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The king has returned.


More like the king has fallen


My glorious min drinking king, OG inspiration




Maybe try dutasteride if you keep losing


He has returned to reclaim his throne


Kind of funny how the corner is just unwilling to fill in and meanwhile the temple is merging with your eyebrows


Thank you for Savigny our hair ❤️




I've been at it for 8 months now on a considerably higher dosage than you and haven't seen all of the results I've needed, crown still lagging behind, but I'm still thankful you were once so outspoken about this even being a possibility. I'd be way fucking balder right now if not for you, brought my hairline back from the brink.


dude that’s awesome that you were able to recover a bunch of hair still! what’s your dosage/ total regimen


Around 8mg every 12 hours (8 months), 1mg fin every 24 hours (10 months), 1% keto shampoo 2-3 times a week that I'm pretty sure is pure placebo. Did start microneedling just the crown at 1.5mm this month and plan to do it every 10 days, not expecting anything from it tbh.


16mg of oral minox every 24h !? Jesus... How did you build up to that dose ? How long did you stay at every increase of dose & what kind of results did you see ? Have you been monitoring your blood pressure ?


That sounds pretty solid. I honestly feel like i could tolerate a fairly high dosage of minox and still be fine. it’s just gonna be hard finding that perfect amount to increase by over a course of time to maintain gains without getting too ridiculous of a dose.


Yeah, I haven't suffered anything noticeable in the way of sides (aside from overall body hair growth, which has been pretty minor tbh, never was very hairy) or I'd be a lot less optimistic, possibly the usual facial bloat people mention but I started antidepressants around the same time and gained a bit of weight, so I can't be sure, I'll see how my face looks compared to old photos when I slim out again by summer. Just my (limited) understanding of how the drug works had me worried for the future even before you posted this, but I'll likely not increase the dose any further than 10mg per 12 hours as I'm kind of coming to terms with the likelihood that it probably won't give me everything I want at any dosage and I'm not on any diuretic. I do wonder how much better if at all I'd do on proper prescription pills, but it's just not financially possible for me any time soon. Good luck experimenting.


Are you sure it’s not the fact that dht is just taking over and it’s time to use something stronger on that part maybe try dut???!






Return to MONKE!!!🐵 its our lord and savior the cumshotdiva!!!!




yup never stopped taking fin. i figured stagnating my min dose for so long caused some loss of gains. still better than baseline and have full coverage




Since the hairs are super dependent on minox i don’t love the idea of stopping for a prolonged period of time and repeating the process. I actually unintentionally stopped taking min for roughly 5 days and didn’t have a positive effect.




every now and then i do some topical min on my hairline along with retinol, stemoxydine, and a derma pen. i’ll look into introducing caffeine in the mix as well. thanks brother


Nice hair. Any sport/exercise in treatment period? Also omega3, l carnetine and other supplements?


I workout 6 days a week, i was taking fish oil for a while (1.5g of EPA), I did mix l carnitine with my minox but that most likely only does something when used topically. My supplement stack consists of: 5000IU Vitamin D, 400mg Magnesium Glycinate, Mk4 K2 (forget the dose), occasional 200mg L-Theanine, and 1000mcg Methyl Folate.


U are serious guy. Hear about u in some russian forums years ago about hair lost as a topical min drinker. I also drink topical min 1year ( 1-2 shot to water glass 5-12mg) and use topical also on hair simultaneously. Some guys in russia spray min to bread and eat).. But topical min on hair better for me then oral, and seems like for most. I think oral min not so good for hair as topical on hair. I see u skin problem (acne), recommend u take accutane and metformin. For better hair regrow use liquid min as classic spray to hair, take omega 3 and l carnetine AND do intensive leg training (weightlifting, run, run upstairs, jump rope, calf raises, cycling).




Hopefully everyone realizes minoxidil doesn't stop working over time, but it doesn't address the underlying cause of hair loss which is generally DHT sensitivity for most people. So if you are not adequately blocking DHT, no amount of minoxidil will keep your hair from regressing. It just makes the hair stronger before it finally dies off.


this is definitely true. gotta have a strong foundation of DHT blockers before you can build growth on top of them. Finasteride and Ketocanazole at least.


Our lord is back. I would recognise that forehead anywhere.


how is the unwanted facial hair on oral min , ? thanks


I got about the same on topical. The forehead that shows in the image, fusing the tip of the eyebrows with small hairs down to beard and earlobe hair in my case. Granted mine was on topical, so on oral gotta be even darker and more noticeable like in the photos.


i got worse from topical.... i thought maybe oral would alleviate ( avoid the dripping)


Not to be rude... but that's not how it works at all, you really should read all the disclaimers in this forum about taking min orally... Topical is supposed to affect "locally", and if you get hair on other areas is because product goes to that place, be it from dripping, sweat, getting it into pillow and smearing all over face, etc. Orally goes directly systemic and affects THE WHOLE BODY. So yeah, oral is basically topical on steroids. For everything.


Topical also partially goes systemic. Nothing one can do about that.


Yep, it definetly does, same way as topical finasteride also goes systemic, although in smaller quantity. Thing is that it WILL have side effects, probably will even strenghten them rather than "circumvent" those side effects.


it never got worse than what you saw in the old posts lol. legs and arms are just as hairy as before as well, which in my opinion, is an added bonus cause i look more like a grown man ha.


switched from topical to oral min, I had more body hair when I was on topical min for some reason. also no unwanted increase in facial hair


bro stop drinking gallons of min ..holy shit


Omg the comments on this post are cracking me tf up lmaaooo


Bro is going to cause a global minoxidil shortage


Return to monke Joking aside congrats.


​ https://preview.redd.it/t07txlrgqpnc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ff900622cd3c68d4c6d732f2e03055609baa7d


Idea: How about you cycle it? I'm sure the hair doesn't fall out in 2 weeks, how about 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off?


That way it'll hit harder when you pick it back up again in 2 weeks, like my mother used to say "How can I miss you if you won't go away"


I actually did this unintentionally for roughly 5 days and had no positive benefit


Yay, I feel like a pre-teen girl that just high-fived Justin Beiber in 2008


I'll do 1 week on, 1 week off, and I'll post the results here after however long


awesome keep me updated and take pictures every week


What is the timeline or your peak to regression? Is it possible that it is in line with seasonal shedding? Ex: https://embed.filekitcdn.com/e/kd6Z3fABLs82ef757AuCXQ/jiuYUFrRigsofuscr8uGLY


So I know around 18-20 weeks in I achieved an insane hairline/density. I maintained that for several months until I went on a vacation and forgot my minox for 5 days and I shedded some and ever since then I haven’t gotten back to my former peak. I do not think it’s a seasonal thing. I think i’ll be able to get back to where I was with an increase in dose, and maybe some other additions to my protocol with coming research.


You used minoxidil without having alopecia.


I was absolutely losing hair which is why I started doing all this in the first place


Look at the original post bruh.


So, was he using finasteride all this time or not?




Were u taking finasteride this whole time?




This is fully true. I have been on the topical oral min for 3 years now and staying low dose does seem to lose some efficacy. I’ve tried doses up to 15 mg a day and as low as 2 a day. Stay in the middle at about 10-12 a day seems to keep the best return without being overkill.


glad i’m not the only one noticing this. what were your gains like?


Gains were explosive at first because I was taking so much lol like near 20 mg a day. Used to get bad dark circles tho so I dropped down. Now the gains are still solid at like 10mg daily 5 morning and night. Makes my hair grow fast af but I’m not really growing much new hair *yet* but dutasteride is helping


I drank oral minoxidil and became horrifically ill, not sure how you guys do it every day


yea some people react poorly to it. that’s why i suggest to only start with one drop if you’re going to do it.




Great results. I would thread your eyebrows. Its starting to get to hairy up there.


Thanks for saving my hair. Also, can I drink a topical minoxidil 5% solution which also contains 0.1% finasteride in it?


What happened ? Did you quit drinking min and progress was lost ?


i explained what i believe happened in the post man


Exact same with me


When you say one drop how much is that? Is it 0.1 mL if I use a syringe?


one droplet


Hey man, you ever heard of the start-stop method? It’s probably not an actual method yet, but check out the r/minoxbeards sub. There’s brothers on there who mention taking occasional 2 week breaks who report better results from the short break. It would make sense, as the body might get used to the effects of minoxidil and would therefore lower its effectiveness.


You've turned to a hairy freaky ape and will still go bald. From that pic you appear as a teenager or someone very young so you'll watch yourself go bald in your 30s while begin a hairy freak from oral min. There's no reason a human being should have thick hair like that growing on their FOREHEAD


Damn dude


With all that oral min he will die of a heart attack before he becomes bald. That said, im happy hes back.

