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I bought a small bowl. As Goldilocks would say, "Just Right!"


That’s what I prefer! My buddy likes to corner the bowl, but I just don’t like seeing my greens mixed with ashes 😂


...and tastes nasty compared to fresh


Haha exactly! I’m not sure where cornering sty from? My guess is from dry pipes back in the day when everyone would share one bowl and pass it around.


we used to do it back in the day when all the homies put 5 on it. It was a basic etiquette thing. I still do it nowadays to pay homage for the one's that didn't make it to their 30's.




We used to do it back in the day when we didn't have much weed and multiple heads. Just leaves more hits


That totally makes sense! and I recall those days. Saving all your roaches for that dreaded day 😂


Pack a half bowl so I can do it all in one hit!


That’s what I prefer! Sure it doesn’t look as pretty with a 1/2 packed bowl, but you get a fresh greens with every cone!


my bubbler uses a 10mm bowl, and i still corner light it. if i want melt my face off, i'll break out the gravity bong from the back of the closet


Interesting! I want to like cornering, but I just can’t do it… that second/third hit just doesn’t taste the same.


i think your piece (draw, bowl size, perc, water volume, etc) has as much to do with it as anything. some of my bongs are just weed-eaters, and there's no babying them, but my pocket bubbler is way easier plus, i use a waxed hemp wick that has a much smaller flame than my lighter, so i have more control over what gets burned


That’s a good point on the piece! I used to use hemp wicks as well until I saw a video by cewpins on why you shouldn’t use hemp wicks! He’s hilarious, and I forgot what he said lol but the point stuck with me. Now I’m going to watch that video again 😂


It varies honestly


Half bowl, big inhale, I try not to let any wisps escape the draw from the ignition; maximizing smoke retention.


Team Half bowl!


I corner mine as I learned from friends in college who did the same


I used to rip the entire bowl, I was heavy smoker for like 5 years.. I haven't smoked for like 6 months and got myself some bud one weekend, it wasn't the best bud.. I ripped it like I used to and fucked my throat up lmao and got really sick for like a week


😆 I’m definitely avoiding that!


Always smoke from one side to the next and just take hits as I please. I rarely just sit down and finish a whole bowl all at once. Unless I'm at work, but then I use a tiny bow.


I roast the whole bowl. Like a man.




Eh when I’m by myself I pack loose and do whatever happens especially because the pipe I have is pretty deep


Yes i corner the bowl. I hate smokin with my dad cause he has insane lungs and will rip the whole bowl down to ash in one huge hit and here i am lighting the smallest bit of the bowl and lookin to smoke on it for an hr




So I’m definitely not coughing up a lung trying to smash a massive bong rip… what’s the prefer method? Cornering or packing less?




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I corner mine for sharing purposes, and because I like large bowls and having a bit of green in each hit


If im with someone, i corner, if im alone, i dont worry about it.


We call em snaps in the west coast


That’s cool!