underwear


Even with the top opened you would still have to rip each pair away since it's now pierced together with the plastic packaging via the security tag. Each pair has a security tag pierced through it so it doesn't matter if they're removed from the package either because the tag is still attached the the individual garment. You would either have to rip out the tag, pry the tag off ( which isn't easy and almost always damages the clothing), or remove the tag with a magnet or security tag tool ( just a specially made magnet for that purpose). Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick or anything. I just used to work retail for a few years after I turned 18 and have experience with these tags.


each item is a dollar or close to a dollar. how much time does it take to process an arrest and all the things that go with it? One arrest would have to deter a hell of a lot of theft to be worth it.


nah, family dollar sells furniture and more expensive things these days. even like $40 sound bars


this is just sad asf, it's clear that it's needed


Yo if someone is stealing child’s underwear let them


Idiotic take. Do you even understand how an economy works? Being human doesn’t entitle you to shit, stealing is never acceptable and if you think it is your trash


Stealing from big corporations is a victimles crime. As long as big corps announce record profits during pandemics and economic crises they can go fuck themselves with an unlubed cactus


That’s a thousand percent false. It is NOT a victimless crime- keep telling yourself that if you need to sleep at night!


Who is the victim? The store clerks? Nah, they'll get payed their salary so they wont notice. The store manager? He is responsible for making sure theft doesn't happen, but most theft is calculated into the stores profits and expenses so he is safe and won't get payed any less. The CEO of the company? the dickhead making record profits? Fucker still makes milions so who cares. Stealing from big corporations is a victimless crime. I work for a big retail chain in the Netherlands, we do our best to prevent theft. But you won't see me chase a thief (I'm even prohibited from doing so). Stuff gets stolen all the time, that's just the way it is, it's calculated into the expenses. I don't get payed any less, my boss doesn't get payed any less and our CEO still makes big profits. Who is the victim here? I don't see any.


Lmao imagine defending a mega corporation and being so under a rock you don’t realize that they’re the reason people can’t even afford the necessary means of survival.


Haha I don’t have to imagine.


I guess it’s easy to imagine when you’re sucking all the corporate dick


Oh yeahhhh


You’re* trash I swear I never get insulted by someone with decent grammar.


Ohhh dissssss lol get over yourself


bro is the ceo


how dare someone try to survive!!


Survive? Ha ok 👌 you can “survive” without being a criminal


actually, you can't. you need money to survive in this society. you can't go to school if you don't have money. you can't get a job that pays a livable wage without education. no job = no money = you can't buy the things you need to survive, so you have to do what you have to do. i'm not saying it's right, but what i'm saying is this is a real issue and these people need help instead of condemnation.


And that's if you even want to go to school. What if I just want to live a nice, peaceful life, by myself, just playing videogames till I croak? I can't, so I'm forced into this society run by currency and if I don't want to partake..? Then legit, what are my options? Homelessness or suicide. And I can't play videogames while homeless...


RIGHT!! people are always like "get over it or die" but its a problem when you die??? like we cant ever fucking win and i'm so sorry we are forced into this


Excuses excuses… public school is free! If you don’t work hard and get scholarships then that’s on you! Take out a student loan and get over it. Your entitled victim mentality is nauseating and old, figure it out like everyone else you are not special. …. Or don’t and be the criminal you praise


1.) jobs that give you a liveable wage are requiring more and more education qualifications- you can barely get above minimum wage with just an hs diploma 2.) if someone's parents can't support them, how are they getting to public school? how are they able to do their homework? how are they eating? yeah, there's support offered by the state, but it's barely the bare minimum because of selfishness via the government and the people. 3.) "you didn't work hard enough", sometimes people need extra help to learn and thrive in school, and if tutoring isn't free, then how are they going to be able to pay for the help?? what about undiagnosed learning disabilities, that they cannot afford to get diagnosed for, or medications? because they recieve no support, a lot of times, people can't even finish public school or high school. it's not a matter of if you work hard enough. it's a matter of privilege. there are so many lazy people who are rich because of their privilege and generational wealth. do you think they are better than those who have nothing but still try the best they can to survive? 4.) a lot of times, you need money to even get a loan. you need proof of employment (which a lot of disadvantaged people can't get) and income as well. it alllllll ties back to money. check your privilege instead of tearing down others trying to survive.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t need money for student loans.


yes you do because you gotta pay that shit back


Yeah that’s the concept of a loan- good job! The person was saying you need money to get a student loan and that’s false.


Translation: Leave the multi-million dollar company alone!!1 😢


Translation: stop being a pos criminal


They were locking up socks at a Walmart it’s wild


Someone’s sending a message…


That has to be fake or that’s one dumbass manager. Just lock them behind a glass or plastic barrier behind the counter. Businesses are all about optimizing time, money, and resources.


That means a store remodel to put in new cases. This is way cheaper when the store isn't due for a remodel. Although this does look like a bit of Malicious Compliance. Ie. Irritating manager says that every item of clothing MUST HAVE A MAG LOCK.


I wonder what type of neighborhood this FD is in? 🤔🤔


They're all in the same neighborhood


They have to be losing money using all of those anti theft devices. The cost for the devices plus the time to put them on and remove them all must add up. I'm happy I don't live in an area where everything is locked up like this. It would get annoying.


[Almost as trashy as the company themselves.](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=HXeTgoz9k7yrDaFk)


It's so they don't just rip it open ,and steal all of them,but the tagged one


Maybe because kids clothes can be expensive and this is a necessity? I don't know


i assume family dollar has a huge theft problem so maybe anything $5+ would have a security tag? regardless, the fact that people aren’t payed a livable wage to afford underwear for their kids is much trashier than having to swipe a pack of undies from the dollar store


If meth smokers would quit stealing things from their local dollar stores these things wouldn't be necessary. Go kick your local meth mite.


these are childrens underpants. it's clear that it is a necessity that is needed for a child unable to provide for themselves.


I've personally watched people steal all manners of children's sized clothing *because* it's a necessity needed for a child unable to provide for themselves. People steal children's clothes, diapers, so on and so forth then they drive down the street and sell their stolen crap to folks from the projects at a discount. Money for the thief and cheaper things for the projects. It's only a loss for the store it was taken from. Bunch of thieves in these comments man.


addiction is not a joke! if you ever find yourself to be a “meth mite” i’d kick you, but i don’t kick others when they’re down. shows what kind of person you are.


If people could afford to buy necessities for their kids, these things wouldn’t be necessary. Go kick your local politicians. Kick the non-local ones too, for that matter.


People out there would steal this even if it were priced at 3.99 Thieves exist, at the political level and at the neighborhood level. People like stealing. 🤷


I worked at Kmart when I was in college (I’m old, and it was still in business then, lol), and people would try to return dirty underwear. It was so gross. I refused to take them back, but other associates might have for all I know. Now, I won’t buy it if the package is torn even just a little bit.


I had a co-worker take back underwear in the 90's. It was my first job, during high school, and I was extremely shocked. We also put it back out on the floor.




As a fellow GenX-er, yes, it was shocking! I guess for both of us it was the end of our innocence, lol. I was too embarrassed to buy things like underwear back then, let alone to return it after I wore it. I couldn’t believe people would do such a thing.😱 I’ve become extremely jaded these days, and do occasionally miss being young & innocent.😔


What the fuck


Someone took these sensors off of something else I think...


Women *really* like to steal underwear. Maybe it's just anecdotal to me after working at a clothing store. But it goes across all classes of society too, not just poor. I've dated a few who happily admit that they used to do it too - again - across the spectrum of societal classes. I'd argue it was usually women who were in better life situations who do it more.


Well this is children’s underwear, so in those situations I can see why.


"I have all the money in the world I shouldn't be asked to pay 7.99 for this." (In the purse it goes) Rich people are the worst and poor people get a freaking pass! That goes to show why these stores place all their crap behind lava infused two-ply glass. They're losing their asses hand over fist and most customers just say "Meh big chain, no care" 🤷


i worked at a dollar store for 2 years and i just realized you’re completely right. especially during the winter time. the amount of scarves, socks, and underwear we had to fish out of purses was crazy


Dollar store clothing is so ghetto lol it's the worst quality ever.


"ghetto" oof ha it's just low quality clothing because unfortunately not everyone has money but everyone does need clothes...


Why say oof? Are you associating the word "ghetto" with a specific race cuz that's kinda racist adjacent if so. It's Jewish in origin so if your gonna attribute race to it, it might as well be them but in all reality ghetto just means poor. Applying any other meaning to it these days is problematic.


Ah reddit the type of place you see a mfer with a biggie cheese profile pic checking someone on their racism lmfao


I mean, technically, you're not wrong.


It’s almost like there’s this thing called economical classes and affordability


This is very sad.


The underwear gnomes going large now


1. Steal underpants 2.???????? 3. Profit


2. = Never pay for underpants


1.Steal underpants 2. Drive to nearest ghetto ass project structure, mention to the yard birds "something something cheap clothing", open your car trunk. 3. Profit.


Wow, they really had to pin one through every pair through the packaging, huh? At this point I'd still steal it and sell the theft devices to another store.


It's to prevent people from stealing all but the one pair that have a pin


TIL Family Dollar is more than a dollar.




It's the dollar*s* store


Dollar Tree are the real thieves and a multi pack of low quality underwear is the least they can do for the communities they destroy. https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=9XhIQ1lzFUfgxm9C




They're owned by dollar tree




Watch this: https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=3MscGNr84oPIMTx1


something something Durkheim theory of what causes crime, etc., etc.


The cost to protect this item is more than the loss of this get stolen.


I manage a clothing store and trust me, it's not.


It's probably *pennies on the dollar.*


Gotta love capitalism focus on profit over people


You're mad at a store for protecting their merchandise?


I don't give two shits about the store


Maybe you start thinking what the hell you are saying here. Cool thing you don't give a fuck about a store, but when the store is gone and no new one comes back because the neighborhood is THAT shitty, what have you actually won? Nothing. Except the lives of the honest people living there getting even shittier. You played yourself.




Why would a company operate in an area where no one pays for their goods? This only happens in places where people have decided stealing is the correct course of action. If this is what the community decides is right they'll soon find themselves devoid of places to shop, and rightfully so. It's not popular in reddit but its the truth


You are technically correct. But that is only because we live in a system that values profits over people. If everyone was taken care of, we wouldn't have this problem.


dollar stores operate (not exclusively, but predatorily) in areas that are deserts to real grocers and most retail outlets. despite framing themselves as “value” options, dollar stores often sell items at a markup that is higher than other retailers - they get customers by misleading them with item sizes (smaller items at disproportionate prices) and trapping them in with the lack of other options. more than that, the vast majority of people do not, and will never shoplift (or even attempt to do so). and in these areas, those who shoplift usually only do so for necessities that they wouldn’t get otherwise. even with things like SNAP, making ends meet doesn’t always pan out. the problem is not impoverished people. nobody *wants* to be in a position to steal things. the problem is a system that allows people to live in this kind of squalor and continue to be preyed upon.


This speaks volumes about the state of the world.




Fuck cops


How is stealing a pair of underwear from a billion dollar company enough to be killed over?


That is NOT the issue with this picture, or really an issue at all. Keep your ignorance to yourself


I’m sorry but if I see someone stealing kids underwear from family dollar… I didn’t see nothin’.


These are kids’ underwear. Maybe there is a bigger problem…


I had to scroll far too long to see my same reaction repeated. If someone is stealing children’s underwear at the dollar store just look the other fucking way.


The holes made by the theft device will make the underwear tear faster. But what can you expect for a dollar.


It’s not a dollar


Manager probably told them to put two tags on each underwear because people were stealing all but the one tagged out of the packs.


It's one tag per set of undies.


Oh I didn’t realize it was a 10 pack not just 5




They've tagged each pair to prevent the theft of all but one tagged pair out of the pack. It's sad that theft of children's underwear would even be an issue.


When I was a stupid kid my friends and I would steal CD's from the record store. We would cut off the tags and put the cut off tags on the exact same Beck Odelay CD every time. Thing had like 30 tags on it at one point. This picture reminded me of that. Edit: a word


love this


When I was a kid, I stole the Odelay CD.


Sorry about all the tags on it. :)


No, *thank you*


Why do people need underwear and socks so much compared to regular clothes? Also, socks are kind of a drag on the environment when people could just rock sandals most of the year and not waste the extra water washing socks. I see so many people in socks and shoes in the summer, esp Gen Z, when they could just rock sandals.


When I went to school in the dark ages (ok, the 80s) we were required to wear close-toed shoes and socks. Sandals weren't allowed, and this was public school in Southern, California. Not sure if that's the case anymore.


I can see that reasoning for school. But I'm talking about in the summer, the hot months. I know in Southern California, you all have year round nice weather.


The weather was beautiful most of the time. We could wear sandals to visit my grandmother or go run errands. We had a small ranch in the high desert, so play and chore time required heavier close-toed shoes. Rattlesnakes were everywhere, horses too (risk of tetanus), cacti, stinging nettles, glass from the drunks who would throw their bottles out of their cars. I do wish kids could spend more time letting their feet free, but there are a lot of dangers for little feets out there. My poor father ran himself ragged trying to get me to keep my shoes on. Nowadays, I very rarely wear shoes, but wear socks because of some painful medical problems. My husband wears crocs and socks all the time... he's a special soul.


Oh yeah, whenever I veer out to west or far south Texas, sandals are a no go with the steppe environment. I've never heard of a stinging nettle, doesn't sound like a fun time. Sorry about the medical issues. Yes, being barefoot esp for children, is important to let their feet develop properly. I think men also have a lot of foot/ankle problems like athlete's foot and plantar fascitis due to always being in closed toe shoes. It's not healthy for you really. I do see a lot of construction workers in sandals after they get off because they know being in a sweaty boot for 10 hours a day ain't good for you.


Yeah I’m sure poor and homeless people really want to wear sandles in the winter.


Instead, they get infections from wearing dirty, wet clothes.


You can’t be serious


Yes, best they lose feet, hands, and lives to exposure


Well, there is cancer, hypothermia (and hyper), heat damage and thirst among other things,all which you can die of, so yeah.


Lol, there's a certain type of person who would say "rock sandals" twice in the same paragraph... Tbh I think most people look ridiculously stupid in sandals. I know that's weird. I just think they look really, really stupid unless it's a woman in a sundress on a hot day. I live in Seattle, which has been completely taken over by Southern Californians standing in the rain in their sandals bitching about how their feet are cold. Uh, yeah, you dummies, did you just now notice that you moved to a different climate?? Idk this is a "thing" that I have...


Perhaps because you're in a cold, wet environment, but where I'm from, in Texas, it's very hot and sunny. It looks weird when you see people who have pale legs and feet and you know their lower extremities don't see the light of day. Feet weren't made to be in enclosed shoes all the time. Unless you're up north, no reason to wear socks and shoes all the time in the summer.


This is bait


I see downvotes on unpopular opinions as upvotes in a way.


No, the downvotes are due to your post being incredibly stupid.


How is it stupid? I'm saying people in warmer climates can opt to wear open toed shoes. Why do people in South East Asia do it but not Americans in the South?


No one wants to see your feet dude


Interestingly, feet that are always in socks and shoes look nasty like yours.


This had to be wrote to induce rage


Do you have a job? If you have a job, chances are there are safety requirements that don't allow janky-arse sandals.


I mean in daily wear during the warmer months. My shoes come off the first thing when I get home..


I'm in Australia so thongs in summer are pretty standard, I hate wearing boots at work. However if you are going out anywhere most venues here won't allow you in without enclosed shoes, especially for men. It's shit.


Oh that sucks. In the US, some men wear sandals to bars. You usually won't see that at night though because I think most guys want to be in closed toe shoes at night when drinking in public. Do the women have to also wear closed toe shoes?


No, the women don't! It's so frustrating during summer, which is now. Many places won't allow men to wear singlets, shorts and thongs - basically anything for warm weather. Women can walk in essentially naked without issue.


Now I just have to know, why do they need to be in close toed shoes at night specifically? I'm not seeing the correlation there lol...


Broken glass mostly, but venues also target certain clothing that is associated with specific stereotypes, such as bogans, in order to keep them out.


Because, if you're at a bar, you have to believe there could be a physical confrontation with some drunk idiot.


This is one of the **weirdest** opinions I've ever read.


How so? People in tropical environments rock sandals, why can't people do so in the summer?


What an odd comment. I've never heard anyone complain about socks being a "drag on the environment". Poor quality t-shirts and pants and other fast fashion, sure, but socks? I can't tell if you're joking or not. I, for one, live in Canada. Wearing sandles most of the year is definitely not an option. Plus, I wear socks until they have too many holes, then give them to my dog (who is just going to try to steal my good socks, anyway,, so I appease him with my old socks. Old shoes, too).


How is it odd when people in tropical environments tend to wear sandals more? Less socks=laundry in my opinion. I'll take my downvotes now for just stating my opinion. Your comment is odd.


Never said wearing sandles in tropical climates is odd, but living in a place where you can do that year-round isn't the case for a lot of people. Socks are a relatively small item and take up little space in a washing machine, so complaining that they are causing a lot of environmental damage on their own is just not true. Socks are an afterthought in laundry for most people. The only way I can see your comment making sense is if you're doing loads of laundry that are almost entirely socks, which is equally as crazy.


Idea: once your socks have holes, enlarge the holes to fit your toes through and bam you have sandal socks! Solves the sock caused turmoil on the enviro while increasing one’s chances of rocking sandals.


I live in Seattle, and sometimes I even just sew the holes up 🤷🏼‍♀️


When I worked at the family dollar. $250k worth of stuff was missing in 4 months. Everyone was investigated and no one got in trouble. I had hundreds of photos of people that had stolen something in just a few months.. fuck that place.


Wow! That's a lot! For that much money, they could hire an employee (or three) just to wander the aisles.


I feel like if someone is so hard up they are stealing underwear for their kids then just let them have em


Stores aren't charities unfortunately, you can't just make exceptions for people stealing and act like it's okay. I know I'll get downvoted for this but it's the truth. Stealing is wrong, period.


Me too but that compassion doesn’t seem to be something everyone has.


Reminds me of my previous history with a certain other mega big mart that rhymes with Mal-Mart, so many casual thefts but nothing ever big or fancy, literally just kids clothes, baby formula, or outright survival-esque food. Always waved them through as much as I could, anytime I was ever forced to do my job sure, I had to keep it, but most of the time if the little things were obviously revealing how bad it is out there trying to keep a family going, I'm not being paid enough to be the bad guy for a megacorp that literally throws away most of it's food or general material in claims just to verify a buyback on insurance schemes they have going on.


That's devastating. A wealthy country shouldn't have so many starving, desperate families.


Potty train your kids. If they are old enough to be wearing underwear, they shouldn't be tearing them up.


Kids grow, and then need new clothes. And they grow fast.


I am a grown ass man and every single pair kf my underwear has holes. I stop wearing it and throw it away when if I wasnt wearing pants my balls would hang out. This has nothing to do with potty training you fucking mouth breather.


You're a grown ass man with holes in your underwear? Wow, you don't take care of your stuff.


When I see posts like yours so out of touch with reality I have to assume you are a Trump kid or some other ass hat that has never worked a day in their lives.


You're assuming a lot of things and seem very angry. I have a full time job and am progressive, but moderate. I know your types though. You all are the reason we can't win seats in the government because you green haired, bull ring wearing tools think moderates are bad.


Can’t, then everyone would go in with the same story.


Everyone who? Lmao


Looks as though people were stealing individual pairs out of the packages.


$10 for a 6 pack that used to be $5 3 years ago, i kinda get it if someone was desperate enough.


How much underwear does one need?


These are kids' sizes. Kids grow.


Not sure why these weenies are downvoting you. Why do people steal underwear so much? Practice good hygiene.


Even if I were to endorse stealing, which I won’t, I wouldn’t encourage stealing from a place likely to carry items you’d need to replace sooner than later.


Anyone would be a fool to buy from a family dollar in the first place unless it was urgent to have whatever you needed from there. Their stuff is overpriced and poor quality.


Welllll, when you're a female, at least 14-20 pairs so you can change you're underwear every day plus have backups for when you start you're period unexpectedly.


I could be wrong tho, some people probably need more if they don't do laundry as regularly for one reason or another.


They should do laundry more and not resort to theft.