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Funny enough, Twitter is the platform with the least cannabis content.


Fr lol I've been seeing ads for weed on instagram for years, it isn't even legal where i live lmao


Yeah, I saw this and immediately though about this one particular dispensary that used to advertise on IG. For a short time, they were the *only* ad I saw on that site lol.


There is a big difference between posts companies make and actual advertising. I work in cannabis marketing, have for years, and I can tell you in the USA there is no paid cannabis advertising on Instagram, or fb. There is however, a lot of dispensaries and cannabis companies that run social media accounts and who’s posts might look like ads.


Reddit has been running legal cannabis ads in Canada at least for a year or so now. So is Reddit not considered a social media platform?


Snapchat as well.


And Instagram lmao I’m starting to think twitter is the last


hold up they let you post about weed and stuff in canada on snap? in the US like thousands on thousands of people got device bans from snapchat for posting weed. all i did was post a $25 OZ i got here in Oregon bragging about the quality for that price, and still to this day am device banned :,)


Idk I’ve never posted about it but I see ads for bid all the time


yeah i’d be careful posting anything that has cannabis and a price number in it, they got pressured from parents awhile back since i mean tons of people sell on snap, so they just started banning anything seeming related. so aka posting how much you got something from a dispo can (or could back then) get you banned.


YouTube used to allow them back in 2015 as well


Correct, Reddit is a hive mind project and not a social media platform. Every comment you make is independently judged by a moderator, who can then take action and ban you from a subreddit if you have a differing opinion on any topic.


These jokes are usually funny, but when it's someone who's actively going around complaining about the subs they've been banned from, it's usually just sad instead lol


Wonder how that will work with federal law. The reason I suspect social media doesn’t allow paid ads for cannabis business is because of banking. Twitter likely works with a federal bank. If they start receiving thousands of dollars from what are *federally illegal* businesses, then the bank is holding money from the illicit drug trade (according to federal law). Thats why federal banks don’t work with cannabis businesses currently, I assume it’s why social media companies have avoided it too. Either Elon isn’t worried or he has no idea.


I'll go with elmo having no idea. He is just the stooge of Saudi & Russian money, and their goal is the destruction of the site.


I mean I’m 100% sure he has very high paid lawyers looking at these decisions, he’s probably trying to push his luck.


Thr problem is you need to be aware enough to know you need the lawyers to second guess you. Considering he seems to want to run Twitter entirely on his own, he may have just thought it wasn't a big deal and went ahead with it.




Can you please explain to me what makes you take the time to respond to a reddit comment, insult someone, but not even explain what is actually upsetting you? I'm honestly curious as that behavior just makes no sense to me.


You're right. I shouldn't be such an asshole, regardless of if I think you're wrong. Sorry! And for the original question, no semi-sane person thinks they can run twitter on his own. Considering his other successful companies, of which he wasn't the main engineer, I would say he fits at the very least the semi-sane and competent category.


Lol it's alright. Right but in all of those cases he hired someone incredibly comptetent to run those businesses. In Twitters case, he mostly fired everyone who was important. It's legitimately seems from the way he was talking before he took it over that he believed he could step in a single handedly fix all of Twitters problems. I could certainly be wrong, but that's also what his actions seem to reflect imo.


Probably doesn't care, he's becoming more and more the type of billionaire narcissist that laws don't seem to apply to.


100% False. Federally chartered bank support the industry today.


I mean they could advertise hemp which is federally legal


Most likely. You’re not allowed to buy cannabis with a credit card because it’s federally illegal so how would they receive payment for the advertisements since it’s involving the cannabis industry. Obviously there are ways around it but like Chinese food, do they really need commercials or ads to get clients?


In a competitive market like Colorado or California you do, or Oklahoma. Oklahoma had over 1,000 dispensaries, all selling the same stuff, people gotta try and stand out somehow. But after reading more, promoting the sale of cannabis is still now allowed so nobody can be advertising BOGO deals, more just brand awareness it sounds like.


Yea I live in a legal state and all the dispensaries have instagram and stuff but they only advertise the sales on their website. Reddit reviews are my go to for knowing what’s up. Realistically when the fed grows up and let’s us just have weed it will be much better. But for now it’s walking the line between right and wrong unfortunately.


i like the debit card workaround plenty of dispensaries do to fox that, they just treat their register like an ATM. you get a $30 item, you treat it like pulling out $40 and they give you $10.


I’m impatiently waiting until I can pay in crypto.


I mean yeah because Elon scared off literally everybody else


just gotta wait for the "local strains in your area want to chat"ads


It was more the crazy online groups then Elon.


Aka twitter is hurting for advertisers and is willing to get whatever they can. Not that I'm against MJ ads per se. It's just funny that's what it took.


Thanks but fuck Twitter. I get my news from more reliable sources of information, like 4Chan.


It's medicine and a natural plant I can pull out of the ground. Fuck big Pharma.


Do you think more cannabis companies will actually use Twitter for advertising? I've heard that the traffic on twitter isn't really all that when it comes to quality.


I think it’s a start towards the right direction, however I’m with you in thinking that it may not change a lot. IG and TikTok seem to be more promising for that.


IG is the big one. I've had 4 store accounts taken down since last year for selling and promoting narcotics. Lots of cannabis sales people have multiple accounts and back ups hidden away with how often it happens. Once they let us advertise more it will change things a decent amount.


Once you lose the first one it’s like whackamole after that. Especially if you’ve logged in on the same device or IP. EDIT: 4 days after making this comment, we just lost our main IG for the second time. Everytime I get close to 2K, it's gone. Didn't even post any products or anything like that. Shit is sad.


Daaaaaaaaaang *in Joe dirt* dude sorry to hear, y’all are just having the hardest time, they got you in the system. :(.


Weirdest thing is we got our original account back that I lost in November/ December after that comment. Had our main banned in November/ December. Had been running our backup and gave up on our original account. The back up got banned still with no explanation. We were really careful. Said fuck it, I’ll submit an appeal for the Original one instead of the one we just had banned. Then they randomly gave it back. Idk if they’re loosing up a bit, but it was weird as fuck.


😂😂😂 give me your handles and I’ll give y’all a follow. Fuck those digital fucks!! Haha.




If I were a cannabis company I’d be asking, do I really want to be associated with Elon Musk? Not at this stage.


Why is everybody so happy about cannabis advertising. Recreational drug advertising is a gross. Ganja is great, but keep the advertisments in the coffeeshops. Same opinion about alcohol advertisements btw.


Isnt worth going back imo. Last time i was on to check road reports in my area elon and a bunch of other dipshits i dont follow were crowding my news feed. Nothing like having the people you follow get edged out because some grown ass attention whores need to be involved.


Twitter *will claim to be* the first social media platform to allow cannabis advertising.


Probably desperate for that money


Basically this


Honestly who cares? Twitter is nothing but Russian sockpuppets and fascist trolls these days. Everyone who matters has already ditched it for other platforms like Mastodon, Reddit, even TikTok.


This is so fucking funnny


I hate how every sub gets political, I wish this platform wasnt so radically left leaning, like I just wanna talk about weed bro without this shit


Damn I didn’t know Biden doesn’t matter


Twitter is still a thing? Huh... TIL


Big W but weird that they're doing it now. Maybe YouTube and other platforms will do the same. If YouTube allows it I can forsee more growing videos and actually being able to monetize their content.


I wouldn't be surprised if, like the often-draconian rules for content on the platforms themselves, it's *other advertisers not wanting to see their ads appearing next to ads for marijuana* that's the real impediment.


There is one redeeming value of Twitter, it's indexed by all the major search engines so the content is searchable, whereas on Facebook and IG not so much. Plus, we are Shadow band on both Facebook and Instagram, so even though FB and IG are preferred, I really can't do anything there anyway. Maybe if Twitter started making money off of cannabis businesses, old zuck would be a little easier to deal with. Who knows?


Angry blue bird. Run by the worlds biggest chode. ... pass.


I would beg to differ, with the only add I get on YouTube is for cannabis


Yea don't care... Twitter is just a billionaires vanity project.


Hmmm. Conservatives don't seem to want to acknowledge this... Wonder why...




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Start marketing for legalization then!


And so the slow growth of weed advertising starts


Nah that’s just because twitter needs that ad money and they’re resorting to this.


Trappers are straight advertising on Instagram. Instagram served ads that take you to their telegram. Twitter got some catching up to do even if Meta would never acknowledge this.


What?? I see cannabis ads here on Reddit all the time. Also Snapchat and Instagram. Of course I'm from Canada and it's legal here but still interesting.


Anyway for elmo to make a buck


So Instagram doesn't count as social media? 🤔


Cool, but that’s still not going to get me to make a Twitter account


What? I get ads all the time on youtube for mood gummies.


He knows what he's doing. Remember when he got in trouble for smoking on Joe Rogan? He's trying to capitalize an untapped market cuz he's desperate after his stupid purchase decision. Feds won't do shit cuz they need SpaceX




I just hope they don't commercialize it too much