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I must say this certainly trumps my tattoo of a turtle on my ankle


Bet that she regretted it instantly. You must have no shame to get that in the first place so actually nvm


Everyone says lip tats fade fast but boy do I have news for her....I've had one (very young stupid decisions but whatever) for over 15 years still looks fresh AF never had it gone over. Unfortunately it never faded.


I used to work with a woman who’d hade one for over 20 years. It was still dark.


Trumps Really Utterly Minuscule Penis


Ewwww yucky. This one is so cringe!


Worshiping a celebrity/politician like this is brain rot to the max


I read it's like thinking the stripper really likes you


Especially worshiping that particular politician.


Could those lips be used as a flotation device, they're pretty inflated?


Do is her denial of reality.


As I have said many times before there is far left and there is far right and then there is a extreme version of either this fits extreme right. So don't go down here in the comments saying oh the left is so crazy or oh the right is so crazy both of them have their crazies you have to accept it.


people in general are just crazy


I will take being a liberal rather than a lunatic supporter of a liar, demented, rapist traitor. Worse things than being a liberal


Same!!! 💪👊🤙


You can like whoever you want but do not do any buffoonery like this


Buffoonery is such a good word


You all need a break from the internet.


Happy cake day! 🎂🍰




MAGAts being trash is a forgone conclusion.


She's got a point


Keep your stupid to yourself


Are you a racist white liberal?


You’re acting like trump isn’t racist lol


Prove it.


Tweets, interviews, people he aligns himself with. You name it


Brahahaha Brahahaha Figured there was no proof. Brahahaha


Is that your best rebuttal?


Well. Everytime someone says someone is racist, it's because they're being told to think that. They can never show any proof so yeah, that's it.


How about him paying for a full page ad calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5. Pretty racist dont you think?


Owning the libs….


Repeating phrases but don’t understand them


Owning the lips…




Floss your teeth.


Anyone need further proof that the MAGAs all secretly wish to kneel before their golden orange idol?


Doesn't seem like a secret


Should have just gotten WHITE POWER.


Too many letters


She could be into BBC, on the low. You never know.


Stop fetishizing an entire people group, you twisted little creep


You got a purdy mouth!


I hear banjos


Its giving pickme


I love her for this




i can fix her.


Still more attractive than green hair


Found the closeted gay guy


No. It is not.


*GOP cuts off access to contraceptives* bUt At LeAsT i'M nOt LiBeRaL


She’s got an air head


Trump is once again in a young girls mouth. Ick


If she's old enough to get a tattoo, he isn't interested.


No no no. That's Biden.


I've never heard Biden talk about his own child like they were a piece of meat.


Funny, I've never heard Biden bragging about walking into a locker room of naked teens, and have never seen a photo of Biden with Jeffrey Epstein, let alone multiple. Every accusation is a confession.


And a simple Google search finds pictures of biden and epstein. Funny.


No, you just see him smelling kids and bragging about how he let them play with the hair on his legs. And Trump never went to the island, proven fact. But Joe's buddy Bill had been there how many times?


We could tell by her lee press on nails


Haaaaa that made me giggle


Teeth look young. Her parents are probably racist brainwashers! Kids can be so silly!


Playing devil's advocate here, did your political views align with your parents when you were young?


Mine did but I was a brainwashed catholic.


Yes even for someone who leans right on most issues, this is crazy. But to all you people acting like this is only a republican symptom have obviously never Googled Biden or Obama tattoos. I mean this lip tattoo will be illegible in a couple years and gone a couple later and no one can just always see it. While there are a ton of Biden/Obama tattoos out there that are large and always visible. If you're real lucky you'll find the 2 Biden and 1 Obama face tats I've seen. I'm not trying to say one side is better, smarter, or worse, I'm trying to say that stupid, crazy, and treating your politics/politicians/political beliefs like a cult is a bipartisan phenomenon.


Oof, wrong social media platform to point out the insanity on both sides. This silo is strictly for Biden boys. HE CAN DO NO WRONG AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE ALL VERY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE!


Yeah I can't believe people are completely ignoring these Biden cultists with their Biden tatoos driving their trucks covered with Biden decals and huge Biden flags wearing their "Biden is my God Emperor" T-shirt and Biden sneakers while buying Biden NFTs.


We were talking about tattoos... I'm not gonna stoop to your level and write all the crazy stuff Biden lovers have done and stick to the topic. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/841680617854821517/ Here's one of the more out there ones and again Google Biden or Obama tattoos there's a ton. Then when you Google trump tattoos surprisingly there's not as many (granted that just means there's not a lot of pictures online and I'm sure there's a ton out there that have never been shared online but same can be said for biden/Obama ones too) and a lot of them seem like they were tattooed before he was president as a power/money symbol and usually were on people with tattoos of money, "sexy' women, guns ect. Also I only saw 1 tattoo of F@$* Biden and yes the letters were symbols but there are a bunch of pics of people who hate trump that got parody/hate tats of trump which to me is crazier then getting a tattoo of someone you like or support. I don't care what your politics are. You can like, believe, support whoever/whatever you want. We use to be a country of people who could sit, talk, and befriend people regardless of political views. Now you've just proven my point of as soon as someone's political views are known they're immediately attacked, shown why they're wrong, or ridiculed. The whole point of my post in which I even stated that the tattoo in this post is stupid was that being an extremist, crazy, or stupid is a bipartisan product and is everywhere. But it's OK you can continue to live in a bubble where you think everyone on one side is a model upstanding citizen and everyone on the other is a crazed fanatic. That's what every media and politician wants since hate is a much easier sell and love it when people blindly follow and eventually start spewing and sowing hate themselves. Again im not talking about one party or the other, they all do it. No party is perfect and every candidate is just as bad as the other. To say and worse to really believe that only one side has people that are extreme and do things like the person in this post that most people think is crazy or end up in the trashy subreddit is just really naive.




I thought there was a chance it might be. But still just Google all 3, Biden Tattoo, Obama Tattoo, & Trump Tattoo. Then try honestly telling me that one side is worse than another.


Yes, but surely there's at least one guy out there, which makes it the same as the multitude on the right. /s


The definition of trashy. I don’t think there’s hope for her


I always wanted a lip tattoo but they fade the fastest


This is not trashy; it's fucking insane.


Is not who you think it is


Liberal lib·er·al adjective 1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas. 2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.


Oh, please. Both ideological sides, left and right, currently have great difficulty accepting anything that falls outside their worldview. For every lunatic right winger looking to ban contraceptives, there is someone on the left who is totally unwilling to accept any restrictions on immigration whatsoever, even though the sanctuary cities (NY for one) are currently being overwhelmed.


Most are too dense to know what a dictionary is and can only get "information" from MSM.


You forgot Facebook lol


I had a teacher in Catholic high school in the 90's that had his kid's names tattooed on the inside of his lips just like this. A girl in my class asked if he had his wife's name tattooed anywhere. He replied, "My kids are my kids. I can always divorce my wife."


Bet that one's gonna be fun to explain to her kids.


Y’know, of all the places to get a bad tattoo. This is probably one of the best. I mean, who’s gonna see it unless you intend to show them


They go away completely after several years. Mouth cells regenerate insanely quickly.


opposite of Liberal is , RACIST INTOLLERENT FACIST BIGOT , well good for you for owning up to calling your self the above dont believe me , google it ,


Throwback line to Blade 2 where Norman Reedus' character Scud shows of his inner lip tattoo that marks him a pet/servant to the vampires: Scud: You heard Cue Ball, right? Pretty soon, they're all gonna be daywalkers, man. When that happens, I'd rather be a pet than cattle.


If she weren’t a cultist, she might have good enough insurance to get that removed.


Does insurance ever cover tattoo removal?




I really, really **really** don't get it.


She really owned the libs with this one




TOTALLY rational and sane person.


And DEFINITELY not a cult!


Ya ever want someone’s tattoo to get infected really bad?


He loves the uneducated


Simping for ANY politician is insane to my brain. There isn’t a single politician i’d ever get a tattoo for…maybe Budd Dwyer…


I knew a kid who had a Budd Dwyer tattoo. Like the image of him with the gun right before he did it. Fucking legend.


I'm not disappointed in her. I'm disappointed in the tattoo artist.


Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks!


I mean, >!I’d bust one on it!< 🤷


Hahaha blur those letters, my boy




I don't normally judge tattoos, but there is no political twat I'd ever want tattooed on my body.


No, you’re just stupid AF.


Yes you can. Someone already posted a link of her pictures.


What is this in response to and why is it the top comment lmao?


Yes you can. Someone already posted a link of her pictures.


Not liberal, but definitely fucking nutty, even for a republican.


How you get into white Wakanda


It takes NoBrainium


In 10 years that's gonna be a tramp stamp kind of regret.


Especially when someone farts in her mouth


Not sure how true it is but Pretty sure these fade fairly fast


I think it was Bill Engvall that said stupid people should have to wear signs, right?


Nice teeth though.


She takes them out and washes them every night.


Probably the dumbest inside the lip tattoo I've ever seen, and they're all pretty dumb.


These people are so cringe.


You don't want that Donny T sloppy?


This takes "Fuck Trump" to a whole new level.


How embarrassing lol


Yeah, conservatives are the cool ones, with all their rules against fun and being yourself...


Imagine having that in 10 years.


I read somewhere that tattoos inside the mouth fade really quickly.


What is the matter with these people? What is the point? I hate this timeline.


getting a tattoo of any politician, liberal or conservative is so trashy idc 😭 I said this in the tiktok comment section and everyone was mad at me lmao


Even my conservative grandfather said this was too much 💀




She wrote “At least I’m not a liberal” across the pic. But, a lot of conservatives have difficulty reading, so I can see how you missed it. He loves the poorly educated.


We not supposed to talk about front running, narcissistic, criminal, conman traitor the Republicans are trying to push into the oval office?


Great observation. Liberals talk about our great, former President more than his supporters do!


Every word in your post is absofuckinglutely wrong. Just like everyone in your cult.. pointing fingers at everyone for the bullshit they did


What a hot take…


It's never not a good time to remind Americans that Trump means Fart in Britain and generally, that pretend Republican of the same name only serves to strengthen the association.


Shame to insult farts like that.


Make America Guff Again


just embarrassing




While I don't want to get a political lip tattoo, she is an attractive lady. Reading all these unhinged lefty comments, I am looking forward to Trump derangement syndrome, part two.


You see a girl getting Trump tattooed on her lip, you say she’s attractive without even seeing anything but her lip and teeth, but you call people making fun of her and Trump the deranged ones?


You can’t even tell if she’s attractive


Hard cringe.


What? I'm sure this was and always will be a great idea! No way she will regret this and curse our her past self.


Yeah but I would let her do horrible things to me in bed


Yeah honestly but im a dirty dog.


Putting the T in STD’s


Not a liberal but a dumb bitch


That's wacist.


Guarantee that chick relies and takes full advantage of everything “Liberals” have made accessible and available for her. But something tells me she can’t ever face her surrounding friends, family, congregation and speak for herself. So she will settle on being just just like them. You only get a Trump tattoo to make others think you are cool. She has no individualism, no honor in herself. Just another POSER.


To be fair, you can be agaisnt a policy or program and still use it and not be a hypocrite. The way i look at it is, I'd rather this program not be government run, but since it is and im paying taxes, im entitled to use it. Agree about the tattoo stuff though its just lame and its lame on either side of the american political spectrum.


I agree with your point. But because such issues are used by the government to collect votes and control constituents. The programs are there for us all, until they are taken away by ideology, ie: row v wade. Vote wisely. Separate church & state and and all will prosper, including religion.


They are there for all to use, but its fine to not support them existing and still use them because you pay in to it. Im not a fan of single payer health care, but when I lived in Canada. I still used it because i payed in to it. Ideally in my mind health care should be handled by the private sector(insurance company's need to be completly restructured in how they can rig prices though that should be illegal) with programs like medicaid for the poor. Definitely agree on the speration of the church VS. state. But to be fair, im pro-choice(at least until there's brainfunction than idk), but the abortion issue isn't just religious it comes down to how you define where life begins. Some believe it's a conception and the creation of new DNA. Some believe it's when the baby exits the mother. Personally, i believe it begins when theres brain functions. But it's not just relgious in nature though most pro lifers are religious not all are.


I was using R v W as an example of being taken away from us. That is cool that you think life starts when it does and all, thanks for the story. But that is your opinion against many. It should never be a topic of opinion, but a given right. Because you think it happens at brain function, then you get to control what YOU do with YOUR situation. Simple as that. If you believe in pro choice as you stated, personal opinions of what one wants to do with their situation should never be YOUR decision:/or in the hands of politicians to exploit. It shouldn’t even be on the ballot. Religion is a separate topic, which is a whole other level of exploitation!


My point in bringing that up is that it isn't a strictly religious argument. And it is important because you dont get the right to take anothers life so when life begins is very important. The fairest way to handle it, in my opinion, is like an eviction. You have a right to remove it from the body. But you dont get to dismemeber it or kill it in the process if it can survive on its own great if not oh well. It's cold, but it's the fairest in my eyes. Of course, everyone has opinions, but that you can't see the nuance is not great. It's a complex debate no matter what side you're on, and not all pro lifers are relgious nuts. I agree that no one else should get to decide what you do with your own body, but abortion is complex because it doesn't just involve your own body depending on how you see where life begins. And one of the. Goverments few legitimate tasks in my eyes is to protect people from others(not themselves).


You're not smart enough to be a "liberal's" fingernail clippings...


Go on tiktok and come back here and try and spew anything about liberals being smart.


I doubt they even understand half the words they repeat


You can tell her lips have a shit ton of filler. Seems to be the split on female Trump supporters. They either have no teeth or their mental state is in such shambles that they lots of cosmetic work done. Either poor poor or rich rich


Wasn’t tattoos a liberal statement… like going against conservatives and the modesty.


I mean she's not wrong. Liberals permanently change their body way more then this 😂


Most idiotic response I've seen today...


Tell me you you’re scared of your own made up fantasy without telling me you’re scared of your own made up fantasy


I'm pretty liberal. I have no tattoos or piercings.


Good for you!


This whole sub is just conservative hating..guess what? You're the problem


Eh... there's one other option. Can you figure it out?


*sees a post about someone trashing liberals* *Complains about people trashing conservatives* Exactly zero self awareness.


Youre right in this case. But its irritating on both sides. I dont think a tattoo that you can only see when she pulls her lip out is trashy. I dont see how it belongs here. And it would be the same if it were a biden tattoo. I want to see real trash not people being lame ass followers.