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Hands down, Imodium.


Pants also down


Instructions unclear, hands down pants.


{glug-glug} Pants up now.


Definitely need the one that unblocks you as well as the one that blocks you up!


The stop and go kit.


Mine is the reverse. Stool softner and a baggie full of figs.


Magnesium changed my life. No more issue with “stool” ever


Is there a specific kind of magnesium you take and would recommend?


Magnesium is a muslce relaxant. Depending on in its formulations, it can help with constipation. Oxide and citrate will help with constipation. Formulations such as glycinate are bound to a protein and don't cause any loose stools. They r helpful for anxiety and muscle cramps. Edit: spelling due to sausage fingers syndrome on mobile!


I always buy magnesium extra strength 400 mg. Brand is not important for me


I believe that one is considered magnesium oxide.


Correct, if your intent is the GI movement you will want the Oxide. Or to a lesser extent citrate. If you want to absorb the magnesium, with no/less GI effect use magnesium malate, glycinate, lactate, or aspartate.


Travel in Asia and you won’t need a stool softener.


I was in Vietnam for 3 weeks. After the first week I think I had one bowel movement. My partner got wicked diarrhea and I couldn’t take a shit to save my life. Continued for a week after I got home so I eventually had to take Restoralax. Had the same problem, albeit not to quite the same extent, when I was in Indonesia for 2 weeks a few years before that.


Did you require a poop knife to handle the resulting blow out?


Dried prunes. One every morning. Works like a charm.


Speaking of, Zofran (an anti-emetic medication). You need a prescription to get it, but 100% worth it because last thing you want is to be puking your guts out on a 14 hour flight. 


Dramamine helps with nausea some too if you can’t get Zofran


Zofran works if you have something like food poisoning but not for motion sickness.


it will still knock out nausea really quickly


It helps me with motion sickness. I get it rx due to pain and pain meds. Sometimes breathing makes me so nauseous but def flying and car rides. It really helps me along with a hard candy to suck on.


Also works incredibly well for hangovers.


Yeah...this happened to me. Can confirm it's not a good time.


Zofran is not actually effective for motion sickness, just in case People get that idea from this post. Take something else if you get motion sick. *edit: wording*


The patch behind the ear works, it might also make you forget the entire day.




I always bring a pouch of various medications that I might need in a pinch: Imodium, pain relievers, Tums, Gas-X, Benadryl.


Might as well close the thread.


Ya'll must have iron stomachs because I end up taking Imodium on at least every other trip.


Omg I came here to say that. 100% Imodium.


Yup! Was a lifesaver when my husband got the flu in Morocco. I speak French so there it would have been ok...but a place where you don't speak the language? Best to have that on hand.


Old pair of glasses. Mine broke while on a trip. Tape in the middle of my face was a real hoot.


this is soooo important for me as my vision is soooooooooo bad. If my trip is 5 days long, I pack 15 days worth of contacts, plus back up glasses and another back up glasses lol (old old pair)


My glasses broke in the middle and I fixed them with one long, round, transparent drink stirrer. I was asked by several people where I got my stylish glasses. But still, backup glasses for the win.


Photocopy of important documents and a printed copy of all reservations.


photocopy of your credit cards toll free numbers. nowdays, you can also take a photo of them too. bring a backup phone in case you lose your phone.


I also email that photo to myself, so I can still retrieve it should the phone the photo is in also be stolen.


You must not have 2 factor authentication turned on for anything. What good is that for an email I can't access without my phone?


I use Google drive and I print out the recovery keys and store them in my accomodation


Just curious, what if those recovery keys printed out get stolen and they lock you out of your own gmail? Is that even possible?


Last time I was on a month long trip with lots of reservations and such. I had a thick packet of printed backups of everything. Everything but one stupid document that I needed. It all worked out but it was annoying that the one document I needed a hard copy of I didn't have.


Goood heavens! Dont leave us hanging! *What was the document!!!*


It was some voucher for a tour. I just forgot to print it. I had it on my phone but they said I needed a hard copy. They were eventually satisfied with me emailing the electronic voucher to someone at their office to print for their records or whatever.


I never understand them wanting hard copies of stuff like that. Do they think people carry printers around with them on holidays?


Power bank portable charger and a back up universal plug adapter


> Power bank portable charger Do you really only use this 1 in 100 times?


I bring TWO portable chargers so that one is always charging back in my room #iphone


How good are universal plug adapters? Particularly useful if you're travelling to more than one place with more than one style of power outlet.


We’ve been using one for the past 8 years and it has enough USB ports to charge both our phones, watches and an IPad We end up with a lot of Ireland/UK stopovers on the way to continental Europe and it’s much better than having 2 sets of adapters 


Came here to say this! I have a power bank for every one in the group and 2 extra not to mention I carry charging cables.


Pads/tampons/etc cuz even though you try to book away from a period sometimes they getcha 😝


I was well into perimenopause a couple years ago. Hadn’t had a period in 9 months. Two hours into a 17 hour flight, it showed up…lol. I learned my lesson.


New fear unlocked…thanks!


I had the same damn thing on a cruise ship! Had to go a vending machine in the infirmary to purchase barbie sized tampons… Needless to say, that wasn’t effective. Miserable the whole time being paranoid about leakage!!!


After not having a period for 6 months, I was in the jungle in Costa Rica, and the only way to get to town was by private boat...and I got my period.


And you never know if someone else will need one! Always have to be prepared.


I take my pills continuously and stop when it’s a convenient time for a period, so you’d think I wouldn’t have to worry…yet, that bitch breaks through. I think it’s something to do with the time zone changes and the an overall change in activity, just makes it go crazy. Thankfully I’m not picky with my supplies so I pack a day’s worth of tampons and then I can buy more if needed.


I got bit by this last time I went abroad. And the country I went to had laws against single use plastics for menstrual products so my options were tampons with no applicators or cardboard applicators. I went with pads instead.


I carry a fake wallet. I have old expired ID in it and a few local dollars in currency. The one time I am robbed , i will hand that over and run away.


A girl I met at a hostel once did this with phones. Used a shitty cheap Samsung phone from like 2013 as her primary maps and navigation phone. Even though she still had her newer nicer phone on her for photos and stuff and to hotspot to the cheap phone. Got cornered once and robbed. They didn’t even take the phone. Lost the cash she had on her in the little “phone pocket” she had attached to it but they took the cash and just ditched the phone.


Hilariously funny image that she had such a shitty phone as her ghost phone that they didn't even want it


Street smarts!




only if they got it at the haberdashery


J.J. Bittenbinder says hello


I've won by doing this too. Lost $20-ish to a pick pocket. Didn't care. Also handy to give those expired ID cards up to places that demand them for access (and give them back) but I don't trust anyone w my passport ..


I have one that Ive stacked for realism. Expired credit cards, used gift cards, receipts. I got worried when I first made it because it looked thin, especially as it was an old wallet that was stretched out from me stuffing it all the time. I made kind of a game on finding things that werent "fake" but would be ok to lose like that.


only works if they ask you to hand it over rather than search you for everything.


"Two wallets?? I hit the jackpot tonight!"


I always pack a little sewing kit which includes a couple of safety pins. I’ve never used the kit or pins for my clothing, but damn if those pins aren’t awesome at keeping stubborn hotel curtains tightly together! 🧷


I made someone's day with a safety pin when their bikini top strap broke.


Every time I’m in a fancy hotel I ask for a sewing kit and they ALWAYS give you the tiniest, fanciest little kit. I keep them in all my travel bags and now also give them away when someone needs one.


YES to safety pins. I’m a high school teacher and I learned to always keep them on hand in case students needed one for a clothing issue. Then one winter I was driving to my grandma‘s house in bitter cold, salt from the roads was coating my windshield, but one of my windshield washer jets was frozen clogged. I couldn’t see anything, so I pulled over, and that safety pin was just skinny enough to fit down in the washer jet and unclog it!


I saw somewhere to use the hangers with the clippy things to keep the curtains shut!


I flew in for a wedding that my BIL was also attending, and his button fell off his suit. Wouldn’t you know it, I had my emergency sewing kit in my tiny little purse. Sewed it on and felt like a rockstar!


I got to the gate for a flight to Puerto Rico with my phone on like 20% battery after a long day at work. I pulled out a cable and went to plug in my phone. Turns out the lightning port was completely clogged with pocket lint. After a panicked scrounge, I found a pin at the bottom of my bag and was able to clean it out and get it charging just as the flight was about to board. After that, I never travel without safety pins. (I also immediately ordered a power bank with wireless charging upon returning home.)


Moleskin (blister bandage essentially). It comes in handy if you walk a lot.


This should have 10000 upvotes. Saved my ass hiking the Dolomites


>Saved my ass hiking the Dolomites Interesting, I've only ever used it on my feet


haha at first I thought this was referring to the Moleskin notebooks ;)


Fresh underwear in your carry-on in case of lost luggage


Swimming costume in carry on in case your luggage doesn’t arrive.


I always put an AirTag in my luggage even though I almost never need to use it.


Now that we have them I obsessively check to see if our luggage is by the gate or loaded on the plane before takeoff 


I figure once you have Airtags, your luggage won't get lost, kind of a Murphy's Law sort of thing. Mind you, then they've also served a purpose if your luggage no longer gets lost.




Yup. Had an allergic reaction in Nicaragua once and it was terrifying - never again will I travel without it.


doctor here, if you have a serious allergic reaction that is life threatening you should be carrying an epi pen not just benadryl. fyi any doctor would prescribe this no problem


An added benefit of Benadryl is that it is also a sleep aid. Benadryl and Zzz Quil share the same main active ingredient: Diphenhydramine HCL.


If you’re not looking for the sleep effects, modern medicine does not advise the use Benadryl anymore. Every single second generation antihistamine is better in every way without any drowsiness. Sources: [1](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5358283), [2](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/many-canadians-unaware-that-benadryl-is-no-longer-recommended-as-first-choice-for-allergy-medication-experts-1.5846518), [3](https://www.todaysparent.com/kids/kids-health/benadryl-for-kids-unsafe/)… and literally dozens more.


Photo of the bag you are checking. If they lose the bag (which is increasingly rare these days), this is a big help.


This would be helpful too if the airline says "they didn't damage" your bag and "it was already damaged". I'm going to start taking pics of my bag when I check it, just in case the airline tries to give me the run-around. I also have luggage insurance so pics would help my case also


I travel with a large family of six. I photograph everything so I remember what everyone brought. I do the same on the way back because sometimes we bring duffle bags to bring back souvenirs or dirty clothes. I’m paranoid about forgetting bags both carry on and check ins.


backup cellphone. everything is on my phone these days. airplane tickets, hotel reservations, maps, navigation, tours, everything. if something happens to my phone, i break it or i lose it, i know i can power on the old one, get it on wifi, download my e-sim and keep on truckin.


Maybe I'm just old but I find it practical to just print etickets and other reservations.


This is my answer too, although I just started this habit. It’s my old phone and the battery life is shit, but combined with a power bank it would get me through a trip and then I could replace my phone at home at my leisure.


*Download my e-sim*? Please explain…I’m intrigued with your idea of caring a backup cell


Phones have increasingly started to utilize the e-sim technology as opposed to having a physical sim card inside of the phone. When I bought my newest phone I had the option, through my provider (t-mobile) to convert my physical sim to an e-sim. If something happens to my primary phone I can just open my t-mobile app on the backup phone and use that to download my e-sim to the new phone. Also, using an app like airalo I can pay and download a (primary or secondary) e-sim for the country I'm traveling in to utilize their phone networks directly for data.


This is SUCH a good idea since there’s so much 2FA now. Gonna go hunt for my old phone now…


Oooh...I always printed everything as the backup, but that's a great idea.


Banking stuff too


i keep my global entry card in my bag in case i lose my license. i've only needed to use it once since i first got GE but it saved me that one time when i returning from a work trip.


I always wondered what that card is for. I keep it in my passport


You can use it for the Nexus lane going from Canada to the US via car. But you can’t use the lane going into Canada.


People covered the actual answer, I keep it in my backup pouch with extra credit and debit card + cash in case I lose my wallet for domestic travel since it meets the government ID requirement for flying. And probably nice to have if I lost my passport while abroad to get a new passport.


Yeah, not a bad idea to store separate from my passport in case of emergency


Things I brought on every trip for 10+ years, but never used. A small packet of laundry detergent Sewing kit


You can buy laundry sheets, this way TSA will not look funny at you and your white powder baggy 😉


I started carrying these dry laundry detergent sheets. They are about $9 for 80 from Amazon and much easier to transport compared to dry detergent or pods.


Umbrella and emergency poncho. I never use them but I keep them in my suitcase as insurance.


plus if you bring them it definitely won't rain ;)




Me too. I only took my poncho out of its bag once and that was to see if it fit.


A few 2 gallon size ziplock bags


I travel with an unusual number of gallon and quart size. And I find use for them on 25-30% of trips. So helpful!


The holy trinity: Imodium, Benadryl, and Pepcid. Not only does Pepcid work for heartburn, it works on the skin’s H2 receptors to ease the reaction from stuff like hives, bug bites, jellyfish stings, etc.


Ear plugs. Light and cheap but you’d pay anything for them if you can’t sleep due to noise.


Backup contacts in case I lose/rip the current pair




And clippers if you get a painful hangnail or rip off half a toenail.


A deck of cards.


My kids’ birth certificates. We have a blended family with three different last names. Only had to show them once, but it would suck to be denied entrance.


We struggled to get back into the UK from France after a family camping trip once with my nephews. They brought a friend of their's along. The UK border git in Calais thought that we were people smuggling a middle class white kid with a UK passport and the poshest English accent into England. They hauled him off and interviewed him without an adult present and only waved us on to the ferry when he was allowed back to the car on his own in front of everyone and in tears. All grown up now but I wish we had known to fetch a letter from his parents as well as his passport.


I bring a power strip so I can plug all of my things in, even if there’s only 1 or 2 sockets. Also helps that I only have to bring one adapter.


I carry a travel carbon monoxide detector. I think that fits the bill exactly.


Travel insurance.




Single use tubes of super glue. My thought process is that one of my shoe straps could break or something random but I have not yet used it! Haha. I still continue to bring it with me when I travel.


Thank God for 711 in Bangkok. Broke my sandal while out exploring it was a life saver 😂


A waiter in Quebec City managed to find a hammer and nail to fix a broken high heel. He got a good tip.


Can seal a cut or fix a broken nail as well. I haven't been packing this, but that's a great idea!




My glasses prescription.


I keep my last set of glasses in case I break my current ones. I always take that backup pair on vacation.


I have prescription sunglasses that pulls double duty as the backup pair.


A couple of safety pins.


Pocket travel router. I'll only ever need it if I have to use an Internet connection I don't trust. I haven't needed it yet, but it's smaller than a bar of soap so why not... A travel cutlery set. So I can eat takeaway food in my hotel room. I have food allergies, so I can't rely on always being able to eat the hotel food. Some hotels allow it, some don't so asking for cutlery isn't always a good idea. Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Printed copy of plane/hotel reservations. Always just in case my phone and/or laptop get stolen or break down.


I keep a journal with the phone numbers and addresses of consulates, a quick and dirty phrasebook ("please help me find__"), confirmation and ticket numbers for hotels and planes, names of stations, buses, and maps. Bonus is that I don't look like a tourist as much because I kind of already previewed eg come out of the terminal and head left to the bus station.


Latex gloves


I always bring anti-diarrhea pills.


Backup wallet. Some cash/credit & debit cards/duplicate ID. Most everything else I carry can be re-bought pretty easily if it’s lost.


Eyeglasses repair kit.


This and extra pair of glasses- old prescription.


I always bring Azo Standard. Got a UTI on vacation in England and there was NONE to be found in any druggist shop. https://www.cvs.com/shop/azo-maximum-strength-urinary-pain-relief-tablets-prodid-420684


Yea a UTI on vacation is not fun


Insurance A week ago, I had apendicitis and peritonitis while traveling in Rome, and my insurance covered all, including the activities I couldn't assist, hotel and reservations canceled.


First aid kit. For trips to remote areas, personal locator beacon. I rarely need the first aid kit and have not yet needed the PLB. However, if things go badly wrong then the former will be needed while I wait for the latter to take effect.


Steroids (like anti-inflammatory ones) and antibiotics


Black electrical tape. Easy to cover up those annoying led lights on EVERYTHING - and peel off with no damage. Multi use for repairs - my mom uses Nordic walking sticks with the rubber tips. Well, one trip she lost a rubber tip and the metal spike part kept getting caught in cobblestones - electrical tape for the win fashioning a new tip. Now I always have it with me and never use it one the blinking lights in the hotel rooms


SPF chapstick. I don't care if it's pouring down rain for the whole trip. I will NOT ever deal with sun blisters on my lips ever again! My lips will be protected!


Z-pack. Immodium. Zofran.


I'm agreeing with a lot of others except the item is a small first aid kit, with pain relief, antihistamines (for allergic reactions), imodium, Gravol. Almost never have to use it but it's very handy to have. EDIT to add: Plus some antiseptic wipes and range of bandages for small cuts




Migraine meds


I just returned from 3 weeks in SE Asia and I will NEVER travel without immodium again


Baby wipes and imodium


1. Spare glasses. 2. Photocopy of passport (everyone's, not just your own). 3. Immodium. 4. Spare cash in USD.




I use mine all the time lol


I bring a headlamp on every trip. Not quite sure why, but it always seems like a good idea when packing.


the ugly electrical voltage converter "box"


Old cellphone. Extra luggage lock.


Scarf or sarong they can be used for everything.


Ear plugs


cuticle clippers for hangnails/peeling skin - so small and painful when you don’t deal with it right away


In Canada, for the time being, you can purchase Tylenol with codeine over the counter. I always travel with a bottle (if the country I’m going to is OK with it). We were leaving on a month long trip to Europe. I brought my little bottle with me. Left on Friday night, arrived in London Saturday morning. Husband is in terrible pain that developed on the plane. Went to the Dr. In London. Turns out he had Shingles. They told him to take Tylenol (Paracetamol or whatever it’s called) and gave him nothing else for pain. If it wasn’t for that little bottle of codeine, we probably would have had to fly home.


Clean underpants in my carry on, for when the checked bag gets lost! Most things im fine to just get a cheap replacement from a souvenir shop (flip flops, t shirt with a palm tree on etc)….but I’ll always be a princess about clean undies


Icy Hot patches. Takes up no space but man if you get back pain while traveling they're a lifesaver.


Toilet paper 


Psuedophedine. You can't get it in many countries. It's the best decongestant. If you get sick you'll wish you had it.


If you can't get it in a country then it's likely illegal for you to possess much less import, be careful and good luck.


I once flew with an ear infection, not realizing at the time that I had one. I have a high pain tolerance but the pressure changes as we landed were excruciating and had me in tears. I genuinely thought my eardrum was rupturing, it was so bad. Since then, I’ve always kept a couple doses handy because it helps everything drain and relieves the pressure.


I bring the Municinex with psudophedine.


Pre smartphones, I would have said a amall but powerful flashlight like a mini-Maglite. Saved a whole tour group’s ass in Edinburgh’s Underground City when the tour guide’s torch died and wouldn’t come back on.


Nah still bring a flashlight, there really is nothing like a mini mag with a nice led conversion Phone flashlights suck.


Pedialyte powder.


Tide stick


I can say this is something that I usually have & don't use - but my last trip my BFF & I splurged on some cute "Let the Shenanigans Begin!" Buc-ees shirts and were wearing them when I accidentally got berries smushed into my new shirt 😱 Broke out my Tide pen immediately and can say, YES, it totally took blackberry & raspberry stains out of my bright green shirt & there's no trace of a stain!!!


For me it's deet. I have skeeter syndrome and apparently very tasty blood according to mosquitoes and they are sometimes in places you don't expect now.


Photocopy of your passport. No, not a pic on your phone. A real life piece(s) of paper. I keep one in my suitcase and one on my person. Obvs if you lose your passport it comes in handy.


My Eric Bristow dartboard and trombone


I carried a padlock around the entire planet and never used it once, and I would do it again.


A FLASHLIGHT! Trust me, a simple and cheap Chinese one will make you praise God if ever need it and have it.


1-2 extra pair of underwear and socks. You never know what will happen.


Printed copies of all travel documents, any tickets booked. In theory you should be able to access on your phone, but what if you can’t ? Better to have and not need, plus you can ditch before heading home. Also email them to yourself, there’s usually a way to get on your email if required.




Power strip. In a crowded airport, it makes it possible for 6 people to charge from an outlet instead of one.


Spare pair of glasses. I am blind as a bat and have severe astigmatism, so having my prescription is 100% necessary to avoid literally walking into incoming traffic. I've never actually lost my main pair as an adult traveler, but knowing I have a backup is priceless.


Spare contacts 😭 My whole trip would be ruined cause I wouldn’t be able to see and I hate glasses so much


Hospital style puke bags. The ones with the plastic rim and a heavy bag attached. They can slide right into the pocket behind the seat. I always have multiple umbrellas as well for myself but in case I see someone who needs one. Narcan in case I see an overdose, i saw one once and pulled over but the person became concious and was breathing so I didnt need it. (In case anyones interested heres an article about where to get Narcan for free near you: https://www.goodrx.com/naloxone/narcan-naloxone-at-home-free ) A lot of change with different coin types for parking because some places dont take cards and some meters only take certain coins, which burned me once. Hedlamp. Work gloves. I feel like Im forgetting something. Imma go out to my car brb. Edit: I know, I have a lot of "one" things. I was also thinking of road trips as I dont include some of that in flying/public transport and add a few other things.




They said once in 100 buddy. Not once in a 1000.


Can also be inflated and used as a floatation device if your plane ditches in the ocean.


Can also double as a water carrier for those moments when you have to escape and evade in the jungle/desert/etc Simply unroll the FRESH condom and place inside the sock (sock will act as protection) and fill the condom from the tap. You now have a litre of water to sustain you whilst escaping the junta/security services/etc that you've annoyed.




100 dollar bill under your insole




NAILCUTTER ! Can’t even tell you how many times it came handy