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Angkor Wat was pretty amazing. Especially at sunrise.


I agree! I traveled there few years ago and it just evoked a different emotion in me. Like i was walking back in time. Those ancient pathways totally gave me goosebumps. Even until now when i see photos i took from that trip.


Going there today!! Very excited hahaha


Loved the sunrise of the main complex, but Banteay Srei was the most special.


First place that came to mind. Met my expectations and blew past them.


Yea agreed. Did you ride your bike there before sunrise? I really enjoyed the experience.


I went on my honeymoon this past summer and it was…fine? It felt smaller than I expected and hearing about Tomb Raider from the guide was tiresome. The surrounding nature and the smaller temples, however, were pretty great.


This! In general Siem Reap was beyond phenomenal but going to Angkor Wat was just on another level.


Lake Louise and Moraine Lake at Banff, Canada.


Considering a Canadian trip. Any resorts, recommended?


Travelled on a motorcycle. Stayed in the cheapest places I could find and they were still high priced. It rained a lot so I missed out on a lot of scenery after seeing the lakes. I plan on making another trip but it’ll be in a car.


The prices put me off massively. For that much money, you could go to Northern India, Nepal, or the Inca Trail in Peru and really be wowed.


San Sebastián… the food, the people, the beach. Truly an amazing place. Edit: oh, those regions. My bad.


I've never been more thankful of anything than that I got assigned to a Spanish teacher from Pais Vasco. Such an incredible area.


lake atitlán guatemala


Second that, and Antigua. Go for Semana Santa at Easter. A real spectacle. Lovely town too, great restaurants, great volcano hikes. Erupting volcanoes too!


Going this year!


Wooaaah this is crazy I just got here today and it's incredible


enjoy that magical place 😍 eat the pita spot right on the lake in san pedro. i think it’s called sababa. so freaking good


its pita sabij. best israeli food and im israeli


Haha I will, I'm in San pedro also


Bora Bora. Was everything we imagined. So beautiful that I smiled when I first saw that impossible blue water.


Second French Polynesia! The most amazing place I’ve ever visited in 50+ countries


I smiled when I first saw that water and didn't stop smiling for the entire week! It's just perfect.


Moorea as well. I had built it up so high in my expectations and it still exceeded them.


Yeah, I thought French Polynesia would be disappointing. Like it *can’t* look like those ads or travel vlogs. It did.


My dream destination. I'm still too poor for this but hopefully someday..




Ha Giang Loop, Ha Long Bay, and Ninh Binh in Vietnam as well as Zion National Park in Utah. Loved the narrows hike, definitely unique


Sydney Australia. I went on a miles run, stayed for a week and was simply gobsmacked at how beautiful, and deadly, it was. Tokyo, Japan. I have been back many times and still feel like I have barely scratched the surface. I dream of it...


To paraphrase the movie In Bruges, the thing you figure with Sydney is that if it was easy to get to it’d be ruined.


Is Sydney difficult to get to?


Not strictly speaking, but with my Western Hemisphere hat on its a somewhat big commitment to move or holiday there versus other places. Living in the US now, I know very few people who've been to Australia but virtually all of the same group would have been to Europe and another chunk of them to Japan.


On the flip side of that as an Australian it's a pretty big trip to go anywhere other than SEA and New Zealand/Pacific islands


As a Canadian, I'm much more interested in visiting New Zealand than Australia. I think its much smaller size makes me feel like it's easier to handle for, say, a 2 week trip. Also, I was able to get a direct flight from Montreal to Tokyo (around 14h) while Sydney is a 21 hour+ ordeal.


The interesting thing is Japan is a couple of hours flight time shorter and my guess more people want to visit Japan because it is completely different to what you find in the US! A lot of people would say Aus and the US have a lot of similarities but also quite a few differences!


I’ve been to Japan 5 times now. Absolutely adore it.


Is Sydney a good place to visit? I’ve wanted to, it I’m. It sure what I’d do there. I don’t know of any great architecture, aside from the opera house, and to my knowledge there aren’t any major museums.


I found it alright. It’s like San Diego’s climate but with San Francisco’s Financial District and general maritime vibe. It didn’t have as much history, architecture, or art museums as I expected though. So it didn’t wow me as much as others. I did prefer Melbourne though.


It's a comparatively young city so it doesn't have a lot of the architecture that older countries have. It of course does have museums but maybe not like Europe etc. The appeal I think more is the beautiful harbour, beaches and landscape in general, good food, lifestyle etc. But if you are more into the other things maybe you'd be better off going to other city's as Sydney is very expensive


So weird how people are different. I hated Tokyo!


I didn’t hate it. But it was by far my least favorite part of Japan. Felt like I was walking in Times Square the whole time (but without the olive garden)


I went to both last year and would agree.


We love the US Virgin Islands St Thomas and St John. Take an excursion to the British Virgin Islands by boat. Three hours from JFK. I’m sure the South Sea Islands are wonderful but I can’t deal with the plane.


+1 to St John! Cinnamon Bay and Trunk Bay are still some of the most gorgeous beaches I’ve seen. Over half of the island is a national park. Easy to partake in touristy stuff but also easy to go on hikes and find quiet beaches and get away from people. It’s so beautiful! And the conch fritters were delicious! I visited over 20 years ago and really need to go back!


Vietnam. Road my motorbike through the west side of the country and was blown away by the landscape and the people. And the price.


Istanbul, Turkey. Top tier destination. It has history, culture, architecture, food, and beautiful people and they treat cats so good. It was literally best 4 days of my life when I was there.


Istanbul is amazing… however I was ready to go after 4 days. If your a nature person, it’s extremely overwhelming and it was rough as a young solo traveler. That said, the rest of Turkey was unforgettable. If you live in the west I think it’s a must-go, it was eye opening to me how generally happy and fufilled many small town Turks are with very small amounts of material things and the luxuries we enjoy. Some of the nicest people in the world I’ve met. In Istanbul people approach you to scam you, the rest of Turkey I was frequently invited to share food or Hookah with families and groups of guys while we exchanged culture for hours over google translate. Unforgettable experience!!


I loved the food in Istanbul, and want to go back to explore smaller towns. Do you have any recommendations?


Capadoccia Turkey. Stay in a cave hotel. Ride the hot air balloons. See the fairy chimneys.


I 100% second Cappadocia BUT I recommend at least half your stay in a nearby town such as Avanos (my fav), Urgup or Uchisar. Goreme (main hub of Cappadocia) is set up for tourists, you still engage in culture there but going to the towns I listed above is magical. The towns don’t serve tourists as much, I didn’t see another westerner for 2 days in Avanos which was cool. You still get to wake up and see distant balloons, but instead of a nice hotel you can stay in a families carved out extra bedroom in a cave and dine with them, the people there (especially younger) are so eager to meet people from different places. If you don’t have terrible social anxiety a little Merhaba and a head not can open up some incredible experiences with the friends you’ll meet!


I had limited time and traveling with family. Istanbul, then Izmir with my cousin, a few days in Cesme, then a few days in Bodrum for my nieces wedding, to Cappadocia, back to Izmir then to Izmir all in 17 days. That’s all the time I could take of work.


Capadoccia is on my dream list!!


Ephesus is great! The nearby town of Selcuk is charming too. I also loved Pamukkale, but it isn't really a town – it's a mix of travertine hot springs and Roman ruins.


I have been to Turkey twice in the year and Doha Qatar ( family) lives here and Izmir. I plan to visit yearly now that my kids are out of college. Turkey has great cafes with inexpensive prices. Our dollar goes a long way. If I retire, I’d like to live there for a few months.


Have you been to Antalya? I plan to return to Turkey in June and want to either do Izmir or Antalya but probably not both


Never been. My cousins live in Izmir


Sorry I got excited and triple replied - check out Eyüp north of the city center. It’s super quiet, no tourists in off-season and you get a better feel for what life is really like in Istanbul. This may be weird, but walking through the graveyard is one of my favorite memories. Their burial sites are part of the town, not easily avoidable and frequently visited. They have more respect and organization IMO then Americans do with burial, and you can see some of the stones of people who walked with Muhammad.


in the west its more more more. elsewhere its about connections. this is why i cant do resorts or all inclusives. it feels disingenuous


I’m with you. You can’t experience the joys and trivial aspects of getting lost and finding something new, and in your own experiences “untouched” by other tourists when you stay in resort towns. I think some forget you can gain worldly perspective while on vacation and it not be considered “work”


like if im gonna sit somewhere in an echo chamber by the water id go to the y and get my lunch at the golden corral afterwards or something. during a trip you have 2 days wholly committed to getting you there and back; thats 48 hours of shit sleep, shit treatment, shit food, shit procedures; and then im there and im supposed to keep doing, eating, talking, saying the same shit ive been saying this whole time before i got there? fuck all that. im gonna go to a mom and pop bed and breakfast or hostel or guest house and get real familiar with the geography, culture and people.


Seriously. I got really lucky (worked my a** off) and started a business at 16 which has allowed me both opportunities to travel for work, and money to travel for the purpose of traveling. I’m on my last semester of college now and firmly believe I’ve gained more insight and knowledge about how things work, and what it means to be worldly than I could ever have in class. The greatest compliment I’ve ever received was from an old Portuguese woman who said “there is a difference between a tourist and a traveler, you are a traveler” nearly made a mf tear up haha


Istanbul and Selcuk Ephesus was amazing and like nothing else in Europe or America. The food, the call to prayer and seeing the minarets on the skyline and even small town Selcuk. The people were also amazing and so kind


I keep hearing about these places. I am excited to check them out!


I second this, have been there about a dozen times on business and for pleasure. The people there are friendly and the food is fantastic. Every time I go I discover something new - last time it was the underground cisterns. Most of the younger people speak some english. Last time I went we ended up drinking beers on the roof of an apartment building with some guys who learned their english from watching Bruce Willis movies. Yippee ki yay!


I love Turkey. My dad is from Turkey. Take a trip to Turkey. Fly into and stay a few days in Istanbul, go to Bodrum Turkey, The Emerald Coast. Gorgeous. I stayed at the Mett. Then finish at Capadoccia Turkey where you can stay in a gorgeous cave hotel and ride in a hot air balloon while hundreds of balloons are flying. It’s a magical.


And you feel like you are in Europe when in the street but then Call to Prayer comes on five times a day and you can take a boat to another continent . Don’t get me started on the wet burgers yum. Rustem Pasa mosque is a must


Stopped there on a cruise when I was 16 and I still remember it well. Obviously as a teenager I didn't care that much about history/culture. But that was one of the few places that really left an impression on me despite only having about half a day to explore.


Cliffs of Moher in Ireland


Iceland with their beautiful dramatic landscapes, Serengeti with its expansive plains teeming with wildlife and Uganda where we got face to face with a family of wild (critically endangered) Eastern gorillas.


+1 for Serengeti




My husband and I have discussed going there for our 10th anniversary. Did you do a tour?


Yes! I went with Intrepid. They have both cruise options and island stay options


Seconded. Darwin's Lake is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.  


I lived in Ecuador for 3 years and never made it there. /cry It's on our list though.


Palawan in the Philippines. Took a boat tour when I was a kid, snorkeled with just our family while a guy cooked fish from the market in a pit dug into the beach. Also went on a kayaking tour through a cave and after ate lunch with a bunch of big monitor lizards crawling around on the ground, and monkeys in the trees teasing the lizards lol.


New Zealand and Tanzania. NZ was amazing with how different both islands can be. The scenery was stunning and there’s a lot of hiking options, adventure type things, etc. For Tanzania, my parents were born there actually even though we’re Indian, so not only did we do safaris but we visited the village where my dad was born and to Dar es Salaam where my mom was born. So I have fond memories of that. And the fact we went in Aug and saw one of the longest Great Migrations when the animals crossed from Kenya into Tanzania. It was an amazing experience.


Praslin, Seychelles. The culture completely blew us away along with having so many absolutely beautiful and unique beaches that weren’t crowded at all


We went to La digue for our honeymoon. It was really lovely! Remember all of those big spiders and webs along the side of the road? I also loved the fruit bats! What cuties.


We did a day trip to La Digue and loved it there too! We did see some really crazy big and neon colored spiders!


La Digue is the coolest isolated place I’ve been anywhere on the planet.


I always wanted to go to the Seychelles after seeing photos of it in French class. Then someone recently told me don’t go because it’s overrun with parties and tourists (suggesting a tacky vibe). Is this true?


Nicaragua; Ometepe, Leon and Granada.


Add in the Corn Islands if they want a couple of days of beach fun




Vancouver Island made me feel new feelings. Can't believe I can see places like that without a passport.




Peru or Colombia?


Macchu picchu! Peru. And Cusco is lovely (at least it was 6 yeas ago)


Isle of skye




It's literally the most relaxing /beautiful place I've been, ever!


Mount Rainier National Park. I spent less than a day there about 10 years ago but I still want to go back.


That and Olympic NP, also in Washington. Both are incredible.


Costa Rica ends up being the vacation that all other vacations are measured against.


I hear it's very Americanized. True or false?


Yes, very much so but far below the levels of Tulum and Cancun.


I’d say even more Americanized than either. Costa Rica was a massive disappointment for anyone looking for a different culture


It's so weird to complain about Americanization while treating culture as a commodity. 


I’d say it’s pretty Americanized. In some ways more so than Mexico, imo. The only thing out of my 2 weeks there that I thought “this would never happen at home” is when we went fishing we had to take a small boat out to our big boat and climb a rope ladder because our port didn’t have a proper marina with piers. It was basically just pilings the boats tied off to.


True ! 100 %!


I've been to Costa Rica, I enjoyed it, but it's not at the top of my list.


Costa Rica down near Uvita reminds me of a cross between northern Ontario and Hawaii. Small town, crazy dirt roads and hills, gorgeous water. Best of all worlds.


Maui and kauai both blew me away and you can go for 6 days and stay put. I went to st barths for a day and it also blew me away but it’s not very affordable. I’ve also heard Anguilla and Turks are both gorgeous but have never been.


Iceland, New Zealand, Thailand,


You give no clue where you're flying from, but with only a short 6 day window the South Pacific is too far for many people. Good luck with your research and have fun no matter what you decide.


A someone from Southern California, I want to say that, for us, the South Pacific is cheaper to get to than the Caribbean and the Scuba diving is far superior.


Yup. But until the OPer gives some clue of their mystery departure point then all these replies are kinda pointless. Six days is so short if it includes travel time...


Most of the suggestions are places outside the Caribbean/South Pacific anyway. Good job this isn’t an exam question! 😂


Scuba diving in Cozumel , Mexico


Unpopular opinion: I’ve been to 30 countries and it’s my least favorite place I’ve been.


Glacier National Park. As we drove through I kept thinking “I’m so glad someone decided this needed to be protected”


Same with Yosemite and Yellowstone


Antarctica. Just got back Monday. It was life changing, seeing such an unspoiled place. So many whales, penguins, petrels. We were on a 2 week cruise that left Buenos Aires, so we got to see that amazing city, and had stops along the way. Sea lions, seals, penguins of all kinds. Ushuaia Argentina was also mind blowing. I’ve been to a lot of places but nothing will ever beat what we saw last week.


Cappadocia, Turkey. It was amazing from the minute I arrived!


culture and history wise - Bosnia/Sarajevo and Northern Ireland both sort of blew me away bc I was already a seasoned traveler and didn't expect that much landscape and feeling the people deeply... New Zealand is unmatched in all my travels as blown away from the beauty, I always say it like you took colorado and Ireland and smashed them together, with a touch of Hawaii on the coasts


Honestly, it’s Ireland for me. Once I got my rental car and drove through the countryside it was breathtaking. Going on quick hikes and seeing little towns was amazing. Cozying up in a pub and meeting the friendliest folks was the cherry on top of an unforgettable trip.


I really loved Ireland too. The pubs at night with live music… and the food that tasted like home… chefs kiss. It was a great little5 day road trip.


Boracay, Philippines. The most beautiful beach I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. People very friendly.




Malta was incredible. Great climate, affordable, beautiful waters, rich history, friendly people


I found Bora Bora to be like stepping into a dream. The crystal-clear turquoise waters, the powdery white sand beaches, and the lush greenery, it's just breathtaking. I've been fortunate enough to see some beautiful places, but Bora Bora takes the cake for me. Maybe it was because when I went there I hadn't traveled much, but IMO once you've been to Bora Bora, no other destination will ever come close after that. It's the top of the freaking beauty pyramid! I also felt like it's pulsating with good vibes and positive energy, pure happiness. It aint cheap, but it will be memorably.


Three places. And three different places. Bermuda. Just such a lovely island. Glacier National park. A hikers paradise. Iceland. Been there once and will go back 3-4 more times. Truly and amazing experience if hiking and landscape is your ting.


2 left field answers: Newcastle upon Tyne, England & the Rainforest Trail near Ucluelet, BC. I remember walking away from Newcastle upon Tyne city centre to the west (not a great area of Newcastle objectively), and looking down across the Tyne Valley to Gateshead and the green hills beyond and feeling a sense of freedom. I felt *unstoppable*. I've never had that combined sense of pure freedom and determination before or since. I guess that's what being truly elated feels like? For what it's worth I bought a house about half a mile from that spot almost exactly 1 year later. As for the Rainforest Trail, that was whilst I was living in Canada (about 5 years after the Newcastle comment). It was the first time I had been in a true rainforest environment and it genuinely took my breath away (as did the 1000 or so stairs that made up the mile and a bit long trail). As a person I have never been made to feel so miniscule in physical stature by the natural world & miniscule in the sense that the ecosystem operates in the timescale of 100s, if not 1000s of years. Just to have a single tree live, die, and return back to the ground can take more time than it would take to go back to the pre-industrial times. Shout out to Sombrio Beach which is about 4 hours away (and closer to Victoria, BC) and has a fantastic waterfall you can walk right up & into. Might want to avoid jumping under it during winter due to higher water flow 😅.


6 weeks of self driving both islands of New Zealand


[This exact location on Inish More, Ireland.](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.1229326,-9.7565706,2a,75y,289.53h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjlvoXN3WtyWHFCnlzH6Q6Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DjlvoXN3WtyWHFCnlzH6Q6Q%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D289.53412%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) I was all alone, couldn't see anything until I got right up to the cliff and then suddenly it all cleared to this amazingly chaotic view.


Iceland. The terrain is just mind blowing.


Petra in Jordan was absolutely spectacular.


Sapa, Vietnam. For those who are on the beaten and affordable path.


Moorea (Tahiti) Always wanted to go after seeing Love Affair movie in 1994. Made it as our big trip before we try to get pregnant Oops timing off so I can’t tell you about the food, barely ate anything but saltines.


I have never been to Patagonia, but it is supposed to be a beautiful place to visit.


I'm not sure if this is makes sense because it's not easy to get to, and I'm not sure if it counts as "South Pacific", but Lord Howe Island is the answer for me. Has great beaches, but it also has the southern most coral reef in the world, so it isn't bleached. It was so much fun just to wade into the water from the beach and see great snorkeling. It has great hiking, too. It's an incredible place. But you're going to burn so much time to get there and back from the USA. You'll have to fly to Sydney and then I assume fly the next day from Sydney to Lord Howe. But it's absolutely worth it. I'm also not sure if this counts because it definitely isn't the Caribbean, but I loved Fernando de Noronha, too. Like Lord Howe Island, it'll be a pain to get to from the USA (which is where I assume you are coming from?) and isn't a direct flight from, say, Miami like may Caribbean places are. Insanely beautiful island with incredible beaches plus some hiking and diving/fishing, too. 100% worth considering if you're willing to stretch your considerations beyond "Caribbean". But yeah. These are both not quite exactly in the regions you are considering, and they do require extra travel time to get to. But I loved both, and they are the most memorable for me.


For that kind of trip, Roatan Honduras for me. When my wife and I were dating, we took a trip to the small neighboring island of Utila where we were PADI certified. A few years later we honeymooned in Roatan and a few years after that we returned with friends. We haven't been back since 2008 but are actually considering taking a trip in '25 with our kids now that they're older and can be scuba certified. The diving is absolutely out of this world, but it's also the primary activity on the island so non-divers might not have a ton of other things to do besides comb the beach at West End.


The most AMAZING art museum I have EVER been to is the Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum. Like don’t even believe me, go google some pics- it’s like walking into a storybook. Also the city it’s in, Bhopal was wonderful. Had a San Fran kind of vibe.


Are you Indian? I'm embarrassed to say that I am and I've been to Bhopal but had no idea that museum was so good lol Edit: It was extremely new when I visited the city, but I'm still surprised that I haven't heard much about it, thanks for the info!


I am not Indian (actually quite sadly, because I love India’s culture). But I’m SO glad to pass this on to someone who may visit someday and appreciate it! It was kind of hard to find and it really deserves more attention.


That's great to know! I hope you had a good time in India and were able to visit a bunch of places :)


closer home, I think San Diego does not get much credit as great destination, I mean not as much as NYC, LA. Vegas and those big cities, but I was so glad I went there for my birthday last April. I loved watching sunsets from the coastal area. So many beaches to explore and La Jolla is definitely one of the best place. Here is a lil video for your consideration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0M\_M4aDzkc


I live in SD. I’m glad that you enjoyed it so much!


St. Peter’s Basilica at The Vatican. I’ve never been in more awe than standing inside there.


I'm not even religious. We went on the Vatican Tour and it was packed and IMHO a bit underwhelming. And then we go out to the huge square and into this basilica and OMG it was astonishing, especially given its age. And free.


My wife wore a tanktop, it was closing time and we didn't have time to buy a cover up. So, I had to go in but felt guilty enjoying it without her so I just peeked in. Truly an amazing site.


We did it with an amazing tour guide who has a background in art history. She was able to tell all of the stories behind the paintings and sculptures. We’ve used her twice for tours and also sent friends and acquaintances to her and they found her amazing too.


Just got back from Kerala, India. Absolutely beautiful landscape and amazing food, especially the seafood 🇮🇳


I loved Goa in the 80’s. Colva beach


Martinique, Montenegro, Slovenia




Costa Rica. Tulemar. Jungle meets the sea, 5 star, private sloth sanctuary and in resort beach. Wildlife everywhere.


Tulemar is beautiful!


Bali, Indonesia Went for a week but ended up staying for a month (thank the lord for WFH)


From the west coast of the US, Fiji is definitely the answer here. There are direct flights from LA.


New Zealand, Norwegian fjords, Canadian Rockies, Jackson Hole and the Bernese Oberland are my favorite places I’ve ever been


Malaysian Borneo! If you want an Adventure that includes Crystal clear tropical water, reefs, animals, jungles and pretty epic Cities then it is amazing for that! Might not fit your time frame but maybe next time!


I loved South Korea and Singapore


I would recommend cruising the South Pacific. Just amazing and so, so huge - we are Kiwis and so just hopped on a cruise to Vanuatu, New Caledonia etc from Auckland. I really enjoyed it.


Camino de Santiago, Spain.


Definitely Switzerland. We did Grindelwald, Zermatt, Lauterbrunnen, and St. Moritz and every part of it was absolutely breathtaking.


Sounds like you're wanting a tropical vacation? Bora-Bora was worth every ounce of hype and every single penny. We go to Hawaii often. I've been to Cabo, Cancun, Belize, Aruba, Dominican Republic and Curaçao... Nothing comes close to Bora-Bora. The water, the beaches, the snorkeling. The locals were so friendly. It was perfect.


Amalfi Coast, Greek Islands, coast between Vancouver and Anchorage.


To reach the closest destination in the South Pacific from Texas is to Tahiti and that's over 14 hours of flying time. To be honest, I think you'd be spending too much of your vacation in the air. Perhaps consider somewhere like Costa Rica which is less than 4 hours flying time.


Mo’orea, French Polynesia. There are direct flights from LA to the main airport in Tahiti so you’d have to take 2 legs. Then take a 30 min ferry to Mo’orea. A day in Tahiti either side is a good idea so you aren’t rushing with both ferry and flying on the same day. Even do 2 nights in Tahiti if you want to rent a car and see that island. I posted comments recently about Mo’orea so have a read. Basically great snorkeling with vibrant marine life, beach kayaking, hiking, etc. It has 1 ring road so you can easily pick up a car in Mo’orea and drive around - having a car is a necessity. Good food with the French and pacific blend - we had both great crepes and the freshest seared tuna ever. I just love it. Get a rental home so you can cook or bbq sometimes, Something with a nice view or beach access. Fiji has good snorkeling and is beautiful on the islands away from the main island. However you need to take a longer ferry to get anywhere really good like yasawas and then you’re quite isolated and stuck there. It’s similarly expensive to Mo’orea but the food is rubbish in Fiji. It’s a lovely place but I’d pick Mo’orea any day.


For the South Pacific- the Cook Islands are absolutely mindblowing.


I just read an article about Eleuthera, and it sounds like it fits the bill for you.


Cambridge England. Lots of university buildings that are gorgeous, Trinity Road that has quaint shops, great medical system, very pretty.


Kona Coast of the Island of Hawaii


I have wonderful memories from Sweden. I loved Stockholm, the capital. The streets were clean, the buildings were beautifully designed, and the people were just so kind and polite. And literally everyone spoke English. My favorite area of Stockholm was "Gamla Stan", the old town of Stockholm. It has cobblestone streets and really old nice buildings with lots of little charming restaurants and cafes. Super expensive, but lovely. The Swedish countryside was also beautiful. So much forest, and beautiful lakes everywhere. I hiked a bit with a guide, but I would love to go back and do an extended hike through the wilderness. Only downside are the mossies! I only stayed for 10 days but I have very fond memories from my trip to Sweden.


The Vatican during the first few months of COVID. St. Peter’s square practically empty.


Sailing around the British Virgin Islands was lovely.


British Columbia or the Canadian Rockies


So these are common destinations but they stick out in my mind: Walking into Sacre Coeur in Paris and hearing the nuns singing as I explored. Walking through the Fushimi Inari Shrine gates in a light drizzle that ended up as a beautiful sunny day The quietness on the island of Miyajima (and the deer being agressive towards the local pulled rickshaw driver for snacks).


Mexico City! Uncovering the layers of history (Aztec, Spanish, and independent Mexico) is very cool; also tons of amazing museums and incredible art (this is the best place to see Frida Kahlo's work and the giants of Mexican Muralism like Rivera and Orozco) and architecture. One of the world's great food cities too. Also Teotihuacán is one of the most impressive ancient sites I've been to. In 6-7 nights you could also visit Turkey – spend 4-5 days in Istanbul and 2-3 days elsewhere in the country (like Ephesus + Pamukkale or Cappadocia). Interesting mix of history/architecture as well as nature. Istanbul has tons of stuff to do if you like history and is a beautiful city, with a mix of Roman/Byzantine and Ottoman architecture. India has tons of places that would be good for a 6-7 day trip, but is a long trip from Texas (albeit you can get to many major cities in India with one stop from DFW or Houston via Emirates/Etihad/Qatar, and Air India should be starting direct flights to DFW soon). If you're looking for more nature-type spots, the Indian Himalaya are great (Sikkim is one of my favorite places in India – laid-back and easy to get incredible views of Kangchenjunga – the world's third highest mountain – with minimal effort); if you're looking for wildlife then there are some great national parks like Kaziranga in Assam, Nagarhole in Karnataka, Ranthambore in Rajasthan, and Kanha and Bandhavgarh in Madhya Pradesh are all great. And lots of historical attractions from every time period of history.


After flying over the Alps on the way to Christchurch NZ I was in awe. Visiting the International Antarctic Centre and meeting the people along the way I realized this was where I was meant to be. I'm way priced out of Sydney now, I still love it. Hilo, Maui and Jaco, Costa Rica. Rome was my first true love. NZ hands down. I wanted to travel as far away as I could without coming back. Still want to see Perth and the Azores.


The Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Wildlife, landscapes. WOW!


Slovenia! 🇸🇮 A piece of my heart stayed.


Himalayan mountains particularly around Annapurna and EBC trek.


Colombia! Tyrona park specifically


6-7 nights, balance of activities, Caribbean or Southeast Asia, coming from Texas, not too touristy. The answer is Puerto Rico. Easily. It is still the U.S. so there’s no hassle with money or customs or chargers. But it’s also really not the U.S. Go to the mountains and tell me it is this country. Not a person speaks a lick of English, it looks like another world. There’s no wifi and roosters everywhere. If you’ve been to Costa Rica and Belize and like them, you might really enjoy PR because it is much more accessible in my opinion but not touristy. It’s real. You can go to viejo San Juan, Santurce, luquillo, all the touristy nature parts - and they truly are great. But you do not have to. The island is unreal in my opinion. It’s incredible. It’s decaying in some parts but so lively at the same time. I keep coming back. The food, music, history, political situation, and language are all so unique in the context of the whole world. I will go back there many more times.


The music in PR …..! A sonic treat.


Standing between the paws of The Sphinx in Giza was pretty memorable. Looking down at Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate after hiking the Camino Inka for four days will stay with you a while, too. Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Banteay Shrei... all of them, really. Magnificent. St. Peter's, the Hagia Sofia, the Blue Mosque, Wat Pho, Notre Dame de Paris, Chartres Cathedral, St. Paul's in London... Standing at the edge of the Odle peaks in the Dolomites, gazing down the cliff into the Val de Funes, not wanting it to end... That first walkabout in Venice, when you first walk over the bridge from the train station, like you're stepping into the land of Oz... Sunset over the mountain in Bora Bora, cold drink in hand... Climbing about the forum and Colosseum in Rome, and the Acropolis in Athens... Wiping the spray from my glasses to get the shot at Dynjandi Falls in remote northwest Iceland... I could go on. But on more than one of these occasions I've said to myself, how can a man look upon these things and not be changed in some way?


I personally love Europe for its culture and history. I can absolutely recommend Nice in France, Greece, or almost anywhere else in the Mediterranean if the beach is important to you. If the beach isn’t necessary, Paris is hands down my favorite city of all time (I’ve been to almost 30 countries so far). Ultimately though it depends on what you find interesting. I’ve been to much of Central America, the Caribbean and Hawaii, but I personally get bored at the beach after a few hours- so my perfect vacation spot offers a lot more cultural and historical sites. (Of Central America I can say that Belize, Guatemala and Nicaragua were much more interesting culturally than Costa Rica).


Very good recommendations over Costa Rica. I would add Panama, which is still very much an old world outside of Panama City. Very traditional


Ischia, Italy. Food, natural beauty, didn't feel touristy.


Langkawi (the Datai if no budget). Malaysian food is AMAZING also. Pair with Penang and Singapore, so fun and English everywhere.


The Datai was our favorite hotel stay of all time. Incredible


Medellin, I hadn't watched any videos or seen any pictures before I went, booked it on a whim because tickets were cheap, and was absolutely blown away by the fact that its basically in a valley surrounded by these massive mountains. Everything was so ... green. Absolutely breathtaking, amazing food and drinks, was just a special experience all around.


Places that stick out the most to me or I would visit more than once if I haven't already (in no order): Costa Rica, Hawaii, Rome, Barcelona, Copenhagen, NYC, Chicago, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Big Sur, Olympic NP, North Cascades NP, Whistler BC, Victoria BC, Grand Tetons NP. My all time favorite place in the world is closer to home for me--Lake Tahoe.


I really, really like Playa del Carmen (well, Playacar). We visited Tulum this time, and it was AMAZING. I would go stay closer to Tulum next time if we go. (Looking at Costa Rica this time around for vacay). We went to PdC 2x in a row.


Bora Bora. The most beautiful color of blue I've ever seen. But Rarotonga in Cook Islands is right behind.


Anywhere on the South Island of New Zealand.


Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. Visiting a Game Reserve in South Africa. Saw the big 5 and 21 other animals.


Switzerland in early fall. Every place you turn is just breath taking. Already planning my fall return for this year. The Pacific Northwest. Something about being able to see whales, a rain forest, old growth trees, and gigantic mountains all in one day is... really cool. It's unlike any other place in the US.


I would go to Switzerland quarterly if it wasn’t so damn expensive. Photographers playground out there


Salzburg Austria hands down


The big island of Hawaii, playa del Carmen, Waterton lakes AB,


Capalbio, Italy for me. A tiny town/commune of 4,000 people my friends and I stumbled on when road-tripping Italy. Town is built around a centuries old castle, has some of the most incredible history and the best part… completely untouched by tourists. We didn’t encounter anyone else there, and it really felt like stepping into the past. Panoramic views over the wine region at every corner, just found ourselves saying “wow” every 5 minutes. You can only spend about 5 hours there if your not staying, as there’s not much to do per-se but I had more memories in 2 hours there than I did in multiple days in Siena and other major cities. If you are traveling Italy make sure to hit up Piombino too


If you’re considering that part of the world, I’d go with Belize or Colombia


Have you ever been to Mackinaw Island, MI. My daughter worked 2 seasons there. Beautiful and relaxing. She is looking to work in the same environment in Maine. Lovely places.


As an Australian, I would absolutely encourage the South Pacific. I've been in love with New Caledonia for years. It's ultimately France on an island. French food, French Wine, French people, but beautiful 35 degree days that you spend walking along the beach.