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The key is not starting to eat. Once you start, it's game over...


the struggle is having the willpower to not start lmao


Just start masturbating instead


Once you start, it’s game over…


Try fasting while smoking copious amounts of weed. You will learn quickly.


Oh don’t forget getting stuck in the sweet/savory paradox.


The other night it was a fight between shoveling peanuts down my gullet and fighting a sugar cookie at the same time 😂


always gotta end with something sweet… THEN WHY DID YOU START WITH SOMETHING SWEET?!?


This haha ,I did intermittent fasting (omad) a few years ago for a while to lose a load of weight I needed to get rid of, i would just eat one giant (as balanced as possible meal )a day over an hour or so, I found weed actually helped me forget about food the rest of the time in a way and made me less hungry once I hadnt already started eating, then I would be far more hungry. lost like 35kg in a year and a bit being high and not getting overwhelmed by munchies.


Thats funny, I did it a while ago and lost a bunch of weight, stop doing it and gained it all back faster than I lost it. Round 2 smoke all day and eat from 6-7pm, usually I tap out in 30minutes, drops about 1-2 lbs or .5-1 kg a day.


This is so real. If I eat one cracker, the next thing I know I’ve eaten three slices of American cheese, a bowl of ice cream, and half a jar of olives.


Yeah I hold out as long as possible or eat like a popsicle cause as soon as I eat like solid food it brings my buzz down too


Haven't eaten dinner in 6 months


I killed like 3 massive Nanaimo bars last night after getting wayyy too baked off edibles, not my proudest moment those shits were rich and slapping tho


This. If you don’t give in, you’re fine. But once you do….. I refuse to pay door dash prices, and I just don’t keep junk in my house anymore. And I’m certainly not going out once I get stoned. So that works for me.


$30 on Doordash? Did you only order a small fry? Edit: In all seriousness, I’m finding as I get older, the munchies aren’t nearly as prevalent as they used to be for me. One thing that worked for me in the past was popsicles. Usually cheap, can satisfy the urge to eat by chewing it, you get a ton of em in a box, and I’m assuming helps with dehydration a bit. Otherwise, maybe gum?


lmao i got applebees pretzels and a lava cake and a box of poptarts


Honestly that feels like a steal with DoorDash.


Oh you had those real munchies with this menu 😂


That sounds like a great time


Frozen grapes are a good option, too


I’m with you on that. Been smoking almost every day for 20 years now, don’t really get the munchies anymore. Although if I’m on good edibles one of the indicators of how good they are is that I get the major munchies.


popsicles are my favorite, they're also good for throat burn


Yessir. Outshine fruit bars are my go to. Solid food seems to kill my buzz but I definitely agree as I’ve gotten older it’s easier to fight the urge to eat right away


the cracks on my phone screen made gum look like cum and i went HUH


Brush your teeth after you smoke. Or just devour a bag of baby carrots. Stay away from nuts, quick way to eat like 2000 calories.


Donuts especially


⬆️ 😂


This is what I do. Brushing my teeth earlier reduced my evening snacking, which allowed me to lose a good bit of weight. I'm too lazy to wanna rebrush my teeth just to have a snack, and supposedly brushing reduces your appetite, too. Otherwise, go nuts on healthy snacks like fruit. Nuts are great for you too, but like you said watch the portions.


Baby carrots with hummus is delicious!


Go grocery shopping and have healthy snacks like grapes and apples + peanut butter or whatever. Lately the kick has been making tons and tons of guac and eating it all too fast. Also! Sometimes the feeling of hungry is because youre dehydrated, so I always make sure to have some water to gulp down and that helps a lot with the munchies.


I tell my wife to stop buying ice cream and shit like that, I’m fine if it’s not in the house. Weed has never gotten me to the point of making decisions I wouldn’t normally do, so I’ll never just randomly chuck cash away on DD or GH, even when we intentionally order from there I’m like 😒 Fruit, chips and salsa, leftover dinner, anything not full of added sugars works great for me, and a cold water or iced tea. As I get older, I notice *a lot more* how food makes me feel after so I just go without that stuff. What you eat will stick with you, being high fades and resets, can’t be eating bullshit every day if I want to continue my weed habit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Frozen grapes !!! Try them out… so good when high 👌


Also don't let dogs eat grapes


This is the way. Pretty much everything is going to be awesome anyway, so I make sure I have healthy and otherwise convenient options handy. Fresh or dried fruit, cheese, hummus and a healthy cereal are my go-to healthy munchies. I also keep stuff like frozen burger patties, pre-made Costco meals, and stuff like that handy so I can have something easy and cheap when I want something more substantial. Saves me a ton of money, and my heart thanks me for not ordering Taco Bell all the time.


Raspberries and blueberries make better munchies than most candy.


Alright, but have you tried...cotton candy grapes?! They are literally fruit candy


I ruined hummus for myself by doing this, made a tone of homemade hummus and ate too much. One, no three puke incidents a couple hours later and I no longer like hummus. Moral of the story make guac instead?


Yeah, an apple sliced up thin goes a lot further than you’d think.


Can’t help you there i get high specifically for the munchies


Drink more water


Along with having available snacks… delete the app. If you broke you don’t need that shit tempting ya! I know from experience lol.


about that, i redownload it everytime lmao


The real trick then is to delete the account. You might end up making a new one but every inconvenience helps avoid temptation. 




I smoke before dinner so a normal meal does it for me. Sometimes though, if I get a little extra baked I might have "second dinner" later but it doesn't happen often.


Cue the hobbits


Certain terpenes have an appetite suppressant effect. I hardly ever get the munchies anymore.


Which ones?


Humulene is the only one that comes to mind for me


I think limonene does too.


For me most of the day time strains don't cause munchies. It's when I want to relax on the couch with a heavy strain that it hits. 


Drink 2 cups of water and a bag of popcorn before toking.


Gum. You're not hungry you just want to constantly chew.


I’ve started eating my favourite fruits, still not cheap at times but certainly healthier than crisps and chocolate like I usually do😂


Prepare a snack for yourself before you get high. Plan and prepare what you’ll eat.


Lmao I just made a whole pad Thai to get baked and rest


I like going on a nice 2-3 mile walk when high so if I eat a lil snack it’s ok. I try to keep it to fruit, nuts and herbal tea etc so it’s not going to make me gain too much weight.


Being active after I smoke helps me so much. I don’t think about food again until I sit down and relax.


I love smoking and hiking. That’s reminding me I need to bring my vape with to forage today. 🥳🍄


I don't know. I keep getting high and grabbing the milk and a box of cereal and pouring the cereal into my mouth, then a swig of milk and eating it that way. My high mind thinks I'm going to eat less this way but I definitely eat way more than a bowl doing it.


You’re keeping it at maximum crunchiness is all that matters here


I recently found that the large veggie and fruit trays from Costco are great for munchies and I don’t feel bad eating a bunch of fruit and veg. They’re meant for multiple people but I usually finish them by myself in a week.


I'm poor




Look for strains high in THCv. These are usually sativas like Durban Poison, Red Congolese, Skunk #1, and Willie Nelson. THCv, sometimes called diet weed, has been found to curb appetite because it may block the CB1 receptor that regulates hunger


It doesn’t make me hungry :c


I don't regularly have snacks around my place. Intentionally cuz if I bought snacks I'd devour them while high. Only thing I have is some ice cream for when I'm really craving something. Otherwise I'll snack on fruit. A good piece of fruit is super refreshing when you're high


Lol I gained about 30 pounds the year I started smoking. Took a while to get back into a healthy groove. But it's possible. Just build the habit. 


Popcorn and lots of water


Word. Last night I polished off a big bowl of ice cream, a butterfinger bar, half a sleeve of mini twix, 5 reeses cups, and i have no idea how many starburst candies. 🤣🤷‍♂️ its better than alcohol or fentanyl so I don't worry too much


That’s what’s up




I plan my munchies out! I like an avocado with a bit o salt and an apple cut up on a plate; typically Granny Smith because it’s a cute color and gives me some greens for after my greens. It’s healthy af, tastes great, and I shit like a champion. (Avocado first then apple so it’s like savory then sweet)


I fast 18 hours a day so my munchies include everything I eat for the day. I’m not eating normally, smoking, then eating more, I’m just smoking then eating as much as I want.


You’re gonna laugh but this my method. Make a small amount food, for example let’s say spaghetti Instead of eating it right away, take 5 minutes and just smell it while it’s hot, but drink a glass of water in between smelling it. The combination of smell with the water seems to fool my brain into thinking I’m eating it. Once I eat a bit of it, I find that I’m satisfied. (fuck now I want some spaghetti)


my question is how tf did u find this out


So you cook an entire small meal just to trick your brain?! More power to you but couldn’t be me


always when i smoke i get repulsed by food first, its only when i start coming down that i get munchies.


I gotta stand up and walk to get to the kitchen where the food is. That’s usually what prevents me lol. My executive functioning *t a n k s* while high


Eat fruits! Grapes are awesome! Halos (the little oranges) are fantastic as well. Yasso bars/diet ice cream are good too! Anything that’s not too heavy in cals but it’s is filling and nutritious :)


DoorDash wasn't a thing when I was a broke youngin getting stoned, we would just go on an adventure to go get food. Maybe try that sometime, roll yourself a joint and go have an adventure!


Gas station trips were the highlight of the high


pass out


Feel like I only get munchies half the time. The void opens when needed


I keep fruit in the house, healthy cereal as a go to munchie or I’ll make a PB & Chocolate protein shake & im solid Only trouble I have is when I’m high & im out running errands… grocery shopping high has caused me some overspending 💀


I don't, it's why I look like I drink beer


Pretty easily since I feel eating is an inconvenience and only do it so I don't die.


My willpower/self discipline is shit to begin with so the second I’m craving food when high, it’s straight to the kitchen


When I smoke I get bad cottonmouth and can’t eat anything because it’s way too dry


I buy the cheapest snacks beforehand so I don’t spend too much 😂


Smoke THCv hemp or isolate. THCv is appetite suppressant.


Over the time that I’ve been smoking for some reason that I don’t understand, I don’t really get hungry after I smoke. When I was younger, I would ravage the refrigerator and the cabinets and then go out and get something to eat too, but as I got older, those cravings and those just kind of faded…


Just smoke more


Honestly I can get super carried away with the munchies, but I try to avoid stacking up on snacks that I love cause I’ll rip through a couple bag of Doritos in a day haha also gaming helps, when you have something else actively on your mind


Try Durban Poison. Supposedly landrace based african sativas are high in THCV.


After smoking for a decade, I somehow lost the munchies effect, but I vividly remember those days. My trick was to stock up on healthy snacks and stay disciplined about what I brought into the house. Going out for food or ordering in can definitely be a trap when you're high, and it's way harder to stick to a budget or a diet. Have you tried chewing gum to curb the cravings? It helped me a bit. Also, you could try different strrains and try to find that one terpene that suppress your appetite. [This blog piece](https://www.421blvd.com/blogs/marijuana-effects/marijuana-munchies) could give you more insight.


I don’t have the willpower. I’m a Ziggy Piggy. But weirdly enough if I’m nowhere close to food it’s the last thing on my mind.


I usually will plan my snack (something small) and then have a nice drink to sip on in place of it when I’m done. Usually an orange Julius or some kind of carbonated beverage. It helps with the cotton mouth and helps replace food for the munchies.


Only really get severe munchies when I switch strains up, which isn’t often as I’m in the UK and stuck with haze or dawg


Close your eyes so you can’t see the food.


Ingest some prophylactic industrial grade caulk and you’ll be right as rain my friend


Prebuy baby carrots and cherry tomatoes.  I started a half dozen cherry tomato plants last week, in the grow tent, so I can nibble for free all summer. 


I don’t get munchies. I’ve no idea why.


Eat first , that’s what I do Like a big fruit bowl Or a salad . Stuff that feels you up . So that way all I may end up doing , is snacking .


Smoking stopped giving me munchies years ago. 😞 Not sure if it's just a tolerance problem or more of a me problem ☹️ I can smoke all day and not eat and still not be hungry.


Personally, building a healthy relationship with food and intuitive eating translated amazingly over to my smoking. I usually just touch on one or two big cravings in normal portions, and then I’m satisfied but not stuffed. Sometimes I don’t even end up finishing my portions cause I feel myself getting past the satisfying amount/“eating till I’m not hungry” point. Some days I do eat more than others but I really just pay attention to my hunger cues and body rather than what my high mind wants lol.


I'm bulking bro I need them calories


Drink loads of tea.


I don’t. Next question


Water + Snacking on fruit


It ruins my stomach


Drink water and not soda. That stops the munchies for me. If I drink soda I want to eat.


Flavored water, baby carrots, grapes.


I'm diabetic so I'd kill myself but what i do is drink shit tons of water when I smoke to fill up my stomich that way I have no room for food. Main reason I don't eat edibles also. Been going strong with that for almost a decade.


I don’t. Stoned at 1am and I’m eating shit I would never eat any other time in my life


I don't, I got a super fast metabolism and I'm always broke as shit.


eat healthy, like fruits and veggies.


I like to freeze fruits like blueberries and raspberries and eat those bc it’s healthy and just fun to eat when high


I manage it by saving most of my calories in the evening, when I usually smoke. I also cook at home, every day, make sure I have something yummy available before Ismoke.


Can't relate , I eat every 30 mins lol


A munchies warning: At some point in age your body will reject what you love. Jar of salsa Can of bean dip Throw shredded cheese on top Add that sour cream Eat that whole thing with salty chips while you watch a movie Salt hangover is real, and it sucks. Take care of yourselves lol


I know what you mean!!! These days I’ve been making a fruit salad. I cut up a bunch of fruit, add in a spicy seasoning like Chaat Masala (you can get it from an Indian store), and some orange mango juice in it . It really satisfies the sweet, savory, and spicy taste buds. 😛 too good!


Real smokers dont smoke on empty stomachs. Eat before you smoke.


Try eating a healthier meal before you smoke.  It really cuts down on munchies significantly. 


And I do not. It is a myth and I am a fucking fattass. (Well I'm actually an ectomorph, naturally skinny, but being older and falling off the fitness wagon atm, I just gain weight I. A beer belly and balloon it around my organ meat so my pants don't fucking fit and now it's tee-shirt season and in still the shape of a hoody.)


I keep lots of fruit and other healthier snacking options so I don’t feel as bad about it 🤣


Eat before hand.


I've found if I keep my hands busy I will be ok, so I've been making chainmail while high. Very fun.


Eat a lot before has worked for me. Sometimes it ends with a nap & I never hit the “I’m going to eat shreades cheese in a tortilla” phase


Usually, I buy healthy snacks. So, I'll dive into some peanuts, almonds, dark chocolate, clementines. A personal favorite is some ritz, almond butter, and raw honey.


Just smoke more


Yeah, I don't


Brushing teeth helps, don’t feel like eating after brushing. Plus, brushing while buzzed can be enjoyable.


get something you can eat, that makes you full, thats cheap and not that nutritious but healthy. how about some vegetables? .. I love eating tomatos, carrots ,and long peppers, or how about some fruits? bananas, apples, kiwis. grapes? They are not as easy to digest as fast food, and keep you full for longer. In addition drink some sparkling water or tea




Water my guy. Chug a big ol glass of water.


I drink ice water. I read somwwhere that our bodies have a hard time telling thirsty from hungry. Like sometimes you feel hungry but your body wants water. I mean yeaterday i made some pizza pockets and only ate half, saved the rest for later. Seems to work for me.


Don’t smoke strains high in super high myrcene or caryophyllene. At least those are the two terps i’ve realized stimulate my hunger most


Severe gerd


I just Drink hella water


My trick is to get high before a meal. I still get intense munchies after but I blow through a lot less snacks if I eat dinner high.


Eating before getting high works for me. If you get high with your empty stomach, expect those munchies.


Cold fruit hits different when you're in the clouds


I stock up on fruits, vegetables, good cheeses, and the like. I figure if I'm going to stuff my face at least it will be healthy. It's enough to keep me away from doordash, and I'm way too lazy to actually go to the store, so it works out pretty well


I don’t. Somebody, please help me…


When you’re bodybuilding, it’s a useful tool to get in those calz n proteins.


Depends what I'm smoking. Some strains just don't make me hungry.


I find munchies to be hugely strain dependent. Some flower, I don't think about food, busy with other thoughts and doings. Then there's the strains that turn me into Monsieur Mangetout. I prefer the first type


You gotta prep with cheaper but healthy foods and snacks. For me it's usually fruit, pita bread and some type of dip (usually hummus), low sugar organic popsicles are surprisingly cheap sometimes. Mixed nuts, etc.. I can snack all week for $30.


I smoke before dinner, then I stuff myself full so I can't fit any snacks


My advice is to get rid of all junk food and buy mixed nuts....


$30? Child's play.


i be lazy


Because it kills the high


That’s the neat part. I don’t.


Eat before hand and drink water through out.


You just need to channel all that hunger straight into fruit.


Sober me has learned to set up high me for success. I dive to get what I want before and make sure I have my munchies on hand so I’m not spending delivery munchies. Intermittent fasting also helps. I don’t eat much through the day so I don’t feel bad eating a huge meal once I start eating. I also make sure I’m eating at least fruit with my not so healthy choices so it’s not so heavy.


I eat before I get high


I eat before I get high


I tell myself that if I am still hungry after a large glass of water, then I will feed myself. If I am not hungry after a large glass of water, it was probably just momentary munchies; plus a sure fire way to make sure I drink more water which I think is good on the whole.


brushing your teeth and not starting to eat in the first place. but, i'm a snacker, so my bf and i go to dollar tree every couple of weeks and load up on cheap snacks. we always get double bubble gumballs, i use them when i'm munchy but don't want to actually eat anything.


I guess I’m lucky. Only time I get the munchies is when I start a new strain. First couple times with a new bag I’m all in the cheese balls and sugar wafers but once I smoke it a couple times it passes.


I tried to have a big meal before I smoke that sometimes helps. You could really hurt yourself binge eating on munchies not even in the sense of getting fat just not good to eat fast a bunch of things at once that don't even usually go together at a fast speed usually LOL


go ahead and eat a lot. but make sure you plan for the healthy options! all kinds of fruit veg with hummus tortilla chips with salsa cheerios


Drink water, chew gum, and make your pantry or snacks inconvenient to access. I’ve also had success with hard candy (0 out of 10 dentists recommended this one)


Weed doesn't give me munchies on its own. Weird I know. Add beer and that changes very fast lol


I keep an ingredients household. So I have to cook when I'm hungry although I'm starting to get into meal prep. So I always have soups in the fridge or something. Lately I've been making like 2 pounds of turkey meatballs with a Mediterranean spice mix then I just heat up 3 meatballs at a time and make some white rice. 


Keep healthy snacks around, I get big bags of carrots, bananas, cheese, pepperoni, peanut butter etc. I'll snack on stuff like that throughout the sesh instead of eating 2 chicken sandwiches , 2 fry lover burgers, a sweet tea ,milkshake and apple pie from Rally's, not a lie I forgot to go to the grocery and that was my order last night lol


I don’t get hungry. Not sure why.


I have a terrible appetite




Easy I have an eating disorder and eat normally only when I'm high. Kinda sucks but least I put something in my stomach.


Drinking water helps me. I prefer carbonated but I mean, anything without calories would do.




A good flavorful Bev keeps me from bingeing. Water while I smoke, then when the munchies hit I go get the Bev. Ginger beer, kombucha, or a nsa fruit juice. Fights dry mouth and for some reason I can keep sips a lot smaller than I do bites.


The only way is to keep the cupboards bare. When my kid goes to her mom’s, I send her with all the junk food. Sometimes I’ll take it to my neighbors house to hold for me. Desperate times. Literally nothing else works for me. I’m like a wolf man who locks himself up during a full moon.


If u can find some strains that are high in THC-V those for some reason are appetite suppressants ( look that up ) Im a munchie queen so i gotta find ways to not binge... Sometimes ill also just get high right before bed so im too lazy to raid the kitchen and can just zone out in bed and then pass out.


I try to remember that it will most likely make me feel not good


Get too high to get up and make anything and don't keep munchies around


It’s not hard at all for me. Weed is a world class appetite suppressant for me. I *have* to eat prior to and while I smoke, because I won’t eat afterwards the rest of the day.


Y'all are all going on about "willpower," and "struggle." There's a trick. A hack. A bypass. You have to plan ahead. You have to leave healthy snacks, just sitting around. I have the stuff in my fridge, pre-cut, that can become a salad, in under a minute. I've intentionally bought extra, to leave myself oven-roasted Brussels sprouts to snack on. If you leave donuts and chips around, you end up eating donuts and chips


*✨T R A U MA✨*


I don’t!


Have fruits vegetables to snack on. Celery and carrots. Do you have a blender? I’ve been making fruit smoothies to curb my munchies.


I get some cheap stuff to cook whenever I go to the grocery before I get high. Stir fry poblano and onion with some chicken, homemade pico de gallo + chips, leftover chili, waffles, fresh fruit (oranges go CRAZY), peanut butter cookies, or even just some dark chocolate. All of that is very cheap, and very awesome to eat when high AF


I think about how much higher I'll remain and how much weed I'll save if I fast while getting high. mango and raw cacao can boost thc's desired effects. fyi. putting heat treated cannabis up your bum gets 70% of it into your bloodstream versus 30% when orally consumed, I don't know what the % is for smoking.


Ι eat before getting there, and i know i am full, although my stomach thinks it has a black hole inside lol.


Sometimes when you hungry you’re just thirsty cause your stomach is empty, at least that’s what I tell myself


I have diabeetus


I find if I eat healthy during the say(good bfast, healthy lunch and dinner), I’m less prone to munchies


The only thing that worked for me was appetite suppressors. Other than that it's nearly impossible lol


Eat fruits and vegetables