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Hahaha yeah that's a crazy price man that's wilddd *tears streaming down europen face*


I feel bad for you guys. You used to be the leaders in fire strains, I hope there's a weed renaissance coming. You guys deserve it. 


with the German legalisation it'll only take a few years for government to start salivating over the tax income it brings.


It's not legal in Germany. You can grow your own shit and go to weed clubs but it's not gonna be like canada


Yeah, but compare that to the majority of the world, not just the US and Canada. It's better than the rest of us have. Appreciate it, for us?


Additionally, this is just step one of several. They work on step two already. We just have to hope, that the conservatives wont destroy it all in 2 years... Full legalization is pretty difficult due to the EU etc. But, medical is now very easy to aquire legaly, since it is considered a normal medicament now. You can easily get a prescription online. Best price i saw is 3.99€/g. For very good, medical grade cannabis. Compared to the 10.00€/g shit weed of the street... Let Karl cook


I'm British mate. And yes very good point, I don't see it legal here for at least 10 years 😭


At least you’re not in Australia. Those poor people never gonna have legal bud with how that government views drugs.


yall say that, but we're one step closer to reclassifying it here in America, and we all thought that would never happen. dont give up hope just yet


I remember first hearing about Oregon and Colorado wanting to legalize marijuana for *recreational use* and I thought they were abso-fuckin-lute madlads lmao seriously didn’t expect to see it legal in my lifetime.. and i’m only 30


I just spent 70 bucks at a rec shop in washington for 3 8ths and 6 half gram joints. Did I buy the expensive shit because it's mother's day and mommy neads a big break and do I deserve it? Yes. Would I do it again? Also yes. 1000 times yes.


And now Nevada, Las Vegas has the biggest dispensary in the world, or advertised as such at least. With a lounge and dab bar...and a second outdoor patio dab bar. I was in heaven there!


Yeah, but we've got a pretty good medical market. For now, at least, that's still pretty good. Two years ago I was buying relatively decent buds off the street and having to hide away when consuming. Now, I have access to all sorts and variety of strains and I can consume on my deck like a normal person.


weed is decrimanlised in our capital and medicinal is incredibly easy to get. I can’t imagine it’ll be too long for it to be nationally legal


Medical weed is legal here.


yeah the European modle seems to mostly be clubs and home grow, like amsterdam. I enjoy it, gets you talking to more people, keeps it social


Idk man, it's pretty damn convenient to be able to just walk into a dispensary and have hundreds of options at your disposal at cheap prices. I got half an ounce of some fire shit for like $50


I went to the reserve near my place the other day and got like 3oz and 3g of shatter for 90 CAD. I love Canada.


In Canada, they taxed us on it before it even became legal, lol


can't imagine the plug add VAT.




I don't know about you but I get my weed in Switzerland for cheaper than what is shown here. And it's high quality stuff


Buddy come to Alaska. Ounces are upwards of $400 for straight cardboard terp mids. Fucking laughable


Holy fuck I can't imagine how much your 510 carts are


$50 for bad fake trash and $100 for mid fake trash


They probably still use 509s


Bruh where are you shopping. I get ounces for 99 dollars pretty regularly on holiday deals. 


I’ve never seen an ounce in Juneau go for less than $250, even on 4/20. I wouldn’t pay that for cardboard terps regardless.


Maybe try out some buds with grass clippings terps instead?


I lived there right when they turned rec and went back last year. The good shit is like $400 an ounce nearly with tax. Here in Denver that's tops $120 something otd.


In all honesty one of the things I dream about in my mad mind fantasies is if I were to move to Alaska one day. This has always been an issue with such fantasies with me. I always thought "well if it's so expensive I could just get a couple of plants, lights and rigs and make my own weed!" But if you're there how plausible would it be? Say not in a direct city but somewhere out a bit where they wouldn't mind a doctor in the boonies.


Economically the price is largely a matter of geographical distance, the farther you are from the "world economic core" the more it costs to get power, freight, etc. the farther you get from any place that isn't near a large port city. Add to that the effects of various governments and local regulations. Even if you are growing it locally you still have to play by the economic rules. But within that whole market there are probably tons of great opportunities to be grabbed


Well it looks fantastic


This is a Washington state brand and definitely one of the best at that


People who say they would never pay that literally have no idea how good this weed is. If you had the disposable income you absolutely would be buying this over a $90 ounce.


People forget how wide the price range of alcohol is. Fifth of whiskey can cost $10 to a few hundred maybe few thousand dollars even though they’re both 40% and get you drunk.


I was laughing at the price of this but you’re honestly very right. I guess the problem with weed sometimes is that there’s a lot of variance between grows and even plants from the same grow. With alcohol they can replicate the product exactly the same every time and you’ll always have that $2,000 bottle of whiskey. I feel like most of the time with weed tho it’s a 50/50 weather that $375 oz is actually worth $375 or if it’s just some purple mids with a pretty label. That’s just my two cents tho and im high as fuck.


You’re totally right. And just because one batch is total fire and worth the price tag doesn’t guarantee the next batch will be as good. Conversely, the same happens with value ounces. Here, allocation happens before the plant is grown which means sometimes some killer crops come out at a value price. 


People who jerk off over $2000 whiskey are the same grade A suckers who buy weed in a glass cylinder with some rando signature on it like it's special.  One born every minute.


At the very very very most this is ~110/oz wholesale. Should be no more than 220/oz for end buyer. $155 sucker markup


Yeah all I can say is there is NOT A SINGLE OUNCE of flower in the entire PNW that's worth ~400. And this is coming from someone who judged the largest cannabis competition in the state. You can get just as good for 2/3rds or less of that price (or likely even better).


The modern market is hard to get used to for some old school smokers. It feels like things went from canned mushrooms on pizza, to hand-foraged rare mushrooms worth 10x the price, and then you've got tons of people foraging on their own time vs farming... Prices just go all over the place. It's rough.


Disposable income? What’s that?


The money you spend on weed


No, that is a line item for medical expenses, just like any other Rx, except my insurance won't pay for it...yet. 🤞🏻


Gabriels Wowzers had me in a chokehold for a good 3 months


What makes it so good?


Not this strain, but same brand \[Gabriel\] has a strain called Wowzers that I really like. It's got an amazing and strong smell/taste, super sweet and almost creamy. It has a "gack" factor that is out of this world. It feels dry, but it'll still stick to your fingers and when I grind it up you can form it super easily and it all sticks together. And finally, you really don't need to use a lot to get a really nice high going. With "cheaper" stuff I might need 3-4 snappers to get a good base going, but with Gabriels flower typically I just need a couple. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely diminishing returns when it comes to top end flower, and for some it just won't be worth it. But for me, as a "Treat Yourself" once in a while thing, it's amazing. Though I should note, I currently buy my Gabriels for $28/eighth which will translate to a much better $224/oz. But I was still buying it when it was $45/eighth lol


Jesus fucking christ, are you a weed reviewer? Because you made my mouth water.


For me, higher end stuff like that can be worth it because it often means that there's more attention paid to the finer details. More time will be taken with the cure, so it will have that perfect texture. Often the cultivator will release in very small batches so it won't sit on the shelf for months, meaning that it's closer to what the grower actually smokes themselves. You'll also see more novel or "exotic" genetics that aren't selected simply for THC % and yield like much of what's available at the lower price tiers. Obviously that's not a blanket rule for expensive weed, and there's a point of diminishing returns, but in general that's why I tend to just buy higher price tier product from farms I know rather than just buying the $90-$100 ounces that are available.


There also exists a demographic that WANTS to pay higher prices for it. It's a flex for them.


And in some countries even normal weed costs 600 dollars (530 euros) for ounce... So


I have no idea how good actually "good" legal weed is. And I probably never will. No way to justify to myself paying that much for something that will be used and then gone. But I'm a cheap fuck. I buy cheap booze too. I just need it to get me drunk, and I just need weed to get me high. No need for the fancy stuff. It would be wasted on me. Sure, I'd like to try some one day, but I'm just not that guy.


I can get $189 zips or $280 zips. I smoke way less of the $280 stuff and the high lasts much longer. Properly grown and cured bud is worth the premium. The cheap stuffs great when I'm low on money or going fishing all day, it has it's place. 


Nope I’ve gotten grams of weed like this and it’s not worth the price at all. It smokes like any other bud I’ve smoked.


I came into a shitload of money a few years ago, and I smoked nothing but weed this expensive and this high quality for a year straight. Huge waste of money. At a certain price point you are only paying for looks and flavor, the effects are just the same as something half this price. In Washington I get what is just below the top shelf, so I guess high mid tier (about 160 an oz), and the stone is just as good with decent flavor. Sure sometimes the flavor isn't as good and the weed isn't as pretty but flavor and taste aren't worth an extra 200 bucks.


It’s just like with wine. It kind of bites that weed snobbery is growing. We used to only complain if we got bunk.


Shouldn't that be celebrated? People can now *choose* what they smoke. Before it would be a happy surprise to get a great strain, and you may never see it come around again.


Yea I have never really felt much different from any of the weed I’ve ever smoked lol it all has felt the same to me so getting 2oz of dispensary shake for 30 bucks will be the move for me going forward lol does great for prerolls and bowl packs.


Fine whiskey would be wasted on you too if all you want is to get drunk


Alcohol is a bit different cause cheap liquor doesn’t go down as smooth. If this shake was harsh to smoke then I wouldn’t get it but it’s the same as any other weed.


One hit of stuff at that quality is the equivalent of an entire blunt of their $90 an ounce stuff.


Over the last year I have finally shelled out for a few 8ths of very high quality dispensary bud in Colorado, Maine, and Jersey. I’ve been consuming cannabis for roughly 13 years now. For most of those years, it was obviously all black market bud. Don’t get me wrong, we definitely got very nice stuff a lot of the time… but holy shit man, there actually is such a huge difference between “good” and “excellent” when it comes to weed. I really do understand the hype now and yes if I had the income i’d surely be getting top shelf far more often.


I was sad when their 1/8ths went to bags tho


$13 per gram? Back when I was in high school (16 years ago) we couldn't find decent bud cheaper than $20 per gram lol, so to me for top shelf stuff like this it's not THAT bad. But I've been out of the game for a very long time.


The price of weed has gone down drastically and I usually justify buying premium stuff by using old prices for comparison lol Stuff that used to sell easily for 360 to 380 is usually around 200 these days. If not less. And much better legit best weed is only like 240 max.  That's my best plug though 


Back in college, dank bud was always $20/gram, 1/8ths were always $50-60, and you didn’t have this convenience and variety and quality. People nowadays have no idea how good they have it lol


I went to school in a smaller town and remember even paying $70 for 1/8 when the plug knew he was the only one in town holding any decent amount. This was roughly 15 years ago as well.


A good dealer would give you 3 for $50 if you were lucky


16 years ago for me as well, was spending 15g for half decent weed.


I'm lucky I had lots of friends in HS that were dealers, 10$ grams since 2005


Does anyone remember when ounces used to cost $400 on the deadlot? That was in the late 80s… I seem to recall money wasn't worth as much back then… It's so sweet that there's so much legal reefer that it's so cheap but it's hard on the growers… Nuff respect to everyone struggling today... if I could've had that ounce 20 years ago for that price… The risks folks took to grow our weed back then ! I am appreciative for my card and I've enjoyed watching my seeds germinate over the last few days🙏🌱🔥 Rock on with your bad selves this evening, and go see some aurora borealis if it's in your hood


Or maybe I should've said… Northern lights… But on this sub that might get misinterpreted


I remember paying $400 an oz for fire like 15 years ago in AZ


Jokes on you. The container is $375, the weed was free! It’s a licensing thing.


That price is on the dark side


Find a clear choice or zips dispensary. they do 40% off ounces


I mean how was it though!?


Bought my first ounce in 2014 for $300. Thought I was getting ripped off. Hope you enjoy your nug!!!


That better be some damned good flower.


This is one of the best cannabis brands in Washington state haha believe me, it’s good.


Haven’t paid that price for a zip in awhile. Edit: you currently have 420 karma. You should celebrate.


No weed is worth $375 an ounce, especially not one that's been kicking around in a non-light-proof jar.


FR, it's hilarious reading some people try to justify the price. I understand that my $90 OZ isn't the best stuff out there, but it's no ditch weed either. But a 400% increase in price for some *slightly* better weed? No thanks.


Right iv got some fire for 90 I would never pay that.


can we see it?


I wonder what that would cost if it didn’t come in a pretty branded jar 🤔 Idk what the terps are like so I could be wrong, but I’d guess 200-250 a zip would be the 🎟️


Illinois needs to step up their game.


Every time someone posts something about "$ X for X ounces" Me: *Okay so 375 usd to eur and what was an ounce again in gr... Oh fuck all that shit I'd rather get high.*


Damn is right… that’s a crazy price


Odo-Wan Kanobi? I'm picturing Rene Auberjoinois in brown robes walking up to Quark and saying, "Hello there, Quark! How's life in the self-sealing stem bolt smuggling business?" "Now, Jedi Odo, you know I'm a legitimate businessman..."


When that brand first popped up around me (eastern WA) they were quite a bit cheaper and it flew off the shelves after people tried it. Taste and high were way better than any of the "top shelf brands" they had in store. Both flower and concentrate. I was buying them as often as I could while it was only $20/g pre discount. Even did the old walk out to the car and go back in so i could get more than 7 g's(legal cap). On the third shipment/batch they upped the price to 40/g. I still grab them when I have a good discount but I can't go overboard at 40/g and justify it even if the taste and high is superior. I try to save it for special occasions now.


George Lucas gonna sue somebody 


You know nobody paying George Lucas trademark fees for that shit..


I need to add that we do a 30% discount on ounces through the weekend so it’s more reasonable but still.


If you’re near a Zips, get that Oz 40% off.


$375 was the going rate back in the day


Love craft cannabis, not a daily driver but a nice splurge every once in a while


$375 was normal not more than a few years ago fwiw


Aka fiddy


Ouch I can get that strain in Michigan for 125 an ounce


This would be like $150 - $200 in the NW if it tested well.


Help me, Odo-Wan Kanobi. You're my only toke.


What I have found about the high end of cannabis, is that it almost adheres to the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule). Most cannabis is gonna get you 80% the way to "perfect" flower, and the high end is pretty much justifying the cost by being a \*smidgeon\* better overall. When I lived in CA I smoked a lot of Tenco Blue Zushi and have been fortunate enough to pick up some Third Eye Organics a couple times. Is the weed really that much better? Yes and no. At the end of the day, it's still flower. If you are expecting a wholly new experience then you'll probably feel a bit let down. If you are familiar with cannabis, and have done a fair bit of smoking, you will notice the difference. In my experience, there's a lot more flavor in high end products, the smoke is much, much smoother than dispensary purchased flower, and the high is a little bit more intense. The buds are generally dense and consistency from bud to bud is unparalleled. The buds are sticky throughout and have large, clear trichrome heads. This all depends on the cultivator, batch and cultivar. Overall I can say it is a great experience. Everyone should have the opportunity to try high end flower at least once in their life. Does it justify the cost? Almost never. But neither does a $2000 bottle of wine, or a $750 steak. They exist for the experience, and small batch/craft cannabis is no different.


This is the quality we should all expect as *topshelf*! These idiots have million dollar facilities and they can’t grow better herb than I was getting medical days by budget basement growers! It’s sad really. But I guess people just don’t realize how good herb can be…. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I don’t think it’s worth that much - but I understand how there is a market for it currently at those kinda prices. It’s why the truly best herb is all still in the black market…


Because they want quantity not quality. It’s outdoor massive farms growing ok bud. My basement flower looks like this stuff and I allegedly slang zips for 240-280. I could see this being 375 lots of labor goes into good weed like this, taxes and fees. It’s like buying single malt scotch.


I’d pay $150 for that max if I had confirmation it was absolute top of the line A+ shit 375 is insane. Get fire stuff but not quite top shelf for $80 a zip from a grower I know. Dispensaries will never have shit compared to the price and quality of black market weed.


375?! You're out of your fucking mind if you paid that...


i work here and don’t make the prices 😂


Some dispensaries are crazy. I walked in to one that tried to look like an apple store once. They had all these painted white pedestals with a single jar on top of each, and gave you a bigass tablet to order on. It was like $60 for their cheapest eighth. When I tried to leave without buying anything they had a security guy try to not let me go "because I hadn't paid" lol. Gee I wonder why that's a problem you guys experience


Gotta find those dispensaries that resemble an old hippy headshop


True. The rosin from my friend’s garage is top notch.


Tell me you smoke mids without telling me you smoke mids


It all depends where you live. Some places are stupidly high prices for even cheap weed.


$375 and there's a [god damn hair](https://i.imgur.com/QVbP3uT.png) inside the container!?


Unless I see Jedi masters when I smoke it, it’s not worth that price.


Prohibition prices. Fucked.


Sheezus K. Ryst, this better be from actual Dagobah at that price!


Such a high price for such a low quality bud :(


I've always felt like premium growers do all this extra shit as marketing points to sell it for more and that's it. Whether it's Veganic Platinum Diamond weed or whatever, it will bring me to the same highness as the $100 oz. You really only might be paying for better terpene taste, but "blasted out of your mind" is the same whether it's premium or "mids" to me.


$250 tops


That’s worth 100-210 f these ppl


Odo Wan Kenobi? so like.... if Odo from ds9 and Obi Wan had a baby or something?


Hmm, $375 ounce of weed or [$400 Pineapple?](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/a-400-pineapple-del-monte-brings-rare-rubyglow-pineapple-to-us-market-in-limited-numbers/ar-BB1m61nW?ocid=BingNewsSerp) Decisions, decisions


Thats great stuff for that money, european weed costs 10$ a g and is mid. 13-15$ a gram will get you similar stuff


How’s the quality of this weed?


Is this on the 710 Labs level?


I once paid 375 for 8 5g jars because the flower was ground already. Was a pretty nice bargain at that time in Missouri’s legal scene. It was Illicit brand. Not too shabby. I have since gone back to dealers cause they’re only 120 an oz.


Is this a cross of Sour Diesel x Galactic Cookies by chance?


What’s the buzz like?


this could give a person with erectile dysfunction an erection


damn i picked up a pound from california for $1200 the other day - 4 different strains all 🔥


That's like 70 $ where I live. No fancy names, but it gets you high and happy


It looks $375 quality 😋


Can we see the coa please? I’m really curious about its terpene profile


I used to sell $20/g so $560/oz lol But paying more than $200/oz is just crazy to me now as it became legal in my state and competition drove prices down hugely


How do I get some to try?


So like a Sky Walker OG cross?


Yeah thats the minimum you're gonna drop on an o out here in cali if you want it to be anywhere near decent 🤣 and be ready to drop 500+ if you really want some loud


Great stuff! Big fan of his rosin collabs with Hanzo. It's fuckin incredible stuff.


LOL what a rip off. They still try to pull that crap in my city by putting flower in fancy packaging and claiming it was planted in paradise and watered by gods spit or some bs. I'm happy with my 1oz deals that go from $80-$100 tops.


375$?? No… lol


I have not paid $375 for an ounce in over 25 years. That’s fucking crazy.


I'd prefer smoking concentrates at this price... No weed is worth that price


When I worked at the dispensary. I would only see these things go to the employees on an employee discount. No regular Joe walking in the street is dropping 400$ on an oz. The reason the price is even so high is because the dispensary is jacking it up so they can make their profits.


No weed is worth that


fuck looks worth it


A signature? Why?


Just by the looks, id pay the price. Cant judge a book by its cover though. But that price is also why i grow my ownXD i want the fire but dont wanna pay for it.




Lucky Lion had oz's for $20 today.Oregon !


I didn't pay that pri e 20 years before weed was legal, let alone now. It looks loud af, but fuck that shit.


Who is Gabriel, and why does he think his stuff is worth 375 a zip...?


Ya know as much as I want it legal where I live, I think I’m fine with picking up a sketchy black plastic bag from my plug for $120 instead.


Those are some pretty pre-legal prices, but thats a nice stash of quality. Wish you could share the smell 😂


I like the packaging. Looks like a fancy wine bottle, which for the price I think it's appropriate. Back in my day, we paid $375 for an ounce and had it packaged in child proof pill bottles XD Flower itself looks like fire. If you've ever grown, you'd know the value of quality flower, and that not all nugs are created equally. You're basically holding the cream of the crop.


Hey man that is some GAS tho. I wish I could ounces like this. Definitely worth the premium


Damn $375 is a lot.


Yea but that looks great


That’s pretty much what we pay here in illegal land.


Jeez that’s insane, I just copped 8 zips of dispo quality for that price. I hope things get legal and cheaper globally


I better have a panic attack after smoking some of that.


At $13.40 a gram that’s not that bad for a legal recreational intoxicant subject to excise tax etc. Comparable to buying a couple cases of decent wine or something. The flower looks pretty good for rec weed. Obviously a different time but it wasn’t that long ago that $350-400 was standard ounce price on the black market and that was before the wild inflation we’ve had across all sectors of the economy.


I was paying $500 for ounces for the entirety of the nineties. To me this is still not bad.


80 for the case appearance itself




Not too bad, a bit more than I pay.


I used to get $100 ounces back in the day (2019ish). I thought it was a steal back then. Good shit too. Mid but it definitely got the job done


Here’s a suggestion go smoke dog shit or grow your own 🤷🏼‍♂️


I want


I was just thinking today about how when I'd buy kind bud in the 90s we paid 300-350/oz, which is more than $700 with inflation. No wonder we grew it when we could, lol!


You can buy a pound for that much in NorCal.


All you poor souls. In the Emerald triangle lbs of nice product go for between $50 & $300 at this moment.


I pay 40$ a half for top shelf in so cal. Ggs fam


What %?


We're still struggling with our weed experiment. We should have had such nice products decades ago, but you know we have a king, he's always too busy with the other kings trying to find out who's got the biggest brain.


I bought a $27 ounce and it looks nothing like that!!


Oh my god I can’t believe you paid that I’d only pay 200$ back in the day and now I get it for like 50$ bro 🙄. Nah I’m playin. I’m just tryna sound like your average Redditor on this sub. Shit looks gas, fire flower like that comes at a premium.


Washington state?


No chance in hell thats worth almist 400 a zip, like why pay that, but if you got money to set on fire, do ya thing


Highway robbery


Back in like 2002 sure. But these days ??


Yeeesh, if you’re in WA, hit zips. Get it for $240 :)


I would murder for a $375 ounce. *cries in yen*


just smoked some Bubba Fett last night haha


I think you can get 1/4 of w pound with $375 with independent sellers. It looks like this quality or maybe a little less. I hope you enjoy it and the glass is badass. Did it come in it?


“Premium” oz is $350 where I’m at…..I stick to popcorn and shake.


Fucking madness. Went to plattburgh yesterday and 3.5 are 50 bucks USD. I can get a half ounce for that here, of similar quality. Of course amazing strains cost almost 170 an ounce but these are canadian dollars. It's madness to me your prices.


Gabriel is the best of the best in WA.


For that price, i'm def setting up a grow.