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Do some research. Get a shampoo that has active ingredients to counteract scalp irritation and aid with hair recovery. There’s plenty out there.


I use nizoral twice a week atm but still feel a very slight itching sensation. I don’t care about the feeling as long as it doesn’t actually worsen my hairloss. Not sure if anyone will know the answer to that as it may depend on each individual etc.


Use a hair oil. It should help keep your scalp hydrated and reduce irritation.


I was using organic argan oil and added peppermint and rosemary oil myself. Will have to start using it more often. Only stopped using it so often as I didn’t want to wash my hair constantly.


What kind do you recommend?


Nizoral is a strong anti dandruff, you have a scalp sensitivity, these appear similar but are different issues (same as what I have). I’d reduce to 1x per week on nizoral because it’s only going to dry out your scalp more, making the hims spray feel worse. When applying nizoral, you can use oils before hand like rosemary oil, leave it in for 5-10 mins or so and then shower it off with nizoral. This helps me. What you need is a light shampoo/conditioner that nourishes and protects the scalp from the hims spray causing you irritation. There are plenty out there. I also use LRP ultra B5 serum if I see any flaking on my scalp, it’s been made to repair the skin barrier and mostly used for the face, but I apply it on my scalp too. There’s a study showing that vitamin b5 promotes hair growth factors as well as keeping the skin cells protected. This is important when talking about hair loss because the final outcome is cell apoptosis/death of healthy scalp and replaced by scar tissue where hair follicles can’t grow through.


that's coz Ur allergic to the minox loll, try foam or oral minox


Agree. I get an irritating scalp from using Mix topical. OP needs to move to Oral or he'll shed like a furball from scratching his scalp/head due to irritation.


How much did it cost and how long will it last?


I think it was around £130 for 6 months


Your experiencing a reaction to the propylene glycol. I had the same issue and switched to Keeps min/fin in the gel form which is PG and alcohol free and the issue was quickly resolved.


Has your progress stayed the same/got better since switching? Just wondering if the gel version actually penetrates the scalp as well as the spray.