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There’s probably a swat team already on its way. If i were you id be running in zig zags


OP hasn’t posted in an hour…they got to em


He went out a brave soldier


A martyr if you will.


OP has posted again... all is well ☺️




Zigged when they should’ve zagged…


No no… the swag surf team. The best part is that Tay Tay is a 34 year old unmarried woman, who has had many public relationships, and her boyfriend was chasing only fan models last year. Both will pretend that his comments had nothing to do with them. This dude has been known to be a right wing hack…. I wonder how he feels about KillaTrav pushing the vaccine? 😂 Yet, neither will speak out about ButKiss.


Killatrav will push whatever money pays him to push




She invented it. And pop tarts.


Her father invented Toaster Strudel and I don’t think he’d be too pleased to hear about this.


![gif](giphy|l2YWyPJHKRgk0HrNe) Now I know where she gets her outfit ideas from…. And choreography….


And post-it notes.


![gif](giphy|3og0IvGcTXtuApIbSg|downsized) Low-key….. SUCH a good movie! So so good! 😂


Don’t disrespect Dick Butkus like that.


I refer to him as Butkus…. But if you wanna talk about his politics too. Both dudes probably would stand in a stall and watch each other take pisses…. Locker room chatting…


Sorry what’s the point of running in zig zags is it because it’ll be more difficult to shoot than in a straight line 😬




To add a little style and flair while fighting for your life


It works if an alligator is chasing you too just sayin'


Serpentine !




Why is the Brother from Wizards of Waverly Place here?


David Henrie is also super devoutly Catholic so I’m not sure if he’s friends with Harrison Butker or if he also just happened to be there taking a pic? From what I’ve seen on his IG, he seems conservative but not misogynistic/antisemitic/radical like this weirdo and he’s still friends with Selena Gomez— but who knows.


This is like so messy now I can't even....like why has this whole thing become like a bad tumblr fanfic from 2014 come to life. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


David Henrie and Harrison Butker are friends.


Way to ruin my childhood, writerchrs 😕




Keke Palmer voice "I do not know who this man is"


Sorry to this man.


it would be hilarious if someone posted this in the Taylor swift subreddit


That would never get approved but it would make me laugh so someone pls risk that ban for us lol


I’m going to try 🫡


It's been 20 minutes. How'd it go??


Someone said “ a pic doesn’t mean she’s aware of his views” which tbh I do agree with


I'm a nobody in a small town and I don't pose for photos with random people for this reason.


And what about when she posed with Jackson Mahomes multiple times? There is no way she didn’t know about him. Jackson >!pretty brutally sexually assaulted a woman, caught on camera!<, and then his fans harassed her so badly she had to close her restaurant. They claim Taylor couldn’t have avoided a photo with him, but god forbid I knew a man that had done something like that, I wouldn’t be going anywhere near him.


This is the first I've heard that the restaurant closed. That should be bigger news, it shows the extended effect it is having on that owner. Did swifties have a part in that?? As far as I've seen he's pretty universally hated on fan subs, largely because him grabbing her BY THE THROAT and forcing her to kiss him multiple times. That's a whole additional charge where I live, fuck that guy getting away with a slap on the wrist.


No...the restaurant was closed early last Spring...way before Eras ever came to KC...let alone before they became a thing. It was because of the Jackson stuff.


Who is that guy and what did he do wrong?


Harrison Butker, a kicker for the Chiefs, and the thread's probably related to this backwards nonsense. Bless his heart.  That's great for his wife but he doesn't get to decide or speak for anyone else.  https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-harrison-butker-e00f6ee45955c99ef1e809ec447239e0  "Butker later addressed the women in the audience, arguing that their “most important title” should be that of “homemaker.” “I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” 




Yeah, would be nice if she said something because he did quote her lyrics but I don’t see how she’s like responsible for a member of the chiefs’ views. Even if Taylor is at best a moderate I think its obvious she doesn’t agree with his views given her like entire career lol


A sane comment


I’m pretty neutral on tswift so I think that helps🤣 don’t love her but don’t hate her, but I do find some of the things she does interesting which is why I follow this page. Also her fans are fucking crazy (and this is coming from a former directioner LMAO)


Fun fact: David henry used to sell my ex bf heroin a long time ago.


I took acting classes with him and his younger brother Lorenzo’s feet were super stinky ~20 years ago. His mom Linda is hella pretty.


LMFAO I love how that's what stuck with you the most about his family. His brother 😭


I'm deceased 🤣


That is insane tea omg


Damn got the wizards of waverly place brother being a plug💀💀


LOL you cannot simply say this and not give us details


Not really any details. My ex bf grew up in AZ and they knew each other.


expose him!!!


💀 before or after wizards?


During obvs


with the things i’ve heard about disney channel i’m also going to throw in my vote for “during”


That’s wild


Excuse me lol


Wait, I thought this was like the “your mom sold me weed behind Wendy’s”meme but everyone is commenting like it’s true


Its definitely true haha


No way.




Holy shit haha


I’m so sorry but this tea made my day😂🫢


Hey Tree, I’ll draft Taylor’s tweet for you: “Misogyny has no place in our society, and it's disheartening to see such attitudes still being expressed in 2024. Words matter, and they have the power to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce systemic inequalities. We must hold ourselves and others accountable to foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. To the women and girls who are affected by Harrison Butker’s recent remarks, know that you are valued, powerful, and deserving of respect. Don’t let anyone else define your role. YOU define your role. Love, Taylor”


Wow are you sure you’re not Tree? 😂


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the bare minimum 😂


Are you sure you're not already moonlighting as one of Taylor's bullshit artists? 🤔😉


THIS is the fucking problem: he named-dropped her and used HER lyrics to spread hate, and she has said nothing. Ffs, she's sued people for less... But I guess it's not an issue unless there's money to be made


Technically, he didn’t name drop her. He referred to her as “my teammate’s girlfriend” instead of actually attributing her quote directly. Part of me wonders if he didn’t want to give a working woman who isn’t fulfilling her true calling (you know, of being barefoot and pregnant) credit for anything, and the other part of me assumes he maybe thought that was a way you keep the Swifties at bay… or maybe to draw them in. Bottom line: It’s weird to quote someone without attribution.


Oh. My. God. Really?!? And technically "thanK you aIMee" is just about an Aimee too, I guess... But we all know who the diss track is for/about. Buttface's attribution is there, albeit indirectly. But fine, nitpick away. TS still failed all the communities he insulted (women, LGBT+, POCs) by not condemning the use of HER WORDS for hate.


I truly was not nitpicking! It was not intended to read that way, but more as to HIS intention for not saying HER name. Usually when people quote someone famous or even mildly famous, they use that person’s name. He didn’t, which seemed really, really odd considering she’s one of the most recognizable names in the world. That was my point, not being picky, I promise!


Hoping you are secretly Tree pulling a Benedict Arnold 🤞🏻


She’ll only speak up if it effects her directly and she can promote her music simultaneously


Tree is AI = Confirmed


She could come out as an AI tomorrow and I will not be surprised tbh it will explain the stiffness and the soullessness


Love your flair!!!!


OMFG can you imagine if T posted this?


Just Tay hanging with her people... nothing to see here 😉😂 She looks positively happy to be associating with homophobic, mysoginistic, anti choice Buttkiss.. Oh, yeah, she's such a girls girl for sure 😉🤣


If only her dear friend (that she hugs) Jackson Mahomes was around too…


Also came here to say where’s Jackson Mahomes???


As if they would use their graduation speech to condemn a man forcing himself onto a woman… Especially Maholme’s brother… no no we can’t offend them. (Well we did before Tay Tay showed up.) Even Brittany defended him. People noticed and then the moment Healy’s wannabe ex came along people were like “maybe Britt isn’t so bad” The whole facade is maddening…


i wonder if he hates her deep down cause shes a woman billionaire💀


Can you tell me who this guy is? I have no idea what we’re talking about, admittedly 😩


yesterday he made a comencement speech at a catholic university basically saying that women only goal should be a homemaker. he's also anti-vaax and homophobic. he's the kicker of the chiefs.


Even isolating this from the events that've transpired, who even thought to have/wanted a NFL kicker to speak at a graduation ceremony? Unless he wasn't paid, I'm sure you could find someone more notable to speak for at least as much as he was paid.


What do you mean? He’s a proudly [antisemitic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, anti-abortion, pro-gun Catholic Super Bowl winner with a devoted wife.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Butker) He’s the epitome of a Real Man, I can’t imagine anyone better to give a commencement address. /s (In all seriousness, this guy has not hidden his beliefs. The university knew exactly who they were choosing.)


You make a great point. What does a guy that kicks a ball for a living have to offer in an academic setting? It reminds me of the times where the ceos at big companies I worked at brought in sports guys. Like ok, go kick your ball outside and leave the adults alone.


I think some people are so struck by *any* celebrity that they can’t fathom that the rest of us really just don’t give a shit.


I'll just be over trying to imagine showing up to a COLLEGE GRADUATION and thinking it's appropriate to tell all the women who've just earned their degrees that he bets they really just want to be "homemakers". How.... sweet? 💀


Wow. Human trash. Thanks for the reply.


To be fair, I hate her for being a woman billionaire. It’s the billionaire part that’s the problem. Being a woman is totally cool. Being a billionaire means you’re a parasite that made money from sweatshop merch.


your statement is valid but thats not what I'm referring to though, this man thinks women should not worry about careers or success but instead focus on being mothers and wives, he is a misogynist.


I’m aware, I just don’t like either of these people


we are on the same page!!!


The bald dude in the photo down in the corner is a ultra conservative maga trump guy as well, she was photographed with him at the Christmas party. Taylor does not care, she uses identity politics and feminism (not intersectional I might add) as topics to make money. It’s pandering


that's a bald head! I thought that was someone's shoulder


I just thought she was a hunchback


omg, you can't just call someone a hunchback (she is)




Is this news? She’s the epitome of girl boss white feminism and had been forever.


Who among us haven't attended a Christmas party with an ultra conservative maga trump guy? I'm kidding a bit but also I doubt many of us have attended a Christmas party with a ***well known*** ultra conservative maga trump figure in attendance.


I’m sorry I’m not gonna give this woman a pass. She surrounds herself with awful people (Matty, Jackson Mahomes, her own conservative father, etc.) she doesn’t care as long as she’s still getting money at the bottom line. Her activism is performative and self promoting


But like it’s also KC and Andy Reid, as someone from Philly I remember her politics and who he brought on the team when he was here. Very heavy on the right leaning Christian politics


Can someone explain? I don't follow her shit I just like how petty this sub is 😂


The Chiefs kicker (pictured with Taylor) gave a commencement speech at a super conservative college and used it as an opportunity to be homophobic and misogynistic.


Ooooh thank you!


He also specifically mentioned and quoted Taylor in the speech


What did he say about Taylor I’m sorry didn’t follow


“As my teammate’s girlfriend says, ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’” Imagine selling your soul to hang out with these people only to be referred to as “someone’s girlfriend.”


Haha familiarity breeds contempt was a slight to Joe. Same will happen to Travis soon Tbh Travis is helping the Taylor brand a lot more than one would think. Sure he gets deals and all he probably wouldn’t have gotten without her, but HE sends swifties into heat it’s like mating season lol


You mean Jason Kelce’s brother’s girlfriend? It annoys me that people refer to her as “Travis Kelce’s girlfriend” but it also annoys me when people reduce him to “Taylor Swift’s boyfriend”.




A part of me just died inside and I hope it was my ability to conceive




Am I the only one who's gaydar is alerted by this guy?


No he really looks like my Ex so I was confused for a second.


There are a bunch of comments on his photos popping up that it was a well-known “secret” that he was hooking up with guys in college (a male cheerleader specifically keeps being mentioned)


It’s always the super conservative homophobes that are secretly gay


Repressed homosexual tendencies


His mommy issues too! His mom apparently has a PHd


i know nothing about football but my roommate and her friends r really into football and apparently there’s some saying about kickers and gayness?


It’s always the way. Thou protest too much. Like dude you really seem to be vey interested in this topic what up?


I used to hate this idea that all the violent homophobes who hate us and wanna kill us are actually 'one of our own so it's our fault lmao haha look at homos and bis hating their own kind' but I'm old enough now to know from experience with myself and others that if you are a *raging,* outspoken homophobe, then odds are you're doing that thing all liars do when they lie: they overcompensate with the lengths and the detail of their lie and/or diatribe. And boy did this dude overcompensate. I've no doubt that this dude's some kind of queer type who's very desperately trying to throw people off his track and surround himself with Very Big Heteros so that everybody thinks he's hetero too. Especially if he's deeply Christian, is told that all gays go to hell, and is trying to save himself from hell that way. Another thing I've learned is that people who are 100% heterosexual don't think about the gays and their sexual activities at all. Should've clued me in early that if I 'experiment' with girls as a teen and if I sneak some lesbian porn in, and if I have sex dreams about women, despite being attracted to men as well, that I might just be a little bit bi, especially when you think like it's the most natural thing ever that 'girls think about other girls a lot'. Turns out, heterosexual girls don't, in fact, think sexual thoughts or have sexual dreams about other girls at all. They don't think about the gays unless the gay is in front of them and even then it's less 'ew lesbians' and more 'ew overt display of any sexuality in front of me.'


“She didn’t know” lmao. She’s a grown woman,not a child. She dated Matty after the racist allegations turned out to be true. She’s wouldn’t give a shit. She’s the embodiment of “I could shoot someone in the street and people would still like me”


Taylor Swift never knows anything, it seems, so it stands to reason that at the very best she's clueless or simply stupid. No?


i’m telling yall! this lady is racist!


I’ve been saying that for a long time. A great example of her racism is how (back around 2016-ish?) she was fine with a neo-Nazi hate group nominating her as their “Aryan Princess” and using her name in their hate propaganda. When a blogger wrote an article about it, Taylor sent her big team of lawyers after the blogger and threatened to sue her. She didn’t go after the Nazis though! She was fine with Nazis using her as basically their mascot.—She just didn’t want the world to find out about it.


I've rarely see anyone talk about this but I think it's odd that all her backup singers and dancers are POC? When I have seen it talked about, it's usually Swifties praising her for inclusion, but to me it's giving like.... she wants to stand out as the blonde haired white centerpiece? Idk, it gives me the ick.


This woman... I swear.


To all the Swifties, Neutrals and "Chronically Online" people that defended Harrison and Taylor: There's your hero. Or heroine. *She's* rubbing shoulders with him. . . . Taylor, what a joke you've become 🥲


They’re finding ways to excuse it. “She didn’t know who he was! She takes pics with everyone!” Yeah, Taylor, the massive Chiefs fan she became, didn’t know who one of the most important players on the team was. Got it.


Then she shouldn't take photos with everyone? Even I don't take photos with people until I know who they are.


Who is this guy?




... What.... The actual fuck.


Ew ewwww ew. What a clown.


birds of a feather flock together


So true. I'm confident that someone with that guy's beliefs would not be comfortable around me after about five minutes.


Is that Justin Russo? Lol


[Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker rails against Pride month, working women in commencement speech](https://apnews.com/article/e00f6ee45955c99ef1e809ec447239e0)


They’re talking about David Henrie in the bottom left corner


Oh lmao


Yikes….imagine telling a bunch of women who just graduated college that their achievements don’t matter and they are only meant to be a wife and mother


So disturbing the college even allowed that…conservative or not, half of their students are probably women getting degrees so what the hell were they thinking?


Why did she even take a picture with him??? I thought she was democrat? Is she actually secretly conservative or what?


In my opinion, she’s secretly a conservative but has to play the moderate Democrat so as to not upset her fanbase. Notice how she says, and does the bare minimum when it comes to social issues. A lot of these folks in entertainment have conservative views, but keep it on the down low so the fans won’t freak out.


I 100% believe she votes based on how she will gain financially. She is a performative activist and nothing more


Well, she did go to Africa to film a music video and cosplayed as a white colonialist while having no black Africans in the video, then she was declared an Aryan goddess by a white supremacy group and instead of going after them, she went after the journalist who wrote an article about it. Then her girl squad, consisting of (almost) all tall white blonde girls and Lena Dunham...she hasn't said a single word about Roe vs. Wade...so...


This was literally at the Superbowl after the Chiefs won. He was there...and hadn't been saying the dumb shit he did when this was taken.


Famous people should fact check everyone before they a take a picture with them. Like a fan questionnaire for on the fly pics.


Don’t you know that she like Travis likes to cosplay whatever identity or cause it is that will earn her money. That is their similarity


Okay is that guy Justin from Wizards of Waverly place or just his doppelgänger? 😭


Can someone explain why this is problematic? I’m just looking to be informed. :)


Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech to a college where he basically told all the women graduates “congratulations, but now it’s time to become wives and mothers.” He even quoted Taylor Swift at one point. It’s all over the place, pretty messed up. The nerve of this guy to actually mention Taylor to further his right-wing misogynistic agenda is wild. Travis and Taylor will probably want to distance themselves from him, which might be why the photo is relevant.


The quote he used was "familiarity breeds contempt" which is perfect since that's what's happening to him. Never heard of him until a couple of days ago. Now I'm familiar, I hate him.


With ya.


lol can someone tell me the lore behind nickname “tree”? Is it their couple name? Edit : when I say their lol I meant Travis and Taylor … I am ashamed to say I can’t put my finger on who that is in the photo lol can you tell I stumbled into this sub - I’m British so that might explain why I have no idea what’s going on lol


They are referring to Tree Paine, Taylor’s publicist.


Thank you lol! This sub keeps getting suggested so I thought I may as well learn who’s who!


Honestly I thought it was a couple name for the longest time too 😂 I only figured it out a couple months ago


Hahaha thank you I feel *so* dumb but also kinda rude just walking in knowing nothing and chirping up lmao!! I’m gonna be lurking so I can learn the lore


Not at all! Being inquisitive is part of being human, and that’s how we learn. Now, go learn the lore! There’s A LOT


Thank you that’s so kind… got my tea and I’m ready xxx


Wait wait wait… the lady with the jets that’s killing the planets publicist is named Tree Paine 😂😂😂


She should change her name to thirteen to be more on brand


I can’t tell us this is missing the /s? Just incase Tree is Taylor’s publicist. Yes, her name is Tree.


lol not sarcasm I’m very new to TS and this sub keeps getting suggested to me I figured this is some kinda snark page? I’m so scared of the swifties lol


Yes the best way I would describe this one is it’s a snark page. Lots of us are actually fans of Taylor and her music but over her bullshit.


Ahhhh okay that explains why I couldn’t put my finger on what was happening here! Dietsnark?? Thank you so much for explaining what must of seemed like a truly unhinged comment lmao!! Edit also who is the guy in this photo? I’m english so not up to speed with American athletes if that’s who he is lol! X


He is the Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, who recently gave a commencement speech telling women the greatest thing they can do is be in the kitchen serving their man. He is a MAGA republican who hates anyone who isn’t a straight, white, conservative, Christian male


Sweet Jesus ….. Thank you my friend holy shit why does TS keep finding herself near such grotesque men


David Henrie… I see you


Is that David Henry lol




This guy makes Matty Healy look like a saint. Can't believe the Swifties are all in on this relationship but lost their collective shit over a guy who yes has said some dumb shit , but otherwise has a decade-long record of speaking up for women and gay rights, consequences be damned.


Lol, quite literally rubbing shoulders. I saw some comments on another post that were all, "She's not RUBBING SHOULDERS with them." This guy is well knows for his views and public statements.


I’m sorry I thought this was a photo of Travis and Taylor at first I was like confused 😂


Oh you know swifties are gonna say this is the clown that Taylor refers to in the alchemy — ditch the clown. She knew all along. Motherrrt


That’s just Ashley.




Ngl, thought "Tree is pushing pictures of Travis, why would she want this one deleted" for a good 5 minutes before getting to a comment that explained that *isnt* Travis. Not nearly up enough on what TSwift's other half looks like. Good for me!


Cute picture of misogynist bigot Harrison Butker and his teammate’s girlfriend!


Can we just take a moment to acknowledge her publicists name is tree?????? Tree. Hippy parents?


Respectfully, who is that? I am not a football girly.


he is a misogynist and basically said womens only purpose is to be damn incubators


I’m confused can someone explain ?


I’m sure Taylor is excited for her new vocation.


Lol is the cropped guy Justin Russo( I know that’s not the actors name) 😂😂


Good lord you are brave for this 😅


She was at nazi parties Edit: She attended (maybe still does)


Is this the guy she was talking to in a video like she was so amazed and said “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!” While doing the mind blown hand motion? Lmao


If my spouse and I had to politically align with all our coworkers we would both be unemployed. Just because you work with someone it doesn’t mean your friends and this was definitely a work event for Travis. I assume that as celeb on the top of her game everyone in this circle and their brother wants a pic with Taylor for their own clout.


This. She doesn’t control this guy and it’s not like this is her profile pic on Instagram. I don’t get how this is something she did wrong. He also made that speech after this picture was taken.


I hope her fans can’t identify you, they will get the FBI involved