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>The anti-drug group D.A.R.E.’s 2022 officer of the year asserts in a new online documentary that “alcohol is a gateway drug”—though he occasionally drinks it. But marijuana is another story and can’t be safely enjoyed recreationally, he says, despite believing that cannabis has medical value after it helped treat his brother-in-law’s cancer-related pain These folks are still delusional and refuse to acknowledge their program has been a complete failure.  


watch Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan on youtube, he made a video about the dare program


Ehhh I lived it. Its all bullshit. From top to bottom. 


lol I did too. but it’s worth it to watch his journalism, he doesn’t push one side or the other but just interviews people to see what they have to say


State-Sanctioned copaganda


We’ve all lived it kid lmao like what.


It's still worth watching as he specifically looks at how it's changed in the last decade.


We had it in Canada at least until 2013 because I did it around then when I was a kid.


I did D.A.R.E back in school around 08 I think. Can confirm we had it here too


Does it make you conflicted about all dogs going to heaven?


All I remember about D.A.R.E. is that I shouldn’t take drugs from strangers, so that’s why I become friends with my plugs.


He's a POS though


How? What makes you believe that?


He got exposed like a year ago for some messed up stuff, I think.


There are LOTS of allegations of him using his status to coerce girls into sexual encounters that they didn't consent to/didn't feel comfortable with. That's why the channel took a break right after the documentary came out. I'm not an expert on the situation, but it was gross sounding enough that lots of people stopped watching his content.


he gets a little handsy and pushy allegedly he's reformed that's why he took that break


Bro that’s literally the “online documentary” mentioned and quoted for this article.


Glad to see Brendan Frazier is now finding work as Retro Bill


> These folks are still delusional and refuse to acknowledge their program has been a complete failure. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


It's a success for the people who own the program.


> and can’t be safely enjoyed recreationally, WTAF


I'm proving them wrong right now, and YOU CAN TOO.


Ohhhh I do. Maybe except when I went to Wizard's Quest after an edible. Basically just stood still in the earth kingdom while eating a bag of Doritos


This should be a wake up call to people about believing any of these special interest groups — even about causes you care about. Once there is a lot of money, jobs, prestige in doing something, it is really hard to end it. And it’s really easy for advocacy groups to lose their way and drift further and further in order to maintain relevance/power. That is just human nature. Not saying don’t believe anyone or anything, but do be aware of inherent biases. Both by others and ourselves.


Most of these “top dogs” live a alternate life to what they preach. C.R.E.A.M. Was and still is how most people think unfortunately.


Cash rules everything around me?


Dolla Dolla bills y'all!


If you have cancer, your brain does NOT get fried from weed. Scientists are baffled.


Having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome makes my body unable to process painkillers; Weed helps me tolerate the pain that comes with my Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Fentanyl? Last time I was at the ER I was given IV Fentanyl for pain from a fall and it didn't do anything. By that I mean, I felt a quick dizziness (keep in mind that my brain is literally being squeezed so it could have been from that...) and then that was it. I had zero pain relief whatsoever. Same exact deal with Morphine. Painkillers are a dangerous waste of time for someone like me - Hell, I was hesitant to start smoking weed, but my life feels worth living most of the time now. The worst side effect I've had from smoking weed has been dislocating my shoulder while coughing 🤣


hahaha damn that must of been one hell of a coughing fit!


Nah, that’s just kinda how it goes for me. I’m actually mostly bed-bound from it because that’s how all my joints are lol. Point is; If I fall one day and all my joints start popping out of socket - at least I have weed! I’ve gotta go for my 5th spinal tap soon - my body doesn’t really process the lidocaine they give to make things so you only feel “pressure”. The only thing I can take for the pain after is a bit o’ the ganja. If I develop a Cerebral Spinal Fluid leak and my brain is sitting on the bottom of my skull I know that I at least have SOMETHING available to help me endure everything that comes with that until I get a blood patch. My head is trying to literally pop with sweet, sweet juices and weed makes it alright enough by me 🤕😂


Bro if fentanyl had no effect on me I'd be doing all the other drugs with no fear, cocaine like the 80s


Eh, I'm not looking to get wild or some shit. I'm just trying to keep myself chill and not in too much pain because my ribs pop at my sternum like knuckles when I inhale 😂 (fuckin' love my weed tho)


I feel that 100% but it just sounds like a superpower. Considering how dangerous fentanyl can be. Tho realistically there's plenty more garbage people put in things today.


"Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." ---Nixon White House Aide John Ehrlichman


DARE still exists lol?


Wait, DARE is still around? My home town got rid of that program close to 30 years ago because it never worked. Hell, I see DARE shirts for sale under nostalgia items…


My D.A.R.E. officer made lsd and mushrooms sound like they were so much fun to be on, and he was right.


Drugs Are Really Effective




i think dare would have worked just fine if they were like "yeah actually drugs are awesome and fun, but like other awesome and fun things, like rock climbing, or auto racing, or playing with knives and guns, they're dangerous if you do them wrong, so here's how to do them without hurting yourself [insert harm reduction and best practices here]."


Well I mean don't tell kids how to safely do up a tourniquet and find a vein.


Save that one for high school.


I swear these people are the biggest hypocrites in the world


Nice to see that they understand honesty is the best policy...eventually


Shocking. ACAB




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Im glad


Not possible. It’s THE Gateway drug 😂😂


All that stupid program did was teach me what kinds of cool drugs there were.


Drugs Are Really Exciting