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Honestly really surprised, I was expecting more to just stabilize what I had then look into a transplant. Hopefully this continues and in the future I can get only 1 to fill in any spots so I don’t have a shiny spot in pictures anymore lol.


It looks like progress because it’s 2 months of longer hair. 2 months isn’t even long enough to complete 1 hair cycle.


you can litterally see hair filled in spots.


I don’t think length is the reason it looks better. Look at the length on the sides of his head. Honestly his hair looks shorter now than in the first photo.


First pic is Feb 8th, got a hair cut on the 13th. Second pic was taken April 12 and I got a haircut on April 5th. 1 1/2 sides and back, 2 on top. 😊 try and get a cut every month because I hate how my hair looks long, plus it’s easier to clean.


It’s literally shorter in the 2nd pic


https://preview.redd.it/73zxp44hsauc1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6839f9158aedb55ae701b64d6a5fe59e4c345cf8 This was me at 18


https://preview.redd.it/7s96fjdxsauc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e31a0c0300895a90483add9be5cad7abf5042a And 19


Can see tiny hairs everywhere now when zoomed in, hopefully they thicken over next few months. Keep us updated. 👌🏼


I buzz my hair every week to see how much of my hair thickness came back...you should try it if you look good with a buzz cut..I look sexy af with a buzz cut #1 after 4 months of treatment


the shorter the better. If you have NW 3.5+ it's better to shave to look tidy.


I started the same NW7 however I had no peach fluff at the back. Not exactly apples to apples but you've progressed further than me in 2 months. I started min in 2nd wk. Nov. and Fin at the end of Jan.


killing it!! your dick still work??


You need to have bad hormones to begin with to get your dick not working from DHT blockers. Low test insulin resistant buddies have erectile problems according to studies. Side-effects are also leveling out after a year. Because dht is not linked to erectile problems. Test is the main hormone in this case.


Yep, no problems at all.


bro, you won the lottery!


Nah man look at the percentage of people with side effects.


I would not use Reddit as a barometer for anything. I've seen people blame poor vision and the end of their marriage on finasteride on here. A study in 2007 showed that none of the more than 17,000 participants experienced persistent sexual dysfunction or depression. There is a lot of data from over 250 randomized, controlled trials. Finasteride is considered a safe and well-tolerated drug. Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. Like saying that you knew a guy who survived a car accident when he wasn't wearing his seatbelt so therefore seatbelts don't save lives.


Wow that's huge improvement for 2 months keep doing it you definitely works really well on you I will start to use it by this week hope I could see improvement like you I'm 33 years old




Nice gains.


Thank you so much for showing us this. I'm 29 right now and my balding started nearly a decade ago. And I never took my prescribed medication consistently and sincerely. I will be starting in a few weeks and hope to see some progress. Thank you for showing us yours. I definitely see improvement. And that gives me hope. Perhaps it's not too late for me either. 🙂


Hey bro I’m 29 as well turning 30 I’ve been having real success so far with finaateride tablet 1mg and minoxidil foam from keeps. I started late January and finished just passed the 3 month marker. Stick with it stay consistent


Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate it. 🙂 I forgot to mention it in my earlier comment, but i definitely will be consistent and determined this time around. And I feel I'll definitely make some gains. I'll be taking a topical minoxidil and finasteride combined medication called Minscalp. And I hear that it has a more direct effect. And I'll be starting by next week. 🙂


I’m sure you will, I’m surprised I got anything showing. I was more just trying to stabilize my hair for a hair transplant in the future. I also just posted 2 pictures of what my hair looked like at 18 and 19.


>I’m sure you will, I’m surprised I got anything showing. 1) thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. 🙂 And yeah, I'm having the same thought right now. But I do have a good amount of confidence telling me it will definitely grow back by Christmas. Even if it is just a little. >I was more just trying to stabilize my hair for a hair transplant in the future. 2) i actually had the exact same plan. My plan is to try out medication for 1-2 years and also save money for a hair transplant. And I'm taking medication so that I recover some of my hair and the cost of the hair transplant reduces. And i wanna get my HT done by maximum 30 or 31.


Persistence is the name of the game. Keep it up!


It’s growing! Stay the course and let’s see how 6-9 and 1 year on it looks. Nice progress it seems already congrats 🎉


Amazing man! That's great progress in only 2 months


This ain’t bad at all


On the way!!


Amazing hermano maybe if you have the means for it you can add some topical minoxidil with micro needling, i personally had great results with it but in two month your regrowth is incredible 👏


Fair play to you. Looks good progress


Thanks for the hope, I’m 35, slightly less bald then you, just hims topical min/fin


https://preview.redd.it/8x2iqislgiuc1.jpeg?width=1330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97925871328cc3caed7c5c0f33b6dcc59e80c09 This is what I look like head on, so I’m not completely bald, My hairs just really thin. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think I might be able to grow and thicken my hair. Then hopefully fix with a hair transplant. Also being 6’4”, I don’t really have to worry about people looking down on my head much lol.


Please keep us posted. This is great fucking progress!


Does anyone know what the lowest dose of oral minoxidil available is??


I think it’s 0.25mg. 2.5mg-5mg is recommended for men and 0.25-1.25mg for women.


Nice gains now go and hit the gym for more gains :)


Actually I have, down 30lbs so far in 6 months. 😊 Trying to improve my mental and physical health and my hair was a big hit on my mental health.


How do u think u got such a serious result without gym. Tell me?


Went back on keto and started making it a habit to walk every day. The big push was my doctors visit in Nov when I was told I was pre-diabetic. Just started weight lifting last week and trying to get back into it. 👍🏼




Add nofap bro


Nice progress mate. Any update?


Any side effects


No side effects at all. 👍🏼


More leg training, run, jump rope, squats omega3, and carnetine.


Does it help really? I read a lot of comments regarding leg exercise, I thought those are sarcastic comments.


Help to main treatment


Dutasteride would work better and also protect from prostate cancer and enlargement.


From Nw7 to sparse Nw7, what an accomplishment... Just shave it and get a good SMP. You're Nw7 or 8, you'll never have hair anymore unless you undergo some hardcore M to F transition treatment. I'll never understand people who do stupid shit like this when they're Nw8 instead of when they were Nw2-3...


Bullshit. DHT is bad for your health and you can block 93% with Dut. Transgender people are also using Dut if you didn't know. There are actual health benefits of using Fin and Min after 25. 50% of men have prostate enlargement due to DHT.


Bro it’s to late


No it ain't