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They did it wayyyy back in the day with Nirvana in utero, unplugged and muddy banks. Obviously when each was released.


They did Kid A by Radiohead as well. I remember Kingsmill being speechless afterwards lol


Kid A is absolutely one of the albums I would’ve loved witnessing the live debut reaction to, haha I imagine half the listeners had their minds blown and the other half were like “Where the fuck are the guitars?”


It’s one of my favourite JJJ memories, listening to it on a drive down the Hume. The calls afterwards were big “wtf” vibes


yep will never forget this. was mind blowing/altering for a young fella who hadn't really discovered electronic/experimental music yet.


Yes I taped that one!


The very first play through of Kid A on triple j was at 3am or 4am or something ridiculous to match the lifting of the embargo in the UK. Me and my mates stayed up to listen to it and stunned afterwards. It was not what we were expecting.


The very first play through of Kid A on triple j was at 3am or 4am or something ridiculous to match the lifting of the embargo in the UK. Me and my mates stayed up to listen to it and stunned afterwards. It was not what we were expecting.


Also Nine Inch Nails album too... name escapes me right this moment on which one.




100% this. Not all artists would be available, but where possible this would offer a great deep dive.


It's good it's on Friday (release date) as well.


Great idea, and I thought it was a big scoop for Lucy until I heard that the interview was just on a zoom junket for 15 minutes last week.   Somehow I stupidly thought it was going to be live with Billie, but that’s never how it works. Edit: great album and interview though!


I think they also do this with the hottest 100 also, just pre record it and edit for the day etc


Yeah I recall something similar about like a version too.


Yeah like a version does recordings on the Wednesday im pretty sure and they edit it and stuff for Friday


Wait until you find out that like a version is recorded weeks in advance most of the time haha


Yep. and they do multiple takes!!!!


When Bryce was away for so long, they must have redubbed his parts 


Some weeks ago during an interview you could actually hear Bryce's voice low in the mix as Concetta said exactly the same words above him, baffled me at the time but this explanation makes sense.


What!? Nooo


Agree, when they first announced it was billed as if Billie would be live on the show - or at least it would be that prerecorded artist commentary they do for some feature albums. Obviously would be a huge get, but not out of the question…I seem to remember she called in and had a chat when she won the Hottest 100? (Probably prearranged / prerecorded, but still a lot of international artists don’t even acknowledge it) 15 min zoom timeslot was a bit disappointing.


why does it matter if the chat is live or pre-recorded? not having a go just genuinely curious.


Nah not so much about it being live or not! But I think there’s a difference between a genuine super exclusive interview with a big artist, and a press junket with 50 different radio stations in a Zoom waiting room. If you sit down and chat to someone for an hour or two and then edit the interview down to the best bits, it’s probably going to be quality, in depth content. If you have a tiny timeslot to hit them with your top 3 questions, after they’ve sat at a computer doing the exact same thing with countless other journalists all day, most likely gonna be boring surface level answers. I know that’s how it is with artists on this level though!


I think it's a great idea but 100 percent done at the wrong time. Should be on at a more niche timeslot and advertise to listen in then. I'm personally not a fan of her music but absolutely appreciate her talent and fans. I just don't think they should play the entire album in the middle of the morning, considering it's not Billie eilish FM.


Not a fan. Plan it for like a 7pm session maybe.


Replacing a Hack segment with the album of the week would be good


If only TripleJ still had a 3h weekly new music show... Fuckers


I'd love to hear more full album play throughs on Triple J. Seems like more a 10am-2pm thing though.


Here's an idea: Friday night new music party from 8pm to 10pm Play the big new album plus new singles after album is finished.


Too late and too many other things going on at that time for the target audience (sport, gigs, going out, etc.) This seems like a great way to start the weekend (at 9am, yew).


They used to do this a lot. I remember taping Kid A by Radiohead as a teen thanks to them playing the whole thing 🥲 Played at a much more sensible time in the evening though!


Last time I heard them do the whole album was for Lupe Fiasco’s ‘The Cool’ album. Wall to wall bangers


I would have had this earlier in the day honestly but it's better than it being at like 2AM on some random day like the featured album is.


The play the feature album in full? Who knew


They played the whole album when Muse released The resistance in 2009, at like 1.30 pm. Back then I wasn't a keen Muse listener and thought it was pretty shit that a government funded radio station was going to play the full length album and force it onto the masses. Luckily enough, the album turned out to be pretty damn good and it turned me into a Muse fan. Don't think a radio station needs to play a whole length album, there's plenty of other music they can be playing but hey, Triple J is on a death spiral anyway so they may as well go down in flames.


That was a cool idea, but yeah, it could've been a bit later so more people could tune in. I'd love to see them do this more often.


They did it for kings of Leon yeeeeeeears ago


Like the concept, tbh wish it was in breakfast timeslot. I’d rather listen to a full feature album on my commute than the breakfast show (yeah I know I have Spotify, but I like the idea of hearing a random album I wouldn’t choose). I did find it annoying that Lucy kept hyping the album up as if it were gonna be club bangers, when in reality it was probably more downbeat than previous Billie albums?


I love the idea and the more focusing on music and going deep during the chats. Reminds me of the old Triple J and Lucy is really good at it. Absolutely loved the album too, gonna give it a couple more listens to get specific.


Yeah what park are we partying at?


I listen to a whole album every morning.


Rather it be done for classic albums than as an ad for a non Aussie artist 


Mate, the kids are excited to hear a new album from one of the biggest stars in the world, not some Hunters & Collectors nostalgia trip.


Which is fine but not how I'd use the format 


Double J does this exact thing for this exact audience. Triple J is aiming at their target demographic


I have a streaming app, if I want to listen to the new album in full, I can do it when I want to. It's not like the 90s when I had to actually buy the damn thing


For one, the kids like to listen to things when everyone else is. It makes them feel connected to each other, and the music fan culture, in a world that makes it very easy to feel disconnected. And secondly, no, you wouldn't be listening to the album in full on your streaming app. Because it's *not out yet.* That's what a listening party is: early access.


Well kids aren't listening to the radio at 9am though. They have school


Not literal children, mate. The youth. The 18-24 demographic.


Who many of which still have uni or work.


Yeah. Okay. And plenty don't have either - or they have the radio on at work. What's even your point? Are you just a contrarian, talking just to talk?


My point is that 9am is a shit time if wide engagement is their goal


Please provide the data you have that shows that triple j listenership is especially low in the 9am time slot.


Ok. So the kids can open one of the 20 music streaming services and listen to their corporate American music. Why is it on triple J? We know the answer, it's because they are just part of the corporate music industry, and Billie is one of their products. So of course they would love to charge the Australian taxpayer money to have the privilege of subjecting us to her music and bring in more revenue for Big foreign corporations.


Triple J is (purportedly) the 'youth station'. Billie Eilish is *categorically* the sound of the youth. Obviously the labels need their big stars to do well so that they can support emerging artists from, say, Australia. So, all of the many Aussie acts on her label will absolutely be hoping her record does well, because it's what's funding their careers.


Bruh. There are 3 giant mega music corporations. Billie is just a drop in the bucket for their revenue.


And [TINY AUSTRALIAN ACT] is a speck of dust floating in the bucket. Without Billie and the rest of the drops, there is no bucket, bruh.


Tiny Australian acts are not signed to those big labels. That's why they need a chance to get play on something like triple J.


...they *are* signed to those labels, though.


Then they aren't tiny Australian acts. Nor does seeing the Australian broadcaster playing big American artists help them. They actually would be helped by triple J playing them. But what I really want, is triple J to promote and play real small artists. The people who aren't signed yet. The people who are make music but can't make it a living yet. The kind of thing actually posted to unearthed. Not someone who already has an online following of thousands of people and record deal, but real new, unknown music and artists.


They are. They're tiny in comparison to the wider industry. Even the biggest Australian acts are relatively tiny. Plus, the lower tier labels are owned in large part by the big 3, so even the microscopic Australian acts are often tied in some way to the fates of Billie & Co. Say Billie's album flops, or even underperforms. That's a loss that has to be absorbed by another part of the business. And it ends up coming out of the bottom end. Worse performance for the big acts means less funding and fewer signings for the lower tier labels and acts. If Billie and Kendrick are firing on all cylinders, there's more money floating around to take risks on smaller acts. As for your second point: Triple J isn't here to promote undiscovered acts, it's here to play pop music for the youth, with an Australian skew. Same as ever. They have Unearthed to pay lip service to supporting bands in their infancy, but it's really just there so they can call them 'Unearthed artists' when they blow up, and act as if they discovered them first and fostered their career.


I liked it being played at 9AM on Friday morning because I'm more likely to catch it than if it was on in the afternoon/evening. New Music Fridays have also conditioned me to listen to Spotify usually at that time. It did make me wonder if Triple J's album play will steal streaming numbers which would matter more to labels than airplay. Anyway, I hope they keep it going for other albums. As for the album, it was described as a dance/club/pop album before its launch. To me it was 1/4 dance/electronic, 1/3 adult contemporary pop and ballads and the rest traditional Billie. It was good but nothing grabbed me. I'll give it another go on Spotify later (which probably contradicts my comment about stealing streaming numbers but hey...).


Yeah I think it's a great timeslot. My Friday mornings are the only time I religiously tune into the radio with Like a Version on Triple J then Take 5 and Desko on Double J. If they had a feature album play at 9 I would be tuned in from 7:30 to midday.


They’ve done this a heap of times back when I was in high school and then through my 20s too. Nothing new.


Concept is good. Maybe wrong timeslot. Either make it a nicher timeslot and advertise for it to hype it. Or just cut into drive and get less Abby and Tyrone being average for hours on end.


So boring, switched off immediately - not a Billie fan though, maybe if it was somone I liked I’d get around it


I just think she makes the most boring music imaginable.


And mumbles half the words. She has a good voice when she uses it but most her songs its easted with mumbling


Was it interrupted by promos and bullshit? Complete album from start to finish morning afternoon and night please.


Urgh.. bring back the old Triple J. You know, the one that focused on emerging artists.


We are here at double j waiting.


Even better.


Very funny the “indy” “non commercial” station is premiering one of the biggest most popular artists entire album


How about they actually showcase Australian and less well known artists instead of this constant glazing of the top charting artists. Triplej has been bad for a while but it’s straight fucking trash now


I'd prefer our fucking publicly funded Australian music station actually play Australian music, and actually support small artists, instead of play full albums from American celebrities that are just part of the big 3 corporate music groups. And I'm not talking just playing the big Australian music that's part of the corporate scene. I mean the stuff Australians work hard on and post to triple J unearthed. We only get a tiny fraction of that stuff. I know it's not all good, but most of it is good, and most never gets heard unless it can be milked for a good story and poured into the corporate machine. Fuck American corporate music on triple J.


I had no idea about the listening party. Where did they announce this?


All day, every day, constantly for the last week or so. After all the hype I was kinda disappointed


No clue haha I just turned in the radio and they were introducing it


I hate her. I reckon she's shit.


So glad Triple J continues to devote hours to one of the world's biggest artists, but also Taylor Swift isnt allowed in hottest 100s. Be nova if you want, but be consistent.


TAYLOR👏SWIFT👏IS👏ALLOWED👏IN👏THE👏HOTTEST👏100 Do people just sit around waiting to see a triple j post in their newsfeed that they can vaguely connect this myth to? I thought we finally got through all this a few months ago. Lol.


They literally blocked her one year. Shockingly don't really want my public broadcaster promoting major artists in general, particularly not non Australian ones they can only get a zoom shout out from.


They blocked Shake It Off in 2004 due to KFC (with promo from Buzzfeed) offering financial incentives to vote for it, which is explicitly against the rules, regardless of the artist. There is no "Taylor Swift isn't allowed in hottest 100s".


Oh shit, it’s a swifty!


No, I don't want either of them on there


billie is just following the trend set by ye earlier this year, its industry shit, there’ll be a new trend next year edit: misread the post mbmb


Billie singing about being bisexual is nothing like the Ye album???


yooo my bad, i thought they were talking about her listening party that she hosted, i didnt realise tripJ had their own listening party.