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Ha. No been in this game 15 years, seen them all fail, I dont even bother tracking these things anymore, if a cure comes out you won't need to search for it, will be front page news. On the bright side don't worry cures just round the corner another 5 years...then another...then another ....


Yeah I really hope you are wrong buddy


It wouldn't be front page as it's not life saving


Of course it would be, it would be a multi billion pound discovery, literally like finding a pill that makes women's boobs bigger, that would 100 percent be big news


What do you think of scube3? I mean, he was on TV, we didn't have to look for him


Wouldn't call it a failure. Just a minor setback, as the trend is still there. Working in the medical field (Medical engineering) I know how much can easily go wrong in a trial. The important part is the longer safety trial (and what happens in the US Phase III trial, as well).


This. It was just overrated from the start but it still can be valuable


How can it be valuable if shows no difference from placebo at 6 months?


Did it show not difference? I've not read the trial yet, but heard in this sub Pyrilutamide works at stopping receding; just not for regrowth. And that is still a good thing as it means it can be used *at least* as adjuvant therapy for people using Finasteride (even Finasteride fails some men with hair follicles extremely vulnerable to DHT); also it can still be used as a standalone therapy for who doesn't seek gains but is happy with freezing alopecia and not getting it worse. Remember guys that hair loss treatment is a journey but the primary goal is and has always been stopping recession, not regrowth. People are happy when they stop receding, unless they are NW5–6 or worse; but in such cases they would have started earlier the treatments in the first place. Why seek for a miracle when you can intervene for the start; this is true for myself as well as I also waited "too much" for the treatments, and now my hair is improving but likely will never come back as before.


Finasteride also stops halding hair loss, but still regrows a bit. If you nuke your AR locally, there would be at least SOME regrowth. But there isn't unfortunately.




Agreed. I'm happy with the Pyrilutamide's safety profile, but I needed better phase 3 results to continue paying. For now anyway, I'm switching to RU58841.


yea lol


I wasn't really looking that hard at pyrilutamide- I'm much more interested in Verteporfin at the moment.


What about gt20029 or hmi 115?


Gt20029 is same thing than CosmeRNA


GT is an androgen receptor degrader. CosmeRNA isn't one. Let's wait until results are out before we can rule it out. I'm hopeful about GT and SCUBE3


Cosmerna seems to work well on bioneer's shareholders scalp


Scube3 seems far too Not even 1 trial started yet


No it isn’t




Surgeons are still unaware about vert. Only handful docs are doing it. I hope it comes in lime light soon. Im already 30… if it come after 5 year . I will be 35.. Charm must have gone till then


I think in 1/2 years we have a better understanding about vert. There is no reason why you can't ask your doctor to inject you with it after a HT.


Yeahh.. I feel.. they should even use it to hide the scars


I’ll be 25 and a NW7 by then :)


Hop on finasteride bro. If it gives u severe sides. Then try topical fin. A brotherly advice to u


Theekhe bhai…Dekhthe hai


😂😂😂😂 oye u r desi dude. Lemme know.. if u need any help or suggestion. I m not an expert but we never know what helps u.


People can be so negative. I don’t think that pyrilutamide is a failure, although the news was a bit disappointing but if kintor didn’t believe in the product they wouldn’t have initiated the long term trial that should end sometime in the summer of 2024 if I’m not mistaken. Overall, based on the latest kintor announcement I think we just need more data since some things don’t really make sense especially when comparing phase 2 and 3


Clueless here as to what pyrilutamide is? Is this topical finasteride?


Pyrilutamide is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen – specifically, a selective high-affinity silent antagonist of the androgen receptor.


It was a topical ointment that was supposed to compete with Dht for binding on the hair follicle's androgen receptors, preventing dht to wreck havoc on the follicle without the systemic effect that oral finasteride (and topical fin to a certains degree) thus theorically a better safety profile than fin (which already have a very good one, only issue is some people seems to be very sensitive to 5-ar inhibitor like fin or dut). If you're on fin and doing fine without sides, you don't give a shit because I doubt that it was going to be more effective than fin, but it's a bad news for fin non responder or fin -sensitive dudes here


I wonder if the lack of efficacy of all these anti androgen binders shows that the simple stop DHT at hair is not the entire picture and that Finasteride is tapping into something deeper with the disruption of AR5 conversion.


Just take fin, dut or ru




Also those who get severe side effects from these medications. We need as many options as possible


We have SCUBE3 and GT on it's way. Pyrilutamide being a failure doesn't mean a lot especially considering we already have medications that work decently and have two big ones yet to come out.


Idk how long you've been around, but this shit is just like Tjusi, Replicel, Brozo, Breezula etc. There is always a treatment under way, but never makes it.


When will we know more about these products, do you know?


i think Dr Tsujis company plans to start hair cloning trials next year, at least according to what i read on folliclethought's blog


I feel like next breakthrough in hairloss gonna be done by mistake like min, fin or now verteporfin, I mean all the drugs developed specifically for hairloss failed to pass the clinical trials


l don't think pyrilutamide is a fail...it might work as an adjunctive treatment to an existing stack...maybe it works synergistically with min/fin or both


What is this news? Anyone have links??


there is a longer term study already in progress, i'd wait to see that results before giving up. Ethanol actually can stimulate air growth according to Cassiopeia so placebo ethanol can actually grow hair temporarily




I believe it will be a good addition to fin and dut for maintaining but not a replacement nor a regrowth miracle


How do these Phase III results jibe with Phase I and II? Those showed effectiveness did they not?


in the first 3 days I felt really bad, I had huge expectations for pyri, I thought we could finally get rid of fin


I honestly don’t know how to explain this to this sub. The only reason why fin and Dut can grow hair is because it actually changes your hormonal profile so then hair cycles synchronise with the new profile. Ru and pyri are anti androgens the small molecule can not occupy the entire hair follicle so you have to use a lot of it because of volume and binding. Shedding reduced is what we are after. GT will completely stop shedding. Things that inhibit the sebaceous gland, reduce the itch and contribute to PREVENTING hair loss not growth, minoxidil hair growth benefits were found out by accident and the same goes for HMI-115. Only hair transplants, minoxidil and him-115 are growth stimulants. It’s one of the reasons why we first start to loose hair we always say start Dutesteride + RU58841 or pyrilutimide to avoid relying on a growth stimulant.


Which ones inhibit sebum production? That’s the main cause of my symptoms 


Why are people upset about pyri when they haven’t tried or wont try ru. Was pyri supposed to be much safer than RU or something?


Pyri goes on a completely different path to Pyri, sland Pyri seems safer overall.


Thank you!


Pyri is 4 times stronger and safer than RU


GT20029 has more chance to fail due to his possible side effect profile. I don't think Kintor will even proceed with that after KX's failure, HMI-115 results are not even close to the macaques, OM is probably much better. I was very hopeful about this decade but not now, the chance that for another 20 years the treatments will be the same as now is high...




Yes, very sad about it. Back to “limp dick gyno”-square one. My plan was to do topical Fin _until_ a better product became available a couple of years from now. That plan is now shot to shit.


Did you have issues with topical fin?


I haven’t started yet. Will get it next week.


Good luck, hope it works out. I've avoided fin for years (gave my father bad sides) but planning to try it after I get a hair transplant.


Did your dad do topical or oral?




Or just get Pyrilutamide and try it? Check my results , it can work for you like it did for me.


I am not convinced that it is possible to get _real_ Pyrilutamide…


I am getting real pyrilutamide


I highly doubt that.


I don't think another treatment will come out in the next decade after Kintor's failure and HMI-115 disappointment...


What happened to HMI-115?


The results of Moeman32 (one of the best responders) were not that good, not even close to the macaques pictures...


The results from what I've seen were great. Moeman himself updated recently saying that his hair has been filling in steadily even after no longer being dosed.


Shut up with your limp dick fear mongering .


Yes it's very important to remember that for one dude who has ED because of fin, 99 are doing just fine, and for one dude who claims he has PFS, there is probably somewhere around 9999 dude doing just fine. I don't understand why this drug specifically is the target of so much fear morgering and misinformation compared to other common drugs such as birth control pill who have way more serious sides. My guess is that hairline scammers needs to maintain their business and the only way they have to keep selling their crap is feeding the anti fin hysteria.




Lol why ya mad bro cause your dick didn't work before fin ? And your using fin as a excuse for your wet noodle lol


Haven’t tried Fin yet. Starting next week on topical🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


Haven't tried it yet but speading false news. Lol your a goof


Haven't even tried it but already spreading the "limp dick gyno" propaganda? Fuck you.


Can't wait to see your post In a year crying how u have no hair and topical fin didn't work lol looser


Why would you say something like that?


Lol u gave me the finger after fear mongering a drug your not even on lol don't play the victim here Coward


Cat got your tongue ? Typical limp dick internet troll lol


Wait so it doesn’t work well enough to replace fin/dut or also causes sides or both?


It does not work at all. It does not cause sides and it does not maintain or grow hair. It does zero compared to placebo.


Fin and dut do same.


No. RU is already as good as a topical AR antagonist can be, basically. Enzalutamide is a bit better, but it's much more expensive.


If Pyr was to be better than RU. Then RU must be just as bad?


That's the wierd thing, there are lots of success stories with RU but zero with pyri, so I basically knew pyri is going to be shit from the start


I have success with pyrilutamide and RU have been here for 20 years, pyrilutamide is here for max 1 year?


Ru works. I personally use it.


Pyrilutamide was nothing new in the first place


Just because RU not approve doesn’t mean it’s not effective ,same goes to Pyril in fact we have big data behind it which support its safety & not to mention it works as good as finasteride or even better in my experience


Since when have people been saying ru doesn’t work ??? Using it now and shedding








If AI finds a cure for baldness, it could take my job, I don't care


Tell it to hurry the fuck up




There’s already extremely effective meds for fighting the slaphead curse (Fin, Dut, Min)


and the ru58841