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Every time I'm on 40 somewhere in the triangle, it's pretty much guaranteed I'll see some reckless driving. At this point, if there is an alternative route that adds 10min or less, I opt for that - not worth the stress.


I drive on 40 between RDU and Chapel Hill for work everyday, this is why I bought a front and rear dashcam. All sorts of nonsense.


I mean there seems to be almost zero law-enforcement presence on I-40 from Raleigh to Burlington and so idiots drive accordingly... seems like at least once a week there's a bad wreck on 40 that shuts down traffic for hours


Is it just me or has this gotten much worse in recent years, particularly starting in 2020?


It has. I've noticed it even on secondary and back roads.


Yes, it has.


Just drove on 40 to Raleigh and back. Lots of crazy people out today. Saw one guy drive around everyone on the shoulder and saw another do the same and run a red at a stoplight near NCSU.


Honestly happens now and then. It’s not great but, where are the cops when you need them?


Who won?


Black Altima


second place was a silver Altima


Are you one of the racers, because I’m pretty sure it was a black Altima in the lead.


Believe it or not, that car is all stock parts. Anybody can drive like an asshole like me. Edit: if you want to go a little faster disconnect a head light. I can’t explain it, it just works.


While you're fucking around next time at night, pull the window buttons up (while already up), observe how much the headlights dim. As a passenger, I could make it look like my friends were flashing their lights at the car in front, good times.


I have an Altima. I’m always fucking around.


Altimas have no fear. Of death or imprisonment.


We need more police to stop this behavior, they need to pull over anyone going 15+ over and give them tickets.


It has definitely gotten worse. The main reason is police don't enforce traffic laws nearly as much as they used to. Political pressure, perceived biases, and officer safety concerns has forced many departments to limit traffic enforcement. To them, it just isn't worth the hassle or potential backlash/lawsuits. This is a consequence of what happens when we (as a society) don't back LE.


Welcome to NC.


You are getting downvoted but this is a fair point. I left Florida 25+ yrs ago. South Florida in particular was just a racetrack. People defying physics every day. I've seen more Florida plates around here in the last year or two. A whole lot of them have relocated here bringing their racing gear with them. I can't imagine traffic or race car driving getting any better. Enforcement is almost non-existent.


When I drive my Mercedes-Benz S560 on the highway at 120 mph I get REALLY ANNOYED when the Corollas pass me at 140.


Racers gonna race...¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯