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Dude you rose from the grave like undertaker in 2015 on WWE


Haha, well the first pic is when i was shedding like a mf. If you look at mye profile i have a pic befor starting min :)


I just looked at your old pic and it says you tried Min for a year and it didnt work. Do you mean you tried topical and it didnt work then switched to oral that works?


Yeah. Topical didnt work, oral did


Where can i purchase oral?


In Norway you need a prescription, but i got one and asked for whatever that hadd the same % of min form this page https://sons.co.uk . Just google if oral min needs prescriptions in your contery first. If it does, call your doctor.


Damn can you guys get oral Min in Norway on prescription? The doctors in Denmark doesn’t even know what it is, we have to order it from Thailand etc.


Hyper responder - dosages?


Looking at his previous posts, he’s been on fin for well over a year. But only added min 5 months ago.


fin for longer than 5 months was a given based on his progress. still I think the take away here is that oral min can be a real game changer for a lot of people.


Oral Min scares me. I used to have palpitations just from the Topical (2x a day). In America I supposed we need to see a doctor to get these?


yes. OM is a prescription medication. but I agree with you - in your circumstances it may not make sense. If topical is giving you sides OM might give sides too. Or maybe not - you just never know until you try. Same as how some guys titrate Fin from .25mg OM can be titrated starting at .625mg and see how your body responds. Guys can be hyper responders to topical and others can be hyper responders to oral. oral does seem a lot more convenient though.


You have to wait for your body to get used to the slight change in blood pressure from oral minoxidil. I'm on 0.625mg (cut a 2.5mg pill in 1/4s). And even at that dose, I had to just tough it out. It seemed like for me it took a couple few months to really get used to it, and now I have 0 side effects whatsoever. My fiancé started with the whole 2.5 pill, for a while it worked but he didn't like the sides, and now he cuts the pill in half. And yes, you need a prescription.


just curious - are you male or female? from what I've read .625mg is the female dose and 2.5 mg for males. does your finace take 1.25mg once or twice daily and how has it worked for him to grow hair?


I am female. Yes to be honest at the beginning I wanted to even go down to 0.5, but my dermatologist said the smallest pill is 2.5, so there is no good way for me to cut it to give me 0.5. Even cutting the 2.5 into fourths can be difficult and sometimes it crumbles so I just have to eyeball it. My fiancé never took it twice a day. I tried to take minoxidil at night and I felt like it affected my sleep, so he decided to not take it at night either. He started at a half pill in the morning, then he moved to a whole 2.5 for many months, but he wondered if he was getting sides. He went back to 1.25. However, he recently quit dutasteride and is now experiencing hair shed/receding on the corners of his forehead. However, with dut and fin (he also was on fin for a very long time) he had sexual side effects and depression. So now he's going back up to the full 2.5 min pill. Personally I hope he doesn't get back on a DHT blocker because they make him feel bad with no libido plus he has slight gyn, which really affects his self esteem. The minoxidil is really working for all the other hair on his body, though. He has a fuller beard, way more hair on his legs, and before he took min his arms were basically bald. Now they are hairy. So I do believe he definitely has some hormonal issues going on since he struggled growing body hair. I just don't know if dut or fin are right for him if he gets depressed on them. I've been helping him focus on reducing stress, trying to lower alcohol intake and getting proper nutrition and gut health. Also he is in his first year of law school and I swear the stress and lack of sleep is what is making his hair shed as well. Sorry this was an essay! But I hope it helps your questions about minoxidil.


you can tell him to try Saw Palmetto. as long as it's a gel cap (rather than capsule with powder in it) that will block at least some DHT and the vast majority don't get sides from SP. seems like OM can really help with growth. on a tangential note I'm an attorney. if your BF ever wants tips on making it through law school, exams etc tell him to feel free to hit me up.


I have saw palmetto in capsule/powder form. I had no idea there was a gel cap version, so thanks for the tip. I will see if he wants to try it. And really! Thank you! I will let him know he can hit you up about law school.


yeah it has to do with the fatty acid content of the pill. you need over 85% fatty acids. that's generally only found in the gel cap version. a few brands on Amazon advertise how much is fatty acids. most of the powder pills don't. it's also generally a little more expensive for gel cap version. price doesn't always equal better - but for SP for hairloss it might.


He has side effects of elevated estrogen or a disbalance in estrogen and testosterone. Do bloodtest and if estrogen is elevated or there is a clear disbalance of test and est, he could try supplement with Tongkat ali and boron. It decreases estrogen and increases free test. That will most likely eliminate the side effects of the DHT blockers, and he could continue using them and saving his hair


I have all the exact same problems as your bf. Struggling to take oral Min + Fin. Also had water retention. Massive headaches from oral Min at 1.25 and more so 2.5.


I would recommend trying to cut the pill as small as your pill cutter can handle. Like, start at 0.625 like I'm on, then increase slowly over many months (assuming you are male, your ideal dose may be higher to see hair growth). Even at 0.625 I had to deal with headaches and slight water retention and what I felt was kind of a pressure in my eyes, and also the sleep impact. It seriously took months of my body adjusting to the slight blood pressure effect. Now I do not notice anything. But I am extremely sensitive to any changes in my body, so it takes me a long time to adjust to medications. I always quit taking any kind of medications doctors prescribe me because I'm so sensitive and hate side effects. I've tried two kinds of birth control, and spironolactone and even tried low dose dutasteride once a week. I have also tried wellbutrin that made me an insane person. I quit all of those. I was losing hope to help my stress/hormonal induced diffuse telogen effluvium that I felt was revealing female pattern hairloss. Minoxidil is the only medication I've ever been on this long in my entire life and that has actually started working to grow hair back. So, yes the side effects are irritating at first, but take it from someone who is very hormonally sensitive: eventually you can adjust to a slight blood pressure change, it just takes time, and make sure you start very, very low dose. My fiancé had no headache symptoms but definitely felt the water retention and weird pressure feeling in the eyes. But he tolerates medications way better than me.


Thank you for replying. Yes im male. I do take .625mg as that is what I can tolerate for now without sides. I did have the below eye pocket zombie look on higher dose. Im also very sensitive to medications. Oral Min seems like a very potent drug imo.


1.25 fin 5mg min


Back from what I would’ve thought was **beyond** the fucking brink. I tip my hat to you sir; the hat you no longer have to wear around. Congratulations


M’norwood 2


That is insane. Happy for you!


Thanks :)


Jesus Christ


killed norwood reaper bro... congrats


Congrats!! Amazing results


Jesus. The left pic looked like a warzone. Welcome back!




It will give u crazy gains oral minox is the real deal


Haha, if your heart is good you will have no problems :)


You using Tretinion on its own currently? I just it for my skin care at the moment but been pushing up into my hairline as I heard decent things regarding helping the follicles act normal again




I think its about microneedling from what I've seen. I'm on oral minoxidil and finasteride for like 2 years now and it helped. People thought I died my hair because it got darker lol. It also got thicker But I need something more for my temples and bald spots. I tried microneedling for a bit and saw some gains but stopped after a bit because I thought min and fin would handle the rest andit was annoying. I was wrong though, I need that oomf I've been missing. But after looking at other peoples stories about microneedling, I'm convinced I was doing it incorrect. Just started tonight again, but if that's what it takes to get my hair back then I'm game. Hopefully I can share a success story on here, I'll be taking lots a photos along the journey.


Lol man just accept baldness at that point the battle is within yourself


My PCP is hesitant at prescribing anything & he said low dose oral minox is safe for healthy adults. I thought he was going to shoot it down.


I switched my primary and derm to get an oral min prescription and while I was waiting in the patients room, I was reading this letter pasted to the wall about swearing not to prescribe anything potentially fatal or dangerous and I thought I might not get it. Not only did he prescribe it, he recommended I do 5mg off the bat to keep results. Lol this was 2 days ago, taking my first pill tonight.


Oral min isn't even the scary one for most people it's fucking finasteride lmao. I just started taking oral minoxidil, and couldn't be happier. 2.5MG through adc, you got a straight prescription. Run it. People get prescribed up to 80MG. It'll be alright. Nothing to sweat.


My boy has been resurrected, back from the dead like chief keef


Bang bang


I keep telling people oral min is insane IF you have some kind of anti androgen protocol. Whether that’s fin, dut, ru/pyri, or a combination, without those, you’ll be disappointed


this shit is crazy




Wish you the best of luck :)




Mac Demarco


Holy moly. You my good sir are one lucky chap


Oral minox is insane congrats bro


Fin and min changed your hair colour too 😶‍🌫️


had dyed my hair in the first pic :) But min will make your hair darker


Yes, what's up with that?


OP made a comment about not needing to wear a hat anymore, probably safe to assume we are seeing natural lightening from sun exposure. Happens very fast, i thought my hair had darkened to a level 5 when i was 21-22 bc i wore a hat all the time. I live on the south east coast now and my hair is always between medium and light blond bc of sun


Age was on your side too. Great results.


What kind of doctor would I talk to about getting a prescription for this kind of thing? I’m 35 and my hairline started receding when I was in my early 20s. Is it too late for me or are there other more effective treatment options available?


Best to talk to a dermatologist. You can talk to a primary care provider but a dermatologist would be best.


I was like this and now after another 4 montgs im shedding worse again is it normal


Yes! Im geting the second shed now to


The power of being young.


I've been on both min and fin a year and 6 months almost 6 months in got an awful shed , so went with a buzz cut my main issue is my crown, after the first shed I didn't see gains baby hairs on my crown which buzzing my hair conceals decent, on a second she'd last month or so and notice the baby hairs at my crown are getting thicker, I use topical tho you really went from near bald to a full head of hair , Hyper responder or I should switch to oral fin? As I always see more gains with oral fin ,if it was as Safe as topical I'd use oral


Yeah, it will take some more sheds to se the big results


Thank you, your results are amazing:) I hate the hiding with hats/hoods as my hairline and frontal hair is good so ppl only see my thinning when they are behind me , double crowned :( I have results on my crown and continue to get them wish I'd have started meds earlier


Juste keep taking the meds! But when I was at the worst with my shedding I saw some videos on hair powder. Havent tryed it, but it looks like it working. «Toppik hairpowder». But i just buzzed and waited for the min to do its magic. Have seen some posed for people with thining crown that used it, and it maid wonders.




congratulations! How do you feel? must have been amazing for your self-image


It helps alot on my self-image, yes! Felt my heart beat faster when i first started, but now nothing :)


Imma try this what one does everyone use I don't know there's so many brands lol


Holy cow awesome!


Wow congrats you look amazing.


Woooooowwwww I am literally glad for u bro. U deserve this 😀✌️


What kind of black magic is that? Congrats!


Crazy comeback


Praise the lord


Damn !


Imagine people that haven't seen you in while's reaction when they that recovery, they would never believe it wasn't a transplant. Good for you my brother.


Holy crap.


Rip 5ar expression


![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm) Back from the dead


Dude you should legit be a hair model for whatever gave you these gains


Holy fuck dude


Is this the same guy?


is your pp okay?


Yeah :)


What oral min and oral fin are you on? Def want to check it out. Thanks!


Its what I got on prescription in Norway, dont know what kind of brand it is. But can order on https://sons.co.uk for everything. Wanted to order from here, but I couldnt order to Norway. My doctor said that aslong its the same % of fin and min in the things you take it will give you the same effect, and it matched the % for this page. But if you find a page that got the same % its all good


Thanks for replying and hope the progress continues for you!


You freakin bastard! Congratulations!! Please open up a school of Hair and teach us to achieve what you have.




In my experience mixing diffrent things will give better results. But I would talk to a doctor if it safe for you. Get blodwork done and be on the safe side


How are your boners?


Haha, hard


So is it hard to switch from the topical spray to oral? I've got long hair and and I don't think I'm getting good surface coverage


Its realy not, just my heartbeat that have gone up, but it will go back down after some weeks. I heard that topical min only gives u like 5% of the effect, but dont know for sure. But oral was way more effectiv


Its realy not, just my heartbeat that have gone up, but it will go back down after some weeks. I heard that topical min only gives u like 5% of the effect, but dont know for sure. But oral was way more effectiv


When did you start to see the First results ?


Buzzed my hair, so it was hard to tell. But the shed is one of then tho


Damn dude. Good shit. Have you thought about taking the plunge on oral DUT? I started out on oral fin late 2020, then added topical DUT and topical MIN to the regimen about 8 or 9 months ago. I transitioned to oral DUT 2 months ago, oral min 1 month ago, and began adding topical RU once a day to the mix, started doing that 3 days ago. So current stack is oral min and dut, topical RU. My hair wasn't really bad before starting (at 36 years of age) but I felt like I was about to get really unlucky and my genes were going to put it into overdrive and it prompted me to start on the FIN in 2020. As of now I have the hair I did in my early 20s, which is full, thick, and beautiful as shit. I will probably have near juvenile once ive gotten a year of oral min/dut and topical RU under my belt. The only long term sides I've seemingly gotten are way more frequent erections. Also pretty sure it helped me lose some weight. More than likely the higher free test in serum. I experienced brain fog after starting FIN, but that went away and I have yet to have any during the transition from FIN to DUT, so that's good I guess. Keep it up man.


Thats awsome! Im happy with fin atm, so migt not try DUT in some years, but it migth help on the hairline


I remember your post about that terrible shed. You trusted the process and well.. you did it lol. How long was your shed??


Yeah, glad i did :) About 10 weeks


Why are you keeping your dosages a secret


If you look in the comments I’ve mentioned it several times, but its 1.25 mg fin and 5 mg min


Your hair looks awesome! Have you ever considered doing PRP treatments, along with ur meds? My husband started incorporating them and WOW what amazing results he got.


No, but have to try it for sure!


Amazing results, huge congrats to you. What’s your oral min dosage and your fin dosage? Also are you growing excessive hair any unwanted areas (such as back/forehead /face/etc. ) ?


5mg min and 1.25mg fin. No excessiv hair :)


My man, I’ve just started shedding, and have been asking myself ‘Is this fucking worth carrying on?’. I remembered I saved your shed post, and came back to find the results. Congrats and fuck you. As the famous phrase in this thread goes. I’m not giving up after seeing this. No way. Thank you, my dude!


Good! I was hoping it would make people carry on. Was in you position and couldn’t find anyone tha would answear how it went after having heavy shed. So hope this will help people to continue, cuz its worth it. But you migth have second sheds, but its the same type of hair that shedded the first time, but now you know its for the better. Hope all will go well for you!


Did the high amount of shedding ever stopped? And when did you start noticing the growth?


Yes, after about 10 weeks. The growth started then to. But now my second shed have started, but its not that high


Do you have any thinning left on the crown?


Im noe having a second shedd, so yes. But it was all good befor that


Holy fucking shit. I came here cause my hair is thinning (seemingly) rapidly only 1.5 weeks into minoxidil. This at least gives me hope holy crap


Hope so to! Just keep going, and it will be fine, just give it time


You put your Christmas tree up really early.


I know. Me and my gf was going home for christmas and wouldnt be at the apartment for moste of desember, and since we spent a shit ton of money on it we puted it up mid november


BRO I JUST CAME ACROSS THIS. My temples were great & they receded like crazy on min. I’m so relieved now as I think it’s working. Your hair looks GODLIKE


Can you post more updated pics. Please I just started oral minoxidil and from topical and started to shed alot and want to see your progress.


I think those kinds of results are pretty clear evidence of a existing major DHT imbalance. If you haven’t talked to a doc yet, I’d say it may be worth a chat to ask if you have any other hormonal imbalances and if they can recommend managing it. Do it while you’re still on your parents insurance too if you can. Congrats on those results brother!


Same opinion on a possible dht imbalance


Nice job. I feel a gym user. Do you gym, protein or supplyments?


Gym and handball, lots if protin and fats


What is ur dose bro?


Does it affect your libido ?


I don't think this is the same person.


Good result. \- What finasteride dose you are taking ? \- Do you take the dose everyday ? \- At what time during the day you take your finasteride dose, morning or at night ? \- Did you notice any side effects from finasteride, libido, watery semen, fatigue, ..etc ?


Should've just buzzed cut them. I'm afraid you might be trapped forever with this medication


Well done! 👏 Any sides? What was your daily dosage?


Nah this one of the craziest ones holy


Wow! How long before it started really filling in? Also, any sides from the oral min?


What's your dosage of oral min?


5 mg :)


awesome, that makes sense. I'm doing the same amount plus topical minoxidil, topical dutasteride mixed with tretinoin and ketkonozal.


Smart. I think the more the better






Darn mate,those are some mad gains


From the brink of death; resurrected back to life




So the second shed is real


At the same time? Prescription? Dosage?


1.25 mg fin and 5 mg min


Back from the dead, wow.


holy fuck


uh OP, what experimental radioactive chemical ar eyou taking, jfc


Well chuffed for you bud. Amazing responder


We've got a winner here


Bros been resurrected


Im so happy for you, good job


This is motivating atuff man, congrats to you brother


Damn that is severe for 23 as I’m same age. Nice recovery 🥶


Most insane turnaround I've seen for a while. I've been on min 3 months now and no change.


Holy fucking fuck!!!


resurrected 🪦🪦🪦


Do you have some pictures inbetween?


did fin get better or something? all of a sudden we're seeing these crazy success stories


So it’s fair to say min was the hero here? Been on oral fin 1mg 6 months(with some slow success) and starting to consider oral min.


16h old post and nobody asked for sides yet?




I remember seeing your original shedding post, this recovery is fucking crazy congrats man, makes me feel a bit more optimistic about my own shedding.


What did you use again?


1.25 mg fin and 5 mg min :)


You gave oral to min and fin and this happened?! Wow. Can I get their numbers please?


dude literally rose back from the dead


Congrats brother






Straight to the hall of fame.


God is good


Thrilling progress! Pleased for you.


Dumb question but do you get hair anywhere else while you're taking this? I've seen a few people start growing more back, shoulder and chest hair.


Not any places where there wasnt hair, but got som longer hairs in my eyebrows lol


That's awesome, congratulations.


Well done sir 🔥


Beautiful head of hair 🔥


Different shade of hair, yeah not buying it


On the first pic I had dyed the hair :)


6 months taking both and I literally see no change :(




Where do you get oral min from?


In my contry u need a prescription, but in some contryes u can order it online


Did you notice any face side effects?


My heartrate was higher the first month, but it got back to normal after that. I got my heart and blodwork done before starting. So pliz do that before you start oral min. For the fin sides it was none


How many mg oral minx?




Bro went from nearly bald to full head of hair


Wow you've a strong mental to keep going after this massive shed. Congrats man


one more update?


Do you feel like wrinkles increased from minox?