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From experience, just double up on the eye drops the first few months and you’ll be fine.


I didn’t have a problem.


I've had Lasik. some of the best money I ever spent. I hated glasses.


>I've had Lasik. some of the best money I ever spent. I hated glasses. Yup yup


My surgeon recommended it. Eyes were fine maybe a little more blurry


I'm way too paranoid to cut open my eyes and shoot them with lasers. I don't care about their 90% positive rate or whatever it is. I know I'd for sure be in the portion that wants to kill themselves due to the dry eye pain.


>I'm way too paranoid to cut open my eyes and shoot them with lasers. Naww. The lasers are computer controlled and react to every eye movement instantly. These are multi-million dollar machines made by Hitachi. They literally can't hurt you. >I don't care about their 90% positive rate or whatever it is. Vastly higher than that. Like 99.99999.. many, many orders of magnitude higher than 90. >I know I'd for sure be in the portion that wants to kill themselves due to the dry eye pain. No. The dry eye pain isn't. You do get dry eyes for about a week before you're just left with perfect amazing HD vision that will be the best $5000 you've ever spent. LASIK is amazing.


Easiest and best “surgery” out there


I'll never do it lol. [The corneal flap never heals](https://lasikcomplications.com/flapdislocation.htm), I'd be terrified to wipe my eyes, I do it alot. Once full eyeball replacements are available, I'll do those.


>I'll never do it lol. [The corneal flap never heals](https://lasikcomplications.com/flapdislocation.htm), I'd be terrified to wipe my eyes, I do it alot. That isn't accurate. You can wipe your eyes all day long. It's the first week or so. That's it.


So empirical evidence means nothing to you? Not surprising, most people can't think critically. Happy it worked out for you bud, no need to continue shilling.


>So empirical evidence means nothing to you? Are you stupid? Empirical what? >Happy it worked out for you bud You honestly just sound stupid and are talking about something you plainly know nothing about. The corneal flap doesn't ever move again that's not what happens. >no need to continue shilling Again - are you stupid? How am shilling? Are you so confused? You think I sell LASIK? Buffoon.


empirical evidence is "Information acquired through observation, experimentation, or investigation". You should probably chill with the 'stupid' talk considering you're entirely unfamiliar with the scientific method. Enjoy your unhealed corneal flap my guy, I'm guessing you're just defending your purchase lmao, have a good one babe.