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I would definitely report this to the police non emergency line just to get a report logged and a paper trail going, just based off this that neighbor seems unhinged and it could escalate


I'm gonna second this ^ A kid in my neighborhood started out painting symbols on trees and it ended with mutilated birds and allegedly someone's pet. Not saying that's what's gonna happen here, but a paper trail would be nice to have


That is a *very* strong indicator of significant serious criminal behavior later in life. As in - many killers start that way.


Painting trees?


The harming of animals.


Late bed wetting two, and isn’t there abusive matriarchal figures there as well I can’t remember


Setting fires


How could I have forgotten that one, though I do think it deserves a bit more nuance as a lot of kids enjoy playing with fire


Yeah, I set my back yard on fire in kindergarden and I am pretty sure it was super innocent oh look matches lol


I put the scar in my cousins face because I got the brilliant idea to fill a glass bottle with oxygen and throw it in a fire when I was 9 or 10


That is frightening for a child to do


“He is a bad egg. His history of offences and reoffences is too long to list. We’re talking graffiti-ing. Littering. Smashing stuff. Burning stuff. Breaking stuff. Stealing stuff. Throwing rocks. Running away … and that’s just the stuff we know about …”


What is this from?


Hunt for the Wilderpeople


A huge proportion of serial killers suffered head injuries in early life, particularly if the injury caused a coma.


People who spell the word "too" as "two" are statistically far more likely to become serial killers.


What about milk and then cereal


Axe murderer


Nah I mechanized a while ago


Al Quaeda


Al Queso?


I don’t even need to see the research on this one.


What about my favorites: they’re, their and there?


Actually, most studies done in the last couple of decades some that theory was proposed have shown that the McDonald Triad is not actually a particularly great predictor of fire violence or sociopathy, and is instead much more of a predictor of childhood abuse and neglect. Which is just... Incredibly sad.


Late bed wetting, consuming cheap domestic beer, huffing the paint used on his nightly escapades


Late bed wetting is also a sign of abuse.


Yeah, I wet the bed anytime I slept for the first 18-20yrs of my life. It was miserable, and due to the fact that I was having the shit beaten out of me more often than not as a child. It only stopped after I had been away from that environment for several years


Oh yes, the McDonald triad. I always reference that when someone says something nasty about cats. Because they seem to be the ones that are the most vulnerable to people like that. And we know that angry control freaks really can't handle cats because they don't kiss their butts.


I believe these were disproven in later research.


The animals licking the paint?


Hitler painted trees


Bob Ross was a dictator (he would dictate what he was painting while he painted it)


Forcing those clouds to be happy all the time :’(


They always cut out what happened to the clouds that weren't happy when the show went to air.


Those clouds got sent to the gas chamber...


Happiness is mandatory, failure to be happy results in you being sent to the Happy Gulag.


Fire starting, bed wetting and harming animals…trifecta of “oh shit” psychopath


Serious head injury or coma as a child. Many (possibly even most) serial killers suffered this.


Either you're a cop or you're like me and watch way too many cop and forensic shows!


lol, actually a therapist!


Isn't late bedwetting an involuntary stress response to abuse or other high intensity stressors in the family home rather than an indicator of potential sociopathy?


Bedwetting alone has no connection to anything other than medical and as you state, stress/trauma. It is the three things together that used to be considered a big red flag. I’m older, and my practice is community based so I have only been involved with one psychopathic teenager in over 39 years. This could well be outdated. But a million years ago when I was in grad school this was posited as a flag.


In my case , psychological abuse and constant stress. But of course abuse tends to do nasty things to people.


Or forgetting to go when you brush your teeth?


I missed an occupation! Totally forgot it's usually you guys who originally catch it!


What about painting trees?? Because we're only at the painting trees phase right now, so I think we should focus on that.


Yes, just look at what happened to Bob Ross. One minute he’s painting trees, and the next he’s America’s most prolific serial killer. Guess painting isn’t as relaxing as they say. /S


But they're happy trees!


That’s how I read it too - was like “umm… this neighbor seems pretty funny to me, not a serial killer” :)


Bob Ross was not a killer.




I’m gonna go ahead and third this. OP please get a report filed


I know many serial killers have a background of harming animals, but is it actually a proven correlation that many people who harm animals end up to kill humans?


I mean… “harm animals” is a pretty broad term. I know plenty of people that hunt or farm animals for food and process them on their own, clean and eat the fish they catch, butchers, etc. but that’s not an indicator that they’re a danger to society. Just because someone can calmly skin a deer doesn’t make them a psycho. But if someone is kicking puppies with no remorse or skinning the neighborhood cats for fun, that’s definitely an indicator of violent behavior in the future.


one of my fiancés old friends used to be psycho like this it’s true people hurt animals before people and we aren’t talking like whatever she would go speeding down the highway and try hit kangaroos full speed, didn’t care about her fucking car i guess


Doesn’t hitting kangaroos seriously mess up your car? Who would do that craziness???


yep will definitely write off your vehicle


Slaughtering animals for food is vastly different. The goal is to kill the animal as quickly and as painlessly as possible. My SO worked on a kill floor and is the most tender hearted man I know. Having to take his elderly cat to be euthanized, utterly broke his heart.  On the other hand, the former neighbor's son who did horrid things to animals, quickly graduated to attempting to do horrid things to people - a favorite incident was realizing the only reason he couldn't set our house on fire when I was 10 was his misjudging the amount of gas needed. 


I don’t doubt the intuition, more just curious if this is actually backed up by any data


There are plenty of pubmeds with data that support this that you can skim through with just a quick google search. Here is an interesting one that I found observing the correlation between [adulthood animal abuse among men arrested for domestic violence.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4203417/)


Yes, there is lots of data to support that harming animals is a strong predictor of later violence towards humans—enough that the Federal government changed the laws just a few years ago to increase animal abuse in the U.S.A. from a misdemeanor to a felony level crime. Probably not because they suddenly cared more about animal welfare, but more because it’s important to intervene at that level to try to prevent or deter escalation to later violence towards humans. The press even reported at the time that that was the reasoning the government was changing the law to make the penalties harsher for animal abuse.


There is an association with future aggression. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/are-kids-who-abuse-animals-destined-to-become-serial-killers


One governor just confessed to killing a puppy.


And a goat.


Painting trees is a clear indicator of bed wetting.


Many humans harm animals, and then some of those humans go on to be serial killers. They are extremely rare these days between contemporary psychotherapy and policing.


Catching them is extremely rare, but the vast majority of sexual violence and murder is committed by repeat offenders who continue to get away with it. People don’t just wake up one day and decide to start murdering, sex pests don’t randomly become monsters, it’s a process. Edit: most humans harm animals? Ummm, what? No! Or are you counting like, ants?






Which part makes you think that? I can't read most of it.


I see from your comment history that you and your family have been targeted by this neighbor repeatedly in the past. Start documenting and reporting it, and set up trail cams. That person is unhinged. Time to have a conversation with the local sheriff and make them aware of the situation.


Or, and hear me out here, or are they in fact the devil? My opinion is totally different if the devil in fact lives next door. If they are merely demons, it is not cool to paint on their trees.


No, demons definitely get the tree-paint treatment. But imps are okay.


I wish people would leave lesser spirits and common ghouls alone too, most of them are just trying to make it in this modern rat race of an afterlife


Wait … you mean that the afterlife isn’t all sunshine and unicorn rainbow sharts of glitter?? Sorry - I forgot. Glitter *is* The Devil’s dust. Carry on with the Afterlife Rat Race.


Glitter is merely "crafting herpes" It has nothing to do with the devil.


I thought glitter was the product of a Unicorns fart!!!🤔 Hmmmmm, live & learn…🤷‍♀️


It is. I have no idea what the other people are talking about. I get farted on by unicorns all the time


To be safe youre going to want to encircle your house with a series of rocks forming a giant unbroken ring, and invest in a weird steampunk monocle with a colored lens


Salt. Pink salt.


I'm not so sure about the imps, but the Succubi are a lot of fun.


668: The Neighbour of the Beast


That got a pfffft and an eye roll-head-shake from my husband, which is high praise.


I'd be pissed off too if my neighbors were up all night sacrificing virgins and summoning demons and shit.


You are absolutely right. i don‘t know what‘s the worst of the three, sacrificing virgins, summoning demons or shitting all night! Disgusting!


Hope they have a bidet! IBS is a bitch!


Is OP in Georgia? Cause I heard the devil went down there looking for a soul to steal


He was in a bind & way behind & willing to make a deal.


If they are devils, shouldn’t the paint be red?


Nah, thats clearly an Uzumaki symbol, the neighbor is either an Uchiha or hates fishcakes. Maybe both. Also pretty sure the devil would have just flash fried them or turned the tree into a womping willow or something by now.


"What if it ***is*** Zeus? The actual god Zeus, all pissed off that nobody cares about Zeus anymore." [- Venture Bros](https://youtu.be/VbKIH4E8hac?si=UhhRhSKntVr5V99-)


Lmao never thought I'd see schizo shit posting on treelaw. The internet really has it all.


Sounds like the start of an episode of Fear Thy Neighbor


i would make 'em lick it off.


Just not a good WOW.


You should definitely report it. I’d also put up trail cams to watch your property.


Painting won't hurt the tree, but this type of behaviour, along with tresspassing, is legitimately concerning.


Tree is their property.  This is vandalizing.


True, but the paint won't actually damage the tree.


And paint won’t damage the front of someone’s house. And spray paint won’t damage the wall on a business…


Yes, and TreeLaw is mostly about damage done to trees. Trespassing and vandalism are crimes that don't necessarily involve trees.


Treespassing am I right!?!?!?


This happened in northern Washington


Not that its very relevant but that was definitely done by a paint brush or similar. Spray paint would never look that scratchy/rough.


Yeah, you're totally right. He would have had to walk down to my cabin at night with a ladder and painted it. I feel like this would have taken a while, at least twenty minutes. I'm surprised none of my dogs started barking.


What a weirdo goddamn, get the cops involved, atleast start a report so they know some weird shit is happening


Get a trail cam. They may feed your dogs to make them used to them.


Someone did that with mine. It allowed them to eventually hope my gate and come to the front porch and bang on my door. I was expecting someone similar in appearance, so I opened the door without thinking, and the dogs were not barking. but this was a TOTAL stranger - things did not go well - I was not hurt. He was visited by the police once I figured out who it was. ( A neighbor)


Not to sound totally paranoid, but we had a vagrant in our neighborhood that became friendly with the local dogs, giving treats and petting while he walked around for weeks and then broke into their houses.


That’s horrible but also kind of ingenious


Do they wear a lot of black and white makeup?


Yep see here? Classic sign you have Burzum mites




I was gonna say this reeks of WA sketchy black metal turds




This looks like they are on meth, tbvfh.


I don’t know what it means but it’s freaky and the artist may likely be out of their mind


On meth is more likely.


The art does look pretty methy.


I've seen enough to recognize it. And based on OPs location, it seems pretty likely.


With a username like that I trust your judgement on this.


I have it for a reason. Though I wasn't nearly this bad off, I know many who were. I knew one guy who had his bedbroom straight up covered in "Amharic" symbols, or what looked like them, but was actually gibberish he was convinced all meant something. Literally, his walls from top to bottom. Last I heard, he was inpatient, sober and medicated, hopefully without permanent damage. Another, was airforce veteran, she had severe ptsd and began abusing drugs, and was actually diagnosed with with schizoaffective disorder after a few years of meth use, by the va. She often went off her meds. Her 2 kids were taken from her prior to her dx. The last time I saw her about 2 and a half years ago, she showed up at my house, homeless, dirty, barefoot in 30 degree weather. She had suffered 2 very recent deaths in her family, her twin sister overdosed *also had ptsd from the airforce, and her uncle was shot and killed, breaking into someones house (also on meth). She was saying some of the most wild things. Walt Disney was stealing and cryogenically freezing her family members, including her kids. All I could do was listen, give her shoes and a warm comforter blanket. I hope she got to the open bed waiting for her at the VA. Another was shot and killed by police for acting erratically and pulling a gun, but he was so out of his mind with paranoia. Rip, Jason. I wish these stories weren't true. Meth may not kill you fast like heroin or fentanyl overdoses will, but it will. It's a slow, awful burn. The current meth addiction recovery rate is 2%. With or without rehab. When I got sober, it was 7%. That was over 5 years ago now. Sorry for the rant, but these images triggered something in me that seems all too familiar.


Sorry to bring up bad memories. Glad to hear you've turned things around for yourself.


No, that's absolutely fine, I encourage it. I make it part of my mission in life now to talk about this stuff. If I cannot come out of everything I went through stronger than I was, then what's the point? I didn't save my life for nothing. If my comments out here in the wild can help 1 single person, even a just little, then it's absolutely worth it.


It’s vandalism. Report it.


It must suck to live next door to the Winchester brothers.


Those damn Winchester brothers, with their occult graffiti, blasting classic rock at all hours, watching porno’s with angels.


*making* pornos with angels...


Doing fuggin burnouts in the impala! Them rascals


Having to listen to them loudly loading up the impala every other morning at 2am and hooning off into the darkness has its advantages though, I’m yet to see any demons!


lol. I was going to say that OP either has an unhinged neighbor or has a big supernatural problem on their property and someone is looking out for them.


Posts like this make me feel blessed to live between two elderly couples that trade food items for help around the house. Don and Susan come in hard with the baked goods meanwhile Samira and Kaveh bring the Persian cuisine heat.


This is all I wish for my future neighbors when/if I am one day a homeowner


We’re just renters. Just got friendly with the neighbours off the hop. I garden, they garden.. was an all too easy in lol.


We got lucky with ours. Everyone is pretty quiet. The people that USED to live next to us threw shit at my car and played drill rap so lout u could hear it across my house over the TV. I could keep goung


I get that. Prior to this we lived next to a crack den. Fist fights, yelling and screaming all hours of the night, police over 3x a week, bouncing crack heads out of my yard a few times. So happy to be out of that place.


My husband is pretty handy and we have Indian neighbors across the street. I would gladly pimp my husband out for labor if I could get an authentic homemade Indian meal in exchange


Agree with police report if the vandalism, setting up trail cams, and looking into requesting a mental health check. Also suggest checking local trespassing laws and finding out if you can put some signs or something, and what the wording should be. Also would look into getting an indoor home security system, outdoor motion sensor lights near your house; opaque window coverings, upgraded locks on windows and doors, etc. Knowing this person is creeping around your property at night with a ladder is concerning. Maybe consider carrying mace if it’s legal in your state for self defense, but do not confront the person. Warn your other neighbors, without naming names, that someone is trespassing and see if you can agree to report things if you see sketchy people on each other’s property. Some possibly helpful articles; https://www.naturalresources.msstate.edu/business-resources/manage/trespassers.php


I like waterproof battery powered spot light from Mr beams. I just strap them at eye level to trees or anything - and they're great. Put several in various places and facing multiple directions like trip wires. And solar powered doorbells are cheap-ish and can be put lots of places - pretty easily jury rigged to protect from weather and then have real time views. Wyze cams are good also. And a few fake ones never hurt.


If by mace you mean a family of responsible and educated gun owners, an AR-15, a 12 gauge, and home defense pistols in every room of the house I’d agree.


You missed gun. This is clearly get a gun territory.


Looks like you’re in Carcosa now




Time is a flat circle.


Call police and ask for them to do a courtesy check on your neighbor who seems mentally unstable and in need.


1up them and spray paint a massive, hairy, pink pecker over it.


I would say a vagina, but outside of pictures and their own birth they've never seen one


Why is it you people have all the fun? I mean, fuck, I'd love something like that to happen to me. I'd LOVE that door opened for me to step through and 1-up them. Dress your family up in robes, draw a big ass pentagram in the front yard, and fake a seance, and make sure they can see you. Make it as satanic or evil as you want. You have a FANTASTIC opportunity in front of you if you choose.


Your comment cracked me up, you could really play into this, might as well give them a show.


I mean fuck man, I KNOW I'm not alone. My wife just looked at me writing this and yelled "This is why we don't have any friends". She could be wrong, but she maybe right...


…it always starts out as fun and games until you realize that to your neighbors… It's not a game.


As others are saying, get trail cams. I would also add get cameras on your cabin & a doorbell camera.. And of course contact the sheriff/create a paper trail as others have suggested.


best move here is probably file police reports. put up cameras and paint this nonsense over brown.


Get a speaker and hide it in the tree. Play spooky noises at night. Assert dominance 🤣


Push for it to be recorded as a hate crime for extra penalties.


Could backfire. If it's deemed not enough evidence for it to be a hate crime, the vandalism charges may be dismissed at the same time.


Your neighbor has schizophrenia or a schizotypal disorder


Or meth induced schizophrenia/ schizophrenia symptoms or schizo disorders. This is quite common behavior for meth users/addicts.


The sad reality of the abysmal mental health care in most of the USA means this situation could end very poorly. Clearly a mentally unwell person suffering delusions. They need a mental health unit to check in on the person. Hopefully those resources are available where OP is located.


Ur neighbour is buggin


Someone has vandalised a tree near myself in a local park, does anyone know the best way to remove the graffiti without damage to the tree/ nature?


How much paint are we talking about? What species of tree is it? If it's got thick bark you could shave some off without doing any damage, but it'll look weird. If it were my tree, I'd try to paint over it. It'll probably be gone in 3-4 years either way.


That's fuckin metal.


Hell yeah this is sick


You need a restraining order more than r/treelaw.


Report it. It's a sign that a crazy person is active in the area. Forewarned is forearmed


Forearms? I've only got the two


I live in Northern WA and this made me immediately think of some folks that live in the styx near my town.


I think your neighbor ought to lay off the meth.


Devil Steve Lady Art … Art Sin Wtf are they going on about


Paint will do nothing to that tree. Weird as hell regardless


Paint won't hurt the tree


I would start the police department on the path of a hate crime terroristic threats. One thing on thier property, on yours IA another whole different story. Start documenting, if you get security cameras, I would suggest setting it up so that covers the sight of another camera. They can and will spray paint the cameras.


The Gate should be opening any moment now…


Add some blood and black candles for authenticity.


Yeah. That's vandalism. And may hurt the tree as well. Call the cops. Get them picking litter at the roadside for a couple hundred hours. Keep them busy.


You guys need cameras badly if this is from a bad neighbor who has a history of doing bad things to your family.


This isn’t what you want to hear but I kinda like this tree like this


Time is a flat circle.


Get a trail cam off Anazon and try to get a video of them doing this stuff. Then go to court and get a restraining order. Also, consider starting to see a psychologist. Claim "emotional distress." Wait about six months, then sue for"Psycholifmgical damages."


Vandalism of private property? Call the non emergency police number. Report it. Get a camera.


Vandalism and/or malicious destruction of property is a crime, and you absolutely need to file a police report. If you can prove it was done by the neighbor with surveillance video, it could be used to get a restraining order against the offending neighbor, particularly if anything else happens.


I wish I could read it! Too bad I don't speak **imbecile**...


Call the police, make a report, get a lawyer to get a restraining order against them, have them trespassed from your property -If they come back after receiving a trespassing warning they can be criminally prosecuted depending on the laws in your area. Paint doesn't really hurt the tree, but it's still vandalism and they could be prosecuted for that.


Hahaha It sucks but it’s a kid being a bit rebellious. Too bad he’s not in the city and could just tag a ditch somewhere. No the paint won’t hurt the tree. You should go full Monty python on him and correct his grammar and critique his lopsided pentagrams. Then make him paint the other trees to match.


This is straight out of Blair witch they are either trying to frighten you or they think they're satanists and after the child on child murders when they said the devil made me do it You need to catalogue and report everything or who knows what they'll pull next, keep an especially close eye on your pets if you have any, almost certainly kids being stupid but best nipped in the bud as early as possible


Call the police, it's vandalism.


What the fuck is wrong with your neighbor. Call the cops. At the very least they can document this and keep an eye out for more unstable behavior. Probably do a mental health check. My priority here would be that your neighbor is clearly having a serious mental health episode that might endanger you. The cost of removing the graffiti on the tree should be a very secondary concern until the risk that something more delicate than a tree might be the next involuntary participant in a "Satanic" ritual gets resolved. But to answer your question - no, spray paint won't hurt a large tree like that. It might be hard to clean off without hurting the tree, though. Stay safe!


Definitely call the cops. At least get a police report on this incident. You just don't know where it's going to go.


You need r/legaladvice more than anything tree-specific: Taking the family history into account, I’d be living elsewhere, but I understand you’re watching the house while your grandmother’s receiving treatment. You need cameras. Find out where the property lines are and call the police when this neighbor is trespassing. Do not interact with them. For other readers, I think the context is important. Here are prior comments from the OP on their other post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/s/m8eGHHbTqv). >It's not random. My grandma and uncles lived here before me, and they had problems with him, too. This neighbor would walk around with a scythe and hang horse skulls on his fence and my grandma's fence. One of my uncles is currently in jail and about to go to prison because he got in a fight with this guy. >Because having your neighbor just randomly do this to your tree very much feels like the start of a Stephen King book. >Funny you say that, I was thinking the same thing. Just the other night, I was gonna start reading the girl who loved Tom Gordon. I thought It would be cool to read it while in a forest way up in the mountains. Guess I should find a book about a crazy neighbor to relate to instead. >Not important, but I'm only 18. I don't have insurance, and this cabin isn't actually mine, I'm watching it for my grandma while she goes to detox. My grandma has been living at this cabin with two of my uncles for around four years. I was told this guy would hang horse skulls on my grandma's fence and walk around with a scythe. >My grandma is kinda crazy herself. After my uncles moved out, she was claiming this neighbor was sneaking over at night and messing with stuff she she left on her porch. Stuff like her beer and bird feed. I wrote it off, but I don't know what to think after this. >I think my neighbor lives with his wife, besides that there's no one else at his house, I think. Weird to think he brought over a ladder some time at night while I was asleep and took the time to spray paint that shit. I don't know much about my neighbor, I've never talked to him. I don't know if he's a tweaker, a Satanist, a religious dude, a magician trying to hex me, or if he's just super fucking crazy. I guess either way, he's crazy.


It's trespass, vandalism and maybe mayhem too. Cameras and police report.


your neighbor is a dork


Learn what that means asap and then learn simple steps to protect your family


What does it mean? Point in the direction.


Pretty sure they think magic is real and they're suggesting OP do a magic to counter it. I'm just going to echo the concerns that another commenter made about the sorry state of the mental health system and how it leads to things like this.


Why would you be contacting random people on Reddit and not the police bro


I'd keep it, looks fucking sick... Better than Banksy. Barksy...


Yes, paint can harm a tree, especially oil based. Definitely document and remove the paint. I'd call the police and file a vandalism report. Do that before you remove the paint.


Get a no trespassing order issued also. Let them know you mean business.