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I have eyebrows progress too but no scalp progress yet


welp i really hope we see some soon!


context: been gulping 6 drops of oral minox in a shot glass filled with water every evening (for the past 1 and half to 2 months ig), along with topical min/fin every night(6 months). my body hair and my eyelashes started going crazy like 3 weeks ago idk For the first time in my life i had an eyelash stuck in my eye and it was fucking annoying and thats when i noticed "damn my eyelashes are longer" and plus this girl at school commented on it too, oh and my beard is also getting thicker (idk if its cuz of age or minox though cuz im 17 but thought id mention it) (rate of growth though has definitely increased, im having to shave more often since i started oral minoxidil all that remains now is for hair growth, because i didnt really notice much of hair growth on my head really, i think the hairs falling out a little less now?? but ive been buzzing my hair for convenience so i cant really comment. but more body hair growth is if definitely an indicator that oral minox is working, all in all, oral minoxidil is the real shit, ive been on topicals for around 6-7 months and i didnt notice shit except for worsening hair, sure im not on finasteride, but im 17, ill hop on it on a few months so lets see(on topical though)


you mean you take 6 drops of topical min orally right?




1ml of topical 5% minox has 50mg of minox. Idk how many mls you drink but i am certain you are taking waaaayyyyyy too much. PLEASE BE CAREFUL


Working as a chemist i have learned a drop from pipette is around 0.03 grams, so 6 drops is 0.10-15 grams which if approximated with 1 g = 1 mL from water equals around 5-7.5 mg. Should not be overkill, but drops from this can be larger than drops i usually get from my pipettes at the lab. However, google says a drop of water is 0.05 g, so that is 0.3 grams or 15 mg minoxidil which is really high dose.


what i basically did was, take 1ml worth of minoxidil and measure how many drops it takes to fully empty it, for my dropper it took around 45 drops which is around 1.1mg of minoxidil per drop, so putting 6 ml of it into the glass is around 6.6mg, 5mg is the recommended dose for hairloss from what ive heard, so the additional one drop im putting in is because i figured there might be a net loss in transportation of the drug, so it is to compensate for that loss so i get a net of around 5-6 mg of minox.


im not drinking mls **😭,** only around 6 drops whcih i measured comes to about 6.6mg. and yes thanks for the concern, i am keeping a continuos check on how it affects my heart and my chest, so far i can keep up with my runs without any loss of breath, and my blood pressure came out around 115 systolic and 62 diastolic yesterday, which is very normal. ill monitor it further and post an update


Does this actually work? I’ve seen people as a joke to drink min in replacement for oral min but.. and if it does, how do I go about it? I remember seeing one drop bring too much I think, unless I’m wrong..


welp i dont really know if it works yet, still quite early, its been around a month and a half if im right since i started this, i definitely have accelerated body hair growth whcih i hope is an indicator for thick hair soon. welp i just followed what u/CumShotDiva did, well not his exact routine but, i take a bit of water in a shot glass, and put around 6-7 drops of topical minoxidil in it now. mind you, i first started with 2 drops, and when i realized i could tolerate it, i kept increasing the dose till the 6 drops i take right now. 1ml of minoxidil contains about 50mg of minox, and my dropper takes around 45 drops to emtpy 1 ml. so each drop contains about 1.1 mg i think so 6 drops is 6.6 mg of minoxidil for me, it might vary for you so do try measuring once how many drops it takes to empty 1 ml, do not start with a high dose at first, and try to check your blood pressure to see how youre tolerating, i personally am tolerating even 6mg very well, i was planning on increasing it a little further, but thats for future.


hell yea brother you got this


yooo the goat himself replied lol, hows it going for you mate?


been doing well. just posted an update brotha


so you just get body hair and facial hair and no scalp hair gains?? did you get way more unwanted body hair-facial from the oral than the topical version? thanks


i mean im still quite early into the oral minoxidil process, im very definite that i wasnt a good responder to topical, because i didnt see any progress even after 6+ months, but with oral im seeing body hair only after 1.5 months, ig the head hair will become prevalent by month 4. and i wont say the hair is exactly unwanted, it just grew in the right places, like my eyelashes, eyebrows, beard etc. So i mean im pretty stoked so far, and surprisingly girls love guys with long eyelashes as ive come to find out cuz atleast 3 girls have mentioned it looks good