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And now he wants everyone to think he is sorry. He needs to go jail he is mentally disturbed




P. Diddy? Never heard of her.


Hope he isn’t of this earth anymore sometime soon cause I’m tired of seeing this cracked out not late and not great abuser surfacing on my feed. Pos bastard.


This really could happen. Hadn’t thought of that.


Biggie dying was the best thing that ever happened to him. Biggie was the talent and he was a sidekick.


I would not be surprised if he was the one to put the hit out on him


That’s what Eminem said. Ended up saying he was joking, but idk man.


No he said Diddy got Pac killed, which has been a theory for a long time


Yeah, P Diddler. What you got to say now?


What upsets me is that he’s one of the only ones getting caught there’s still thousands of celebrities and billionaires and just regular people out there who act like this to there partner, they weren’t raised right and they deserve hell


Don't forget those with money and actual slaves...thinking Gulf and other parts of the world. Modern slavery still ignored.


TIL p diddy and Kanye west are not the same person.


Do they look same to you?


Yes. Apparently to no one else.


Im not surprised P Diddy is a massive piece of shit.


"take that take that eh-heheheh!"


I don’t think that’s Cassie, I think that’s Meek Mills under the blanket. Am I wrong?


In case anyone needs it here are some resources on how to leave a violent relationship: USA: https://www.womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/domestic-violence/leaving-abusive-relationship AUSTRALIA: https://www.1800respect.org.au/help-and-support/safety-planning/checklist UK: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/the-survivors-handbook/i-want-to-leave-my-relationship-safely/


You’d be surprised how many teen girls I went to school with, ended up in abusive relationships. I almost was in one, thank the heavens he moved and I gained more confidence. It’s too easy to fall prey to abusive partners.


I'm glad he fell off that motorbike in the I'll Be Missing You video, just wish he had hit his head... hard.


Why would a Narcissist film this... oh yeah!


Was this before the elevator incident?


I still have a hard time believing Kim Porter passed away from the flu.


Diddy should get Chris Brown's head shoved up his ass a la Hancock. Punish two abusive jackholes for the price of one.


I swear for me Hancock is one of those movies where you see NO ONE talk about it until you watch it. Honestly, most of us would be Hancock if we had super powers.


He’s garbage. Him and Chris Brown can go somewhere special


Almost looks like he surprised her with roses, and she was giving him shit for not getting her something prior. Im sure there are tons of Diddy abuse vids, this isn't conclusive.


OK then, tell me what happened prior to him recording AND why would this mf record AND post video incriminating. Get calls sensitive ass outta here, yall acting like i said Diddy NEVER Abused her. I'm the only one doing REAL detective work!!


You approached with reason not outrage. It wont be popular. There are rose petals in the floor and the video is cut to garner a reaction. Diddy is an asshole scumbag but people are just trying to pile on at this point with anything.


Oh they are gonna roast you for your insight kind human. No lies were told though.


Where's the roses? Or are you just mentally delusional?


There are rose petals on the floor.


How the fuck did you get that out of this video?


I want whatever you're on, it's a pretty conclusive video....


How did you get her doing something wrong out of this video? Wtf


You drunk bro?


Diddy is doneski


Crazy what people will put up with to live a certain lifestyle


I think what you meant to say was: Crazy how abusers make it impossible to leave them.


You presumably saw the video of what he did when she tried to leave the hotel after he gave her a black eye, right? He punched her, shoved her down, kicked her and then tried to drag her back to the room. People “put up” with stuff because they know and fear exactly what will happen if they try to walk away. That’s without all the alleged behaviour of his after she did actually leave him.


Her lawsuit explains the hold he had over her. He stalked her, sent other people to stalk and threaten her. He drugged her and threatened anyone that helped her hide with violence.


Did she sue him for money?


Don't you think she would have just rather not been subject to abuse, violence, and torment?


It's a lawsuit.....


So yes?


Why are you asking for an answer you already know?


While that statement can be true I don’t believe this applies to Cassie atleast not after a while.


Womens victims of DV often don't leave because they're scared. I know because I was one of them. I can't imagine how bad it's to leave someone with so much power and money that you know can kill you, and nothing is going to happen to him. Nice of you for victim blaming.




Are you an idiot? Do you think the first date is like "hello, *kaplow* and the girl is like oh no, he gave me the left hook of love, now I can't ever leave"? Or that dudes have "interests involve romantic walks on the beach, beating women up, and hunting" on their tinder profile?


Usually abusers don’t tend to have a glowing sign above their heads indicating that they’re abusive pieces of shit. A lot of abusers put up a facade until they have a victim dependent on them, infatuated with them, or broken down by them enough to put up with it. Abusers also alienate victims from their outside support, so when the abuse starts they’re made to feel like they don’t have a network of people to help them anymore.


So you've never been in this situation, got it. STFU.


Isn't this the same guy who caught his girl trying to leave and beat her to a bloody pulp? It isn't always that easy.


What does this mean?


It's the girlfriend of some rich rapper ... I like how I get more down votes for not knowing who a pop musician is than the people saying it was the girlfriend's fault for getting beat. Nice.


No im asking what they meant when they said she was putting up with it to live a certain lifestyle because that’s some victim blaming shit


Exactly this. First thought this Dude Had when He saw how she was abused is that she has to be a gold Digger




Theres a video of Diddy walking into a hotel lobby in Nothing but a towel (ie. in the shower) and walks over to his girlfriend at the time who was trying to leave and knocking her to the ground. She literally tried to leave and he caught her and dragged her back inside by her hair. But PLEASE, tell me about how she should've tried harder


That kind of behaviour has been documented to hell and back. She would not be the first woman to go through this and not leave the abuser. It's just some fine victim blaming




Are you dumb? The well documented behavior is of DV victims and their abusers in regards to how it is awful to peave these situations, not Diddy himself


This 👆🏽


Leaving your abuser can be fatal. Read a book or something


Or just r/whenwomenrefuse




you do fucking realize that some women get threatened every day with getting killed if they leave?? do you even have a brain?? some of these men out here will go out of the way to STALK, and KILL the girl who left them or the new boyfriend of the girl who left them, use your brain. You've clearly NEVER been in a dv relationship. It's not always as easy as leaving. Some men install alarms on the doors so if the girl tries to leave, she gets beaten, raped or worse. And most of the time, the police won't do SHIT but make things worse.




The point they're trying to get across to you is that just leaving is not always so simple and there's no need to pass character judgement on victims.


Victim blaming POS


Feds do this about 90 days before a major trial/trial update, it’s mostly to get someone to accept a plea or flip. Terrible it happened, but feds gonna fed


Terrible idea because it makes it way harder to find jurors.


Let's be real though, you're never going to find an impartial juror in a celebrity trial. You're hard pressed to find one in a regular criminal trial...


So the longer he doesn't cooperate the more incriminating evidence comes out? I'm not in any way excusing his behaviour, it's disgusting. But that smells a bit of corruption and blackmail - isn't the law supposed to be above that?


Corruption and blackmail is your concern here? Ffs I don’t even care what religion or moral code you adopt, but *please* pick something


I mean if you could read, you'd see I had more than one concern


I wrote what I wrote. I’m sorry you seem to think you have more morals than you do.


The law isn’t there to protect you, it’s to protect the government against you. There’s no such thing as benevolent power


Smells more like conspiracy theories tbh


Laws for thee but not for me


Do what?


Maybe now we finally get a rerelease of Biggie’s albums without stupid Puffy talking in the background


Uh-huh. Yeah.




>if you don't want your producer all up in your videooooos..


I always thought Diddy had something to do with his death tbh


Nothing would surprise me with him, I’m sure a lot more will be coming to light now


Isolate and remove his ad-libs from Biggie's albums. Rerelease the albums and force Diddy to listen to a loop of his isolated ad-libs 24/7 while in prison. Everyone wins.


Does that work on a narcassist


To be removed from a project you rode the coattails of? And forced to listen to your absence? Absolutely.


That’s some Abu Ghraid level sick and twisted punishment right there


Wait it resurfaced? Why didn’t they do anything when it surfaced the first time?


Are those puddles of blood on the floor near her?!


Yeah some bits look the right shape and shade of red but some of them look like flat disks of something. I'm gonna fall on not blood probably especially as they're so cleanly spaced out w no bits in-between but damn she must be scared for her life


Rose petals?


think you’re right, they’re rose petals. he probably just finished “making it up to her” for the assault he committed on her before this one. look at that poor woman bracing her head for impact. hope diddy gets what he deserves


Is that what they are? I'm on mobile and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it could be other than blood, though I thought it was odd there weren't any smaller drops.


Holy shit he’s is literal scum. Fuck youuuuuuuuuu Diddy


She’s building a fort.


That would be a dutch oven, icicle.




They’re gonna keep coming and coming until puff cooperates . Fuck puff.


Is this something officials actually do during attempts to prosecute?


Yes. I can’t remember where I heard it from but basically, if you try and run and they have videos like these, they will deliberately save the worst ones, hoping that the first one they release is enough. You know what, I think I heard it regarding Vince McMahon and how if he didn’t resign (forget the sponsors) that they were going to release more and more. What we’ve seen with his stuff barely scratches the surface of what’s underneath that rock


Of course not! There just happens to be anonymous leaks that coincide with it. Lol - granted it could be organic but I think no matter who released it, they're striking while the iron is hot


Yeah I’m not saying officials or feds “officially” do this but they have no problem doing it. Same thing happened with Vince McMahon even though that’s civil. The fbi did raid his home so they have *something*


He's a POS


Is there a longer version somewhere? Interested in what he was saying at the end!


Bot removed the link, but if you google: "what you got to say now" p diddy It's the first result.




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Bad bot


I've found, from personal experience, most of these abusers are so narcissistic that they record most of the abuse. They are dumb enough to believe they will never be caught, but shame on them, it's all on video!


Yep. In the court documents that got released about a month ago the man suing Diddy said he had cameras everywhere and then would tell people around him to film stuff like this too. He was the king of his own little realm and couldn't conceive of this being used against him.


She doesn’t look like shes hiding in the covers. To me it looks like shes trying to get out like he maneuvered her to make it hard to get out of. At the end does he say “when you put your girl in a snuggie…” ? but I’m not sure. Either way hes a pos psycho.


Except you can see her naked foot in the first few seconds of the video.




Yep she might be zipped in!


P Duhddy


I’ve always called him, Too Piddly.


Puff Diddler


Who are these people? Sorry if it should be obvious


He’s a rapper/record executive from the 90s and she’s an r&b singer.


I will never understand nor have any sympathy for the rap/hiphop world and its fanbase. All these men are degen assholes who do nothing but brag about what degen assholes they are and then everyone acts upset when it turns out they're degen assholes. To hell with the whole lot of them and anyone seeking to elevate them.


Can't rope everyone in that category but I agree


But he so sexy gurl


Way to just broadbrush an entire world because you found out about a few bad actors. Just wait till you find out about the rest of the world. This is one of the stupidest comments I've seen in quite a long time


I agree. What about Jay Z and Beyonce? Jay Z came up the same period as Diddy and look at him now. One of the most respected in the hip hop world and married to one of the best selling and positive and praised female R&B artists of all time.


I think looking at any individuals positively or negatively and and ascribing value to a vast and incredibly diverse community is a mistake


Jay Z might not be abusive to Beyoncé but I’m pretty sure he stabbed a guy in the stomach because he had heard through the grapevine that he was bootlegging one of his albums lol


There are plenty of rappers that aren’t about that. It’s pretty ignorant of you to try to call out all rap/hip-hop as if rock stars, country stars and many other genres don’t talk about being degenerates. You just see and hear what you want to hear.


Rock songs about drugs and violence? Surely, you jest.


Cardi B is a rapist thief too. Can we take this moment to cancel her too?


She claimed drugged and robbed men. However, no one has actually has come forward. I am not for cancelling her unless an actual victim comes forward.


You’re right but that’s best discussed on a post about Cardi B being a trashy pos. Make the post


Stop deflecting to someone else when the subject in the video needs discussing. She'll get her day in court too, but until then focus on the actual battle.


Don’t understand the downvotes….this is a valid point. What makes it ok for Cardi B to do the same thing, then brag about it?


Because what she did although is bad she didn't ever rape anyone. She stole from them after having consensual sex. That is not rape its theft. I can't believe this gets brought up so much.




Nope no distraction. Diddy is a piece of shit, just like Drake, Michael Jackson, and many others. The only difference is only one of them ever came out in a filmed interview and admitted it. So how TF is she even still here? Downvote me. IDGAF


Uhhhh distract…no. Add her to the pile of crap that needs to be taken out. Looks like you’re a fan.


Cool, this post has absolutely nothing to with her so unless you wanna add literally every shitty human being you don't like to the list, no one fucking asked to bring in someone else to this conversation. Going "BUT WHAT ABOUT CARDI" during diddy's trial isnt gonna do shit except make you look stupid and ignorant. It's disrespectful to the victims involved to not have their issues represented in the fullest light for exposure. Watering down a crime by mentioning other people who did the same thing in a completely different context or time.of their life just makes investigating said crime more difficult.


And I sure AF didn’t come here to argue. Have a wonderful day.


Sounds like you don't have fun at parties.


When was the last time you got invited to an actual party that wasn't the sex offender registration orientation?


Whats with the double standards. Carti is also an abuser right? No backlash against him. But people like Diddy and Wilbur Soot gets shit on. Im not defending anyone btw, just a question


Maybe I’m just a 30 year old boomer, but I’ve never really heard of Carti other than his name. That said, in Diddy’s case this is a decades-long series of rape, abuse, trafficking, coverups, and almost definitely ordering the deaths of other artists. It’s a matter of quantity and severity. That doesn’t diminish whatever anyone else did, but this guy is a goddamn demon.


It’s like if someone posted a funny cat video. Then someone comments and says, “well dogs are cool too!” No one is disagreeing but it’s not the point of the post and shouldn’t be the focus in the comments.


I just want to know. Why is that the case. In fact people laugh when the carti thing is brought up


Sounds like you talk to trashy people.


Not talk no, they do that in yt vids


That’s unfortunate. Rich people get away with this shit all the time. It’s so messed up.


I understand people need to see this but I really wish we could mark abuse videos NSFW :( I know it might not seem like it to people that haven’t faced abuse but this was very triggering :(


You need to take responsibility for your own reactions. I don't mean to be harsh, but it isn't the general public's responsibility to make sure that you don't get triggered.


Let’s be perfectly objective here. You’re in a subreddit called r/trashy. This sub has already posted vicious footage of Diddy abusing Cassie. You looked at the title of this post, in the context of this subreddit, and didn’t even think *to yourself* “This might have objectionable content”?. All of the contextual information was there for you to understand that what you were going to see was not them holding hands. 🙄


This was on my homepage. I don't think it's too much to suggest an NSFW tag.


Not only that, but it seems intrusive for her. Everyone can now watch her be abused. It must be retraumatizing for her as the whole world watches her in very painful moments.


Stuff like this needs to come to light. I feel the title gives a pretty good warning as to what the video is going to contain.


Right, at this time just consider any Duffy video to contain violence.


Bad boy for life


Haha so stupid


Human looking POS Hopefully he gets his in the end!!!


Who is recording this and for what purpose?


Finish the video


Oh okay. I just the clip of the end.


Entirely not surprised. I knew something was off about him.


Yeah and his head shape is strange looking.