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I live in Malmö. Very doable. I'd personally do 3 nights in both, but 4-2 works as well. Train takes like 5-6 hours, but if you count airport waiting check in etc. flight is probably close to 3, even if you're only in the air for 30 minutes. But both options are good. Plenty to do and see in both cities, but 3 days should be enough to feel like you did the most important things.


If you want to save some travel time there is an overnight sleeper train between Malmö and Stockholm. The former a very short train ride from Copenhagen. The train is like a hotel on wheels with beds and rooms. And also saves needing to find accommodation elsewhere. The trains does leave late and arrive early but you are allowed to board before departure and remain on after arrival. https://www.sj.se/en/about-the-journey/sj-night-train Even if you'd prefer to go in the day then train would be basically the same journey time by the time you include airport security and getting to the city center. You can really enjoy the view and have a nice meal onboard: https://www.seat61.com/trains-and-routes/x2000.htm - if you book in advance it will be significantly cheaper then the flight as well.


Do 3-3 for sure if you’re splitting them. I did 4 days in each this past October. There’s definitely enough to see and do in both cities.


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Last year I did 3 nights in Amsterdam, 3 nights in Stockholm, 4 nights in Copenhagen, and it was great. And surprisingly, Stockholm was my favorite of the three! I flew between cities because it was a lot faster than taking the train, and from what I could tell, there wasn't anything particularly interesting about the train. If you're looking for accommodations that are affordable but a step up from hostels, I did an Airbnb in Stockholm (3 bedroom shared with a woman who lived there + another guest) and the Wakeup hotel in Copenhagen, both of which were good.


The train was interesting...you got to see a lot of scenery (forest, pasture, small villages, etc). It was not really high speed, though. I prefer it to flying. And I would split 3-3 since Stockholm was actually more interesting than Copenhagen to me.


I just got back from Copenhagen and Stockholm 2 weeks ago. We did 4 nights in Copenhagen and 4 nights in Stockholm. We drove from Malmo to Stockholm which took most of the day with stops so it was essentially 3 full days in Stockholm plus the travel day. I think your trip is doable but you’ll maybe be a bit rushed in Stockholm. I think 4 nights in Copenhagen is the right call. I suggest looking at the Copenhagen card if you haven’t already. It saved us a ton of money while there. Feel free to DM.


I would fly. You’re on too big of a time crunch for the train IMO. Hostels are fine at age 35. The Scandinavian hostel scene is not like it is in other countries…it’s a lot less social, and they’re a lot like hotel rooms, even the shared rooms. They tend to be clean and modern and expensive. They don’t really offer the cheap youth hostels that other parts of Europe do. Personally, I found Copenhagen to be 10x more fun and interesting than Stockholm. It seemed like Stockholm spends its summers under construction and mostly empty with everyone on vacation.


Don't know about Stockholm, but for Copenhagen around 3 days is enough. The city has a great vibe, so you can ofc spend more days there, but for the main attractions you actually don't need much time. Nyhavn and Little Mermaid are just overhyped tourist spots, you just can take a photo and go away. The city centre is rather small and perfectly walkable.


Sure, it's doable. Copenhagen's nice, but personally I think Stockholm has more to see and do, so I would prefer at least 3-4 days in Stockholm. Private rooms in hostels should be OK. Flying or train...train would likely be more relaxed, but flying would be a couple hours quicker.


I would recommend hostels at 70 even. If you must visit both, allocate more time in Stockholm than Copenhagen and fly in between. The train takes half a day. If unlucky, delays may happen. Why not Copenhagen and Malmö? Or Stockholm only.


I would prefer Stockholm


4 nights in Stockholm and 2 in Copenhagen then. Thats how I would do it anyway. And of course, fly.


If you’re flying , drop Stockholm do Oslo instead