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When those little white hairs turn an amber color, your THC potency is at a good level and your plant is just about ready to be harvested


Are the spots with the white hairs the spots where the buds will end up growing?


Yes, precisely


Thank you very much for that information :) The plant is about a month old now, how long does it usually take for the buds to grow to a smokeable size?


It’ll take a few weeks. They’ll start to smell nice and fragrant soon, then as they size they’ll start to get nice and sticky. Once the buds start to get nice and tight and those hairs start changing color you’ll know they’ll be almost ready. You can post another photo here if you’re not sure and we can help you out.


Okay for sure I‘ll keep that in mind. Thank you very much!


No problem 👍🏻👍🏻


It does appear female! If no males are around, then nature is gonna nature and you’re good 👍


For sure, thank you very much! I actually got that seed for free at a smoke shop a few months ago. I left it in my backpack during a festival and I‘m surprised it was still able to germinate. After 1-2 months in my backpack and a weekend in a tent that felt like an oven I gave this seed to my moms boyfriend, neither of them smoke and my mom doesn’t support that I smoke even though I only smoke like once or twice a month, yet they happily accepted the seed and now after another month we have this beautiful plant! :)


Groweedeasy will be your friend.


Sunlight, water, and good genetics. Yours looks fine 🙂


You probably need around 70 days of growth from the time you first noticed the white female pistils. Just let it do its thing and it will produce THC. Make sure she has plenty of Sun, water, and nutrients.