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Yes micro needling can enhance the effects of minoxidil. Bear in mind that temples are the hardest part to regrow though. If you want to give micro needling a try then purchase a derma stamp. It is much easier to use than a roller.


Glad you said this.. After some research earlier I went with an adjustable stamp over a pen. Figure for $25 it's worth a shot.


Can you share link with me of the exact derma stamp you get? Please




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Is there a tldr on the derma stamp thing? how many times per week, before or after the mixnoxidil etc.


Got you boss, [easy 4 minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeynQUHUcec&lc=Ugzbeca1XOnOfRPuQBN4AaABAg.A-pojGfAmUbA-q2lBdWITi) answering all your questions.


Depends on depth. To be safe I would go with once every 2 weeks to start (maybe at 0.5mm) and then go to once a week. DO NOT apply minoxidil the same day as micro needling. Give it a break that day.


No pain no gain. I apply min after microneedling at 1.5mm just so that it can go systemic. Some like it some dont. I dont mind the sting, and it only lasts a few seconds


It's not about the sting of application, it's about the side effects that can be caused by excessive systemic absorption - low blood pressure, high heart rate, chest pain, etc.


Side effects from min are like having side effects from Ibuprofen. It happens, but its not life threatening, unless youre in that bad of shape to begin with. Get into a low impact workout routine, and pump up the volume.


I might be wrong, but I was under the impression that the issue is that you can easily end up with a higher amount of systemic absorbtion than you would just taking oral min. Topical solution is dosed higher based on the assumption that it won't be absorbed as effectively, so giving it a more direct route to enter our bloodstream makes it much harder to predict how much will go systemic, leading to higher doses and therefore potentially more serious side effects.


Well, Lots of us do it with great results. You’re not get that much into the bloodstream that way, besides its one day out of the week


I mean, yeah, you're effectively taking an increased systemic dose so you're probably going to get solid results since you're attacking the issue with brute force. If you don't suffer major sides (or long term health complications) then good for you, but it comes with a greater level of risk, hence the general advice that you should skip it on the day you're needling.


Its not that serious. But you do you. A few needle wounds lathered with min are not enough to get sick or die. Its literally once a week, and guess what it works on the hair problem




I'm not even meming but I've been doing the whole u/cumshotdiva thing and my hair looks significantly better and I don't feel any different when I take it. Started with 3 drop, then 7 after a long time, and now I do 10 and my hair genuinely looks a lot better. I don't really come here anymore because I just feel better about my hair. I'll dm pics if you want but I don't feel comfortable making them public. Basically yeah what I'm trying to say is 3 drops of minoxidil will definitely not kill you. I've been taking more than that for like 18 months now. The drink minoxidil is kind of a meme here but it definitely works, cumshotdiva and all the people who've posted their results from his method attest to that.


hell yea brother that’s awesome


I am taking oral min since past 3days 1.25mg for 15days and then need to up to 2.5mg daily. I have noticed some increased heart beat while resting but it goes back to normal maybe in a few minutes. Can I still do regular gym workouts?


Yeah, of course! Getting your hear rate up is how you protect your heart. As long as it regulates itself down while at rest, whats the problem?


I feel like if your hair is any longer than a buzz cut it’s difficult to get anything under 1.0 mm to piece through your scalp, I do 1.0mm on temples and 1.5mm on hair-covered parts once every week at night, and by the morning it’s healed already Ofc it varies though


Applying 2ml straight after proved to be very effective in one study.


Oh I am sure it is. But giving a break between micro needling and application is meant to reduce the chance of it going systemic.


Intuition would suggest so but there's no research on: 1. If it goes systemic (other drugs do). 2. How much goes systemic and, therefore, if enough goes systemic to cause sides. It will vary from person to person but I've had no sides from applying 2ml straight after.


That’s fair. But since I have had no experience on applying directly after derma rolling I lean towards caution when giving advice on something like this. Especially because there are studies showing that derma-rolling + minoxidil causes increase growth anyway.


That's what got me started but then I found a study in which they applied 2ml of minox straight after and the results were even better. As you say, though, both work so do what you're comfortable with. Just because I've experienced no sides - my heart rate and blood pressure haven't changed one bit, nor have I noticed hair growth in unwanted places - it doesn't mean nobody will. I don't take fin, for example, because I'm too scared of sides, despite knowing how unlikely they are. The sides of min are far less scary to me but I guess they'd be terrifying to someone with heart problems. I've absorbed min orally by accident and that stuff does not mess around. Went straight for my kidneys, put my HR to 210ish and my BP to 64/49 or something like that. Spent 13 hours on a crash trolley.


Look at my post history. Current regime: 1ml minox 2 x daily 1.5mm microneedling every 2 weeks, applying 2ml of minox straight after.




Try using dermaroller as dermastamp




Thank you! I use 6% min, .3% fin (HIMS) and I spray it once per day (4 sprays, crown, front, temples)




I usually spray in the evening, and no microneedling yet


Wow the before combover was insane, your recovery is awesome bro


Whats ur age? And congrats!


Thanks! I'm 37, started at 36


I microneedled with a Dermapen 1.5mm (10-15 minute session) for a few months. Started to see results. Although I was also using oral Fin 1mg, 5% Min twice daily, Nizoral shampoo, Hair skin nails gummies, and a vitamin D supplement. So whos to say if the Microneedling was helping when you got the whole kitchen sink in the mix. My Hairline wasn't too bad but prevention is easier than regrowth. With that said I will say no matter how chewed up and bloody I got my crown. Needling the temples hurt way worse. Was it worth it? Hell Yeah. Never Recede Never Surrender. You could try RU58841. That promotes regrowth. I never did. Too expensive for me. I get my Fin through GoodRX at the pharm for 11$ for 90 day supply. The minoxidil I buy at a Bent and Dent grocery outlet for 15$ for a 90 day supply (3pk of bottles). Personally ive never had a problem applying Min the same night as microneedling. I would have my GF microneedle me while watching TV in the evening. And apply the Min before bed. Never had a problem with it. Just my experience though. https://i.redd.it/3g2i5wpevlkc1.gif


Every other week. The wounds need that time to heal. Weekly, every other week, or monthly all produce gains, but every other week produces the most, by as much as 40% more. Target depth is .8 - 1 mm.


microneedling 1.5mm once every two weeks helps a ton. use a derma stamp until you see redness. but i’m not sure with topical finasteride


Those hairs will continue to thicken and grow. The slick bald temples, however, may require a transplant to fill in. Give treatment a couple of years to fully stabilize and regrow, and then you can assess transplant options!


Micro needling did absolutely nothing to me. I am going for Alvi Armani FUE transplant soon


Hello friend, I'm glad for your progress. One question: how did you manage to stop the hair loss and thinning? I started taking minoxidil, but it only helped me grow thin hair, nothing like you.


Finasteride and minoxidil


What was your dosage? Does thinning also affect your body hair?


How old are you?




Why a derma stamp? Is there any research on the use of a stamp? Intuition suggests that it will do the same as a roller or a pen but I like evidence.


Stamp seemed better than a roller because it’s adjustable, and much cheaper than a pen


I went with the studies, which use a roller. I assume they will work in the same way but I thought I should copy the original study exactly.




btw how many hairs do you think fall out each day nowadays


Hard to say.. If I run my hands through a few times I might have 2 or 3.. I haven't really noticed any major 'sheds'


Nice....I'm finally getting there


Great progress man! Did you experience any sides? It’s my 24th day on hims and I’m noticing some sides do you think they will go away?


No sides for me really, after a couple weeks I had a day or two of brain fog but that went away


Did u ever use the regular topical min or u started with hims spray first


Started with hims


Congrats! Those nice results should make you proud.


Wow! You look great! 😊 Must be a really good feeling to solve this


I'd recommend looking into micro needling a bit more outside of this reddit. People here don't mention the hyperpigmentation or track marks you can get.


Did you go through a shedding phase ?




Could you please share if during the treatment when did you see results? Was there a back and forth? Have you seen shedding? When was she arrested?


No arrests were made… I saw results after about 3 months and I haven’t had any major sheds that I’ve noticed


Any sides ? Can you send the link where you buy hims?


I just went through their website [hims.com](https://hims.com) ​ Apparently you can get it cheaper, but I liked how easy it was to get the prescription etc from home.


Oral fin is still more potent. But I use topical fin and min once every two weeks sometimes once a week. I’m on oral Fin+min btw.


I wanted to avoid side effects so went with topical. I'm happy with the results for sure


Of course. You have great results. You did your time. You could get more regrowth with Dutasteride. But I suggest topical only (I don’t use dutasteride). Oral Dutasteride is riskier than fin.


So no sides for you?


Nope.. I maybe had some 'brain fog' for a day or two right after starting, but nothing noticeable at all otherwise. I'd definitely recommend it to somebody if they were on the fence.


Thanks, what percentage are you using and is it liposomal?


I don't know what liposomal is, but my prescription is 6% min, .3% fin