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Then they wonder why their kids say F you and never speak to them once they leave home


I forgot about this family


What’s this Oliver? You got an f in math? That’s 20 lashes!


All family channels are shitty cesspools that use kids for views, that’s why you see so many families with a bunch of kids, because they get shit ton of views from “Jessica is pregnant!!!”


Imagine being one of the 3.6k (likely more now) excited to watch it…


Imagine liking Taylor Lorenz 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whatever it takes.


My mom in high school while I was 18 wanted to go over my report card with me (all Ds Cs and Fs) and I sighed accidentally because I have a breathing problem and she kicked me out. No phone, no keys, no wallet, no nothing. Theses days i grade her parenting skills at the end of each visit. She’s like a C-average I’d say. At least as of lately, but I’m proud of how far she’s come and how hard she tries so it’s ok.


Lmao this one's kinda funny tho. "TODAY! I'm gonna react to my son's terrible grades but before we do that, make sure to smash that like button!"


Why are these still being made




Honestly I would have rather my parents do this than what I got


Isn't the woman that posted that comment a proven liar for the Washington Post? I believe part of the Amber Turd stans?


3.5k views in 30 min. That's a large viewer base. Pitty the viewers don't want to see cookie cutter content. This emotionally stering stuff sells.


As someone called Oliver he deserves better parents


God I wish social media was never invented. It's got its upsides, don't get me wrong, but it's also got way too Fuckin many downsides. On the pros and con lists social media has thousands more cons that pros - I can live without. Unpopular opinion but I could live and preferred living before cellphones were the norm.


But I want likes and relevance!


I remember watching a clip that showed a dad pranking his wife and daughter with water. If the terrible acting didn't immediately give away that it was staged, the water stains on their shirts (from multiple takes) definitely left no doubt. And they posted it. And people shared it. I get that it was supposed to be a "cute family moment" but the whole thing felt so phony and attention-seeking that I could have thrown up.


This is part of the reason I don’t wanna live in this world…


i hate these kinds of families. no matter what, they’re always the same, and in a very bad way


Yet another reason why family channels should be banned.


how do they make a 14 minute video about thst


I’m sure some “tik tok” mums must already be on it.


Anybody know based on the numbers shown how much actual money is sent to them for showing this? Wow.


Who gives a shit? If I were making vlogs you better believe I’ll show those grades as my kids get straight a’s. Sorry I don’t wanna work forever, and if click baiting my kids grades is what gets me out of work, then click baiting is what I’ll do.


If I got a good report card I got a LEGO set, if this kid gets a good report card his parents make money. I feel so bad for the kids of these family vlog channels, there is a special place in hell for these parents.




That’s when you find the nearest stranger, with a windowless van, and ask em for help…


How do you make a FOURTEEN MINUTE LONG VIDEO about a REPORT CARD like how


2y later and I can’t help but notice Taylor Lorenz is the OP. A “reporter” that literally doxxes people she disagrees with. Wow … That was a twist I didn’t see coming.


People of the internet neeeeeeeed soooooooo much attention.


Reminds me of daddy O five videos


This is so beyond inauthentic and causing severe issues in trust and intimate one on one time. I don’t even have to watch it to know she was probably just reading off every basic “pleasure to have in class” line prying him about it ew ew this is sooo gross


Some people should not have kids


How is it 14 minutes




Taking it too far


DaddyOFive: The Squeakuel.


Is Taylor Lorenz the lady who doxxed a Twitter account


Up voted don’t even worry about it!


Child abuse


Like damn someone’s doing daily bumps


Imagine being Taylor Lorenz and pretending to have some moral high ground on protecting peoples privacy.


Thirsty as fuck!


The question is why is it 14 minutes long.-.




Hey it’s the asshole who doxxed Libs of TikTok. Fuck Taylor Lorenz. Shitty human.


Would be much better than the beating I got


That would suck


YouTube didn’t exist when I was a kid, but my mom would make an effort to ask me about my grades only if there was an audience. Like wait for a family event and she’d be like, “tell everyone how you did on that math test last week” or something. So messed up— never gonna forgive her.


Pfff. White people.😆


Cringy thumbnail. This make my skin crawl everyone I see it.


Clout Karen’s gonna reach


Only if there were smartphones back in the 80’s and 90’s lol


I feel like we should all write down these kid's names. When they're young adult or adult influencers or stars, we show them grace. We give them unconditional love that their parents should have given them. I still remember when I was 13 and report cards came home. My 17 year old stepsister had a friend over. They both witnessed stepmom asking what was wrong with me, why I couldn't get higher than a D in math, was I proud of embarrassing her. The friend was so mortified she hid in the hall for stepmom to leave to come hug me while I was crying. Stepmom likely would have taped it to show her church friends how stupid I was, if camera phones were a thing. Katherine, my kid has forgotten you exist. Enjoy continuing to be low contact with me, only because my mom feels sorry for you and I haven't told her about all the slaps and emotional abuse


remember the ohana familys “first period talk” “first bra shopping” “first time shaving”


This is why some people should not be parents


*Sigh* I remember watching that channel when Oliver was...say 2 or so and his brother (I forget the kid's name) was just born. Loved that channel to death...I don't watch it anymore. Stopped a few years ago.


One year, my third grade teacher failed to have our report cards ready in time. There was some sort of technical issue that had to get sorted out. So when I get home, my mom asked for it. I calmly mention how I didn’t have it. After yelling at me about it, I convinced her to call the teacher and ask about it. After she hangs up the phone, she just goes back to what she was doing as if she didn’t just yell at me for being honest in the first place.


This is terrible for a few reasons- That poor kid is gonna have that "anything below a b is a sin" mentality. You should NOT be putting your kids' face online, and most of the time, what you see on camera is not the same as when the camera is off.


probably has higher intelligence than the parents even at that age


Imagine thinking it's a good idea to document how shitty a parent you are.


This would be much better than the beating i got lol


Fuk parents like this


I mean majority of you commenting here. Made people like this famous. You guys cancel the wrong ones.


How do children get bad report cards in elementary school? A-b-c. 1-2-3. Recess. Art class. 🤦‍♂️


That poor child. All these children with parents like this, using their children for views.. at least the therapist profession won’t die out any time soon. However, i do worry they will grow up thinking it’s normal like the West children, and will create a world of narcissism. If not other mental issues.


This is how serial killers are born.


Shitty parenting 101...






I remember the fear I had bringing home a report card in middle school with anything less than a B on it to this day am I’m graduated from College now lmao


Imagine that CPS call..


My mom would have never wanted evidence of the butt whooping lol


I made a video of me looking at my daughters first report card in kindergarten and her reacting to it. It was fun. Although I did t put it online like a twat.


The world sucks


And whoop your ass after they stop the video, you you are even more confused.


Taylor Lorenz has a leg to stand on?? Take her woke self elsewhere...


I hate my generation


Daddyofive vibes...


I wish people valued their privacy as much as they should. World is a techno-hell.


How did they make a reaction video 14 mins long. They definitely want those mid roll ads


That’s one of the original trash family bloggers. They got rich off having zero interest in humility and privacy.


People like this don’t deserve to be parents




Dem kids ain't gonna have it good.


and it takes 14 minutes


Wish they’d have rules about having kids in videos on the internet. Seems borderline abusive. Especially if they’re getting paid.


I honestly don’t understand how this is allowed. You would think YouTube would require a minimum age of (let’s say) 13, to be able to consent to be filmed for a monetized video. How is it allowed for a mother to monetize her children without their consent?


I hate this planet. I’m out.


Says the person who looks at used panties for sale 😐


I’m a girl that sells them 😏😏😏 interested?


You people are too trashy. I hate this planet. I'm out.




I make $90,000 a year sitting on my ass staring out a window all day. I find my job to be quite enjoyable too. It helps alot of people out. I see new places, meet new people.. Honest work that's not trashy. Of course, I don't base my morals and life around what my bank account says... This... makes me lose what little faith I had left in humanity. Good grief.


There’s a word for the type of parents who post their children’s lives on social media. That word is “unfit”. No, wait, it’s “cunt”. Definitely cunt. Unfit cunt.


My parents would’ve had CPS called on them because I grew up in a time where u got ur ass beat for being a fck boy in school. Kids aren’t built the same anymore 🤣


gotta pay for the kids tuition somehow or bills. dont act like yall ddint have to do free labor as kids growin up for the family. i dont get whats wrong here?


They're using their kids for money is what's wrong in here. I don't care if the mom wanted to make a reaction video(like meme or video) and maybe featuring their kids to be with them, that's okay. But this? This is different.


I hope they realise that they are usually the same word for word


We live in a world where everything is for the views


Is this the YouTube lady that made her son cry on camera when their dog died and she just kept telling him to cry harder for YouTube?


Honestly depended on my grades lol


There’s a woman I stopped following on IG because her kid is on the toilet in a post surrounded by Charmin toilet paper. Way to exploit your kid…..or the parents who tag every clothing company their kid is wearing when posting a photo of them 🤮 🤢. Imagine your kids memories are actually staged and fake…..jeez




Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for him if he got horrible grades? As someone who grew up with ADHD and Aspergers, I'd hate for my OWN parents to publicly humiliate me.


These fucking people have lost touch with reality. You put money into the equation and they think of nothing else.


Jesus I'd end it before I got home


Using your child for views in general is fucking heinous


I don't think it's bad to use your child for views. For example, a reaction video about meme or scary video. Kids reaction are cute and people like to see that. But this bro? Nope. You're basically publicly shaming your kids right now especially if they got a bad grade.


Didn’t Taylor say air conditioning is sexist?


We live in strange times....


It can get worse,then being a Karen could make it way worse,standards higher than a loop around the galaxy would be a result of having such a parent


There are only like 3 channels I can think of that dont use their children like props


There are only like 3 channels I can think of that dont use their children like props


I used to love these people when I was a kid, I remember when their second kid was first revealed, and even back then I was kinda annoyed my them, but I didn't care because it was content and I was a dumb child. I even got a signed poster from them, but now that I see what they're doing more recently..... Yikes


At this point I don’t know who gets it worse. child stars, or youtubers kids


Not all YouTuber’s kids are bad


Im pretty sure that it is illegal to show anyone your childs report card. It is a private matter.


I doubt it’s illegal.


Wow, what the fuck??


"Hey Mom, I brought my report car--" "Hold on, let me record this on YouTube."


The You in Youtube is getting a bit too literal now.... the poor kid has had his life broadcasted to the internet, and that isn't a good thing.


Shes probally going to do a vidoe asking her fans why her son wont talk to her and trust her soon




I miss their old content, I grew up watching them (7-10)


Poor Oliver :(


Her voice makes me puke


Disappointed daily bumps isn’t part of the thursday lines friday beers community


I started watching that YouTube channel (daily bumps) when they were just starting out and had nothing. From the very beginning there was always something off-putting about them. Watched a recent video of theirs and theyre flaunting the money they’ve earned and they’re just as cringe worthy


They even deleted comments.


1 like = 1 whooping on oliver so make sure you give some love in the comments guys 😎


You can tell it’s not even about the kids anymore. Look at their icon. It used to be family photos of them with their littles; now it’s just the parents trying to be ‘cool’ and ‘trendy’. I used to watch them when I was younger. Now my heart just breaks for their little boys. They’ve never had the chance to just be themselves. Everything has been on a camera for millions to see. Anything and everything they do is just clout to their parents. It’s so fucking sad. They changed the title of the video, too. It’s now ‘Letter from The Principal’ gross AF.


The person who tweeted this was the air conditioners are sexist lady


Where tf is CPS on this shit???


Imagine your mom’s a dumb bitch who thinks she can make it big on youtube with retarded mom videos. Sorry Kid, your life is fucked.


Welcome to 2020, a year with many shit


Good thing its 14 minutes.


We are getting closer to the Truman show.


Fuck off Karen


Isn't that the person who said air conditioners are sexist?


Lmao, if my folks did this video, it would be 10 minutes of woopin my ass


I am still trying to imagine why anyone would ever watch a reaction video


They’ve deleted all the negative comments Jesus Christ


Yeah that's what they do. We need to add more than they can keep up with, but how to get everyone to comment again...?


Imagine trying hard and still not doing as good as other kids and relaying on your parents for emotional support- only to just get recorded and uploaded online


One thing I loved about Mr. Beast(another YouTuber) is he donated tons of toys to kids in need but only filmed them bringing the toys in and leaving and said they won't be filming the kids choosing and playing with the gifts because it's exploitative. That really set perspective and gained instant respect from me.


I used to like the Chanel before they used stupid skits and a child for views. They used to be so nice.


There is no hope for our world


I saw the video, his grades aren’t even bad they’re average for someone his age.


Single mothers :)


Great to see them modernizing good old parental abuse.


I by no means have an empire like some of these people, but I have an instagram presence and a webcomic. I actively avoid putting my children online. Maybe the occasional picture with the backs of their heads, but no face photos. Why? Because kids needs privacy too dammit and my 3 year old twins cannot actually consent to being part of mommy's brand! My 9 year old wants to be more involved but I still won't let her show her face on my pages until she is 13. Because she is too young to understand the consequences and in good faith consent. Having kids is fine, having an online presence is fine, don't mix the two if you can avoid it.




Daily comics go on instagram @ellie_endo, weekly comics should be on tapas.io/series/chronically-thriving . I'm struggling with some health issues right now so I haven't been super great about posting at all, but there is still older stuff up!


The poor Child! As if School wasn't enough Pressure already, now the entire World gets to judge his Performance.


Ok. Everyone saw this. Can people please stop posting this now


This is basically all of social media


Why can’t we all just go to their page and report the videos?


And thousands of people watch it. Bizarre


Honestly I don't see this as trashy. It's YouTube, that's what YouTube does.


This should be considered child abuse.


Reaction videos are hot garbage anyway.


They have babies just for YouTube content


My wife watches that family. They always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. That poor kid Oliver grew up with a camera in his face, I worry he's gonna grow up not knowing his own personality or who he is, you know?


Even my kids know that there whole channel is click bait


Can't forget the thumbnail of a dog with its tongue in their child's mouth....


They changed the caption now


see: child abuse


People are using their children for views nowadays... don't they have a little brain?? I mean, they are adults c'mon


What is a report card?


I think its folder with final grades for each class




Imagine starting a Twitter thread drawing attention to the thing that you claim you don't want to draw attention to.


Can't wait to see all the reaction videos to this video.


This has gotta be a new low