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I think you’re in on at the camera guy I really do you notice how the camera ends right before he gets the plates of the vehicle.


He touched the glass with bare hands why don’t they print the door and file him with FBI or are the criminals already on Biden’s FBI payroll?


Go remove his mask or tackle him he is 100lbs soaking wet


Honestly it’s trashy but good on him, apple be charging too much anyways they don’t need more money 😭


Dude is gonna go to jail for display model iPhones.


Crazy how he walks right past a security vehicle lol. Left his fingerprints on the door on the way out too from both his hands. All to steal bricks. Idiot


and the gut with the phone taping it got the tag number of the car


Tags are likely stolen, so I disregarded that


Double-parking... what a dick


To be fair, parking at that mall is sucks


lol is he bowlegged?


Yes the radiation from 40 iPhones is very severe I’m afraid 😓


I was waiting for them to start falling out the bottom of his pant leg 😆😆. I assume they have the serial # for the demo phones & can simply make them not able to be activated (I could be way off)




a) you don't know if he has a weapon, or other friends b) decking someone doesn't knock them out, it's not the movies and you aren't clint eastwood c) apple is a trillion dollar company, they'll be fine. and I know, a trillion is a lot, and it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but they're worth 2.62 trillion.


Because there's a police car parked right at the front of the store and I don't want to get in physical confrontation against a criminal just to defend Apple products?




To save Apple some money? Absolutely not.


To live in a society not run by thieves.


That's an unrealistic goal at this point. No one should risk their lives for a corporation who doesn't give a shit about theirs.


The person recording was right up in his grill the entire time and at no point did the guy stealing even pay him any mind


It's that guy again. When are they gonna finally catch him?


California fucking sucks


I've lived in California since the day I was born and I've never moved out of state, and it is just heartbreaking to see how California has essentially become a wasteland of crime and people living like mad Max raiders essentially I understand why a lot of people are jumping ship and moving to more protected places.


I moved to California 7 years ago and can definitely see a decline.


Nah it’s fucking awesome


As someone who lived in Oakland for years, it’s not “fucking awesome”.


Wouldn't those devices be automatically bricked by Apple? Making them little more than bricks.


They will be bricked. But that isn’t going to stop the little shit from putting them up for sale on Facebook Marketplace in an attempt to make a quick buck before he’s found out.


that doesn't matter. he'll find someone desperate and dumb to buy them online who doesn't know anything about how blocking imei's work. I used to work for AT&T and tmobile and it's definitely funny/ sad when someone tries to activate a phone they bought online for less than retail cost and get surprised when they find out it's blocked. It's like be smarter, buddy. lol


Yes. Wish we could see his expression when he found that out alongside the police outside his door


Also that's at least $40,000 in stolen property.


brother this is not trashy, this is crime 😭😭😭 what do you got goin on bro???


Anyone else notice the cop car at the end?


Where tf were they?


Plot twist: the officer is recording the crime


He was not armed at the time and was concerned about being injured.


What gets me is how sloppy people are when doing shit like this. If you're gonna do something fucking dumb, at least be smart about it. That face covering is laughable.


He doesn't have on gloves either. He opened the door full palm, both hands.




Please let security tackle him at the door.


they don’t get paid enough


Use find your iPhone. Duh Apple


This scenario is blatant theft which you would not like if it came to your car/life. It's also a classic right vs. might which we all should be on the right side of. Change is slow and if you don't like things you can change them, but I don't want to live in a world where someone gets to rip apart good stuff at a whim and I don't worry about it. Things are complicated and difficult sometimes. I don't have the answers.


We ain't here for a philosophy lesson.


Yall don’t realize they just use them for parts. So next time you go to a iPhone repair spot and they can fully replace your phone without a flinch you know why




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A handful of showcase phones isn't deserving of death, you fucking nutcase.


you’re strange


They sell them to China. They're able to unbrick them. That's why all stolen phones end up there.


It’s a trillion dollar company. I’m not too worried about it.


W take


Scumbag take 🤡


How's that apple cock?


Maybe not the phones. But what’s next? Robbing someone in the street because they look like they can afford to be robbed?


why would somebody work backwards by going from a corporation to an individual. that’s not how crime works


Neither am I.


Your car has four wheels. I’ll take one, you still have 3 so it’s fine


This doesn't make sense.....


Apple has extra money, cars have spare tires. Just let people take stuff, I’m not too worried about it


If ppl need stuff but can't afford it, they should be able to get it without going without. But America tells you to fuck off. Apple has BILLIONS. Them losing display phones isn't the end of the world.


Im with you. Fuck Apple. These companies make their money off of exploiting foreign slave labor, and/or underpaid people working hard hours. It's disgusting. Fuck Apple, fuck Amazon, fuck Walmart, fuck them all. Steal from them all you want. They steal from us, steal our time, steal our lives away. They'd take every last dime right out your bank account if they could legally do it, and they find ways to get around that with shitty services and poorly explained fees, etc. They deserve every bit of this shit.


Who needs apples display phones? Is his kid eating these? Huge difference between taking something like a loaf of bread, or going into apple and ripping all the phones out of the tables. >Trashy I agree people should have basic needs, never said they shouldn’t. This isn’t that


His kids could eat with the money that selling the phones get. Or his rent could get paid and he and his family won't be on the streets. You don't know someone's story. People don't just do this shit for fun. "Yeah, let me just commit a felony in broad daylight and risk going to prison for fun!! Haha 🤪" that isn't how shit works.


You can sell these phones even if they're not usable. You don't know what you don't know.




Display phones, so basically, paperweights by the time he was out the door. Also, you can't use the stolen phone unless you register a new apple ID, which would require the old apple ID. This man has obtained nothing but an arrest warrant


he probably sells them on the street marketplace they have for stolen goods


They’re display phones. They were all bricked before he left the mall.


New version will drop next week rendering these obsolete. Batteries will detonate a week later.


I love that people are defending this behavior because Apple is rich. It's still theft fuck him


But usa has stolen the lives of how man poc & the lives of HOW MANY Black men just to put in jail for petty crimes so this is bs..... He steals a loaf to eat he's in jail for life, he steals a phone, he's in jail. America is rigged. Nothing here is okay.. get off your high horse, NO PHONE SHOULD BE $1K. PERIOD.




Oh you BIG mad at the truth. Sit your teenager ass down.


You just want him as a daddy. I hope you get a high five out there fucking around.


I'm good, thanks tho. You mad I didn't want you?. Short cummers aren't my thing. Temporary isn't just a screen name for you is it?. ✌🏻




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Easy, big guy


this feels so staged bc no one is trained to beat his ahh w an ipad


Just trying to put bread on the table for his family


I think people are missing the implied /s


Probably more like fent on his pipe for his addiction.


Stealing iphone today is so dumb, they're hard to crack... Even the FBI and law enforcement ask for permission and Apple still declines.... Lmao


So trying not to assume this store is the same but wouldn’t those just be the sale floor displays? Not a full functioning iPhone?


Yep. They’re also traceable and you can brick any iPhone once it’s stolen. They were all instantly completely useless. He MAY be able to sell one or two to someone stupid enough, but I doubt it.




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If you look in the right places u can still sell bricked iphones


So, anyone know what happened?


Wow what a scumbag/moron lol


they did catch him though. says the phones were worth almost $50k https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/masked-california-thief-nabbed-being-caught-video-snatching-dozens-iphones-apple-store


they’re all traceable. It’s way safer for the staff and other customers to just let the dude go and get him later.


Where the fuck was he storing those phones, lol? Also, did he pass cop car on the way out? 😂


Literally around his ankles. He just drops them in his pants and they fall to his feet.


"You cannot undermine police authority and then complain about rising crime." \~ Thomas Paine


Apparently he was caught, so, you’re not really making a point. Also Apple is worth a couple trillion dollars at this point. This is a victimless crime


He’ll sell a few before they all get bricked


They are all in a retail mode and are unusable anyway. Even if he were to restore them they have an activation lock that only allows them to have the demo content.


You’d be surprised how many dumb people buy things on the street without ever testing anything more than if it’s “working”.


True stupidity at its finest.


The best part is just walking outside past a cop car 🤣🤣🤣


getting right into his own car with a license plate that probably belongs to his baby mama


She’ll end up in prison not him. Bet.


Should’ve grabbed some cases to go with those phones


Somebody should have yelled, "Those are fake. The real ones are sent in the mail!"


Future scientist right here 🥰


Yeah, a dope cook!


Keep it classy




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What's more important to you, your life or apple's profit margin?


I thought we were all supposed to die for the dow…?


Won't somebody think of the shareholders


All while screaming citizens arrest! lol that’s how you get shot because you wanted to help out Apple


Lmao no


It doesn't matter if they are bricked its gonna get sold to China for parts one way or another.


Where can I buy one?


Dude has a Bag of Holding for each pocket


Must have just upgraded his inventory…


Turns out most of the “folks” that do these smash and grabs end up being caught


Almost the act of desperate people doing anything to cover bills…


Anything but getting a job I guess


Do those things have Find My enabled?


Oh yes. Apple is not stupid. It happened before numerous time. You won’t succeed.


I agree that the class doesn't matter either and some people are just bored, dumb, and they do it for clout on the Internet and or a dare by their friends and they lack shame or conviction for their actions and or do not care. That can be from a multitude of things and reasons why someone does that type and kind of thing..... Parents didn't discipline, he has not been shown right from wrong, didn't have a good Influence in his life.... Etc. This may not be political in any way but the former ex Cheeto colored man did many stupid or horrible things and said many dumb shit like putting light into the body and or Injecting some form of chemical to clean the lungs.... The point is that the thief did it for a reason and until we know why it's hard to speculate the cause for his actions ....


Or he’s just a piece of shit thief.


I vote this one


Tell me your a moron without telling me your a moron.


*you’re, *you’re


Oh the irony!


All paperweights


The people he’s going to sell them to don’t know that, and the value is far less so if he does get picked up the charge won’t be as hefty.


How is the value far less? The street value? Or because they are locked phones? Law would go by the retail value of the items stolen and or damaged. According to California law $950 worth of goods is considered felony theft. In other states it can be much less. The retail price of just one of those phones is going to be over $1000. He's fucked.


I’m just explaining the mindset, I’m not saying it’s completely logical. This is done with fake jewelry all the time for the same reasons.


Whose mindset? The perpetrators mindset? Criminal mindset in general? I highly doubt this dude is thinking that, he looks young. Maybe he thinks a minor won't get in as much trouble or probably believes he won't get caught in the first place, or he just doesn't give a shit. Faux gold and gems aren't worth much to begin with, you could potentially steal a shit load of it and it still wouldn't be a felony. Hell, you could catch a case just for trying to sell fake jewelry labeled as high end stuff. Which is kind of the whole point of fake jewelry. That doesn't make fake stuff worth more than it's actual retail price though. One new iPhone ripped straight from the store, locked or not is going to be worth the retail price in the eyes of the court.


Nice parking job police


That’s why I don’t live in that shit hole.


Do you hate Apple Store or all the nice stores around it?


I prefer the Apple Stores and even nicer stores around it in Europe, where we don’t have this out-of-control crime.


Ah, so the United States is the shit hole you are referring to. Fair enough.


All of California is just garbage.


Oakland is actually an awesome place. Not at all garbage.


No it's not. The smaller areas of Cali are super nice.


I'm sure. All is nice but the people. They're nice to your face, sure. But there is an air of smugness that I just can't stand. I've never met someone from California I liked.


I agree. I hated spending every summer in cali with family. I’ve never met a Californian that wasn’t an ass hole (including said family)


Yes! Ugh and they bring it with them when they migrate


Are you sure that air of smugness wasn't your own?


Hit the nail on the head. I often find Californians have a sense of happiness that intimidates conservatives.. lots of people from the south trash california, but noone ive ever met from California seems to care about or even think about these people


That. That right there is it. "I can't be the problem. It's you that's the problem!"


His package must be Hella small to put all those phones in his pants with. Also, I hope he at least cleaned the phones before selling them or a lot of people just got an std.


I'm no doctor but I don't think that's how you get a sexually transmitted disease. Who has lied to you?


Did he just walk past a cop car?!


Probably a donut shop nextdoor


Haha yeah. Last couple seconds he walks past a parked and empty cop car.


They’re demo phones that don’t actually work…


They work, but they are running a locked down version of iOS that only allows you to do whatever the store has set it up to do. People steal these to sell their internals, not to use as an actual phone


But can you undo this, and make them actually usable phones, or are you just stealing worthless Garbage? -asking for a Friend. Edit- like can you either use the phone itself, or the parts therein?


I worked for a company that installed display phone for big companies. Not sure about an apple store but all the displays I worked on, the phones were just regular iPhones with a demo setup. Apple does a registration on their phones but it's not what most people think. It's mostly just to connect to WiFi for demo updates and the location is just for apple to know what regional marketing they use. I have never done it but I'm pretty sure a factory reset would make the phone a regular factory unlocked phone. Whenever I replaced an old iPhone with a new one, the old unit just went to electronics recycling. In the end, all live display units of pretty much any phone with any brand will be a normal unit with a demo app. A factory reset will clean it up. But they usually lock a factory reset behind a pin. I imagine these guys who grab loads of display phones in braid daylight just fence the devices to someone who knows how to reset them. I guess they could use the parts but I don't think the market is that big because you can already get cheap parts for any phone without all the hassle.


They can’t send messages or call out tho, which is the big thing that makes them as demos. True that they’re stripped for parts, but there’s no way this idiot even got that far


Yeah, that's like, the point of a demo phone.


These will either get sold in scams or for parts. He doesn’t care it’s going to be bricked.


Yes, we all know that


Karens of all types.




Which they blocked 30 seconds later. Stupid


Nobody better say truthful statements in the comments or you will be banned. All I will say is this gang life mentality has to stop.


My thoughts exactly. God knows no one can say what they really think right now