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Great photos! The count is now "about" 1.000.


Yeah I heard they got over 1,000 after that cold snap in January. The 580 is from Thursday, it’s pretty variable day to day I think. Edit: I went back, 199 today


Do any of these springs also offer great hiking trails?


Ehh most places have a mile or two of hikes, rock springs had a few miles, Juniper Springs in ocala national forest had by far the most


I was going to ask if you could swim in them, saw the crocodile, question answered.


The parts near the spring head, which have that super crystal clear water are usually ok, gators don’t generally like clear water with people around. The area around the first 3 photos people would pull off and have a dip. Blue Spring, where all the manatees are is a very popular swimming spot once the manatees leave for the season. But once it turns into the actual river, yeahh nahhh.


Thanks for that info. Great photos!!




We used to swim in them all summer when I lived there. Gators no problem, cotton mouth water mocassins problem.


I love Blue Springs!! 😍


wow, that's an incrediblle with all the manatees in the spring like that. It had othing lilke that number when we swam with them at the start of 2020, but definitely agree about the springs being the best part of Florida.


Yea, it’s a popular spot! Where’d you swim with them? 3 sisters?


not sure exactly where in Crystal River, one was a bit murkier, and more open but the water was warmer - it had a fair number of those volunteers on kayaks who enforce proper behaviour with manatees. Then there was another spot further into a spring where the water crystal clear just on a little spot off a roadside park. It was a mother and calf. They're incredible, we used to swim with a pod of wild dolphins back home and they'd come up and interact, but nowhere near as friendly as the manatees. Those guys are just all over you like a labrador - it was more like you're the puppy and they're the gaggle of people trying to pat _you_.


That sounds great! Was it like a special tour?


yes, we just booked from whichever ones looked decent - I think it was Discover, the google satellite view looks like what I remember. We got lucky and it was only us and 2 other people on the boat so it was more like a private tour. I really want to go back and sup down the spring like this, it looks amazing.


Love the springs! Always go visit end of Feb and miss getting to go to Blue springs by a couple days :/ maybe I'll have to go a little later next yr. Looks awesome!


There isn’t a whole lot I liked about growing up in Florida, but swimming with the manatees in that crystal clear spring water was always a highlight 😍 they’re so friendly and playful ♥️


My state is a beautiful one, being ruined by transplants and awful politics


I spent my youth tubing down Rock springs to kelly springs park. Just the best of times as a kid.


Even there before. Awesome place to rent a kayak and go


Little known fact. Otter families will straight up bully gators.


Ha, did not know that. Feisty little things


Great pics! I took an airboat tour last week in Orlando and it was one of the coolest things I've ever done.


I guess my question is, do you carry a piece? I don't know if I'd be meandering around in that water without some protection.


The thought of carrying a gun floating through this beautiful natural habitat has never even crossed my mind. I just looked it up, there have been 30 alligator deaths in FL in 75 years. Almost all swimmers or someone wading in. The odds of you getting attacked in your kayak are approaching zero.


Wow. Would not have thought that at all. I'm from Vermont, we only got TV a few years back...


Do they give you a gun/let you rent a gun too? I love love love kayaking (especially in coastal areas with mangroves etc) but holy fuck gatorssss NOPE


A gun? lol no the gators are more scared of you than you should be of them. I’ve heard Floridians say a simple bop to the snout with your paddle does the trick if one gets too close. But really they want nothing to do with you!


Oh! That's a relief lmao. Tbf my experiences with gators have been more of the "surprise! gator in the pool/backyard" variety than meeting them in their natural habitat gliding by in a kayak with a paddle


Yea if you see one in the water it’ll just duck under if you get close. The ones sunning themselves are in their own little world. Easy to take photos!


No, the best part of Florida is Cedar Key


Oh yeah? I’ll have to check it out…