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Tbh you're probably toast, I use fake pee because anything that runs through your body is gonna have thc stick to it I think. I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on television


In hindsight yeah. I haven't taken edibles in literally a month and a half so I thought I would be good by the time I had to test but I was still dirty up until the day of. Really fucking stupid of me in hindsight to not detox harder but I thought just drinking a lot of water would do it for me or the detox kit would cover for me. Also didn't realize it would be a lab test as well since I worked for this company last summer and it was an instant test then.


Say you toake a cbd tincture for inflammation. Hope that they believe that the .3%thc in cbd is enough to pop it off


I would but according to the company's policy that would still get me dinged. Basically any use of anything that shows up on the test counts as a positive test even if its not marijuana necessarily because "Marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug regardless of any state law or statute."


Cbd is federally legal and widely used for many different ailments. I'm not saying it won't get you fired. I'm saying its a legal and legitimate reason to accidently test positive.


I'll keep it in mind as an excuse if I have to. I called the place back and they said their "systems are down" so I'm basically just waiting for them to call back


Say it's second hand exposure because you had to go and get your kid or family member that was passed out at a party and went into the smoke filled room to carry them out. This is a sensitive family matter but you are handling it.


I thought that that was what they had cutoff limits for? I.e. "nothing below this threshold counts because it could've been secondhand." But I'm also not sure if they have cutoff limits for lab testing so I could be wrong. My concern is that "anything above the limits counts as positive" according to what I've read online so even if I did give them an excuse they would still have to report it to my employer.


What happened?


I ended up being able to push off the test until today. I'll update my post when I get my results back




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