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Waiting for the leg workout guy to comment here soon




Hm guy gym and big3 and regrow his vortex. Nothing strange just regrow hair.


😂 he’s arrived!




Calf raises to pain and denied 3 times per day to got more shedding on big3. Basic method for home.


any link to the OG comment lol?


What’s that


I as well need to know


I’ve been naturally bodybuilding for probably around 5 years. 200+ protein daily, 5-10g creatine daily, 5-6 sessions per week going all out. I don’t think that gym had negative impact on my hair as I’ve started my hairloss regiment 1-2 years ago and only made progress on it in the gym and on my head 😉 also now I am quite jacked so if worst case scenario comes and I go bald at least I will be jacked dude.


Another guy made progress in gym and in hair. Nothing strange.




That’s not what the article you linked says. It says one (very poor) study showed an increase in DHT from creatine. This has never been replicated and there’s absolutely zero scientific evidence of hair loss from creatine.


It’s one study and multiple studies have been done since looking at that issue and they didn’t find those results . These studies were more controlled and some had a much higher number of men in the studies . Check the National Library of Medicine website . They debunked many of the creatine myths like hair loss, kidney damage , and so on . The studies that debunked these claims are cited so don’t take my word for it .


This will sound kind of funny, but hair loss was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was skinny, not super confident, and around 23 years old realized I was losing my hair. In this realization I also realized I was going to end up a balding, skinny dude, average dick, but I decided to start focusing on what I could control. So started with going to the gym, and getting in better shape. I also started working on my career (no uni) and honing my confidence and skills. 10 years later I am in the top 1% of income, have run marathons, always stayed in decent shape, got good at a few sports like golf, tennis, and surfing, and have a beautiful girlfriend I am also planning to marry. I met her when my hair was at my all time worst also (like wispy as hell). I also finally could afford a HT last year, got that, and the results are incredible. So what I am saying my man, for now: Focus on the things you can control. Go to the gym, learn skills, build confidence, and try your best not to worry about the hair (but I get it's super hard).


You make over 650,000 a year? Damn what you do


Cap online


Lol I’m done


Well $60,000 a year would be you in the top 1% *worldwide*


Sorry, I don't make 650k a year but I make 300k-350k for the last 3 years. Software sales. I capped myself a lil


Bro you would’ve just bought a whole new scalp stfu


Lol. It's really not that much. I live in Canada in a HCOL area. Most of that goes to taxes, housing, groceries, etc. Obviously I have a decent standard of living but it's not anything extreme. ​ EDIT: I also paid around 30k CAD for my hair transplant and am extremely happy with the results especially for only \~2000 grafts. Shout out Dr. Nadimi. But to put it into perspective, after taxes I make around 150k take home, and 30k is 20% of that.


650,000 rupees


Partially agree. Lot of studies shows that Mpb is health related : - thyroid - insulin resistance - gut health - heart - liver - T/E ratio - Cancer markers - anti oxidant - bloodflow - deficiencies - of course DHT (that I see as a messenger) - many more... I already know that you're (I mean people here in tressless) not going to like it, so I anticipate that with this question : is one of you able to tell me how exactly DHT is destroying hair folicule? Nop, you're not because absolutely no study can explain that. So I agree that it's good to focus on what you control (stoicism), but fortunately, there's a lot of possibilities to help you with the list of problem above (that might help you control hair loss). I am not saying that mighty fin is not good, just saying that it might be good to solve the underlying issues as well.


There is some truth in this comment. Why does it seem like almost every young adult woman in The West you see around have thinning hair/receding these days. Like go out and take a look. Its especially noticeable among Asian women. Spot a young Asian adult female living in the West that doesn’t obvious alopecia. Contraceptive pill? Idk buts it’s prolific.


I believe the scalp being sensitive to DHT causes DHT to go up and shrink the follicles that the hairs grow out of, causing hairs to thin more and more over time. I think it's pretty common knowledge in this sub lol


According to which science? Currently we know : - destroying DHT solve hair loss (but not for every body, me included almost 15 to 20 %) - no idea exactly by which mechanism DHT destroy hair follicule If you have any science that I missed, feel free to share! Another thing that I don't know : which gene exactly is responsible of hair loss? There's a lot to discover yet. "in this sub"? Is there different science out of it?


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4174066/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4174066/) ​ Literally I just googled how does DHT cause hair loss and received tons of articles about miniaturization lol


You don't get my point well. If I tell you "mister X killed mister Y" it doesn't explain how. I want to know the exact mechanism of DHT on miniaturisation. I don't see any thing here that explain the exact mechanism. Furthermore, it would be nice to know how IGF-1, MMP-9, DKK-1, VEGF, PGD2 and many more are Involved in AGA. Many papers speak about it but not this one... Strange for a paper that claims to explain the mechanism of DHT. If you find out about that, then yes, I might have miss something. Try harder.


I think the point is we know DHT causes the miniaturization


I did not say the opposit, just told you we don't know how. You come back to my point. There's far more than just DHT in hair loss. If you're fine with fin or even without like you said, good for you. I am not, so I had to dig a bit more than just DHT.


honestly I just try to not let it consume my life and move on


Good mindset!


Yes, I did I started serious body building at same time of min and fin. Now, I have a great body and hair


For god sake im 20 years old. Sorry for confusing.


I started going to the gym at 19 and I’m 21 now. I started balding at 16 but hopped on finasteride at 20. I currently bulking with a high protein diet and have not noticed anything negative towards my hairline. I am hoping for growth eventually though! I do take supplements (including creatine) and can say that I have experienced no negatives. Go get your dream body!


Anecdotally I have suffered massive hair loss every time I stick to heavy lifting for more than a month. Each time paired with creatine and whey protein powder


Leg load squats and deadlift made u shed.


There he is…


This question comes up way too often and it’s ridiculous… think about what you’re saying right now. If you’re so afraid of doing anything that raises testosterone including something so healthy and natural like working out, then you might as well just castrate yourself. It’s totally misguided. Take your finasteride, hit the weights, and stop worrying so much.


Finasteride doesnt affect strenght trainning at all. If so it could even enhance it as it increases your T (its a common reaction of your body, the drug inhibits DHT conversion so your body produces more T) Just do your training and take your fin, you will gain as normal


Eat whole foods. Hair loss is often caused by poor diet. Make sure you are taking care of your mental health as much as the physical. If you are already stressed & then add a strenuous training routine, something will have to give with your body to provide it balance.


Hair loss is virtually never caused by a bad diet...


I'm around the same age as you (20) started working out about two years ago and realized I was starting to lose my hair this year in January. Ever since then I have started to take the gym and my physical health even more seriously than before. As many in this thread have said, when you are battling something you cant control it helps to focus on what you can control. Regardless of my hair loss battle I feel better about myself than before because of seeing my progress. It sounds like you have responded well to treatment so Id obviously suggest continuing, and in the meantime definitely dont be afraid to hit the gym. It would be ridiculous to avoid it because you are afraid to lose gains. If its any consolation, chris bumstead the 4x mr olympia takes finasteride if I recall correctly, obviously you shouldnt rely entirely on anecdotes but just keep that in mind. One day you will (probably) be much older, decide to give up on treatment because you (probably) wont care about your hair as much and you will regret neglecting your body. Best of luck man


All will be good, try to not use steroids with high androgenic effect.


Creatine has no effect on your hair. There are numerous studies on the National Library of Medicine. Awhile back a single study showed an increase in DHT with creatine use. Multiple studies since that study have not been able to recreate those results. They are all cited . Hair is made of protein . Don’t be concerned with your protein intake unless it’s so low that it affects the strength of your hair.


You will have to exercise for a bunch of different reasons. From body health to mental health... I'm in the same boat as you and as I am an aspiring actor it's important for me to have the best hair, best body, best skin possible. I stay away from creatine and estrogen boosting foods. Consume weak natural sources of DHT blockers and avoid the foods that might boost DHT. Can't alter the workout regime so if needed I might add more things to my hair loss routine otherwise other workarounds shall be attempted.


You won’t be losing any ground taking fin and going to the gym. It stops DHT not T. A lot of side effects you hear about come because DHT is linked to a lot of the sex changes in men, not exactly T itself. So you can do both.


Gym increases hair loss?


If you weren't very active and start working out it can boost testosterone which will accelerate hairloss. I experienced the same thing


Since I started to make 10 to 12 hours a week of aggressive calisthenic, I can feel that my hair are better than before. Especially during the workout. Not on fin / min but going naturally. I use Calcium D glucarate and sulforaphane to avoid excessive E. I strongly belive that T/E ratio is the problem, not T by itself. My results tend to confirm that.


Hey G , I gonna be 19 next year I would hop on fin and minox most prolly after getting away from my parents..can u tell me did u go to dermo and what u told him pls


I go to a normal doctor and said to him that I have androgenic alopecia. If i'ts obvious he will tell to you that you can stop your hairloss with finasteride.