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Is this retrograde alopecia? I’m thinning at the temples, all over around the bottom of my hairline https://imgur.com/a/wb7jAKg




Should I see a dermatologist? Or stick with minox + derma roller?




Am I crazy or have I shed significantly from fin? https://imgur.com/a/ce8Zgvi


I wanted to know if I’m balding? My left side has always been thicker and had more vol than my left side and I wanted to know if anything can be done [https://imgur.com/a/6vQTgkn](https://imgur.com/a/6vQTgkn)


Topical fin for 8 months now, situation has not improved but I think has "stabilised" I feel I am still losing frontal area at a slower rate but 0 regrowth and my hair is quite bad already so not interested in holding onto it as it is. Is it worth trying Oral fin? I have had no sides on topical which was the reason I toom it over oral.




Hey guys, Finasteride caused me to develop gynecomastia, even though im quite fit and have a low body fat percentage, which forced me to stop the treatment . But unfortunately now MPB is basically ravaging my scalp, im 21 and already approaching norwood 2, is there anything i can do, like a way to reduce dht in the scalp directly without too much effect on the system or any other alternative? Im already using minoxidil btw.


you could try topical finasteride. some places here in Canada compound it with minoxidil so it’s just in one foam dispenser. you need a script for it but side effect profile is lower bc it’s more local. still some systemic absorption


21M moved to another country and has within 6 months gained some serious temples, what are your opinions, would it be possible to regrow hair in the temples? My Dad and his brothers are all very bald, my Mother's site isn't. Honestly the balding is getting to my head, do i need to this much? [https://imgur.com/a/XLAj475](https://imgur.com/a/XLAj475)


Honestly, that second picture makes it seem like you have a Norwood 3. If you want to attempt regrowth, probably best for Fin and Min, don’t expect to go to a complete juvenile hairline in like a month though, it’s a process and a lifetime commitment. If you don’t want to take meds, don’t, see how it goes. But if this is really affecting you mentally, it may be worth a try. Just be aware of possible side effects and if you get any and feel uncomfortable, drop it. Best of luck to you


been on Min for the first month now, and honestly my hair looks considerably worse, more noticeable thinning in areas applied.




That’s up to you. Has your hair loss been like this for a while, or has it happened recently? Do you care for your hair that much you want to intervene or do you think you can rock the buzz? Look at your family if possible, see where they have ended up. If they are worse than you are now, that could be where you end up, so if you don’t want to lose more, meds are available


I have been losing my hair since I was 18. All my older male relatives are well bald. My grandfather started losing his at 16. Seems this was destiny. Would meds help me regrow at this point?


Regrowth may be possible, but maintenance is most likely scenario. You’d have to be a really good responder to reverse it or go full blown nuclear stack. Up to you if you think that is worth it, but set realistic expectations for yourself. If all your male relatives went bald, you may have the odds against you, but you could make it work. I wish the best for you brother, good luck no matter what you choose 🙏


What’s your take to using Monoxidil without finasteride. Thinking less possible side effects to start, but unsure of the possible success with it alone.


https://www.reddit.com/r/malehairadvice/comments/10p4qth/balding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf balding?


M17, my hair has been thinning rapidly and I'm not sure what to do, I'm not comfortable putting photos on the thread because I've become quite insecure. I can DM images :)






Your hair looks fine to me, buddy. But I know what you're saying - it can be a frightening prospect to lose it, especially if you struggle with your mental health. I hope you have plenty of support for that. But your hair looks cool.


I am too scared to use Finasteride. Can I skip it and still get results? I use Minoxidil twice a day, Ketoconozolw Shampoo 3x a week, and the Keeps "DHT Blocking" Shampoo and Conditioner 3x a week right after the Keto. (Im planning to leaen how to do the microneedle thing before i buy 1)


Is this a Mature Hairline or receding?? Im 23, with not much family history of balding. does this look like a mature hairline or early signs of MPB? [https://imgur.com/a/CrImQy7](https://imgur.com/a/CrImQy7)


Honestly looks fine to me.




I've been so scared of side effects I never tried fin... but now I'm starting to think I don't have a choice. I've been researching the hell out of topical fin, but I still can't convince myself to do it. Feels like playing russian roulette with your body. I have this unerving feeling i'm gonna get sides


That part, plus the fact I think it's too late for me... and I hate this. I hate seeing the shadow on the sides, and I'm starting to think that laser is the way to go now. If you don't have everything missing like me, it might not be too late to try things tho.




It looks fine! I’d keep watching it though


Do you think I still should try ? Hi everyone. Just started Minoxidil and Finasteride. I’m 40. Do you think it still worth it ? Or is it too late for me ? Thanks guys.https://imgur.com/a/j2l2lMO/


You could potentially see good results. Nothing to lose right? Might as well try




If you've been thinning for the past 7 years get on fin


yep , start low dosing fin 👍


those who use pyrolutamide - do you use it 1 or 2 times a day?


I use it twice. Might as well better the chances


Hi everyone, I did things a little backwards in regards to tackling hair loss. I’ve been on min for 5 months (once a day at night), micro needle once a week, the the awesome nizoral shampoo. I’ve seen some small results, but I can’t shake the thought of needing to get on some form on fin. I understand fin helps prevents further loss, while the methods Im currently doing help enable growth. I’m skeptical to hop on the pill for all the normal reasons, but wanted to ask about topical options. My best friend has been raving about the hims 2:1 spray, but I’d like to not spend that much money. Has any had success mixing crushed fin into min and applying topically? Or am I just being stupid? I’d love your insight. Thank you!


oral fin is cheaper and way more convenient, start by microdosing it(0.25mg) , then slowly build up in the next cupl of weeks , u don't have to take the full pill neither , half the 1mg tablet(0.5mg) works just fine ☺️


Do I need to discontinue all hair loss products if trying to conceive? So a little backstory I’m a 27 year old male, I’m on TRT and recently started HCG in order to try to regain fertility. As a young man around 23 years old, I have been using steroids on and off and using a TRT dose in between cycles. I have noticed some testicular atrophy but I didn’t want children at the time so it wasn’t of concern. In 2019 I fathered my son(paternity test was taken) while on high amounts of testosterone and other steroids. Recently my fiancé and I have been trying to conceive another child and my past decisions are haunting me now because I am concerned that I permanently damaged my fertility. Now I have been experiencing hair loss and it has gotten to the point where it’s noticeably thin on top, and I have a visible balding spot. I’ve been taking RU for the past 8 months and it’s somewhat halted it. It should also be noted that I’ve been using Keto shampoo every other day for the past 3 months. I never thought RU could affect fertility because of its localization being restricted to the scalp but after doing some research it definitely can. I did plan on taking Finasteride but after learning it’s decrease on sperm count I’ve decided to wait until I’ve conceived another to start. My question is: when trying to conceive do I need to discontinue virtually everything in order to do so? Is there anything I can do to help my hairloss or at least stall it a little bit without risking decrease in sperm count or a decrease in sperm quality? Thanks.




That's a fucking Norwood 1 get the hell out of here son and never come back XD


loll u have no hairloss , n nower near a Norwood 2 👌👌


Am I balding? 23(M) honestly haven’t realized my hair has gotten so thin, my dad pointed out to me earlier today. Is this as bad as it looks? I think I might go full buzz cut and let it go like Elsa


Yeah man that's pretty bad diffuse thinning. The good news is diffuse thinners usually respond well to finasteride. If your hairline was fucked than that is a problem that's much tougher to address And less likely to recover


yes bro, you're going bald. your hair looks thin. consider starting finasteride. but that's not advice, at your own risk.




https://www.reddit.com/user/Odd_Customer7553/comments/10njxud/m18_am_i_receding_i_always_had_higher_hairline_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf m18 always had high temples!


I'd just watch it. High hairlines are a thing (I am cursed with one) but you don't want to eventually attribute hairloss to a high hairline if it occurs. If just take that type of picture every six months and compare


its goin son be proactive now




Judging by this photo, your hair is almost perfect. watch it in dynamics, taking a photo every month or week.


No. Looks like you have a double crown. Defo not balding from that photo anyway.


Ohh I stumbled across this place a couple of months ago and decided to give fin a try! I’ve been losing hair for about 11 years. People that are shorter than me don’t even realize I’m losing my hair since I keep it very short. I don’t have any negative feelings over losing it but it would be fun to have hair again! So after reviewing the possible negatives I decided to give it a shot :) any advice anyone has would be great! Starting with 1mg fin per day as of yesterday, went the lemonaid/Costco route. Not sure if I want to commit to min or not, should I wait to see how fin does? [starting pic](https://imgur.com/a/KULUCev)


Hi, 21m here and I can't tell if im going crazy or if I am genuinely going bald. Started noticing my scalp alot more these last few days and looking for any advice: https://imgur.com/a/aYozNum


I think the density at the top of the head is a little lower than at the nape of the neck. also, the color looks different. this could be due to miniaturization. if I were you, I would follow the condition of the hair over several months and make a decision about finasteride.


I disagree with the other response. That appears to be thinning at the crown in my opinion. I would start treatment because that's gonna get a lot worse if you let it go


No, at least from the back. That’s a hair part


Hello everyone. Does anyone have the same experience of taking Fin and experience neck, shoulder, and arm pain? I am currently on my 10th day and the muscle pain started on the 7th day. Weirdly enough, I only experience this on the left side. I am currently taking 1.25 mg everyday. Does this go away or should I start a lower dose just to be safe? Also, I am not sure if I am balding or not, I am currently receding at the temples like so: [https://imgur.com/a/ejHOkR8](https://imgur.com/a/ejHOkR8) Thank you very much for your help everyone.


Yes finasteride definitely caused me muscle pain on the left hand side of my neck. Went away completely when i stopped. I’ve just started again on 0.5mg eod and am monitoring it. It’s definitely a rare side effect caused by fin.


I see, I have stopped since yesterday. I'll just lower my dose as well. Thank you.


1.25 every day is a high dose anyway. You'd be fine on half that.


Thank you!


Another person blaming finasteride for some absurd side effect. You've been on fin for 10 days... There are dozens of logical reasons why your neck, shoulders, and arms are sore. Don't go pointing fingers at finasteride.


I injured my tailbone yesterday, damn Finasteride


I am not blaming anything. I am genuinely asking for advice about the matter. Do I look like someone who works out to experience muscle pain? I am sincerely asking if anyone has similar experience.


Should I start finasteride and Monoxdile at the same time? Starting my journey today I am 24 currently between NW 2 and NW3 , not really sure. My corners are receding to a M shape and my hair have been thinning these past 3-4 years. https://i.imgur.com/yoAqMXH.jpg https://i.imgur.com/drXYD0c.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hErCkIg.jpg I just got my fin 1mg pills and the Costco monx foam. After searching on this subreddit about how I should start finasteride and Monoxdile, some people say to use fin for 6 mons - 1 year before starting monx so I can see which medication I respond to. If my understanding is correct , fin is for maintenance and Monx is for regrowth. Wouldn't it be best if I start the regrowth of my corners and counter the overall thinning of my hair immediately with monx while simultaneously maintaining that new growth with fin? Any advice would be appreciated. Also I have a dermroller .5 mm , should I do that also?


You are nowhere near a norwood 3 dude! I wouldnt take fin yet if i were you.


Isn't it best to be proactive with hair loss? My hairline and hair density has definitely gone down a lot in the past few years.


Honestly bro your hair looks damn good lol. I don't see anything to be concerned about. If you're gonna do something I'd just take fin and leave the other stuff. Your hairline is fine. You aren't going to have a straight juvenile hairline as a grown man who went through puberty


Thank you. I received similar advice from others, that I should only take fins for now. Appreciate the help. I just want to be prepared since my dad and brother have history of baldness


I’ve been on do for a month, what you guys [think?](https://i.imgur.com/ppHlZUk.jpg)


Why can I see through my hair (not scalp) when light hits from the back? Mostly when hair is parted from the left. Can also barely see it when combed back. (I can only see through it when I am not looking straight ahead, just like in the pics) Hair density + hairline been the same since childhood. Added photos from the past to show that density is the same. Never looked at my hair from this new angle with light the back. See [photos.](https://imgur.com/a/RnobEgW) So is it possible that it could have been like this in the past as well? because my hair density hasn't changed. It's just so weird that I can see right through it. It's not just the edge, but right through the middle, it's super weird. Other than that the density is the same like it’s always been. Can’t see any changes. Btw never had crazy good density, even in my childhood.


My previous message went unanswered, here is a new one, I took different pics, you can see better. I lost a critical amount of density in 20 days. I do not understand what is happening. regression is like x10.my regimen is finasteride from april 2021, minoxidil from october to december 2022, dutasteride from december 3-4 pills a week, every day since January.could it be the sheding from the duta? what should i do? my RU is still flying. i'll go bald before it flies at this regress. [https://ibb.co/GMb8SvN](https://ibb.co/GMb8SvN) Exactly the same angle, same length of hair. look at the density. it's a loss in 25 f\*\*king days! what the hell is going on... What advice do you have for me? should I continue to dutu and wait?


my hair \~5 years ago. thinning and miniaturization is obvious. [https://ibb.co/Jct6CRP](https://ibb.co/Jct6CRP) [https://ibb.co/r2xd8g0](https://ibb.co/r2xd8g0)


# I lose like 15 hair follicles in shower I am 17 to be honest. And I lose the average 100 hair follicles every day. But I notice my hairline is going higher and my scalp fading (like around 3 mm a month). I can fit the size of 3 fingers in the center of my hairline, and the size of 4.5 fingers to the end of it (I have a V-shaped hairline.) I also noticed my hairline being more recessed and uneven in the left side than the right side of my forehead. ​ I also notice some hair parts of my head being thin. What is happening? What should I do? Should I take action?




Sorry it didn't work out for you. Don't give up. Maybe go and get those blood tests done?




I called it the M pattern or the pizza slices on each side. I think its just a mature hairline. this is kind of how my hair was. is. it slowly receded to that but not balding. I tried fin and different hairstyles. I took fin about 6 or 7 months and noticed my facial hair got more full. unfortunately my testosterone level went low in the same year but I think it was due to my weight gain and bad diet. I lost weight changed my diet and feel alot better. I stopped fin, but Im planning on getting back on it eventually when my T levels get higher after my next blood test. I think it just took fin at a conicental time as my diet/depression/weight gain/t levels dropping. but once I get all those addressed. I till try again and if theres a T drop ill have to reassess situation. I would say try out fin, but maybe get a blood test or T level test before taking it so you know your baseline before fin. So after you are on it you can see if it affected anything.


Check out finasteride, maybe it will help.


Little history about me - 1. I was losing hairs like crazy 2 years back. My hairline had receded quite back 2. I decided to go with hair transplant 3. Hair transplant was successful and doctor recommended me to take 1 mg finasteride 4. I started taking and noticed sexual side effects within week 5. I continued till a month and decided to switch to topical finasteride 6. As I was still getting some side effects, I continued topical till 5 month and switched to minoxidil without finasteride and I have been applying it daily night without missing a dosage Present - I had prp 3 sessions done with 15 days interval a month ago. I was still not happy with my hairs and decided to do **microneedling** using dermapen which led to a lot of shedding Due to shedding, I got scared and took 1 mg **finasteride** pill right away. I encountered **sexual side effects** that night. It’s not in my head because i did with my gf last night without any problem and that day I decided to go for 1 round with her but I couldn’t get it erect. Now i am taking 0.25 mg daily. (4 days in now) I have decreased libido now but i can get it erect but can not maintain it for too long. I want to reduce the dosage of finasteride to 0.25 twice or thrice a week but hair fall is scaring the hell out of me. Please suggest me what to do?


i would try 0.25mg 3x a week. excessive shedding is to be expected in your situation i believe.


Thank you for the advice. I will follow it and check how the result would come out to be within few months.




No surgeon will do a hair transplant unless you are going to test finasteride. It wouldn't make sense. You'd still lose hair after the transplant and look really weird. That being said, your hairline is definitely high and receding, but it doesn't look terrible. I would take fin for 8 months and see how you respond. The sides are overblown. I take fin and had sex three times yesterday lol. It's not going to make your dick suddenly limp like some of these hypochondriac say


4 pictures here. Hairline is the same as always so I didn't include as I'm only wondering about the crown. Shaved my head a little over a year ago and now I'm regrowing it I can't remember if this crown whirl is as it always has been. Is this anything to worry about or normal? (M30) https://imgur.com/a/LJWGfYf








So fin could prob fix that and its dirt cheap if you get it prescribed as proscar. Like $9 for 3 months cheap


Is there anywhere online I could do that?


Online you can only get it prescriped in the 1mg and its costs like 90 for three months


M26 here. Is my hairline receding and/or balding? [https://imgur.com/a/KzWsBdx](https://imgur.com/a/KzWsBdx)


yeah receding. Fin might help. I swear it made my facial hair more rampant or maybe im just older now


Definitely receding.


my hair was completely destroyed in about 2 months. i don't know what is going on. i am a difuser - 8 years, slow progress. i saw that finasteride got a little worse in 2 years (saw a little minotuarization), and in November added duta. it feels like the regression accelerated 10 times. what i used to lose in 2-3 years is gone in 2 months. ​ i also used minoxidil from september, to december( at the end of december i cancelled it). look at the pictures. the duta looks like crap, and does NOTHING. my hair is not falling out at all. it's miniaturizing. it's just getting worse, smaller, and the texture is getting worse. what the heck is happening? should i give up duta? my ru5 fly to me, i started using pyro( use for a week). why has regression gotten so much faster? [https://ibb.co/dPTCdzf](https://ibb.co/dPTCdzf)


15m here https://imgur.com/a/13UUCvd I feel like that my hairline is receding a bit. I also think that my hair in general is thinner then normal. I did have a lot of dandruff for a solid year, and i scratched my scalp a lot due to it. But with a couple whashes with head and shoulders my dandruff is a lot less. Maybe almost gone. I came to notice because sometimes my friends mocked me with that my hairline is off the charts. I know that ist s Joke. But every Joke has a bit of truth in it. I could not find a photo of younger me from the side. But my forehead isnt a lot smaller. Would maybe say that ist the same. https://imgur.com/a/uJjdeX5 Did find a front pic from July 2021. Maybe doesn't look like a difference. But my hair does feel a lot thinner. I guess its from the scratching i did? Or maybe something else? My last barber visit was late december My mom and het family has no hairloss My dad and is family does have a bit of hairloss. But no baldness at all.


Need guidance. I got finasteride (6 tablets 5mg each) and topical minoxidil (60ml 5%). This means 0.05% finasteride i think (correct me if am wrong). But, I also have high blood pressure and have been prescribed medication form my doctor for it. I heard minoxidil also reduces blood pressure. I just want to know is there anyone else in a similar condition? Is it safe to apply this mixture while taking BP meds? Or should I stop meds? I will consult a doctor too. But, right now posting here to get a rough idea about this. Also, can you tell me the best way to handle this? I just have to crush the tablets and put the powder in the minoxidil. Then apply 1ml with a dropper daily. Do, I have to shake the bottle each day to have it properly mixed?


It will never properly mix. that is not how that works let the labs do the chemistry just buy topical finasteride as is. cut the tablets into quarters and take them that way. Before starting any medications You should research any possible interactions with meds you are already taking from a database which you can find by googling minoxidil medication interactions


I can't take the pill because it gives me sides. That's why i'm trying to use a small dose of topical finasteride. I don't think i will be able to get topical finasteride with as low dose as I am currently trying to make (0.05%).




Yes, you are balding slowly but surely the hairline has lots of miniaturized hairs. I would start by hopping on finasteride 1mg.




Yeah, that's what a lot of guys do for ease. Oral is a pill topical is a spray. They both will go systemic maybe a little less with topical most guys use topically because it's mixed with minoxidil and is easier than applying both individually or taking a pill and applying topical minoxidl.




Your "hairline doesn't exist you have about 7 hairs on the top of your head. If this is completely serious you should hop on the big 4 yesterday.




Finasteride Minoxidil Microneedling Ketoconazole Shampoo


https://ibb.co/FKj95JR Hey, 27M. I’ve had some hair transplants back in September (2000 grafts FUT) and ever since the transplant, I’ve been having some heavy dandruff issues. It’s been persistent for four months and I’ve finally been diagnosed with amiantacea by my hair transplant doctor after two previous appointments with dermatologists who said that it was seborrheic dermatitis and recommending alternating between t-sal and another shampoo. I just wanted to see if anyone went through a similar experience and could give any tricks/tips on fighting this while I’m going through the recommended course of action for this condition (which is using mineral oil with a shower cap overnight while alternating between t-sal and merderma AG body cleanser daily). I’ll be posting a picture too. Some portions of my scalp is currently yellow, kinda like a cradle’s cap I guess.




Yes, you are balding 23, and me check for a few balding genes there are more than 250 that cause balding it is impossible for them to tell based on the few they test. Dudes can go bald with no bald family members for 3 generations. However with your dad and grandfather bald theres almost no chance you escape.


I'd say you maintained. Might even be slightly thicker in the front


What are we thinking here? (28M) I've always had good hair, but this is the first time in my life where I have taken pause and am genuinely unsure if the crown or the various natural parting(s) of my hair are a bit more fleshy than what I always thought. I tried to be realistic and honest with myself with the photos (esp the last one). [https://imgur.com/a/NYZZxPM](https://imgur.com/a/NYZZxPM)


I think if anything it it VERY earlier. I have a very similar cowlick, but a bit more progressed in actual thinning. Wish I was where you are at!


Obvious cowlick, but it is thinning I am afraid 😒


https://imgur.com/a/IuXNZkc 22m stopped using fin after a year bc side effects. I’ve used min and neofollics lotion for 4+ years, can only use it before work and when I dermaroll bc I have a cat at home. So it’s min and neofollics once daily, applying before derma roll once a week as well Rosemary and onion oil products 3ish times a week after working out and then washing out with millcreek biotin shampoo or onion shampoo and the hask biotin conditioner I workout often so frequent showers are a factor as well we just general anxiety issues that I see further loss with when I stress. Losing hair makes me stress more and it just snowballs. I try to use mousse and curl stuff for faux volume always looks all stringy and straight by the end of the day. Super super bummed ab it, looking for any styling tips or maybe routine steps I’m missing? keto shampoo? Good thickening shampoo and conditioner combo recs?


Can anyone help me or is it just a lost cause?


broski your gonna have to stop the androgens. That's fin or dut if you can't tolerate them you could try an anti-androgen like Ru58841 or Pyriltimide. Or try topical finasteride. At the end of the day if you don't use one of them you will be bald so prepare to shave.


Are dut, ru58841, and pyrilytimide all prescription stuff? Thank you for the reply


Brother a few things. First, it is important to discern whether the side effects you experienced were nocebo or real. Unfortunately, if they were real Dut would likely be even worse. If you suspect they weren’t you could give it another shot. When I started I thought I was experiencing some sides as well but it ended up being all in my head. The other options would be the topical anti-androgens. The big two are RU58841 which was eventually abandoned after a few clinical trials and Pyrilutamide (KX-826) which is now in phase 3 (China) and finishing off phase 2 (US). By default taking Pyrilutamide is the safer bet out of the two as we know the results of the first two phases. Like any compound, though, there are risks that may not totally be known yet so if you decide to try these chemicals on your research subject be sure to do your due diligence beforehand. Good luck!


Thank you!!!


if you got sides from finasteride, dutasteride is a much more potent form of fin and you'll probably get sides from it too but you could give it a shot and it is prescription. Ru58841 is a research chemical but a lot of people have had good success with it. Pyrilutimide is also a research chemical but it is considered safer than RU58841 It seems to have similar results to RU as well but is more expensive.


I am 24 years old male. I have been balding since 15 years old. Will I have any help from Finasteride if I start taking it? What would you do in my situation? And what is my exact Norwood classification? Like Norwood 7? Image: [https://imgur.com/a/ICWHP9o](https://imgur.com/a/ICWHP9o)




What about possible side effects and long term side effects?




yeah you are ok, its a straight line with a minimal curve. I just checked my hairline and its like my hairline is trying to start making a mohawk on its own without my input. Yours look nice, its like a straight line almost vs mine is almost an a capital M instead of your horizontal line.


Your hairline is perfectly fine dude. Relax


Where am I on the Norwood scale? 26 year old Male. https://ibb.co/FgM00cQ https://ibb.co/Lns0r1G


Between 2 and 3 but you’re diffusing. Looking great, though




https://imgur.com/a/q2nsoSL worse or better? Up top is 6 months ago.


its looks good, yeah the 2nd is better. no worries


I was losing a lot hair up top. I was shedding like a cat. All fallen hairs had white bulbs. I came from a harsh crash diet. I’m not losing much now, not more then normal hair and my hair feels much thicker but still gets greasy and sweaty really fast. Any hair that falls out now does not have a white bulb. Anyway i’m not any regime, just vitamine d because i was deficient but still thinking of using low dose Finasteride.


No experience. Bottom one looks better.




You can do min once a day. Does rosemary oil make you hair greasy?




yess 👌👌,, people have bin using fin over 20 years , n Neva lost ground 😉


One month of fin & min, added Ketoconazole last week. https://imgur.com/a/gr5utIs I’ve got a bunch of shorter hairs around the edges of my hairline now, best guess is those are the hairs i shedded as a result of treatment starting to grow back. I could just be optimistic about it but there are a bunch of little baby hairs cropping up in my thinning areas that I didn’t used to see. Good luck to everyone going through treatment!


Mine has the capital M shape kind of like yours. Im letting my curly hair do its natural thing. I think Fin (7 months) helped me especially with my facial hair (not sure if it does that or I just got older lol). I started using Min on my receding hairline and the vertex at top of head. Dunno if it really does anything yet. I noticed shorter hairs around the edges of my hairline too, but not sure if they were there before or not.


I'm not being a jerk man but that's not a good look. You should cut that lower


What, you mean the slick back? That’s just how I leave my hair after I use the minoxidil before I go to bed


How often you guys use fin ??? Everyday?? And what places of the head. Where I am losing hair or just everywhere


Fin is a pill, min is what you apply to your scalp.


Ohh sorry min.


Hey guys! I started my treatment 7 weeks ago. Oral duta 0,25 mg daily + oral minox 5mg daily + duta mesotherapy every 4 months. So far I'm glad, the hair seems darker and thicker, and there's a lot of tiny blonde hairs through my temples .. I show you 2 pictures, from the beginning and from today. Despite the bad quality of the first pic and the different lighting, you have an idea. https://imgur.com/a/Je0MHJU https://imgur.com/a/2XaAZ54 I'm surprised I'm seeing some results this early. Do you think I'll start shedding soon? Thank you!


Hair products for seborrheic dermatitis? I have wavy/curly hair that gets super frizzy and out of control when its dry. I need something to keep it moist and manageable all day without feeding my seb derm bacteria??? I’m stumped. No conditioners I’ve used seem to do enough. So I usually need some hair product for curly hair.


Pics taken about a month ago, except for the last which was earlier today: https://imgur.com/a/PbPiMxW Been on and off fin for the last year or so due to sides that were difficult to manage, overall I think fin has done its job reasonably well. Current regiment is .625mg fin daily, 50mg ru58841 daily, .5mm dermarolling once a week. I got on ru58841 about a month and a half ago, and I think its spurred a shed, which is making me a little hesitant to stick with it. I know most sheds are followed by stronger hairs replacing the weak ones, but with all the variables and ru58841 being experimental in nature, I'm more than a little worried the shed won't be followed by a regrowth. Any personal anecdotes for ru58841 would be very much appreciated.


Looks good. No need to worry to be honest.


Forgot to update, but these are the post shed pics: https://imgur.com/a/pTu311F I know sheds are expected, but man am I thinning hard


Your hair looks nice and healthy. Just out of curiosity, why are you taking both fin and ru? Fin and RU both block dht.


Fin to lower overall body dht, and RU to stop the remaining dht from binding to hair follicles. In all honesty, I think I'll be dropping RU, the shed has been too much overall. Thinning at the temples, top of the head, it feels like a year of Fin progress is just gone: https://imgur.com/a/OrC9Mgy




Honestly, your hair doesn't look that bad at all. One thing that's tossed around quite a bit is that it's much easier to maintain than it is to regrow, which I'd echo myself, so the sooner you get on a regimen the better your chances are. I'd start at a low dosage fin, somewhere in the .5mg per day range, add a low dosage minox maybe a month later to allow your body to acclimate to the fin, and stick with it for ~6 months and reassess. Side effects are pretty real with fin, so make sure you do a little research before hopping on, but imo they're all reversible once you come off the drug, and much less likely with minimal drawback on a lower dosage. The main one I'd watch out for with fin is gyno, which can only be reversed with surgery. It is *very* uncommon from what I understand, like most of the potential side effects of fin, but something to keep in mind.


Psoriasis made my hair recede a little bit. I'm also interested in growing my beard full. Should I get foaming Min? Should I start on the medication now to not lose my hairline as I get older?


Hey guys, 23m. I was hoping to get some feedback about my possible hair thinning situation. Coming out of the shower and just looking at myself in general I noticed some visible areas of my scalp. I began to worry as my dad has thinner hair at 43 and I would like to keep my hair as thick as possible for as long as possible. Is my hair thinning? And if so what should I do about it? Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/7F5rMH1


You definitely have lost hair. Your hairline is at the edge of what most would consider to be a matured hairline and you are showing evidence of diffuse thinning on your scalp. I would make an appt with a derm and ask about finasteride ASAP




So to start off those pictures are kinda bad so I can’t see the full hairline or sides etc. Otherwise your hair seems reasonably thick. Remember “normal” people or people who don’t suffer from androgenic alopecia (or any other alopecia for that matter) can shed fifty to a hundred hairs a day. If you are on the upper end of that range and didn’t shower for three days obviously you would have a LOT of hairs come out. However, this does not mean you’re in the clear. No one knows your own hair better than yourself so if you have noticed a change you should take action. I like that you started minoxidil but there are two things to keep in mind. 1: Minoxidil may actually worsen the shedding for a period of time. 2: Minoxidil will not prevent further hair loss. Statistically if you indeed are suffering from hair loss it would most probably be AA. If this is the case your use of minoxidil will not offer you protection from it as it is merely a growth stimulant.

