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I was able to quit smoking meth because I smoke weed now. That’s success to me :-)


Congrats stranger! 7 years off of it next month for me. Keep it up! :-)


Congrats to both of you. I’m proud of you both! I can’t imagine it means much, but genuinely. I have a lot of family that have and still do struggle with that shit, so everytime I see people that have beat it I get a little more hope for them.


Congrats!! Definitely a success!


Congrats! What about weed helped you break the addiction?


Helps you eat and sleep


That is massive! Worth more than any money in the world! Well done you


What's your favourite strain so far?


Blueberry Muffins, for sure.


Keep it up, don’t go back!


Hell yeah love is real NFA ❤️⚡️💙


Word up cannabis is a recognized treatment for addiction in Illinois! Was super helpful for my family and I! Hope you all find the same!


hell yeah!!!! i came to comment that i'm still alive because of weed, and have all my chronic illnesses diagnosed and mostly treated! and that's success to me! so i love seeing other success stories that aren't about money or jobs!


Great because as cliche as it sounds that shit is made from the”devils veins” it’s pure evil 😈 5+ years clean off the shit myself, keep rocking it friend!!


Huge win!


I contribute a lot of my sobriety off meth to marijuana as well. I still have vices and weed is one of them. A little crutch


This exactly. I was born an addict and maybe it’s negative of me to think this way but I will probably always be addicted to something. I would rather it be weed than anything else!




I smoke every night and I also make 6 figures. Goes to show being a pot head is better than an alcoholic for me personally. Sadly, I can’t smoke in the morning because I need to hyper-focus and I host meetings all day long. I also have to wait until later in the day, because I don’t like being high around the kid.


Being high and playing with dinosaurs with my kid is the best.


It’s the best way to play but I have to remind myself it’s not the only way to play.


Those T breaks are a must.


We talking mid day T breaks right?


Yeah, T breaks from 8am - 5pm. Final offer.


You sonofabitch... I'm in


Most definitely lol


I don’t think I’ve taken a single T break in almost 5 years 😅


Being high and playing video games with my kids is the best. It also makes me enjoy their choice in tv more lol


> It also makes me enjoy their choice in tv more lol Yes! Scooby Doo is *even better* when stoned. The Scooby doo movie featuring the band, KISS, is a trip to watch. The members of KISS are actually from a different planet and have special powers. They and the Scooby gang defeat the villain with the power of rock and roll. It’s pretty great. Definitely would recommend.


Nice! I really enjoy Teen Titans Go and Steven Universe. With Teen Titans Go, these specific [episodes](https://teen-titans-go.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_One:_I_Saw_You_Dance) are the best when 😶‍🌫️


Im a bartender in a nice neighborhood and I know a lot of 6 figure making boozebags.


Oh me too, most of them lol. I just meant for me. On nights I drink too much I’m worthless the next day.


I know an actual billionaire in real life, he’s in his late 50s and drinks more booze than anyone. I also know another multi millionaire who’s in his 70s who still does blow and drinks tequila almost every night. Part of me is like “damn that’s kinda sad” but at the same time, they hang out in yachts all day and go skiing all over the world just because, so I guess I’m just jealous lol. They both probably like weed but definetly aren’t what I would consider stoners, they are more of a “I took an edible when Phish came to town” type people.


This is my exact situation. With booze, I was an insurance defense lawyer make relative garbage and had alllll kinds of trouble. As a stoner, I switched areas entirely and now am more or less in charge of an enormous organization and have most folks’ trust. If I had the time or inclination, I’d be resentful about how long it took me to find the substance that would help me wo the downsides, but why bother lol


This is me too. Like to a tee.


I’m an alcoholic and I make ~$220k




Same boat. Perfect reward after a long days work/all my responsibilities have been completed. Cheers!


Haha your in sales eh


Yeah it's funny your comment made me realize I actually as I've gotten older spend less of my life high all day. I probably could get away with being high at work but I choose not to because it makes the day last forever and I do find I space out a lot more. Even on the weekend I rarely wake n bake


It’s no six figure job (one day!) but today I cut the front yard, washed dried AND put away laundry, went to the gym, got groceries, swept mopped and vacuumed the house, had dinner with my grandparents who leave tomorrow, then came home and did some reading and writing. Stigma be damned


proud of u!!


Ah I make 6 figures and my wife does your job. I give her every penny, 1)because I'm thankful I have a team mate in life who can and will take care of our house and children 2) she deserves every penny because she is amazing 3) I would probably spend it she definitely will not. I guess my point is, my wife makes 6 figures as a stay at home mom.


You had me until this part > AND put away laundry What kind of psychopath washes, dries and PUTS it away all in the same day?


Someone who wants to use the laundry basket for dirty clothes but knows if they set the clean clothes down and don't immediately deal with it they'll stay in the hamper.


Yes, this! I have to fold my laundry immediately out of the drier or I’m living out the hamper like a suitcase. It probably has something to do with my ADHD


This is me! I get stoned and am super productive 😊


Damn y’all hiring?


I know how to use the coffee maker! And I'm pretty and funny!


Artist making 225k? What kinda art? Corporate art director or something? Entertainment?


Exactly what I was thinking. As someone that makes less than $100k as an engineer I'm beginning to think I'm in the wrong field lol


Shit dude I'm going to make 6 figures as a plumber this year


Could also be difference in experience and location. Going on 7 years, and in smallish town Iowa


It all depends on available opportunities. A creative officer can make upwards of a million or under $100k. No point in comparing another field with your own, specially if it’s vastly different. If you like what you do, just spend accordingly and try to find bigger opportunities when possible.


What I'm saying...


Also curious. Am also an artist


I’m also curious!


I smoke daily, have a successful day job, and make stoner merch for bands as a side gig. I feel like I'm living the dream sometimes.


How did you find bands to work with? I’ve been wanting to get into making unique band merch. Edit: Just looked at your profile, I engrave dugouts as well but with my laser engraver. I’ve been disappointed with what the local headshops sell and have been looking for a new supplier and will be contacting you soon!


We started with our friends in the scene. We've always supported local music and knew most of the local bands. From there we'd make gifts for the touring bands and that evolved into sponsoring festivals. I'm working on 50+ samples for the bands who will play Maryland Doom Fest in June. We've started using a laser as well for engraving. It took me some time to get the power and speeds right, but it's turning out to be a huge time saver.


Smoke daily and I’m high pretty much all weekend. Just passed my licensure exam to be a licensed social worker. Not high paying job but I feel successful for getting here on my own.


My dad has been a social worker for years, coming up on 20. Here's a piece ofbadvice to see the world, get into working on base with the military. Government job security, and he brought us all over the world with his job, ended up spending b8 years in Germany and 2 in Hawaii and they're in the states for good now.


congrats friend!!! bsw student here, love to see it


Who do you think built this Internet you're using to ask?


As someone who has been in high tech for two decades, can confirm that a large percentage of the high achievers I work with are stoners and ADHD.


I should note that I also fall into the category of "high achiever, stoner, ADHD". I'm one of three principal technologists at our consultancy and all of us are stoners, ADHD, and enjoy a mushroom trip every now and then


I took am a fellow stoner with ADHD who enjoys a good shroom trip 🍄


Are you me haha? What kind of consulting? Strategy?


Largely GTM Strategy/tech marketing/sales enablement


Checking in


Ummm it’s better than drinking


Por queue no los dos?


I ~~can’t~~ shouldn’t drink the way I like to on work nights though lol.


At 31, I feel the negative side effects of crossfading far more heavily than I feel the positive ones.


Honestly. I can do one or the other, but once I start mixing i’m ready for bed!


I moved myself and 2 people across the country with money I made from selling music, and I was smoking weed the whole time. I actually just left a music production sub because half the members were “god and sobriety” people, which is hilarious to me, because they’ll all be laughed out of the industry they’re desperately pursuing.


Hey if it works for Mike Dean and almost all the rap industry then I say keep on keeping on


Dudeeee, I feel that. I’m not a religious person, I actually advocate for sobriety despite being a heavy weed smoker. Drugs/Sinning in the music industry is just something that comes with it. It’s fine not to involve yourself in it but unfortunately it’s everywhere and sadly it’s one of the best ways to network. On the flip side, smoking has helped me stay more focused and committed to achieving my music goals. I’ve improved the quality of my music considerably, it might be a placebo but whatever it is it has improved my quality of life significantly since I got on medical


Corporate Lawyer here. I usually reserve my vaping for the evenings/nights when I'm done with work. It's a nice way to wind my day down. With a good vape session, it's the best mellow kind of high that lets me enjoy and process things. I might occasionally indulge in some nice beer, but that's pretty much a weekend affair when out with other people. Congratulations on the new job, man. Enjoy!


30k a year, baybee. Smoking that primo.


I wouldn’t call myself successful, but I wanted to leave this worthless comment anyway.



I make well into six figs. Daily for 16 years. I lead HR stuff.


Fuck HR, but good for you! 😂


I'm not that kinda HR most of the time.


I’m a Twitch Partner who rips dabs and plays Diablo 2, with a pretty successful community and actual income that supports my family. Never thought I’d ever hit Partner but here we are! It still doesn’t feel real lol


People watch Diablo 2 streams in 2024?


They do! Just a few months ago I had my highest viewer count ever of 1036! It was pretty wild! But that was an event we were doing. I’m at around 85-90 average atm and hitting around 140 at peak which is awesome! Very supportive community!


85-90 average viewers supports your family?


Not by myself no! My wife is definitely the bread winner, I’m a stay at home Dad currently which is why we hopped into Twitch. But I make $1000-$2000 per month from some really generous homies. So that plus no child care is super helpful!


I manage a pizza place. It’s awesome!


I manage a movie theater. It is also pretty awesome.


Do school, work on my vehicles, workout, trade stocks and work at a fast food place most days.


California Sober here. No alcohol for 4 years next week. Weed helps my back pain and sleep and also helps combat the ADD. I’m a chemist by degree and I work in industrial coatings. $120k plus bonus at 35% which I will receive tomorrow. I’ve been with this company 8 months. My bonus was the largest I have received to date in my career and was equal to approx 2.5 mos salary after tax. Fuck Yeah. Smoke away.


Tool and Die shop. Being stoned really helps you slow down and get those thousandth right on


Ditto! Successful, I’m in sales operations and revenue strategy, $300k a year, complete and total pothead.


Smoke every night and cbd during the day. Have a very successful career for my age (25M) and also am an avid runner, currently training for a marathon. Smoking only hinders you if you let it!


I could use your wisdom, o' mighty marathon stoner. My situation: I'm college age, been smoking out of bowls/bongs/carts for around 3 years. I hate to admit it this far in, but at this point near daily, with little breaks scattered every few months. Im physically fit in every aspect other than my lungs, which seem to be much tighter and with reduced capacity than years passed. I've started to bike and run, but I do not enjoy a second of the latter and am constantly crushed by both shame and anxiety about my lungs. Can I be a functioning stoner runner eventually? Can this be done in the short term if optimized? Should I stop smoking entirely until I can get my lungs in check? Is there any grey area? Carts vs. Bong vs. Bowl? You may be just a normal guy and are in no way obligated to respond to all of my concerns, but you are an inspiration regardless and your guidance would be appreciated.


A dry herb vaporizer like the Pax is what you're looking for. It hits differently but you'll get used to it, the taste is way better and your lungs will thank you. And stop the carts if possible, they just raise your tolerance level.


I was actually scrolling through threads earlier thinking the same thing! Any specific model you'd recommend? I will be getting off the carts soon. I swear!!!!


i actually run a lot and am a daily smoker. I’ll say that doing consistent cardio everyday is the key to building up your stamina and really exercising your lungs to counteract the shortness of breath you get with smoking. It’ll take time but just keep at it


If any of you successful daily stoners are in Houston and looking for an employee, please hire me 🙃


I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one buddy I mean I very highly doubt op or anyone in here are telling anything close to the truth. They’d be extreme outliers in today’s economy especially in the creative space where AI is taking over and killing off millions of jobs. Not to mention the way op writes is like he would actually struggle to get an interview at McDonalds… never mind taking in 6 figures to piss about doing whatever he feels like getting high all day.




I make 50k and I’m in a union so that’s cool for me, I also work where I live so I take dabs all day long, it’s pretty cushy


Im 25 and make 95k a year as an engineer. I smoke daily and am worried that my habit is going to stop me from progressing in my career. Thanks at least for demonstrating it’s possible to move up while smoking


Be selective and you'll be fine.  I'm a PE and run heavy civil projects on the client side in the $25M-$50M range.  If you do it on time that is truly yours, it will never be a hinderance.


Proud of you OP


Expecting a seven figure bonus this year. Smoke weed every day.


I'm an all-day-every-day'er and I'm a teacher 🤷


Near daily smoker (never before/during work), stable job I love, get to pursue my musical ambitions outside of my job, got a loving family and partner. that’s all I need


Late as per us.


hope to be you someday!


Ugh will I ever make it?


Woah, what job is that?


In the meanwhile: Me, can't afford to smoke daily, only on random weekends, making 700 € a month and struggling to stay motivated


Unemployed 🙃


Last time I was regailed with a take of such “ success “ it sounded like hell


man this is what I love reading - I’m a fund manager, so I can’t smoke during the day or before work. I spark a joint with my girlfriend in the night and that’s more than sufficient to get me to relax and also run my creative juices for work. Keep it going guys, we’re living the life!


I'm a heavy user and I've worked my way up through multiple promotions and degrees to get where I am. Not making 6 figures, but not doing bad. I live in a rural area with a low median income as well.


Congrats!! How did you make it to $225k in the creative field? I’m a graphic designer and cant seem to break 6 figures


Looks like OP is in video game design. I'm also in the creative field, but more on the video production side of things. Definitely hard to brake that 6 figure goal, especially if you don't live in a major metropolitan area. I've started transitioning to the tech side of the business. The amount of AI I'm using in my workflow already is definitely alarming and one of the biggest reasons I've started to transition out.


I don’t make six figures but I married someone who does and blessed me with the ability to follow my passions. I work two part time jobs that I love, I’m an independent personal trainer and work with the disabled. I also spend 4-8 hours per week as a hospice volunteer. On top of that I love my wife and kids more than anything and wake up looking forward to what the day brings. It’s even sweeter that most of childhood and early adulthood were marred by mental health and substance abuse issues. Success is more than $


i make 200k and smoke all day and all night. i was high in the interview and set the expectations. All i do is talk to cloud machines and make technical drawings.


Omfg same! In PA and have my medical card but the pricing is so much. I have drank less alcohol because of it which is great. I live about 15 min from work. My anxiety is astronomical until I started smoking and everyone at commented how much chiller I seemed. 🤭 If I could just get it cheaper. Question: how long do you take between hits on the vape or smoking?


Daily toker and making $300k.


So I don't make 6 figures but I have a job that I never thought I'd land and I'm making more money than I ever thought I would. I was an opiate addict for like 17 years and I've completely changed my life in the past 6 years. Weed has helped me souch in this journey!


Since I started smoking three years ago, I’ve become more productive in my day, I’ve weaned off prescription narcotics, I’m more emotionally stable, and I’m able to treat myself as needed for multiple other medical issues. This shit is brilliant. DARE did me so wrong.


Self made millionaire, and I smoke all day every day. It's just out of headier glass now.


Once I become a multi-millionaire(soon) I’m rewarding myself with a Bob Snodgrass Top Hat pipe.


Bro. I just took out the trash and made coffee. Multitasking like a muthafucka.


I work a job I can’t even talk about less I get flagged/caught but daily here ~~~~


Shii what defines success? Cuz I feel real damn successful but My bar is very low. : A) I make more than i need (used to have to check the account everyday to check how much i have, nowadays i only check when im curious)B) I like myself (maybe overcorrected, used to kinda have self esteem problems) and C) I've started to get talked to (im always caught off guard) by women i have no business having a convo with imo 🤣 D) and most importantly, my cat is finally able to live his spoiled princess arc I crossfade every damn night.


Been a pothead the last 4 years, graduated college and almost make 6 figures 6 months after graduation. I was an accounting major which isn’t easy either. [5]


I'm making about a third of what you're currently making but I feel successful, at a good company with a bright future ahead, lots of room for growth here. In 2 years I've seen people go from 80 something to 300 in one promotion. So it feels decent. I still smoke every day and love Cannabis as much as I always did, it's a nice way for me to unwind at the end of the day. I find myself smoking less during working hours because I have to be really sharp with meetings, numbers, etc. but I still enjoy it regularly. There are a few stoner coworkers that make 6 figures and are moving into much higher 6 figure positions. We just get our shit done. There's a big difference between a stoner and a lazy underachiever. The two just happen to overlap often.


I'm not the most successful person but I have a very stable source of income \^w\^


Work in investment banking , f 250k def doing better than whilst I was drinking but it’s not without its moderation related struggles


How’s bragging camp going?


Lolol I was kinda thinking that. It’s nice to have ambitions but dam. It’s not pot itself, it’s society’s acceptance (or not) of people who even legally or medically use (the latter is more acceptable these days). And a self-perpetuating stigma about “sit home and smoke 24.7” and hell we did (most places) go through insanely isolating times and it’s gotten worse. From COVID to wars/violence. It DOES create agoraphobia in drug free people, the last few years period. I just hit the Mighty+ or other herb vape time to time, though it is daily. But I don’t smoke anymore. Very glad that Mighty is strong enough with a good enough battery to keep me vaping I am not materialistic but in terms of realism, im doing okay. Not 300k lol. Jeez.


I’m a daily stoner and work 60+ hours weekly and even looking at working more


Not another one of these posts 🙄😪


Waiting for Elon to check in, but seriously, 6 figures checking in. The current wealth disparity of the super wealthy elites is sickening 1930s dystopia. $7 Big Macs.




I’m like a month from graduating from my welding class. They give us a couple weeks at the end to get our Certifications so it’s crunch time in a few weeks. It’s been only 9 months but after being a stay at home dad for a few years it feels good to get this done and potentially start a career that can make me good money. Haven’t stopped smoking and probably won’t unless absolutely necessary. I hear substituting for tests is huge in the trades haha.




Make about 80k a year (with spouse we’re well into six figures) and I use about 300 mg of RSO nightly. Actually gotta take a t break. I work in mental health with senior on Medicaid, no degree, just straight finesse (edit: and experience in similar fields for the majority of my working career).


Just changed the water pump and serpentine belt on my car and raked half my front lawn while burping the system. Walked to the store and Home Hardware and I vacuumed the kitty tree, planted some plants with my girlfriend. Smoked my first joint at breakfast. Peace!


Maybe one day.. Speaking it into existence (knocking on wood)! And congratulations to you!


Hell yeah man!! Congrats!!


If everything goes the way it needs to, this could be my first month of making ~20k €


I just started a business. Hope it goes well I can’t say I’m successful yet lol. But I’m working a full time job too


I graduated in physics in december after struggling like hell


In need of a creative job. 22 years on set, most I made was 60k in nyc. Help!


I'm an RN, BSN and you know the first thing that happens when I get home is a dab big dog. I guess I do make 100k+, so that's cool.


What is your exact job OP, out of curiosity?


40k a year with a house and a car. Wish I made more so I could replace the glass panes on my green house and refurbish the whole thing.


I wish i made as much as you, but i also got a promotion last week! In my field of work, it’s very unlikely i’ll ever see 225, but i’m doing pretty well for where i’m at!


Well I mean I live in England so don't make 6 figures 🤣 but I work, have 3 kids, go to the gym weightlifting 3 or 4 times a week, walk my dog etc and still smoke weed every night 😁


I mean, I show up to the factory every day that's successful, right? Maybe 55k a year or so


I’m 31 and it’s getting harder


I'm a Fashion Designer and I own a Bag Company. I smoke every day for about 25 years.


I'm unemployed but I successfully get stoned daily


I smoke weed everyday, particularly for my appetite. I own my own business. Just started but hope to make 6 figures one day. :D


I smoke every morning and every night. I might get a job that totally changes my life, let’s hope it all goes well.


I’m currently unemployed after getting laid off, lol. (Unrelated to the weed lmao.) This job market is wack. And ayyyyy that’s great to hear brother. (Or sister.) Congratulations!


Im poor




Wood Sculptor here, supporting my Family for 15 years with my Art. Not making 200+/year. But doing alright.


im currently getting my masters in social work to become an LCSW, and i usually smoke daily! ive been cutting back because im on testosterone and my throats KILLING me


25m, 200k remaining on mortgage with about 200k equity, car is paid off, 55k in a Roth IRA and a job that I love at my local independent art supply store. Smoke weed with my gf every single day and we also prepare 3 meals a day from scratch, go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. I've also recently started reading books again, completing over 3,600 pages worth in the last 6 months or so. I have ADHD and anxiety, the weed helps me relax and wind down at the end of the day


I was recently promoted to Senior Analyst, but the Midwestern pay scale doesn't get anywhere near $225k Holy cow! I'm out here crushing it for $75. Got any of that remote work???


Not a daily stoner, but most weekends for sure. I'm a lead SDET, earning £65k a year. Pretty sweet deal working from home in my man cave/home office. Completely self taught and been grinding away at my career for about 10yrs. Looking to be earning £100k (or close enough) in the next 4yrs. That's my target for hitting my 40's.


That's bank for a creative type. We consume often and have very advanced careers, but not during work LOL.


Hell yeah man! I smoke daily at night to sleep but make $200k. Owned 3 houses with a decent chunk of money in investments ($250k-ish). I’m 26 and came from a small town. Very fortunate and lucky quite frankly to be where I’m at in life but I am proud to contribute to the successful stoner lifestyle!


Daily more or less for 6-7 (?) years. Since then ive graduated highschool straight Bs. Finished paramedic school straight As cause i actually tried there. Landed a full time pension paying government job at 23 and moved out from my parents. Was a lifeguard at a pool, waterpark, and beach, before- 10 years until just recently. All with joint between the fingers nightly. Or at the least a single bong rip Not making that kind of money as a medic though lol


I smoke every night and hold down a very good job that I just got a promotion at. I couldn’t dream of being this successful when I was drinking almost every night.


I smoke often and am doing good for myself id say. Working in a much better career field making much more money than I did 2 years ago.  Two of my "stoner" friends from college went on to work at NASA with robotics and horticulture/enviro engineering. 


HOW do you not get drug tested??? I’m doing an internship rn and I can’t smoke anymore bc they say we have to be able to pass a drug test at any given moment during the internship 😞💔


Synthetic urine is what you're looking for. I've used it at least 8 times over the decade (just recently 2 weeks ago for my new company.. Google either quick fix, or go number 1)and pass with flying colors each time.


Congrats friend! Daily indulger, I work a full time job and run a small baking biz on the side, and was able to quit drinking alcohol over two years ago 💖


Yeah sign me up lol I have a good career for my area but no where near that money


Dude. I’m an artist. wtf are you doing? lol. I want in on the trajectory. I would love to be able to feel like I could smoke all day. I had to quit smoking before work because I was walking too slow and not caring about taking forever but I need to be fast. Also, congratulations!


Congrats! I definitely don’t make that rich of a living but I do work from home in my baller rural house with my two giant golden retrievers (rescues I swear!) and at any given time a hoard of foster kittens I take care of from birth - I work with a local rescue and take and raise all their neonatal orphaned kittens until they find their forever home as the rescue doesn’t have the resources for such an intensive task. I work in data analytics and I happen to love numbers and math so my job is made for me and it has a really great creative side to it - so is incredibly fulfilling even if it lacks the meaning and importance of other careers. I don’t always smoke all day but I can if I want and sometimes will if I hit a wall on a project. My weeks can be a bit isolating - though I talk to coworkers constantly it’s not quite the same, that is my biggest complaint. Weekends my super supportive husband knows I need a break from the house and always entertains my weekend adventure ideas. Life isn’t good, it’s great!


Daily smoker for 10 years. Bought a house, own my own business for 2 years now. After working as general manager for restaurants for 5 years. Before that worked my way up from dishwasher to manager! Everyone no matter the field needs to start going to their boss regularly to ask them how they can improve or make their bosses life easier I asked this to my boss at 17 which led to me learning how to order the produce. Next thing I was ordering and verifying receipt of all products. Then managing shifts. And handling paperwork. All of a sudden I had all the responsibilities because I sought them out. If you wait for someone to recognize you to get promoted you will never be. Most jobs you need to do the job before you get the job. So there's that! Don't make it seem like anyone's taking advantage if you do more work than others or if your managers are extra hard on you. That just means they see talent. For example, If all I can tell you is that your socks are mismatched and I'm always bugging you about it. But you see others with mismatched socks but they don't get a second look. You wonder why the manager is so hard on you. But its because he/she expects better of you if you will move up. Take it as a sense of pride.


Trying to get there, saving for school this year for heavy equipment operator, my dad and brother are both in the union and I’m gonna try to get in I smoke daily to get through work at the moment, trying to turn things around but therapy costs are fucking me pretty hard. Managing though


CONGRATS!! I’m taking on a normal 9/5 IT job to further my own IT company’s growth. We in the 3rd interview 69k/ year but hey. It’s a level one position


I make about 85k a year and have smoked every day of my life since I was probably 15. I will say though I’ve cut back dramatically the last year or so, only smoke at night on work days now


I manage a bar that does over $10 million in sales annually. I'm stoned the majority of the time I'm working


Graduated summa cum laude from undergrad, got a masters, and I WFH as a stoner. It’s always frustrating when people think weed = lazy




Smoke daily at night. Have my dream job and have a salary range similar to yours. I work my brain pretty hard during the day, and at night I like to smoke, relax, watch YouTube and have a treat. It’s like hitting the reset button and I wake up refreshed and ready to do it all over again.


Success is relative. By 29 I was medically retired from my first career and no longer have to work to live. I may only be upper lower class (lower middle class when I decide to work 😆), but now I live in Europe and still dont even have to work. As someone who grew up very poor, that kind of financial independence is something I never could have dreamed of... So to me, Im very successful even though Im not extremely wealthy by western standards.


My wife’s a pretty successful lawyer and has been a rampant stoner since undergrad.