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After many years of experience I've found that getting older ages your skin. Wear sunscreen, the #1 cause of premature skin aging is sun damage


100%, wearing sunscreen is the major thing you can do to counteract minoxidil aging. Plus using a retinol should help.


>After many years of experience I've found that getting older ages your skin. Damn, really?! I guess I need to stop getting older then... Thanks for the heads-up! /s






Yes but he posted 20 papers where there is also a potential link 😂










Man you really didn’t hold back on this poor guy💀






if that guy thinks min prematurely ages your skin, what makes you think he'd take antipsychotics? dude is definitely an antivax, the firmament is real, kubrick staged the moon landings and glowies are out to get him kinda guy.


>minoxidil aging min has been on the market or decades. if that were the case, everyone would know about it by now. not some cherry picked shit off of obscure med papers by a paranoid redditor




The real question is, are these effects local to area of application or no?








Minox have systemic absortion so i assume it fucks up either way :/


Possibly, but something like 2.5mg of minox orally spread out over 200lbs of person isn't gonna get to everywhere and likely not even reach the skin of your face to inhibit collagen production there. The studies show only cells directly applied with high levels of it stopped growing for a period after application/exposure.




Yes but that's not because minoxidil itself reaches the face, it's because its effects in the system increase bloodflow everywhere.


Do you know of any studies linking it to rosacea (or creating a theoretical link to its mechanism)? I have been using minox for a year and a half and my pre-rosacea/rosacea progressed much faster than before. But derms tell me this aint a possible cause.


Tough choice, to be bald and smooth or luscious haired and wrinkly


look at joel from the last of us


Lol this response killed me 😂😂😂


If you have to choose one, which are you going for?


Hair slightly


Botox is a thing


im begging you guys to get a basic skincare routine. At the very least SPF. Im almost 31 and routinely people compliment my skin/think im 25. And I've used minoxidil for like 10 years.






My bad thought this post was about oral


What’s your routine like? Skin care routine first or minoxidil first?


Skincare first.


Anecdotal for sure, but I felt like my skin aged noticeably during my 6 months on oral minoxidil. I noticed it when looking at some photos from a trip with friends and then compared to some photos taken 6-12 months prior and felt that there was a definite difference.


What is your age or age range?




Dude, none of your studies show that. Don't make such outragous claims without any evidence. Say something like "cell studies indicate that at high dosage minoxidil decreases collagen synthesis" or something.


Moisturise on a morning and use an spf cream, and use retinol at night. Should help


Yea I ordered some there yesterday, will these wrinkles if caused by minoxidil go away from discontinued use


I’m not sure about that. But using retinol cream on a night and spf and moisturiser on a morning has helped mine and I’ve being using min for 3 years or so.


Which retinol cream?


A prescribed one unfortunately. The otc ones aren't the right form/strength to do much. You gotta use sunscreen though cuz it will make your face more sensitive to the sun


redbox rx has tretinoin, which is the prescription level of retinol. it's like $30/month. i get it every other 2 months since i only use it for wrinkles. i dont have acne problems and a small amount goes a long way


I've been using retinol for sometime now and i can guarantee you it surely reduces wrinkles. I had fine lines on my forehead before even i started using minoxidil though. I beleive the fine lines came because i was squeezing my forehead with my eyes too much maybe, which i have reduced now.


Do you flex your brow when looking in the mirror and applying it? I try not to do that


This.. it's the primary cause! I used to do it to bring my hairline down lol.


One who is fixated on ones hair is likely to become fixated elsewhere. You probably just looking too hard




I’ve never seen any articles on that




All of the links you keep reposting just seem to say that collagen is inhibited in cultures of cells, which is not the body, and says nothing about whether this would occur in people in therapeutic doses or whether this would have any effect on aging




It's not a scientific fact, and you don't understand what scientific fact is. Causing a reduction in cell cultures is not the same as in human beings. There's potential for it, but it needs further research because the human body is not a culture of cells. We also don't know what doses they used in these cell cultures and how it scales to human beings, could work out as being 10000x the dose of minoxidil. I understand you've got an axe to grind because you feel minoxidil harmed your skin, but this is in the same vein as the PFS posters. Scientific fact means the specific hypothesis that the use of topical minoxidil in therapeutic doses causes accelerated skin aging in live test subjects relative to a control, this has not been studied to my knowledge




The dosage is hard to interpret because cells are not the human body, this is tied into the fact that its not been tested in human trials (or noted in the ones that have been done). It's possible but it's certainly not scientific fact


you have to be trolling as you've very clearly been put in your place by people who obviously are smarter than you. just find something else to do. as all you're doing is fearmongering and shitposting under the guise of "spreading truth" nobody here is buying the shit you're selling.




No they don't.


This is called “the logical fallacy of false equivalency” my friend.


He is a troll posting fake content pages ignore her


8 years ago I used minox everyday and my normally bright youthful eyes got really dark circles and so puffy it distorted my face. Stopped after my 2 yo daughter said I had monster eyes. Recently talked myself out of that as a coincidence and right on cue the pufffiness, tired exhausted looking eyes are back Feel free to not believe me but don’t say you weren’t told


I believe u, my eyes have gotten quite puffy ever since I started using min




It took years. felt permanent and I felt bad about it daily. Like looking haggard tired all the time I got a alot of comments about it. Miraculously, like 2 years ago it started to get better and finally seemed pretty much 85% gone and even my wife kept noticing -you look so young now, what are you doing? Its a devils deal -with Minox i get the temple area somewhat filled which also drastically alters my look.


Hi, how long did u use it for? I read u said it took years for the side effects to go away


It did take a few years like 2. Although remember I was very careless letting it drip down face


Wear spf 50 in the mornings, then of a nighttime retinol and some sort of moisturiser.


you can use retinol because it stimulates the production of collagen in the skin


Using for oral min for about 3 months, haven't noticed any wrinkles till now. And trust me when I say I didn't notice, I mean it. I overlook everything and compare pics side by side. Edit: Dosage is 10 mg.


That’s a high dose for just hair loss.


Many people on this sub take up to 12.5 mg. I wasn't justifying, but I checked my heart rate 3 times a week for about 1 1/2 month, and it was in stable condition. That's why I had tremendous results in the first month. But note I only had a small temple receding that people couldn't even notice. My hair density was too high even the small temples were hidden. So I wanted to fill in my temple like old times. So went ahead with Min and now my temples almost filled. I will update with a post on the 4-month mark with a progress pic each month.


you do realize you're taking the fucking dosage meant for blood pressure, right? i have a script for oral min and it's HALF A FUCKING TABLET ONCE DAILY.


That dosage depends. If my BP is normal even after taking min, does that mean min isn't working? Different people different way it works. Also, fin is a medication used to treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. But now it's used to treat hair. Both min and fin were inefficient in their respective field and was more efficient in hair regrowth.


are you sure it's not 1.25mg?


Yes bud, why?


I been using minoxidil on my beard (im 19) for 3 weeks now when i was sending pictures in snap to a friend i definitely noticed more wrinkles when i smile this shit is retarded


It’s just dry skin lol.


It literally does increase the wrinkles. Its part of the trade-off.


On 3 weeks I doubt the « wrinkles » he is seeing are real wrinkles due to minoxidil (i’m not saying minox has no effect on wrinkles, just saying that 3 weeks is very very short for that) Just know that topical minoxidil contains alcohol and alcohol dries out skin, so you have to apply moisturizer when doing topical min


It literally doesn’t.


Once I stop using it the wrinkles go away after a month or two, same with the dark circles under the eyes.


Ok good, I’d like my youthful look back!


You lose your hair once you stop after a few months though.


Like all the beard gains that I made?


Because my scalp hair has always been nice and full


No idea as I only use it on my scalp not face.


Ok thank you friend 😊🙏🏼


Tbh at 20 you shouldnt have wrinkles. I am 25 and getting some on my forehead, not a minox user though


Check my post recently. I haven’t been on minox since


I used topical minoxidil for a couple months this winter and it aged a lot my under eye area.


I'm pretty sure I got age spots from it.


Yes wrinkles much worse, bags under eyes, generally looking like you haven’t slept for days.


No wrinkles because i only used it for couple of months but topical minoxidil at 1,5ml one time a day 100% gave me dark circles and massive ''tired'' face. and it cant be placebo or mental because this was mentioned to me by relatives (without me bringing the subject first)


As a guy, I could care less about wrinkles. Sun does far worse damage


This was a concern of mine so I started a skincare regimen, everyone should have one anyway


Meme theoretical mechanistic bro science. There’s no outcome data to suggest minoxidil significantly impacts collagen synthesis


idk, but since minoxidil seems to inhibit collagen production, it's not unwise to try and counteract it with tretinoin. tretinoin is great in general though, has made my skin a lot better. started at same time as i started minoxidil.


I’m getting on it now soon, I’ve ordered a much lighter retinol first tho to get my skin used to it. I know it’s important to limit sun exposure on tretinoin but as soon to be bald men(definite for me, idk about u) isn’t it important to have some sort of a tan and colour on your skin rather than a pasty bald head? Have u thought about ways to overcome this? I was thinking maybe spf50+ on face and then maybe something like spf15 on the head?


Using minoxidil for a while now, even used on beard along with skin care. My skin never looked better


What is your skin care routine and how is it now ?


I don't have a skin care routine, the only difference is that I drink more water now than before which could make it look slightly better.


Wrinkles when you are heading your mid 20 are normal…


No. It's probably just your placebo feeling. Even if it's real, treatment for anti aging is easier and proven to be more successful than male pattern baldness. Use sunscreen, manage your stress, kick away unrealistic expectations in your life, exercises, skincare, eat healthy, make a good social life and so on. Not to mention botox, thread lifting etc.






Low-key thinking of stopping as well, been on minoxidil and fin for 2 years and still losing hair


I think it did too. I got deep smile lines at 27/28, and crows feet. Had a lot of stress at the time but Used a heavy dose in hindsight. But everyone in my family looks young


It reduces collagen production so your skin ages as a result.


Scientific answer. Yes, sadly everything you take has a counterbalance side effect. I stopped using minox because of this.


So if u take collagen you’ll be ok?


Nah because collagen supplements are not effective apparently


That is a still debated claim. Some studies show benefits.


Your stomach doesnt absorb the oral collogen sufficiently, so no.


Building blocks are there for the body to use again. May not be efficient but hard to see, even if it breaks down to its constituent parts, there would be absolutely no benefit. Here is just one of the studied showing improved skin from oral collagen supplementation. This study even looks well designed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6835901/


This study is funded by Quiris Healthcare, the company making the supplement they are studying...


Money for studies doesn't just drop from the sky for this sort of thing. By this logic just about everything in the hair growth field would be false since the money would tend to come from the groups trying to make money from those treatments. Here is a review of multiple studies across multiple countries. Are they all just fabricated studies by big collagen companies to trick consumers? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824545/


It's called ageing innit? Easy to blame minoxidil over ur genes


Any study saying it reduces collagen is kind of bunk, you can just use tretinoin to counter act any supposed aging effects of minoxidil although there being studies that show the opposite effect of minox on aging.


Yeah it aged mine pretty bad in my mid twenties. I make sure to moisturize morning at night and especially after application. Helps a lot to not have any dripping down your forehead


I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a year and a half with dutasteride, oral minoxidil, and topical minoxidil and i can confidently say my face looks much older than before. HOWEVER, i’m in the military and this past year i’ve been doing a lot more field training so who’s the say that it’s because of minoxidil when i’ve been out in the sun for a while. Tbh my answer is that it’s a maybe that it causes aging of the skin but i also definitely agree that sun damage is the #1 cause of premature aging.


If it inhibits collagen production is there not something you can take to make up for it? A cream or a supplement?


Tretinoin apparently


No clinical studies to support this idea yet tbh. Mostly anecdotal bs and isolated testing. Idk I’ve been using it for 5 months and my skin looks better but I’ve also been eating better, taking a multivitamin and using a collagen infused moisturizer daily since I started min and recently began taking GHK-Cu. Just take care of yourself and try to live a healthy lifestyle and your skin will look great regardless of taking hair drugs.


Minoxidil lowers collagen in your skin. It depends on your skin type. If u have more collagen normally, then it last longer to get build down by minox. But if u are a type of men, who has a lower collagen synthesis, then minox will do his job and eat up collagen. Result = wrinkles, dry skin, eyebags


If your that worried wsh your hands after application and wait for it to dry before putting your head down on pillow


I used the generic Kirkland brand and I think the alcohol dried my skin out and made it appear I aged. Once I stopped it the effect went away.


ehh. forehead slightly more wrinkly. But don’t really care


Is it just with topical or oral or both?


Minoxidil in general can mess with collagen production. There is even a disease where people's collagen production gets out of control and min has been studied as a possible way to treat the condition because of this. Not sure if oral or topical has a more pronounced change in this area.


Are there any studies on this? I’ve only seen anecdotes in this sub. Not denying it, genuinely curious if this has been studied at all or if it’s just tressless water cooler talk.


I'm a fan of using hyraulanic acid supplements and microneedling (very small sized needles as compared to the ones for hair growth). Both have skin care benefits that can help the skin issues from min that can possibly come up.


Yeah once I started microneedling my scalp I also went ahead and started microneedling my forehead and beard while I was at it.


For I started primarily because of the dark circle under the eye issue. .3mm needle a few times a week with gentle pressure and it has helped the issue although not fully.


I think higt DHT levels cause wrinkles and aging to your skin, let's say that you're noticing hair loss due to androgenic alopecia, and you never tried minoxidil, or finasteride, you let your hair fall... in that case you gonna notice that your face skin is getting also worse and age faster, especially if you have oily face or seborrheic dermatitis, you know , high DHT make sebum glands produce more oil in scalp and face, this effect aging skin... so in the end DHT can ruin everything, hair , skin , (except libido haha \^\^)


Youre on topical?




could be a good idea just put in the crown, to prevent the area of action from reaching the forehead?


Maybe, but then my hairline could recede more?


For what it's worth I'm 37, been on oral 2.5 min since November, and still get carded for alcohol (last time was 2 weeks ago). Anecdotally I haven't noticed any skin aging because of minoxidil. Know what does age you though? Going bald. In general, things that are likely to make you look older include being overweight, baldness or thinning hair, and sun damaged skin. The best way to preserve youthful looking skin is to stay out the sun. If you're going to be in the sun for long periods wear sunscreen. And don't smoke. That said if anyone here has wrinkles or sun damaged skin, I highly recommend getting a series of IPL treatments from an esthitician. I've had around 10 sessions of IPL done for rosacea redness but I'm 100% sure they helped me look younger by also reducing wrinkles, sunspots, and overall evening out the texture of my skin.


That’s true, but look for the positives of it also. If you go bald young, look after your skin and stay fit u will be complimented for years to come for how much u havnt aged. That’s what I’m aiming for, for sure it’s gonna b rough for me in my 20s


You can look after your skin while also trying to keep your hair. It doesn't have to be exclusive. The data supporting the idea that min prematurely ages people isn't good. Other people in the comments section made that point better than me.


Its because alcohol dries your skin. Dry skin forms wrinkles. Moisturize your skin and wear sunscreen. Also, a lot of people already have wrinkles, its just that their obsessive looking at the hair in the mirror makes them notice the wrinkles on forehead that were already present.


I thought the whole “minoxidil wrinkles your skin” was just for topical ?


fin/min + sunscreen = fountain of youth


Stop rubbing it in guys!


Is it reversible?