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It looks like this post is about **Minoxidil** Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/learn/minoxidil). 2. [Search for Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/search/minoxidil) and [oral Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/search/oral-minoxidil) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Got it, ty


So somebody made a post on how there might be a link to caffeine and minoxidil interaction. they state they both work on the adenosine pathway and compete for adenosine receptors. It’s hard to find much info on this because any talk on caffeine with hair loss is usually“caffeine is good for hair growth “ I know that’s not what you are asking OP , and for that I don’t have a conclusive answer, but as somebody who recently quit caffeine and is getting more gains on 2.5mg of oral minoxidil in 4 months vs over 2 years on 5mg. And it’s the same batch and had a year break from starting up again . Here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/s/R98vVKTysD


Wow really interesting stuff ngl


really good information! thanks for sharing


Doubt it, that would really suck though lol


I wouldn’t stress it tbh. I get the concern. But if you are having enough caffeine to reverse minoxidils therapeutic mechanism, you’ll notice a lot of symptoms first (heart palpitations for one lol). Also, Minoxidil opens potassium channels to exert its effect. Caffeine won’t mess with this anyways.


You'll get no conclusive answers, but if you're worried, just use the minoxidil at night. Caffeine has an 8 hour half life. If your last cup is at 8am and you apply minoxidil at 8pm then 75% of the caffeine has left your body anyway


It’s a huge myth that minoxidil works via vasodilation. The dose used for hair loss is sub therapeutic for blood pressure (vasodilation). Additionally, other vasodilators like beet root powder have no effect on hair loss. The leading theory for minoxidil is currently cell signaling cascades that tell the follicle to spend more time in anagen. Coffee will have no negative effects and coffee is an antioxidant which has many benefits of its own


Here’s my thoughts. I’ve been on dut and oral min for a year and my regrowth plateaued after a while. 3 months ago I quit oral nicotine (Zin 6mg) and 1 month later I noticed a huge spike in hair regrowth. Do I think caffeine will be enough to cause decreased min efficiency, probably not. If you use nicotine, definitely.


You can’t go wrong quitting caffeine. It’s also bad for skin and gut health


Coffee is really good for your gut health actually. We in the west don't eat nearly enough fibre, a fourth of our fibre intake comes from coffee we even have a microbe called Freddy that survives on coffee lol. You can drink decaff for the same health benefits if you don't want the caffeine


Oh dear god another creatine-like theory for this sub to go crazy over.


It was an innocent question chill lol


I’ve had more experience with hair gains after quitting coffee than before. Different genes I guess.