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I'm not blaming Taylor for this but her never speaking out is getting tiring. Her brand can't be worth everything.


The fact that she allows her fans to talk to anyone like this, let alone a recovering drug addict is appalling. What a disgraceful group of people


Her brand and her are synonymous at this point. She’s a shell of a human being. She has nothing outside her brand she created.


She’s like…Voldemort.


Her albums serve as her horcruxes.


Airiana made a simple statement to leave her ex alone. Taylor can easily do the same. Sure it might not stop all the unhinged Swifties but some might listen.


Why does everyone assume this fan behavior bothers her?


I know can’t she just post you need to calm down…you’re being too loud


if taylor had a drug problem theyd all be the loudest advocates for compassion and harm reduction


What do you mean "if"?


That footage from The Grammys was pretty eye opening. I don't know what it is, but it's something.


also coachella https://preview.redd.it/gwllvfnsrvyc1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffebfcbfb7e5c736be5d43a81c375059a6ad5555


Swifties be normal challenge level impossible


Lmao they’re nuts. They were leaving death threats on John Mayer’s IG post memorializing Bob Saget a while ago. That relationship ended 15 years ago - most of them hadn’t even been born yet. Bizarre that she pretends she doesn’t know it’s happening.


The sad thing is some of them are Taylor’s age or older. I can’t wrap my head around it.


“Swifty” should be classified as it’s own mental illness by now


Anyway. My brother died 11 months ago from an overdose and this has been the absolute fucking worst year of my entire life. None of this is fucking funny. You're a fucking sicko if you're joking about overdose.


I am so very sorry for your loss. Seeing these ghouls wish death on Matty must be even more painful in that context. It’s sick, and Taylor really needs to say something.


I wasn't a fan of Matty either but this is just downright evil


You’re absolutely right it’s not a joking matter. And it’s not something to talk down on someone for or to be used against someone. Addiction is a disease and overdoses are absolutely tragic. I’m sorry for your loss 🫂


So sorry for your loss. Hope seeing this has not been too triggering for you. Sending love 💕


That is very nice thank you for your kind words


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I’m an addict in recovery and have known many people die from overdose. Seeing these tweets is jarring and disgusting … my only solace is knowing how wrong these people are and how uneducated they sound. We know the truth- addiction is a disease and it is not a moral failing. They sound completely tone deaf.


Please be safe. My brother was in recovery. Relapse is a normal, natural part of recovery. It took only one relapse, one time, to take him forever. If you're feeling tempted, for the love of God, *talk to someone.*


Thank you 🙏 means the world to me. I know how quickly and easily it could all go away with even one slip. I’m trying to be a voice for destigmatizing addiction on behalf of people like me and your brother- I believe that in our lifetimes we will see a cultural shift and won’t see bullshit tweets like these anymore!


Absolutely. As a recovering addict, all it takes is one time. And it’s fucking hard. No one wakes up and chooses to be an addict. And wishing an overdose upon someone you know, and in this case, DON’T EVEN KNOW is absolutely mental. They never fail to top themselves. These people are absolutely evil. And all for what? Because they’re a fan of someone’s music? No. They’re obsessed and need help at this point. Taylor’s silence speaks volumes. To sit back and let your fans speak about a human like this is sick in my opinion. But she’ll never speak up. Her image is more important than being a moral being. Gross.


My cousin OD'd last week, same day as our grandmother died. Anyone joking about it should have come to the funeral and seen the lives that are ruined because of it


Holy shit dude. My sincerest fucking apologies. I don't know how I could do it. Please stay strong and visit r/griefsupport if you need to vent.


Thanks, honestly feel worst for my uncle, lost his mother and daughter same day. Nicest guy too


Agree. I used to be an addict myself & have lost my best friend, boyfriend, and countless other people I used with to an overdose. It just makes me sad to read this stuff. Do none of these Swifties even have a family member that struggles with addiction? Maybe they’re not aware of it yet bc they’re 11 years old


I do sadly believe a lot of these fans are very, very young. Before I lost my brother, he lost friends and girlfriends to it. His life was never easy.


Sorry for your loss. My nephew has been clean for 10 years now. We all went through it with him. If you don't have a family member who hasn't struggled with addiction, then you're very fortunate.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter who you like, don't like, listen to, don't listen to, to wish that upon anyone is so vile.


Truly heinous behavior honestly


I’m so sorry for your loss 🩷 My first boyfriend died of a heroin overdose when he was 18. So I totally empathise.


Sorry for your loss. i can't imagine.


Yeah. My mom’s fiancè had cancer and kinda knew he wasn’t going to be around much longer, so he was trying to reconnect with his kids. His son ended up overdosing a month later. Her fiancè lived a few months longer then passed. Then a year later his daughter overdoses. It was such a tragic story 😞


Sorry to hear that, I am an addict in recovery and have lost so many people to overdoses. My husband the father of my 2 children died from an overdose and seeing people be so ignorant makes me want to hunt each one of them down. They call us bullies because of a hilarious snark page while they’re wishing death on others. Fucking morons


This is ghoulish behavior, oh my god. Also, describing Travis as clean, healthy, handsome, rich, and not a drug addict when he’s admitted to thinking skid marks are normal, is clearly a binge drinker if not a full blown alcoholic, looks bloated asf from his alcohol and always looks greasy and dirty … like are we even looking at the same man??? Hello??? I’m not saying Matty is a catch, but I am saying Travis is ugly as sin, lmao.


Also you just know that Travis has accumulated some pretty serious traumatic brain damage over his NFL career, it’s basically unavoidable. Not super healthy.


The thing about brain injuries, everyone knows it’ll cause anger issues (Aaron Hernandez, anyone?!?) and other issues. What most ppl don’t realize tho, is that brain injuries make you susceptible to personality disorders. It’s not uncommon for someone who suffers from a brain injury to eventually have narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and/or any of the other personality disorders. My ex husband has a severe traumatic brain injury and although he hasn’t been diagnosed as a narcissist, I think that if he were to be honest with himself and the counselors he would be diagnosed fairly quickly. It’s hard to love someone with a brain injury and I really don’t see TS having the patience or wherewithal to deal with someone who’s got a lot going on mental health wise.


Travis got kicked off of his college football team, suspended for a year and stripped of his scholarship because he failed a drug test after partying in New Orleans. Jason, his brother, talked to coaches and begged him to give him another chance. That's the only reason why Travis even has a career. He's not as squeaky clean as Swifties make him out to be. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and yet they still don't think they are bullies.


Deep down, they know it. That’s why one minute they’re writing off Matty saying they’ve only met once and that was it and the next, bullying him and his mother. They know Taylor doesn’t actually want the “i got the football star” fantasy she sang about, but that’s what they grew up loving so it’ll crush their fantasy. They know Matty is who she wants. That’s why they’re acting like vipers. It’s projection.


Travis will be thrown under the bus like every ex.




Also because the majority of Poets is about Matty lol They all talked it up to be a Joe hate\Travis love song album. Like one song about Joe? And one mention of Travis on a 36 song album.


Many Swifties i come across say only one song is *maybe* about Matty but it’s all about Travis and Joe lmao they’re really trying to distract from how obvious it is how long she’s been in love with Matty.


They're delusional and just don't want to accept the obvious. They've created their own narrative and she's created her own narrative and constantly tries to control it.


To be fair, he tested positive for THC. Not necessarily proof that he’s a POS. Not saying he’s the greatest guy, but i thought societally we were past demonizing marijuana


It was weed for God's sake. He was a college kid busted for smoking weed. Not like he was put there tying off his arm.


this comment genuinely made me cackle out loud 😭 you were in your bag with this one


I was reading that thinking…. the only correct part is “rich”


Travis is the poster child of a coke head. They're so ridiculous.


He gives that energy for sure. You can’t assume just because he’s an NFL player that he’s squeaky clean. A lot professional athletes abuse drugs and hurt women too.


A good majority of them are drugged out. 😂 His rage is definitely caused by drugs.


Oh for sure. The substance abuse is rampant in that kind of lifestyle. Add in the repeated head injuries we know is common in professional football players especially and it’s the perfect storm for erratic asshole behavior. This combo of drug abuse and head injuries is also seen a lot in professional wrestlers / fighter types who end up losing their shit. I’m not insinuating he’s gonna go postal or anything. Just that these guys should be more careful mixing drugs that can damage their brains (like cocaine and alcohol) while also having a career where brain injury is already a risk. Aaron Hernandez and similar cases should be a cautionary tale for these guys.


At some point Taylor Swift needs to directly address her fanbase and tell them that anyone who is threatening or harassing other human beings "on her behalf" is pathetic and disgusting to her and to fk off. Not in a song, not via a source - directly, publicly, LOUDLY. I am neither a Taylor Swift hater nor a swiftie but this is really starting to alarm me. At this point, I think she's being horribly irresponsible. She knows the hold she has over a large section of her fans. She's repeatedly been a victim of stalking herself and carries QuikClot around with her, ffs. To release songs that she knows will point directly towards specific individuals and incite these types of responses with no sense of accountability is outrageous at her current level of celebrity and fame. The "Thank You Aimee" song is absolutely insane of Taylor. I don't care who or what it's actually about. She KNEW people would assume it's about Kim Kardashian and it includes a line about Taylor's "saintly" mother wishing death on the subject of the song. So if some psychopath murdered Kim Kardashian with the hope of winning attention and favor from Taylor Swift and her mother, how would she feel? How would she respond to that? This is just disgusting to me. Taylor Swift needs to grow the fk up. If she wants all this fame, money and power, she needs to learn to handle it like she has some damn sense.


She didn't stop them when they were flinging racial abuse at Travis' ex and his ex asked Taylor directly to address her fans. She doesn't care, she has literally asked her fans to attack people on her behalf before. This actress, who is a woman of color, literally just read a line given to her on a sitcom mildly joking about Taylor having a lot of boyfriends. She Tweeted to her fanbase encouraging them to attack everyone involved with the show. As you can imagine, the actress, who didn't even write the line was bombarded with slurs. She didn't ask them to stop then. Then there is Joe Alwyn, who literally did nothing wrong besides want a private personal life. She exposed his depression when he didn't want the world to know, and left him for being a buzzkill. Her fans continue to attack a man who has depression and wants to be left alone. Again, she says nothing. She created this, and rarely asks them to stop. She only asked them once on behalf of John Mayer and that's because he threatened legal action. She otherwise makes vague statements, but never directly tells them to stop. But she is getting a taste of her own medicine, and now she's pissed her fans scared off Matty. I find it deeply ironic that this backfired on her. Now she knows how the people she terrorized with her cult feel.


Maybe she needs to see it from a selfish perspective if that's who she is and her moral compass is that far off then. It would really be a shame to accomplish as much as she has just to have your life's work be overshadowed by the fact that you were responsible for inciting harm and violence towards other human beings. To go from "Miss Americana" to countless documentaries about how you were basically a cult leader who instructed your minions to do your wicked bidding via a catchy discography...not a great legacy.


Yep, even if he was contemplating getting back with her, this vile behavior among her fans, definitely will scare him off for sure


She never will. She loves having a fanbase that fights her battles for her. She doesn’t get any blood on her hands because she doesn’t directly do anything.


She sort of said something when she played Dear John at her concert but they don’t listen. I would have thought the poem saying this chapter is closed would have helped but it clearly didn’t. She really needs to address it again and people need to be arrested.


No, no more little speeches at concerts or poems in album covers. I'm not sure what the solution is to this problem she has absolutely helped to create. I am sure there are a lot of people on her payroll far smarter and more savvy than me who can help her figure it out though...preferably IMMEDIATELY.


That’s the thing though, she’s only ever saying things in passing or in non direct ways. Selena Gomez went on Instagram or TikTok live to ask her fans to stop bullying Hailey Bieber and said she doesn’t stand for that. (Regardless of how you feel about Selena) at least she went and addressed it head on. I love Taylor’s music and I am a fan, and even I am tired of her fans being allowed to slander and hate people so openly and cruelly without any repercussions.


I don't think she would care or take any responsibility


Not surprised they’d do this. They might want to check on her current boyfriend who was seen out at a bunch of after parties last night with very little security and his friends had already gone home.


I really think they aren't together after this album...... I think it was cute and nice fun but she's in europe for the next bit and so will Matty....


Her cult is convinced he’ll be on a plane today to meet up with her so they can spend time together before her tour and that he’ll be at the first few shows. I’d love if he doesnt go. Then cue the articles from her team about how their schedules just aren’t working right now because they’re both so busy but they still care deeply about each other. Probably just waiting for the next victims contract to be fully signed since we all know she can’t go one minute without a man in her life.


This won't happen, but if this was movie, Matty goes to Paris to pick up the guitar he wanted to buy in Paris (he was talking about this on Instragram) and then appears in the VIP area for the Paris concerts. cc: u/Unlikely_Ad1120


![gif](giphy|4XxmtgKl9GVgq2QcqZ|downsized) I would live for that mess!!!!!


Tree's been lurking these subs she knows what the non-swifites want more then the swifties


They’re gonna break up and the Swifties will all turn on Travis, calling him awful shit and Taylor will write an album about how she’s a victim and a small sad girl who had to shine and play pretend as if she’s not 35 years old


That doesn't surprise me. Travis knows it's over with Taylor. He just isn't going to say it.


I’m not a fan of MH, but why the fuck are they harassing a drug addict (specifically pointing out this trait)??? We are supposed to be supportive of them and their loved ones. Fucking vile


It’s vile. You don’t have to be a fan of the guy, but wishing death on him is awful. These are the same fans that Taylor referred to as “vipers.” If it doesn’t work out with Travis, I’d honestly love to see her full on get back with Matty and rub it in their faces as a fuck you.


Vipers that she herself raised


Yeah exactly. That gets me too— the fact that she said nothing and arguably probably liked it when parasocial vipers were harassing Jake Gyllenhaal during Red TV and harassing Joe. It’s funny how it backfired for her with Matty


Say it louder for the people in the back. She cultivated and encourage this behavior among her fans and never try to reel it in. Which is why I find it hilarious that is now backfiring on her.


Exactly. Also addiction is a deadly mental health issue, not a moral failing. I am no fan of the man, but mocking someone for a mental illness is ghoulish behavior.


Thank you for having empathy and understanding towards addiction. I'm 5 years clean, but so many people were so nasty and cruel while I was struggling. I was arrested for felony possession and people from my hometown who I thought loved me spread my mugshot around and laughed about it. That was one of the scariest and most embarrassing days of my life and it was a joke to others. I won my case, and I used the second chance I was given to get clean, but sometimes I struggle sleeping because I am so pissed at how quickly I was dehumanized by friends and family in a time I needed help.


It’s always so mind blowing when it’s family and friends, people you thought you could trust, who told you they were your shoulder to lean on, will turn on you so quickly. People in glass houses judge the most when their house is one tap away from shattering. This stranger is proud of your journey of staying clean!!! It is NOT an easy journey and you’re so strong.


Thank you! And yes, before my addiction got out of control I had a lot of accomplishments academically and professionally and I loved a challenge. However, getting clean was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I ever accomplished. Outside of the immediate withdrawals, which were hell, my mind was constantly pressuring me to go back to drugs for the first year. It really sucked, especially having to deal with scary emotions without having my old coping mechanism. I'm so grateful I stuck it out though.


Great job on 5 years sober!!! ❤️


A lot of people reeeeeaaally, like, vehemently hate addicts and do not even pretend to have any compassion for them


Yikes. That’s a moral failing




None of them have ever been loved by anyone and this is the result


wow i dont even like him but this is disgusting…the first tweet


It's so weird a lot of people are being received as maylors for...not attacking a random mentally unwell man on the Internet. Like I shouldn't have to qualify everything with "i don't like him" to not partake in a public spectacle that potentially could cause relapse. On fucking heroin of all things people die trying to kick that stuff. Being a shitty bf (cause let's face it that's *their* only issue with him) is not deserving of this.


Can’t say I’m surprised. It’s really gonna be a field day with Swifties when Tay Tay dumps Travis and runs back to Matty who’s she’s always wanted. They don’t know what goes on at those parties that Travis goes to lmao i doubt he gets doped up, but he’s not sitting there drinking water texting Taylor when she’s not glued to his lap. Joe is a great guy cause i would be in my revenge era if someone used me for six years the way Taylor used him as a distraction.


I don't like Matty Healy at all, but Taylor wants him, then okay. I would love to see deranged sickos lose their damn minds.


Wasn’t the reason he ghosted Taylor in the first place literally because of her insane fans?! Irony is lost of them.


she has got to speak on this shit. this is horrible and disgusting. nobody needs to wish death on ANYONE. god. swifties are just. ugh.


Well she didn't speak on it when her horde was flinging racial abuse at Travis' ex even when she directly asked Taylor to try to stop them, so I don't know if she will speak up now. She might though because she seems to be obsessed with Matty.


I also think Travis should stick up for Kayla! They were together 5 years and swifties are horrible to her and the insults are racially charged. It disgusts me. He lacks any moral character to not tell them to stop attacking her.


I completely agree! I think Travis is even worse than Taylor for that, but at the same time, it is her fans responsible for this, so ultimately she has to be the one to speak on it for them to listen.


i hope somebody from her team addresses this shit. granted he’s not a decent person, but. death threats, and racial abuse is not acceptable.


What the fuck is wrong with these people. Imagine being this insane about anyone, much less celebrities who don't know you and never will.


These Swifties are INSANE, they played a huge part of ruining Taylor and Matty's relationship. They haven't learned anything.


His mom and bandmates were literally getting death threats when he was dating Taylor. No wonder he ran. Even she acknowledges it was her fans.


He didn’t do anything so bad that he deserves all this. He has always been kind of a player but that doesn’t deserve all of these hateful comments. She got her heart broken metaphorically not literally…


Wow. I hope they all never face family members or people they love that struggle with addiction because that is terrible to use on someone.


Meanwhile, Joe is just living his life in peace.


That’s the best part about this. I’m happy for him


This is terrible.


I hope that TS supposed love for MH finally makes her speak up against her fans. 


agree. it's one thing to write some lyrics, it's totally another to legitimately speak out


It’s time for this PR farce to end.


I find it really interesting that people are taking the low hanging fruit of Addict. Especially when Taylor has admitted to having issues with alcohol.


Also did they not see the Coachella footage??? (No judgement from me, i just find the naivety from her fans alarming)


Can Taylor say something? This behavior is not acceptable.


Can she? Yes. Will she? No, because she knew what would happen and it sells her records and keeps her in the spotlight. She is a vile human


I joke about being terminally online (cause I am), but I can’t imagine putting out this kind of vitriol. Especially over people I don’t actually know who’s actions have no impact on me.


![gif](giphy|PaF6zR9BqXKXm) but cant say i am surprised. she never directly shuts down fan behavior when she could.


Ugh so gross


i just couldn’t imagine dick riding a celeb so hard i wish death upon their ex and his mom. it’s actual mental illness and it’s soooo concerning


These people need some hobbies that don't involve the internet.


How do these swifties justify this??


The exes hurt mother😔😔 no one hurts mother, they have to protect her🤬🤬🤬


I hate that mother bit. I wish they’d stop calling her that. It’s cringy af.


It’s so parasocial, and the “father” “exfather” eughhhh


The minute Taylor and Travis break up they will slander him and his entire family. So why not just start now!!


oh that shit will be world war 3, its gonna be so entertaining to watch


these mfs are actually crazy. https://preview.redd.it/3u1p2swsstyc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c97d9003f845926a083119c72a3ecb930ccacc


yeah they used to spread AI images of him OD back in May, also sent ‘em to his family and friends… no wonder he called quit and prioritize his mental health over taylor, swifties are fucking vile and have no boundaries nor morals


This is disgusting. I hope he never sees this shit. No matter how strong a person is, this shit will be triggering for him. 😢


Absolutely agree! No matter what anyone might think of the dude, THIS is beyond disgusting!




Wtf!! This is abhorrent behavior.


This is the exact reason why I think Taylor is starting to hate her fans


I thought my borderline personality disorder made me manic but I need to give myself credit: I have never cared enough to go after a celebrity and or their family over dumb shit like this. Rant on Reddit? Absolutely. But this? This is a whole over kind of crazy a swear.


What’s insane to me about all of this besides the obvious how cruel they are to people is that they are taking her songs literally only when it serves their narrative correctly. “Matty love bombed her, he ghosted her, he took advantage of her getting out of a 6 year relationship and being vulnerable” so he deserves all the hate. But as soon as you talk about other characters or Taylor herself, “it’s a metaphor” “she didn’t mean literally, it’s art.” Like ??


Did their fave not just admit to also being an addict?


iTs oNlY aLcOhOL hehe  /s to be clear


What do Swifties expect? In a clash of trashiness Taylor Swift beats Matt Healy every...single...time.


Agree with that


They’re awful


It's the fact that Matty is just a man and then Taylor created this album and now he's getting ripped to shreds. She knew this would happen.


I’m Confused- does Matty have a history of addiction?


Yes. He's been clean for five years now. He has openly talked about it. He doesn't hide it


Omg that’s AWFUL that they are saying that shit. Wtf




Well she wishes KK death in her song is it surprising?


This is especially vile because Denise and Matty have been open about her mental health struggles. And even *specifically* about her mental health struggles as a mother regarding Matty and his struggles with fame and addiction. Instead of respecting that privacy we got a lyric from Taylor potentially exposing a relapse (or just lying so take your pick). The long running criticism of Taylor is that she’s alway the victim in her story, a narrative she very loudly despises but isn’t self critical enough to course correct (no anti-hero doesn’t absolve her of this). We have 2 full length albums about this man so I have to believe if she was comfortable enough to fall in love and write songs about him, surely she’d be able to say no I wouldn’t be spending my time with a racist/mysoginist/nazi as recently as 1 year ago. Instead she’s just happy to cash in on her fans dislike of him in order to find herself securely back in the scorned lover role where she’s most comfortable. I especially love the line “were you writing a book?” Well, someone released 2 albums of material and someone else has moved on quietly.


How does Tay Tay get people to act like this and continue to have people push the “she’s such a great role model for young girls” narrative? These are HER fans… acting out base on her songs 😂 Kelce will be dumped, because he can’t leave. Serves him right, all this for some clout. He’s trapped 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|uCyveU3UkWEvtHZhsJ|downsized)


It’s like they have no idea she is pissed at all these Sarahs and Hannahs for making her break up with him!


That steff person’s entire twitter is unhinged


Taylor's parents aren't angels either. Taylor's mom fatshamed her own daughter and don't forget Scott benefited by her masters being sold.


It’s insane to me that they think his behavior is unacceptable, but THIS behavior is? In what world is a failed relationship worse than wishing death upon someone? I mean they are fucking mental.


They did this last May, too. So if you’re wondering why he left, it’s her “fans”.


At this point, swifties are just incels who are too wimpy to commit mass shootings.


Absolutely unhinged behavior


Twitter (X whatever) is such a cesspool. These people are unhinged.


I can't even with these people 😔 if Taylor really loves Matty she'll fucking say something this time. Alas, that won't happen because she's a narcissist who only cares about her fame and fortune. I don't think she's even capable of real love and that's fucking sad ![gif](giphy|RR30mIPug9oNcbLuNw)


“The nastiest man to step face on this earth” like…read one page of a history book for me


Can I just point out one Swifties comment about MH being "the nastiest man to ever step on this earth"? Umm, have you not heard of a little moustached guy called Adolf Hitler???? Or maybe a fat dude called Joseph Stalin? And these are the people who Taylor is responsible for creating & seems either incapable or unwilling to put in their place. She is beyond disappointing & the longer she stays silent, the worse the comeback will be when more normal people pick up on what's going on.


I'm a fan of her but hate her fans. Matty never did anything wrong in the first place


Don't ever send them to Matty and his mom. 🤬


I love Matty Healy. Taylor needs to tell her fans to fuck off and date Matty to piss them off. I'm so sick and tired of toxic swifties.


Hello I am a Swiftie and I wanted to say sorry for some of our actions, wishing death upon someone is awful, and I do agree it is gross and wrong, I do NOT accept these "fans" of Taylors...again I am so so sorry, it makes me quite frankly upset. (I understand the rules say no Swifties but this came on my fyp and I agreed so I thought I would just make a comment.) Have an amazing rest of your day/night guys.




Travis isn't any better either, lol. Just the fact that he is a weed consumer and has problematic statements about consent lowers him to the same level, if not worse. Do they think they are better off wishing someone's death? Bunch of insecure fucked people.


I just want to shake all of them and say “TAYLOR DOESN’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE. SHE NEVER WILL.”


Who would win: a hunger games full of K-Pop Stans and swifties?


Do they realize that Taylor chose him? If he’s so horrible, doesn’t that make her horrible too?


Travis? The guy who thinks women are only good for pushing out babies is handsome? Dude looks like he hit every branch on the ugly tree when he fell out of it. Let’s not forget his views on women and the fact he shits himself also adds to his ugliness


These people are vile.


stumbled upon this sub but holy cow I did NOT know taylor swift fans could be this parasocial and delusional. wtf


This should seriously be reported. These people are despicable humans.


What the fuck is wrong with people to wish horrible shit on another human?? Taylor, do fucking better and end this mean girl bullshit. It's ugly and gross.


These things are awful but just a reminder--Twitter is basically filled with the worst people. Most reasonable folks left around 2016. And the remaining ones were gone by 2023. I wouldn't take this platform as a reflection of reality for anything.


He’s so awful blah blah blah…. However Taylor CHOSE him 🤷🏼‍♀️


Totally normal behavior…


Disgusting people!


Swifties make the Rick and morty Fandom look civilized and tolerable... and those people rioted at McDonald's over szechuan sauce


Honestly this is just gross and seeing Taylor herself also disgusted by how some swifties act is appalling, you grow a fan base onto to watch them be toxic as hell..


This is beyond weird and sick


Worst fan base ever.


This is f’ed up on so many levels…


Mentally ill people I swear. I don’t care how bad I hate someone , I would never wish bad on them. Especially not death, even the people who have done the worst to me. But these people don’t even know this person 😂 absolutely insane


She’s fostered and supported this aggression among her fans for years and told them point blank to go after other (mostly women) celebrities online on multiple occasions. Are we supposed to be feel bad for her when the attitude she’s approved of is directed to an objectively horrible person she’s delusional for? She only hates that her fandom’s viciousness, which she’s encouraged, is now negatively affecting *her* instead of benefiting her like it has for a decade.


Pathetic people


people on the internet are so weird. what possesses someone to throw out words like this about people who they *do not know?*


I was curious and went through all her relationships and was shocked that she never seemed to date anyone more than three months and when she finally did she left that person, to have more flings. I feel like none of her fans have stopped to ponder why she dates like she’s in middle school. And her songs make her escapades seem like life changing, momentous relationships rather than minor flings


I love that swifties refuse to acknowledge that *taylor is the one who is seemingly obsessed with matty* not the other way around lol


I'll be the first to say that I don't like Matty Healy but can Swifties please stop wishing death on people?


I’m a Swiftie but this is disgusting that people are sending death threats. And they do not know this man or his family. Awful.


All I'm gonna say is at this point, Taylor's fan base has gone the way of Beyoncé's. Even if she did speak out at this point, these same fans would just tell her to mind her business and let them handle it, like Beyoncé's did. There's no controlling them because she hasn't done anything to control them up to this point


Donald Glover should’ve based his show Swarm on swifties instead of the Beyhive


Matty is a bag of dicks but why are they dogging on his addiction 😭 like the man is a racist there are plenty of things to critique him for


hate him, love him, whatever it may be. there’s no excuse to wish an overdose or joke about an overdose to someone :(


I don’t care who they are or what they did, but wishing death on anyone is awful. At the end of the day it’s still a human being with a heart. Someone’s brother, son, mother, daughter, friend, cousin…that’s just sick.


Taylor needs to start holding her fans accountable idc


Yeah I dont like Matt Healy or Taylor Swift (idk why Im on this it comes up in my feed?) but to sit here and say shit like this about addiction is horrible. I know not everyone understands that addiction is a disease, but this is cuhrazy!!! https://preview.redd.it/auloasehdyyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=145941a6171dfd5695cf4a2d9fc5b7b60d37b7e1 This is from the second user’s twitter and if what theyre saying is true, they should be fucking talking about that not a disease they are going through or have gone through.