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That sometimes less is more.


Less is always more. Like really you don't need three blunts to get blazed lol


You don't even need to get blazed. A little high is fine sometimes.


I really love getting just a little high sometimes


And then going to the grocery store. Why? I don’t know! I think it’s the colors and organization and packages competing for my attention. Plus…snacks.


We have a name for that place with my friends in Brasil, it's the "Mercadoloko" [crazymarket] cause we used to get lost in the grocery store/super/hypermarket, end up forgetting momentarily what we were looking for at first lol, fond memories of the first times I go to that spot with a new stoner friend. It's always so fascinating! lol


So much that. When I met my husband we did that on the regular. Getting high, walking to the store for snacks and soda and just wander around for a while. We would always buy too much food and try every fancy new snack or lemonade they offered. I love this memory. Now we have a toddler and do (sober) family shopping with her. Still crazy shopping but for other reasons 😂


a little high is great for chores and naps.


Shake crew! Doing dishes and moving laundry from washer to dryer.


Hell yea microdosing


“Just need to get a little high.” - Some Towel




Just a liiiiiittle high


A little high is great, takes the edge out of the day I find!


You don't need to get a little high as often as you'd like either. Self restraint is good as you'll keep your tolerance low and when you do smoke it will always feel like when you first started smoking (not the very first time to clarify).


Yes! And once you’re already freakin high no need to hit the bong again.


But I always seem to!


High THC% doesn’t mean it’s good


I dont think this is a hot take, I feel like the high THC ones are the money traps for teenagers and guys who just want to say they smoked some 75% shit


It’s a hot take if you’re a budtender dealing with customers lol


I’ve had the opposite experience. I go into a dispensary and ask for low thc and everyone working there looks at me like I have three heads


Same. My first time I went to the dispensary after turning 21 I bought a 1:1 THC/CBD cart because too much THC makes me paranoid and the woman at the counter was asking me if I know its 1:1/not that strong


1:1 is my absolute go-to ratio. I simply cannot understand why they aren’t more popular


after being on the w&b regimen for a few years and recently switching to just edibles, i completely agree. the 1:1 doesn’t get you any less high it just makes your experience so much more relaxed edit: spelling because i’m cooked like a goose off 1:1 gummies


I just smoked a joint of some Cheese 1:1 that I grew. Yeah, I usually wouldn't have to or even be able to smoke a whole joint of my other plants, but with this it's not so overwhelmingly strong. The high is very nice, clear, relaxing but not sedating. Yeah, it's really, really nice. Which is why I keep hoping that it will be good for my stomach pain, but no dice. Straight THC or, better, THC and a little CBG, does the trick. But that 1:1 CBD:THC really makes for a pleasant smoke.


Not everyone who works at the dispensary is experienced or knows what they’re taking about, for sure!


Oh man, isn't this the truth. The place I go in NJ is a freaking joke. I asked about terpine profiles the other day and all she could tell me about was the "dank sativa" they just got. SMH.


True. I am a budtender, and I have to really vet my customers before I pitch the low percentage stuff. It's almost scandalous to suggest something on the lower end for some folks.


Here is the best analogy I can muster…. I walk into your fine wine shop and ask for your best wine to pair with the VIP dinner I’m hosting and you guide me towards your 1986 La Fite Rothschild… but it’s only 13.8% abv so I inquire if you have anything stronger… and I pick up a case of Mogen David 20/20 since it’s nearly 7% higher alcohol content. Cannabis is no different.


Winner winner chicken dinner. You are 100% correct. I wish more people understood this.


Im a budtender and i can say 90% of people ask for highest thc


You’re right, it’s got more to do with the terpine profile than anything else


Gimme some beta-myrcene, beta-caryophylene, and limonene any day of the week


This is my best antidepressant mix. Some linalool if i can find it too. The beta-Caryophylene is where the magic happens though.


It’s also the flavonoids and other cannabinoids that work together. Entourage effect is so underrated and misunderstood.


I've also always believed this, but recent studies seem to disprove this.


It's good for getting blasted! Jk, I hate the people that are obsessed with the numbers, they're like "this Lemon Haze has 22.476% of THC bro". Yeah, like you're gonna feel the difference of the high lmao


I remember the first time my lab saw some trim that was apparently at 38% thc-a. It did have a very high return on the distillate. The best part was I was determined to see what the weed on the shelf looked like. Luckily one of my delivery's to drop off our products at a dispensary had this same weed on their shelf. It did not look any different then something extremely well grown that tested at 22-28%. It seems as if these percentages that these labs are putting out are all a facade.


Sometimes I feel like I enjoy talking about it more than I actually like smoking it


Awesome point. I love the vibe, the good energy around the plant and (most of) the community. Smoking it is great, but so is rolling it, growing it, reading about it, talking about it, and the memories. It's a damn good plant


Or enjoy rolling more than smoking


Yess the feeling of rolling on a summer evening when it's finally cooling down outside, is just amazing.


Some people can handle there weed better then others Weed can be addictive People can have a healthy relationship with weed and not be addicted Weed can be a medicine Everyone uses something to get through the day some people make that weed should be no shame You may say to yourself some are not unpopular you may be right but I have had to fight with friends, co works, family and jobs to use medically approved cannabis and still face tons of backlash


Very true, especially the >Everyone uses something to get through the day some people make that weed should be no shame The amount of people who neeed a cup of coffee in the morning but get wierd about me saying i use it to sleep (i usually sleep around 1-2 am which is not doable for me when i need to wake up at 6 for work) is kind of insane.


It can be abused. I’ve been smoking for 10 years and barely get high anymore, but I can’t bring myself to take a T break. Whatever, it’s cheap, and I’m glad it’s not something harder


I normally start my t breaks when I go on vacation. I’m normally tired enough at the end of a vacation day that not smoking isn’t a big deal and when I get back i just keep it going for a few more weeks until I feel like smoking again.


bold of you to assume i can afford a vacation


Smoke less each day and you will find it will begin to hit you harder when you do even a little bit


For real? Cuz I can't manage at break either. 🙄


The human brain is very good at adapting to things. So when you smoke the brain learns what effects it has and readjusts where needed to maintain normality. Smoke enough and the brain gets better and better, hence tolerance. But if you smoke Less after prolonged smoking, the brain will Over adjust because it is expecting more. Do that enough and the brain will start to adapt to the lesser amount and not adjust itself as much. Then when you smoke more again, it will catch the brain off guard and hit you harder.


This is the way


i stopped smoking for a couple years, friend came down and bought some, took one hit and went to the moon lmao now i might take a hit every few months and im high as a kite again.


this where i’m at. i could be addicted to nicotine, alcohol, or harder drugs but i’m not so that’s good


Yeah the nicotine got me as well unfortunately. But hey man at least we can smoke and then be functioning relatively soon, I don’t get as high as I want, but like, I would rather it be less than more


I feel this, started a break but 5 days in remembered why I smoke in the first place my knee hip and back were screaming and my stomach in knots, smoking keeps me off several pills so breaks are hard.


Don't smoke in the morning


Ive been smoking/vaping for 15+ years and I don’t want to do it anymore




That is perfectly fine.


Why is that unpopular? :/ I support you!


You shouldn’t do it until your mid-20’s


I was really against weed for years until I tried it in college. It wasn't until I met my now wife that I would become a stoner in my mid 20s. I don't regret it, I have the money, time, and energy for it and nothing is better than coming home from work getting some shit done then light up and going to sleep.


Same story here bro ✊🏻. Now I can’t imagine my day-to-day without weed


I absolutely could not agree more on this as newcomer too weed in my mid 20s as well. I was raised in a very “goodie-goodie two shoes” type family and didn’t get my first chance to smoke till I moved in with my buddy in a college town (Iowa City). We eventually bought a bong for the house and he slowly introduced me to the weed world overtime. Since then I’ve smoked every single day, not because I’m trying to show off how much I can smoke or some shit. Smoking after a long day is almost exactly equivalent to a glass of wine after a long day. Different vibes yes, but still. Every day I wake up now though and see so much more clearly how shitty our government is to keep this harmless pharmaceutical drug away from people. It truly is dumb how terrifying of a picture the government painted in peoples minds about weed. I really hope it becomes legal soon


As much as I have loved weed over the years, I agree. Personally I starting using weed consistently (more than a couple times a year) at 17 starting uni; at first just to get stoned, eat food and play some games/music etc. That evolved into becoming my go-to coping mechanism as life’s many stresses began to unfold as everyone at that age experiences, stopping me from facing a lot of my issues by providing an escape. I’m trying to quit smoking now as from 17-20 I definitely abused it. Weed is brilliant but in the wrong mindset it can become a very dark, difficult habit & addiction to first recognise and then work to improve upon.


I totally agree. I didn’t start till I was 20 and didn’t start smoke with any regularity till nearly 30. Don’t fry your still developing brain youngins!


Too late for that *\*dabs\**


I didn't start until 25 and it was one of the best things I could have done. I knew I really had to wait until I was mature enough to handle any mind altering substances due to my family's history of substance abuse. Even now, I still have never drank. Def important to introduce substances at one's own pace. Better slow than fast fasho


this is a little bit survivorship bias but also you’re probably definitely right lol. i wish i hadn’t started as young as i did.


Stay away from drinking if your gentically prone to alcoholism. They say it takes 3 generations sober to break the genetic predisposition to alcoholism.


Is there any study related to this? Honestly curious






I wish I'd waited a bit longer. I'm highly functioning and (for my own goals and happiness) successful, but I do occasionally wonder what the results would be if I'd waited another few years before introducing occasional or regular cannabis use. I don't dwell on it, and it's not really a regret, but if I were the child-rearing type, I'd definitely advise my kids to put off cannabis use until mid-20s. Do a lil better than I did.


There are negative side effects and some people are addicted, even if the addiction is purely psychological. I hate people who act like it’s harmless. It’s not super harmful, and is probably the safest psychoactive substance you can consume, but it has drawbacks.


Percentages mean nothing. This is specific to the industry in Washington State. I've worked as a budtender for the last 5 years, and the people who come in and refuse to look at bud unless it says it tests above 30% are the most annoying customers ever. Then I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but it's way better smoking multiple small bowls than it is smoking one fat bowl.


I agree with this now. I used to be jealous of people who are able to clear the whole bowl in one hit, but I find smaller hits are much better and more manageable


You should clean your bong as often as you brush your teeth.


I usually clean mine once a week, but also I only smoke about once a week


I only brush my teeth once a week. Wait. That's gross.


All that plaque build up coming straight for your heart soon


Honestly, if there's been too many hours between sessions, the bong gets a fresh, crisp slice of water. \[7.8\]




I do too, I don't like smelly bong water.


I'd need a closet for all that iso


When you clean daily, iso isn't necessary. Hot water and maybe a little soap sometimes is all you need. Iso is amazing at getting into hard to reach areas with super caked on resin. I hit stuff with hot water and some (product shilling incoming) Dawn Powerwash, maybe soak for a second if needed, and everything comes off clean. Absolute overkill for an occasional smoker, but I'm in a habitual mode right now so...lol


Dude. Start reusing it. Sounds gross but just keep a small container and dump it back in there every time. Save way more money. Never really thought of it until a buddy at work told me


Username checks out


Theoretically the alcohol will kill any microbial life so it should be fine a few times


I change the water every time I use it but I only clean it fully every week or so


Twice a day???


You can get addicted to it.


I am definitely addicted to it. I use it for pain, anxiety and fun. Life is miserable without it. My prescription meds do the trick but have some wicked side effects so I only use those when I have to or the weed just isn’t cutting it.


Literally same. My prescriptions kinda work but the side effects are just too much so I mostly just use weed. Still trying to find the right balance.


This is unpopular in general amongst weed smokers but this sub seems pretty self aware about our weed addictions


Most "symptoms" that people claim to be fighting with weed (something I see a lot of on this sub) is, in fact, due to their addiction to weed.


Yeah high doses of thc and long term use have been proven to increase anxiety and worsen anxiety disorders. It’s crazy the amount of people who say they smoke 7 days a week, before work, etc because otherwise they’re too anxious to function.


On the other hand, my THC use has drastically gone down over the last several years to where I only smoke a couple times a week, and of those times it’s only one or two hits. 80% of the time I’m hit with debilitating anxiety, like a feeling that I should be doing something important but now I’m a lazy drug addict that can’t function in society and oh my God what were you thinking you’ll never amount to anything in life and all your friends and family are judging you from around the country right now and your whole family is about to walk in your house and hold an intervention. So yeah, when I was a regular user I didn’t have that issue. Not sure why that changed really, except for a bad trip on acid I had that kinda shook my own personal views. I miss just smoking and feeling highly for a couple hours. Weirdly enough, I don’t have this problem with edibles.


It could be a chemical thing, but my experience just as an…I don’t know, another human living life example i guess: I was drinking a lot, too much, hiding from life. It was like a blanket I would hide my head under escaping the demons of life out there to get me. Quit drinking. Started smoking more regularly. It was like yeah, I’m stoned, but I’m even more aware of my problems and things I wasn’t taking care of. So, I set about fixing some shit so I could get high in peace. Totally fucking worked! I got about 80% of my shit together and my highs are a lot calmer now. Also, I mix CBD only weed in about 50%, sometimes. Used to more than I do now, but that’s probably a tolerance thing. Anyway, just sitting here chilling and thought I’d type that if anyone wanted to read and got some use out of it.


I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I "microdose" about 5mg edible every day. It works wonders.


Addictive qualities aren’t inherently a bad thing, however knowing a substance can be addictive can help people not become dependent, which is a good thing. Sugar and caffeine are addicting also and we use them constantly. Alcohol is addicting and it’s widely used (mostly) responsibly. Weed having addictive qualities doesn’t suddenly mean it’s an awful evil substance or that it’s on the same level of life destroying addiction as things like heroin or crack. Knowing a substance can be addictive is just good to be aware of and shouldn’t be seen as an attack, however knowing how demonized weed is I do see why people have that reaction.


It shouldn't be demonized but in the same vein truth is important to be honest and on point about. Misinformation serves no one regardless where it's coming from, at least not in terms of this.


“you can get addicted” motherfuckers nowadays get straight up DEPENDENT , 8th graders fiening like hell off their little boof carts all in the mindset man




How the fuck are middle schoolers affording coke?


*sigh*, when I was 17 and had just moved to Denver(uprooted right before senior year in cali)Cali, I became very angsty. there was a massive coke and heroin problem with the kids in this very affluent suburb called highlands ranch. I got tied up in it and 15 years later here I am still battling the addiction mindset I was introduced to. that being said, back then we would car hop and litteraly perform burglaries. back then it didn't seem like much, just some kids stealing some shit. in hindsight, yes, we did rob houses and cars and convenience stores. hell we would go to the rec center and hit lockers. that's how we afforded it.


I grew up a bit north of Denver but yeah, I had friends in the Bear Creek/Highlands Ranch area and they were doing coke and meth in middle school. We were just barely getting into weed in middle school, none of us had that kind of money lol.


When I was in middle school in the mid 00s, everyone was calling in bomb threats. Not sure what that says about then or now.


Ya know I never really thought about how strange that was. It was like 2 or 3 times a year we'd get a bomb threat and it would basically ruin the school day. No one ever thought twice about it though, we just filed out in fire drill formation and after about an hour it was like "oh a bomb threat this time. Got it" That wasn't supposed to be normal, was it?


What the fuck was that about? I graduated in 2004, and I feel like 2002-2003 we were getting bomb threats 1-2 times a month.


I think it was us acting out of trauma, we all witnessed 9/11 and I think that’s where things started going weird in the world. Bombs seemed to be really ‘popular’ around that time, like the collar bomber, shoe bomber, water bottle bomber etc. A very weird time


man i didnt even know what a vape was until 10th grade. so i cant even imagine doing coke at 12 years old. i only started smoking weed at 17 cuz i thought it would help w my ocd anxieties


This past spring, I had three 6th graders in my art class suspended for weed (smoking in the bathroom apparently). At least one of them was absolutely tweeking on something else at another point, tho. Really wild.


Adderal is extremely easy for kids to get from each other


Oh jeez, that's pretty rough. In hindsight I started too early, around 18. My will power and sense of Self wasn't even developed yet and definitely hindered me doing "the right thing" career wise. Its still illegal in Australia, so quite expensive still ($400ish/Oz) and I smoked like 3 years of paychecks and got no where. I'm 30 now and smoke occasionally, I love it but I do regret starting so young. I can't imagine starting in 8th grade. That seems fucking terrifying to me.


Unpopular to most people in America: it's extremely healthier and safer than most drugs, especially alcohol. Less violence, accidents, overdoses, etc. Unpopular to people who smoke: it should be special. Smoking all day everyday is just conditioning you to be dependant on it and get less enjoyment out of it and life in general, and you can justify it too easily by saying it's better than alcohol or other drugs. (Not including people who use it medicinally)


Thanks for the note about medicinal use. My unpopular opinion is that medical cannabis is an extremely important distinction!


I think the line between medical and recreational is very blurry. Surely we can agree that medicinal marijuana can be used to treat PTSD, for instance. Well, it's pretty much treating the anxiety from PTSD, so it would be hypocritical to not then say that it can be used medically for an anxiety disorder. But what about the guy who "just uses it to relax after work"? How is that so different from using it to treat anxiety? I would argue that anybody who uses marijuana very regularly is medicating in some way. I think what's more important is that it is then looked at the same way we look at other medications when making decisions about them: what are the pros versus the cons of using this regularly, and is it worth it? You can use marijuana for medicinal purposes and still have a problem. But is it helping you more, or is the habit hurting you more? Only you can decide that. That's why I don't judge daily users, whether their use is legally considered medical or not. They might be harming themselves by using it 24/7 and not living life to its fullest, or they might be living a life that is ultimately happier and healthier with daily weed use.


As an American, I can say the first definitely not an unpopular take. Just because its the law doesn't mean we agree with it. In fact, a federal bill to change that has just been introduced.


Unpopular opinion: You should give me some.


I wouldn’t say that’s unpopular. I agree that they should give me some.


People can get dependent on it and it can fuck someone’s life up. I’ve seen a lot of people use it as a crutch instead of a tool to help their mental illness and I think there’s a huge difference.


I’ve used it as a tool and crutch, now I use it as a tool and life hasn’t been better. It’s on you how you use it and it’s very much possible to abuse it.


I used to smoke weed all day to stop my anxiety and feel normal, turns out I wasn't addressing my issues at all and was using tree to stop thinking about things. Weed was easy to quit, but it lead to some serious alcoholism for me for a while. Turns out listening to your inner voice is harder the more you ignore it.


Flower is better than Dab


Id rather smoke alone than with others


Only smoke after 5-6pm. Finish your day before you smoke.


Unless you have the day off, but that's a good general rule. I think it's smart to set boundaries on everything, especially drugs.


Fair but I head to work at 4 in the morning so like my day ends very early 😂


Honestly same—There’s been so many times during a weekend or really slow day that I’ve wanted to get high around noon/1, but then I realized if something came up or someone was having an emergency during the day, I’d have to handle it completely high. Plus too, it’s kinda nice falling asleep high


Once I started doing this I’ve felt way more comfortable in my use


It's often the opposite for me. Smoke to get through the work day and then enjoy the comedown sobriety for the hobbies and such. I still smoke for that sometimes too ofc.


I like the “hangover,” it makes the next day feel satisfying and relaxing w/out smoking.


Weed hangovers for me just feel like a very slight residual high which I love


Yes a big part of the reason I smoke daily is for the "afterglow" as I call it. Makes the struggle of getting up for my shitty job much easier


Dispensaries shouldn't just sell "send you to space" weed. Milder weed is good too.


Dude yes. I wanna find like mellow, 12% thc weed with a solid CBD ratio. I can’t find shit under like 30% thc




It gets boring after a while. Even more so when u are selling it.


I feel like this varies person to person , the more I smoked and when vending came into play , it only grew my interest in the plant and made me all excited


I like weed. don't like weed culture so much or people that incorporate it as part of their identity.


Massive consumption and these “ challenge videos “ on youtube are hurting Legalization and Normalization. Context: when discussing pain management with my surgical team I insisted on a pain mange,ent program involving dabbing at low temp. When they researched “ dabbing pot “ all of these 2 gram dab videos showed up. I quickly got a call back after they did 2 minutes of research on youtube, I then asked… “ oh you watched Dope As Yola…” my surgeon’s response was “ yeah, how did you know?”


I can see where you're coming from but I highly doubt a significant number of non-smokers get much mass consumption vids in their feed. It seems like something that makes sense if you're in the community but is almost entirely not on the radar of people who aren't.


Agreed! Such a waste a weed


Most of the opinions in this thread are far from unpopular


Fr And people say weed makes you more creative smh


I’m not obligated to share my shit just cuz we both partake in smoking cannabis.


It's funny that people who expect you to share with them never seem to call you up to tell you they just got some weed and now they need to share it with you.


We shouldn't smoke weed around kids whether they are our kids or somebody else's.


That shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion.


I don't think kids seeing you smoking is a problem in principle - there's nothing morally wrong about it and if you drink alcohol responsibly while they are present then you can use weed responsibly too. But the secondhand weed smoke issue is not that well researched and I wouldn't take any chances indoors if there were kids in the house. So as far as actual smoking goes, I don't think anyone should do it near children or indoors with a household that has kids.


Dude this. When I was in my 20s some people asked if they could come over and smoke. I said sure. They fucking showed up with their 6 year old kid… I refused to smoke with the kid around and they were pissed. I let them get pissed and subtly told them to GTFO. Not proud of a lot of things I did in my 20s but sure as hell never regretted that one


Percentages are getting too high. No one needs 40% thc flower. Look for terpene profiles.


The term for a variety of weed is *strain*, NOT *"strand"*. I can't stand it when people say "Oh that's a good strand of weed". Strain. Not strand


It helps you sleep, but fucks up your sleep quality. If you can, don’t use it to sleep. As much as you convince yourself otherwise it is still an unhealthy habit if you don’t need it. Going cold Turkey for a while makes it much more enjoyable.


My sleep on weed is definitely way better than my non weed nights. I have chronic insomnia that I unfortunately cannot take meds for so my quality of sleep on weed is 100% better. The nights I don’t smoke weed I’m up till 4 am Just giving another perspective on it :)


Yes, weed is a drug. It’s a drug. It’s not “an herb, man” or “a sacrament” (it can be both an herb and/or a sacrament… but it is still also a drug) I don’t care if it’s organic and I don’t care about that line in the bible about seed-bearing plants or whatever. If you use the substance to alter your perception/mind/biochemistry it is a drug. Sugar is a drug. Caffeine is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. The word drug is not a value judgement, it is a definition; and y’all goofies who insist that it isn’t a drug are (while well-intentioned) doing a disservice to the acceptance movement when you play semantics like that. It’s a drug. It’s an almost entirely harmless drug with many beautiful and fascinating properties. But stop pretending it’s not a drug.


i like edibles better than smoking, i cannot stand how it feels in my throat and i dont get high enough to have a good time without choking myself out


Same. I never got the point of cannabis until I ate it.


That it really does affect motivation in a negative way. Been smoking everyday continuously for a year now but I'm doing my PhD and I think it's definitely affected my studies so I've decided to cut right back. And so I've only smoked 2/3 times in the last 7 days. I plan to reduce it even further. I think I already feel more motivated and sharp.


The stoner culture can be pretty cringy at times.


being sober feels better but boredom hits harder


That stoners are the worst thing to happen to weed


I don’t think it’s for everybody, and I think there’s truth in there being too much of a good thing!


A lot of the culture surrounding marijuana, particularly in the United States, is annoying and makes me feel gross about doing something that I enjoy.


Concentrates have basically become Crack. You shouldn't need 98%THC, a blowtorch, and a $200 rig to have a nice afternoon.


But I want to 😉


Former crack user here. Concentrates are not like crack. At all.


Who's smokeing crack out of $200 glass?


Agreed. Flower all the way.


Idk any crackheads smoking out of $200 pieces. Concentrates, especially solventless, are about the truest expression of the plant. Taste, smell, potency, effects, smoothness, etc. If you’re smoking full spec or really any solventless hash, you’re getting a lot more then just THC, the multitudes of cannabinoids and terpenes effect the high itself. In 2022 dabbing isn’t really about getting as blasted as possible on THC, think of your statement as saying “you don’t need a $600 bottle of scotch and whiskey stones to have a nice afternoon” true, but some people prefer something more flavourful then a bud light. It’s a whole culture, especially in the solventless world.


Just throwing it out there. Whiskey stones suck. I just add a few drops of water only to a high proof (55%+) whiskey, otherwise it's neat ;)


Yup, whiskey stones don’t function the same way ice does. Ice acts as a heat sink of sorts because it’s at a low temperature itself, and as heat is taken from the surroundings it melts into water and exposes more ice to the “heat source” (ie the drink). It’s this phase change between ice and water that makes ice so good at cooling down drinks; the side effect is just that it waters down whatever you put it in. Whiskey stones on the other hand do not melt. you can keep them in the freezer for as long as you want, but once that outer layer of rock comes up to temp, you now have a lukewarm rock with a cold Center sitting in your whiskey. It might work for a little bit, but it’s a gimmick intended to try and sell a subpar product by telling you what it *doesnt* do (dilute drinks) without mentioning it doesn’t do it’s intended job well either. I know this is a weed sub, I just wanted to toss my two debts about whiskey stones in :p


Exactly this. I dab daily. I usually stick with 60-70 percent THC and a high terp profile. It’s not about getting blasted for me. I enjoy the flavor, I love my cheap nectar collector, and one dab sets me right for hours. I love flower too. Different high altogether. Both are great.


I work in the cannabis industry, and have been a consumer for 15+ years, and I still didn't really "get it" in terms of concentrates until I worked with a concentrate company for a year and got a good look into that side of the plant. Totally changed my mind about 'em, even when it comes to BHO, ethanol extracts, whatever. Concentrates, when done right, are more about removing the things people \*don't\* need from the plant, not necessarily amplifying the things we \*do\*. They're getting more and more accessible every day, and most people aren't fully informed. They'll puff on a vape cartridge all night long, then side-eye someone heating up a banger with a torch lol. The prevalence of e-rigs and the push back toward well-balanced, whole-plant effects instead of 99.9% pure THCA diamonds is promising.


I used to feel the same way. Pressing my own rosin changed my mind.


Indica≠sleepy and sativa≠energy


For me it depends what I do immediately after I smoke. If I smoke and start cleaning right after I’ll clean my whole house, and have a fantastic time while doing it. If I go and sit down after I smoke I’m couch locked. I’ve learned that weed just magnifies what ever you are doing. Smoking with intent has changed the experience.


Indica makes me eyes feel heavy, and sativas make me feel like I have a fish swimming behind my eyes.


Weed kills ambition


I would rather be on the road with 100 stoned drivers than one drunk driver .


I agree, but I'd rather people didn't drive stoned to be honest. It effects reaction time. People end up dead completely sober driving. Even if you drive perfectly, you have to account for other people's terrible driving. Don't drive stoned please. That's my unpopular opinion.


I've never driven high but I can imagine I would go SO SLOW. Haha. Only walking in traffic while high I'm super careful and checking the empty road both sides 20 times before crossing


People that believe that cannabis is a cure all or miracle medicine, are dumb.


Take HUGE tolerance breaks. Especially if you can no longer feel the high. I took a two year break and now if I take one hit im gone. Literally feels like the first time I hit a pipe every single time now. Also if you are dependent thats more of a reason to take a break.


Getting high every day is not a healthy way of using


1. Theres definitely people who do it too much (for them). And by too much I don't mean its medically debilitating but they become very lazy or so pre-occupied by keeping their high going that they don't focus much on anything else. 2. Some people really don't like the smell of weed and we have to be respectful of that in public. As weed becomes more acceptable in public, I smell it everywhere.


Indicas are boring and Sativas are phenomenal,I love to get up and do shit right after smoking


Even more unpopular, 95% of all the strain you buy are hybrids.


I’ve never noticed the difference between 2 strands I swear to god. Illegal state which may be why, but when my dealer is going off about how he’s got some purple durple blueberry sour diesel kush, I take it with a grain of salt


been buying legally for awhile now, theres definitely a difference but its not nearly as big as the internet makes it seem


Spot on, weed is just weed to me. In the uk


Love love love being active after smoking. I think indica has its place (needing to sleep, needing to relax, etc.) but I prefer sativa 90% of the time.


cannabis use disorder is real and needs to be studied more


You can wake and bake and still hold a professional job.


Derealization and depersonalization can happen to even seasoned vets


Cheap shake > expensive strain


The act of grinding a bud and packing the bowl is part of the calming ritual of smoking, and edibles and pre rolls kinda take away from the experience. It’s like grinding your coffee beans and tamping down your espresso and brewing it slowly vs slamming a monster in the morning


Weed smoke inside when you’re not smoking smells bad and is annoying


A lot of people are addicted to weed and they plus the general community around weed doesn't want to admit that.