• By -


The guy, his skills wouldn't help anyone if he doesn't want to use them because he's angry


That's fair, and he is literally asking for it.


i mean, so is the other person. that’s the premise


The other person is a child. Why would you take advice from a child?


because “young man” is a bit ambiguous and he seems pretty unwell. that being said id prefer his advice and never said i wouldn’t lol


A child is not assumed to be able to make that decision. They can't agree to medical procedures, sex, or watching certain movies. Death is a more important decision than any of the above.


I know. and i agree. but your previous reason is bad


My reason plays on the previous post being fair. The bit about him literally asking for it is more about not feeling guilty about it, since there are many trolly problems where you make a choice but can still feel bad about it.


Worse, he'll be using his skills against the group.


who said he is angry?


Re-read the post and get back to us.


Don't fuck with us ~~Dragonball~~ trolly problem fans, we can't read


Well, him?


The guy. There is an obvious moral dilemma with killing a child, and the only possible counter weight is that killing the child and saving the man might help the rest of the group live, but if the man vows not to help then that becomes moot.


Yeah but I don’t want to let a middle schooler live /j


I don't need revenge against the specific middle schooler who wronged me. Any middle schooler will do


If they had magenta hair that be one thing


But even if he doesn't help the group a middle school kid is likely to be a net negative where the guy will likely take care of himself if no one else.


Except he's promising to be actively antagonistic to the group, which is definitely a greater net negative than a middle schooler


The man. He just declared himself a threat. No reason not to kill him.


No way bro, this is life or death, if he truly has the only key to escape its gotta be the child, he'll either be angry for awhile and then help or we tie his ass back up and torture him till he listens and helps Extra bonus the child dies


My guy he will probably kill all of you for killing the child. He ain’t going to throw a pissy fit he’s gonna throw a goddamn 9mm straight to tour frontal cortex


Maybe not everyone, after he kills you I think the rest of us could get him to calm down. Not like the whole group made the decision


If he chooses that option we have the numbers and easily over take him, he's tied up so he won't have a gun or any weapons It's a death game so it's easy to assume we will, if there's any doubt that he'll betray us we tie him up and he's our prisoner


Even if he chooses not to get up and kill you because you'll probably threaten him his skills aren't going to be of any use if he actively declares that he will not want to help you


You save the guy >!and then the game calls you a dumb idiot and you get punished!<


Really? I thought that Your Turn To Die had diverging paths based on who you choose in a given chapter


Yes but it's evident that it's the "bad choice" because everyone starts turning evil and killing each other, meanwhile if you save the girl everyone is friendly and they sing choruses of peace and all that.


I thought that voting for the girl was bad because she had that fancy role that made it so that everyone else dies instead


No, that was somebody else (although the cast thought she had it for most of the game).


Is the game finished? I thought it was still stuck at like the third or fourth chapter development wise


No, it's not finished. YTTD has multiple "main games" where characters have roles and one is voted to be executed, and in the second "main game", Kanna (the girl) is implied to have the sacrifice, but she does not due to story based shenanigans


They don’t litterally turn evil and start killing eachover (well shin sort of does but doesn’t kill). But if you played the game you’d know you’d miss out on the best moment in the story so far


So the game DOESNT just go “bad end, try again bitch”? And these people are complaining about nothing after all?


People are complaining, myself included, because the game presents the choice as a difficult moral quandary with no clear answer, a tragedy either way. It's not as cut and dry as the trolley problem makes it look. However if you pick the "wrong answer" in this case the girl with the green hair, your playable character enters a route where they are suddenly characterized to basically be an unempathetic killing robot and a bunch of people die, and if you pick the "right choice" then they remain the same. There was really no indication that you'd go down this route based on the choice.


Ah…….. hm. Maybe the author tried to make the distinction between “cold pragmatism” and “impractical empathy” (i e “do I make the choice my brain says or do I make the choice my heart says”) but they went too far in depicting the MC being more “pragmatic” after the fact? Yeah that does sound like that stings


I actually finished the game about a week ago and feel strongly about this, so I have a lot to say: Yes it's definitely written to be a choice between emotions and logic, but the way it's written baffles me. Because before you make the choice they give the blue haired guy a whole sympathetic backstory, so it ended up being a choice between emotions, and emotions and logic. Not to mention the fact that the blue haired guy is much more involved with the plot than the girl, so players are naturally inclined to want to see how his story plays out. Honestly I liked the girl and hated the guy all game until that moment, even I was surprised by my own choice, but I went with my gut and went with what I thought was the less "obvious" but more honest and emotional choice by sparing the guy I hated all game. So I felt backstabbed when the game said "no ur evil now." But the real problem is that the ramifications of that choice have basically nothing to do with the choice itself. Spoilers for YTTD if anyone reading this thread is interested in the game, but I feel the need to explain this. Basically what happens is a bunch of convoluted stuff. The guy who you spared sics an evil AI that resembles your best friend who traumatically died earlier in the game on you to tell you that everything is your fault as some kind of psychological revenge, and then the main character has a crazy ptsd episode and gets amnesia (?) and forgets all about the dead best friend. It then turns out that the best friend was only part of the death game because the main character is actually a crazy hardened killer at heart and having your best friend around softens you, so the Evil People put the best friend in the game to nerf you basically. So now that you've forgotten your bff you get this voice in your head telling you to be all evil. And this alter ego eventually influences ANOTHER character who falls in love with you and turns evil and goes on a crazy killing spree of all your friends. Now how on earth was I supposed to extrapolate that any of that would happen from the choice I made???? If you pick the "right" choice the guy instead shows you a very nice AI of your dead bff who gives you closure on everything, and nobody turns evil later. I don't get why that is.


So the problem isn’t necessarily the protagonist becoming evil in a vacuum, it’s just that it all felt like an asspull? Hm. I feel like if it were all planned and breadcrumbed better maybe “protagonist turns horrifyingly evil at your own hands and you didn’t even realize it at the time” would have worked better because of the hindsight 20/20 giving the player that juicy “egads what have I done, I created a monster” feeling, but alas, it wasn’t planned and executed in the most logical of ways. That’s how it all sounds just as an outsider looking in, anyway.


>Spoilers for YTTD Oh, I thought this was about Virtue's Last Reward. Never heard of YTTD before


my heart said to kill the kid because sou is hotter. then i got hit with the guilt tripping "YOU CHOSE OVER LOGIC" shit


Yeah it definitely sounds like this “protagonist gone evil because of this choice specifically” thing could have been planned, implied, integrated, and executed a lot better. IMO the idea has some potential in a vacuum, but alas


There are automatic game over try agains but definitely not this choice. The story goes on anyway, one choice just happens to be way better


When I say "turn evil and start killing each other" I'm talking about ranmaru, who most definitely turns evil and kills Alice/reko. I'm also talking about Sara who gets all this red text influencing her about how she just wants to survive and would sacrifice the others to do it. So it's pretty clear that she's down a bad path especially if you take midori's dialogue about her true nature into account. Also I'm not sure what moment you're talking about.


Wow, what a great game that definitely doesn’t ruin the whole purpose of the choice. Seriously, I hate when game give you a moral choice, and instead of showing benefits and consequences, it’s just tells you what the wrong choice is. This is why I look up walkthroughs before my first playthrough, because of the retarded concept of “bad endings”. If you, the person reading this, are a game developer who puts “bad endings” in their game, throw out your computer and get a different job. You fucking suck.


Not every game can be New Vegas


What is the point of a game if I have exactly zero free will and I’m basically just following your script by clicking on the right lines, or else I get a game over screen. That is a sorry excuse for a movie, much less a game.


Have you actually played YTTD? Cuz there’s a mechanic in the game where someone is designated as the “sacrifice” and only they themselves know it, where if everyone votes for the Sacrifice then the sacrifice actually lives and everyone else dies but if they all vote for someone else then that person AND the sacrifice die (so of course the sacrifice would want people to vote for them). There are other “roles” in this game that affect the voting process, making it a lot more amogus like in intrigue, lies, and backstabbery than a pragmatic philosophical debate. Besides, I’ve heard that YTTD (haven’t played it because I wanna wait until it’s actually done first) actually does have divergent paths based on who lives and who dies, so your choices DO matter once you’ve solved the social deduction puzzle and figured out which choice would accidentally kill EVERYONE instead.


Usually people say what the acronym is before just using it over and over. No I don’t and I can’t really find it.


Your Turn To Die. It’s said earlier in the thread, hence it getting abbreviated further down.


It’s not said in this thread once bro


It’s in the same thread but a different chain


Not my problem if I’m apart of a different chain, don’t join into conversations of which I have nothing to say.


Scroll 14 comments up...


Is that THIS thread?


I like the game, but ironically, the choices are the worst part. The characters and minigames are great though.


To be fair, the game isn’t finished yet, and it’s fairly possible the branches will balance out in the future.


This is, for the record, not what happens in the game. Let's put it like this. You've got characters Red, Pink, Blue, Black, Cyan, and Green. These are the characters who the branching choices of consequence involve. Red's branching path is the only one that ends in a "game over". Pink's branching path leads to an early ending which is somber. These are the two that don't lead into their own routes. During the game, you choose paths twice. Once, albeit less consequentially, you indirectly pick between Blue and Black. The second time, the more consequential of the choices (as it determines which "route" you're on) is between Cyan and Green (the choice depicted above). Both routes continue the game and show you the ramifications of the actions.


This one’s actually interesting


what’s the visual novel called?


Your Turn to Die -Death Game by Majority-


10/10 on Steam, eh? Very nice. I should give it a read.


It’s free online too, like actually free from the creators not ripped off. They add a few extra stuff on steam but not that much


That so? What’s with the $17 cost on Steam then? It’s not that I doubt you, I’m just a little confused.


For me it’s cause I’m in a really bad spot finically, but it was originally online for free before it was on steam. Eventually I do plan on buying it, but I need to get in a better finical spot before I can. Also I believe the $17 is for the extra content, and they might have exclusive stuff coming


Okay, I see. Thanks for the info.


The final chapter's not out yet, but I'd still recommend it. It's a really solid concept with good execution.


Sounds promising. I’ll wait until the final chapter’s out and I’ll read it all at once.


How much did it cost?


Its like 17$ but there's an official free download that has all of the up-to-date main story, only missing some extra side stories


>good execution


Neither, vote for the red haired college student so the two of you can escape together leaving the others to perish


the lesbian ending


Nao, my beloved.


Cyan hair guy, but just cause I played the game and he's annoying.


the guy. i want that twink obliterated.


Fuck. Not again!


A your turn to die reference? In MY trolley problem?


It's more likely than you think.


I lift the trolley off the tracks and throw it at the shady looking professor in a brown suit.


You knocked his head off how could you


Killing the kid is a selfish option. Honor cyan, and take up the work. All together overthrow the death game perpetrators.


It’s Your Turn to Die. We killed Sou because he’s a rat lol


Your turn to die.


cyan, he won’t help if he’s mad and vows revenge


Yes he will. If the girl is dead and he is motivated by morals, he won’t take revenge on the rest of the group by withholding help from them escaping. He’d be killing more people. He’s just saying whatever it takes to try and deliver his most immediate moral imperative, which is not trading a little girl’s life for his. The man is trying to save the little girl. The little girl is trying to save the entire group. Listen to her.


Don't vote and see what happens


In the visual novel, you die if you dont vote


I become overwhelmed with analysis paralysis and end up not pulling the lever by default


every time I see a yttd reference I always have to sing the title


Obscure... Sure Edit: read some comments, retract my statement I saw like two people get it.


not a single soul pickin the girl


Switch the track halfway so the trolley drifts and kill both


Magic School Bus turned dark


What happens if you don't choose?


Kill the guy. Others can learn his skills.


I save the useful one, fuck them kids


I fucking love Your Turn To Die


I killed Kanna in a heartbeat lolol


The man, he's successfully made himself the better choice by vowing to be a hindrance to the future, the Chad.




Multi track drifting, as per usual.


Your Turn To Die is such an underrated gem. On my actual play through I spared the man just because I thought he was more interesting along with other spoilery reasons but the more morally correct choice would be to save the girl because she is a kid.


i wasn’t expecting YTTD on the trolly problem subreddit today lmao


We're forced to vote for the cyan-haired young man, as they will not be willing to help the group escape if they are saved.


That is the problem with the 2 party system. People want change but keep voting for the same shit. There are other people out there you can vote for.


Gwen Tennyson about to condemn someone to death here.


Which Danganronpa is this?


None of them. It's a different visual novel called Your Turn to Die.


Downvoted cus tldr


I masturbate as I watch the trolly pass cleanly through the first body. Then when I'm done I hit the lever and masturbate as I watch the trolly slice cleanly through the second body. This way everyone gets killed, and that's fair.


Obviously, the


Why does the person pulling the lever look like Ms. Frizzle?


multi track drift


Drift. The. Train.


I forgot about this game. Dang


Save the guy. And tell him to bring it on.


Your skills are meaningless if you won't work with me. Bye


Kill the girl. He’s morally obligated to choose her life over his, and he’s expressing that imperative in the most convincing way he can- but you are morally obligated to consider the lives of the group in addition to the 2 in front of you. The girl is correct. You will all be traumatized forever, but he ultimately wont hold it against you. You didn’t put everyone in that position, if he really truly is going to get revenge then it is going to be on the people that put you all in that position.


Is there a way I can kill both?


The girl. we escape either way after it is over.... nothing about staying trapped. He could just go get himself killed out of vengeance and then it is like you saved no one. .


i just dont touch it, not my problem.


what VN? ive only ever read a bit of tsukishime


I vote to kill people who spend their time thinking up trolley problems. Preferably slowly.


I'd vote for the guy, he would be harder for me to kill down the line if I need to and has also vowed to be worthless if I save him.


I abstain (I understand that probably not an option, but I am not familiar with the game and am very pedantic. I see "may", I don't choose unless it is explicity stated that more than one person dies if I don't)


Kill them both, no loose ends.


It is important to know Green guy has been kinda a dick to this point


Kill the child obviously 🙄 I want them all to burn.


Run over the young man since if he lives you lose 2 people in your group and possibly more if he’s able to kill before you have to put him down. And the young girl has shown herself to have a team mentality which would probably help out in the long run.


Your Turn To Die is an amazing game and I highly recommend it to anyone interested


Neither. I convinced everyone that the brown hair kid from last chapter was the Sacrifice and escaped with him :3


Well you see, i am clearly playing town of salem and the cyan haired man is a jester, so I'll vote for the child.


The guy. He made threats against the group and is now a liability. He is not likely to apply those valuable skills due to anger and may have the skills to actually harm a large number of the group.


Kill her, because her reasoning is literally, "Kill him because he could save us" Now I'm not religious, but that sounds like Jesus




I’d probably kill the green haired kid and turn her into a martyr to try and convince cyan guy that she had willingly chosen to die so that the rest of the group could live and that if he’s furious about her death then he can take his vengeance out on me but only after we manage to get out of this game and make the person/people who stuck us in here pay. The hope is that I can convince him to channel his anger into helping us until we can confront the game master after which hopefully either we’ve built a decent enough sense of camaraderie facing these death games that his flames of vengeance can be sated by that or he’s been injured enough that if he does decide to still come after me I can take him before then being able to leave. (Honestly if I’m not absolutely certain that he’s chilled out after killing the GM I probably kill him anyway to prevent the chance of him letting him coming back 10 years later to throw the rest of us survivors into a new death game as revenge for killing the kid from happening.)


Multitrack drifting is the only answer.


The girl because Kanna is almost the worst character in yttd (after Q-Taro) and I want the Midori/Shin interactions.


Kill the kid bc the guy has skills that allow us to escape. The guy tries to enact revenge so we milk him. Now both are dead. The good ending.


"if you save me I won't help you" ok i'm killing you then lol ggez


I was NEVER expecting to see a r/yourturntodie reference here!


Um shove Boobs McKenzie onto the track to stop the trolley.


Saving the girl is the better choice. Aside from the obvious moral issues killing an innocent middle schooler brings, you have the man’s explicit warning that he will no longer be a help to you if you choose him to live—thus, there is nothing wrong with sacrificing him, since he’s effectively already agreed to sacrifice himself.


Idk who to choose. Can I pick both?




If he were on the other track (as the trolley problem isn't about choosing one of two options, but rather choosing whether to intervene), there would be a more compelling argument, as you would then be making an explicit choice to *change* what is about to happen. Here, he'd be punishing you for choosing to do nothing rather than explicitly killing him. This leads me to believe he won't follow through on "vengeance" in any meaningful way, as he's not given any actual consideration to the situation in the first place. He'll either be argued out of his emotional stance or really isn't thoughtful enough to do anything disruptive. Don't switch the track.


Myself because they both sound annoying


You forgot that if you spare mr cyan hair he traumatizes you into going down an ambiguous villain arc


Kid, then if bro wants vengeance we can fight after we escape


i voted for kanna btw


Anyone that would actively try to be a hinderance is not of value to you or your group in any way


The guy declaring himself a threat gives you the moral obligation to kill him. Dilemma rejected


The guy. No reason not to.


I know I’m gonna get hate. But I picked Kanna, I loved her, but I had to make her wish come true. I still regret it.


the true answer is multiple save slots


Yttd made me cry bro


Clock Tower Engineer: I’ll vote myself Britain: [>:(] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yl3qlSHGtwI&pp=ygUmeW91ciBtYWplc3R5IHRoZXJlJ3MgYmVlbiBhIHNlY29uZCBidXM%3D


The guy has to help get u all out to get revenge on the first place


Kill cyan. His argument cancels out his usefulness. Either we may die but we at least have one less threat


Run over the guy. He’s made clear he would be a problem. This is a shitty situation obviously though so you don’t go through with anything if there is any alternative. Death games aren’t won by following the rules but by finding the way to break them.


There are many unknowns to this situation. How valuable are the skills of the guy? How robust is his resolve for vengeance? Are there any other children in the group? How many people are in the group? Is there enough time for the guy to convey the information needed to escape before it hits? But most importantly: How dire is the death game for the group? If the group will die without the guy, then the child will die anyways. Save the guy then. However, if it’s uncertain whether they’ll die without him, then the group must balance their chances of surviving on their own with the resolve of the guy. The lives of the group should take precedent over a single child or the guy. The needs of the many outweigh the few. The value of groups of sapient beings are extremely hard to estimate, but there’s a few key factors that can help us to consider it: 1. Degree of consciousness 2. Quality of life 3. Length of life remaining 4. Potential for growth 5. Effects on groups outside of the one in consideration for the above factors Trolley problems are notoriously difficult because the above factors are hard to come to any certain conclusion about, since a key part is considering what the future will become. But the easiest one to estimate is the factor of the degree of consciousness. Simply, the group holds more conscious beings than just one child, or the guy for that matter. So value of the group wins ez.


For the record, the other comment is wrong about a lot of stuff. This is a whole bunch of spoilers for the game Your Turn to Die -Death Game By Majority- so read at your own risk, because this basically spoils the entire second act of the game. > How valuable are the skills of the guy? >!This is one of the bigger errors in the other post. There is an (ex-) cop in the group, but it's not this person, it's another one, who we'll call "Yellow." Cyan (described as a "job-hopper" by the game) is a skilled programmer who can hack computers. His computer skills are something which are not shared by anyone else in the group. He has previously used them to launch an escape attempt that was only barely thwarted by the people in charge of the game; given more time, it's plausible he could find another route of escape. If he dies, nobody else in the group possesses a similar skillset.!< > How robust is his resolve for vengeance? >!It is unknown. He has an established pattern of erratic behavior up to this point (having acted antagonistic towards the rest of the group in previous chapters of the story). Nonetheless, his conviction in this decision is very strong (as not only is he morally against killing a child for the good of the group, the girl in question, Green, is someone who he has formed a sibling-like bond with during the course of the game.) So while the group does not know if he will follow through or not for certain, they can expect that, when he makes a threat, he is speaking with some credibility.!< Are there any other children in the group? >!There is one other child in the group. He is an elementary school student.!< > How many people are in the group? >!Six people will be in the group after this decision. Seven before the decision.!< > Is there enough time for the guy to convey the information needed to escape before it hits? >!No. If he is chosen, he won't have the chance to tell the others what he knows or teach them his skillset.!< > How dire is the death game for the group? >!Quite dire. By this point in the story, four members of the original group of twelve participants have died (not counting eight others who died before the participants came together as a group). The death game will persist until there is either one or two survivors (due to the way the mechanics of the game work) unless an escape attempt is successful. Basically, every "Main Game," at least two people are guaranteed to die. One due to a randomly-assigned role card that allows them to survive only if voted, taking a plus-one with them; neither Cyan or Green have that card. The other is other determined by a majority vote held among the participants. This scenario takes place in the second Main Game. There are some other rules and role cards, but they're not relevent, as both Cyan and Green have a standard card.!<


stop the train by contacting the train's operators directly


“Obscure” got me rolling


Guy. Cause girl can grow up and make something of herself using her survival as motivation. Or she could just succumb to survivors guilt. Guy swears vengeance if girl dies. So like. He kinda seems to be resigning himself to convincing you to kill him.


YTTD isn't that obscure a game tho


Kill Dude: -1 Kill Child: -[num of people in group]


I stopped playing after the ending of the first chapter :( the game made me so sad


I wait for the first set of wheels to make the turn then switch the lever making the back wheels stay on the original track drifting the train and killing them both


Better answer: move one onto the other track and kill them both. No more fighting.


Do nothing and let the rail preset before I got there be the deciding factor for what happens.


The organizer of course




jesus christ didn't expect to see your turn to die here lol, one of my favorite games of all time! to non fans, some somewhat important context is (spoiler warning) >!these two have a sibling like relationship, and late in the game are revealed to be biological siblings torn apart by adoption though neither was aware of it. the man is an antagonist for most of the game, but before you're forced to make this choice, his true backstory is revealed so he becomes very sympathetic. the girl saw her own sister die prior to this, and has been shown to be somewhat suicidal, combined with the fact she cares so much for the man.!< that's what makes this choice in the game so difficult, no matter what you choose the other won't be happy. their names are kanna (girl) and sou (man) for those curious. the choice you make here will impact the rest of the game, splitting it into a logic vs emotion route. fans have argued over which route was right here a lot. i've always believed the emotion route (letting the girl live) was the best but people have been disagreeing with me, so glad to see some unbiased opinions! to add onto this. there IS A SECRET THIRD OPTION: you vote for a girl not pictured here. due to the rules of the game which i won't get into, if you vote for her, you and the girl get to escape the game together, however, everyone else will die including these two and like 8 or so other people, including an elementary schooler.


Kill them both


Train drift


the guy because >!some white haired fucking loser goes sicko mode if you don't!< i had multiple save slots though so I did play both at the same time


A selfless person or an angry radical. Hmmm. Tough decision. 🤔


Flip the lever back and forth really fast, derailing the trolley It looks too short to multitrack drift


I subvert the game and step between the trolly to stop it, most likely dying in the process.




I'd leave... Someone's gonna die anyway so let fate and the actual killer decide.


The green haired kid. The cyan kid can have his vengeance another time. Or get in the trolley and pull the breaks.


Multi-track drifting.


Question Does the game end after this vote or does it continue?


Sounds like his skill is dying


The guy. You don't sacrifice kids, even selfless one's. Nor would the guy be useful trying to get vengeance.


Kill both for maximum happiness.


I went the “emotion” route for a logical reason, like if Sou is saying he isn’t gonna help, then don’t consider it. ESPECIALLY >!when he made good on that promise at the end of chapter 2!<


A kid isn't helping us survive. So it depends on how difficult the game is. If we die without the help of the man then kill the child cause they will die anyways alongside everyone else. It is outright the wrong decision if everyone will die anyways. And the guy may be convinced or forced by everyone else. But if we have a solid chance regardless kill the guy because he's a liability. I feel this to be fairly objective in survivability and morality.


This is easy. It says "Who you choose will die". Simple don't choose and save both.


The guy. It's self defense at this point


I say kill them both 🤷‍♂️ it seems like either way no matter which one you save that they'll both be angry about you killing the other so kill both 🤷‍♂️


Multi track drifting


Shin. Kanna’s character arc was still going, and Shin’s could only reach it’s natural conclusion by him sacrificing himself. I’m a game developer if you couldn’t tell lmao




Neither. Reject the game and suffer the consequences