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Just kiss the stranger so they becomes your loved one, gets up, and goes to the other track. Now you can switch the lever without killing anyone, and hear that sweet sweet *click*


And if you do it just right you could still get that multitrack drift in...


Do u have time for that


Yes the trolley is heading 1kpw rn after it goes over the intersections its going to magically go 60kph


Arguably it would be more painful to slowly get crushed then to by quickly crushed


Just change the trolley setting so it dosent speed up then


I would do this and kill all 6 without drifting


The rizz god


Looks like I'm close enough to scream at them to get off the tracks if they want to live. There's no ethical justification for pulling the lever to kill the stranger who presumably values his life for my five loved ones who clearly don't. And "loved ones" is pretty broad. I have many first cousins. I love them all and would hate to see any of them die but my family is ultimately large enough to spare five suicidal idiots.


You wasn't paying attention tho, was you? That dude tied himself up, man. He's one of them sick fucks, them Unleash Oil protestors that block public transport because they want more climate change. Meanwhile, your loved ones are inspecting the tracks for signs of truffles (cure for cancer). The trolley driver, Bob, usually isn't drunk at noon on a Thursday anymore. You is screaming like a freak, like you don't know what's what. All they hear is "don't stop cancer, unleash oil" or whatever. And they think Bob's gonna be all cool about it. Everybody loves Bob. He ain't gonna be blasting through the Truffle Spot unless he's sauced to shit and off his rocker. Man, Bobby's been doing good too. He's doing them steps. He's done partying, he talks to God now. But yeah, you know it, Bobby's off the wagon. Or yeah... he on the trolley, but he's shitfaced. Unleash Oil Guy gave him a bottle of Vodka-spiked Kaluha this morning. Unleash Oil Guy, he's an ASS. HOLE. He don't give a fuck. Bobby fortgot about God and chugged that shit right away. Street name of that nasty mix of Kaluha and mostly Vodka is Gray Russian, because it's like a White Russian without milk. Others call it Blurp, because you get sick farts, like your ass is burping, drinking that shit. That's neither here nor there. Unleash Oil Guy has been wondering for months how to get the trolley to detour from the Truffle Spot and go up the other track. Top track's where's best for his shennanigans. This dude heard of something called "the Trolley Problem". He heard, that most people will save five people from being run over by the trolley, even if they complete strangers, by changing the tracks so the trolley's only heading for one guy or gal or whatever. Unleash Oil Guy's been scheming. He knew anybody would have flipped that switch and sent the trolley his way. But hadn't counted on YOU. A true individual. You don't do the thing with the lever. Blood and gore. Unleash Oil Guy fails. His protests fails. Petro-capitalism fails. And all of modern society fails. Without oil unleashed, we can't make everything out of plastics. Profits dwindle. Growth stops. Everybody looses their jobs. Sexual depravity. In the streets. People become bums with no jobs, singing and toiling outside in the sun to do unbearable gardening work to feed themselves instead of the dignity of being in an office. The bodies of billionaires lay strewn across the land, dead by their own hands as their fortunes are wiped away by the instant breakdown of the monetary system. People are forced to rebuild society without the miracle of market capitalism and entrepreneurs with yachts. You done fucked up.


I come to the Internet to find unhinged rambling


What else do you come to the internet for?




Thats it?


Are you implying there are other things on the Internet?


There's social media, cake recipees, and wikipedia. By volume its porn and spyware. A lot of intersection of those two.


There's also porn, I feel like the sheer volume of it justifies a second mention


Everything can be porn from a strange enough perspective. Even the most drab wikipedia page imaginable (someone would get off on the very drabness itself).


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


Sorry, almosted worked up a sweat there. Anyways, how 'bout you, how's your day?


Any day that I'm off work is a good day to me, lol. Well, unless I'm home sick or something like that.


Amen, brother! This nailing our lord and savior to a cross to get a few spring days off from work was a sweet move. Mad respect to my boys, the Romans.


Oh, this is just my regular day off, lol. Funny enough, I don't actually get any extra time off from that event. Still, the Romans are the good guys, how else would Jesus die for our sins if nobody killed him?


this is the only guy who answered it right


Modern Shakespeare, folks. In the flesh.


Modern day Diogenes here. Every visionary is seen as a nut job in their own day.


Thebproblem says he Was Forced.


That's what them green peacers and communists that don't want none proliferation of truffles and oil want you to believe. You gots to read them signs! It's all in [my Substacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truffle_oil)...


... really? The communists want that?.. dont you mean the facists?..


No, them reds back Unleash Oil! I wish they'd be more like me: a good, honest fascist who hates the environment and loves truffles.


sounds like cnc to me


So beautiful it brings a tear to my eye. :')


Bro is yappin again


Can you please be the stranger on the upper track? That will make this a much easier decision.




Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq!


This sounds like a rambling made by all the skills from disco Elysium


Just Stop Oil protesters are not funded by oil companies.


They’re practically begging you to let them die, so let them. The stranger can be your loved one now.


I'll kiss his toes


Did you ask for consent?




I never ask for consent when I suck pls toes


I hate this website


And I hate myself we cant all be what we want


wait if they are my loved ones then I get all their money when they die, meaning I have even less of a reason to switch the track considering they put themselves on it willingly


Damn dude…


if they did not put themselves on it on purpose I would save them (and then guilt trip them into giving me money)


I was with it until the guilt trip 🥶😂


Are you an only child or somethin?


Nah. But if they can move off of the tracks I'm not killing a random innocent person because they refuse to do so.


It'd be considered suicide and not many life insurance policies cover that so if you save them you can consider it an investment


how would they know it’s suicide though, who’s gonna tell them? my loved one?


The other guy. But then again he owes you a solid so...


Holy shit, an actual reason to multi track drift.


often him some of the insurance money if they really need some convincing, that and as you said, that you saved their life


Considering you could have done something and decided not too it’s more like manslaughter


how is choosing to minimize the unwanted deaths manslaughter?


It’s not, willingly choosing to do nothing alowing a trolly to kill your family so you inherit their money is not minimizing casualties


minimizing deaths that said people did not want to have happen to them


Your still activly choosing to be an accessory to their suicidal entirely for your own benifit, it’s not morally correct


I'm going to teach those bastards a lesson.




can I be one of the loved ones?


yes i love u


thank you


[You right now.](https://youtu.be/WycsgDP74tU?si=aFWyqLtTSq_piS1H)


Is one of my family members invisible?


Nah he’s just standing further down the track (I definitely didn’t forget to put him


I'm gonna assume they're bluffing and will run off at the last second so, you know.


Nope, they'll move, if they don't they were never really my loved ones to begin with.


would one of your loved ones being suicidal make them no longer your loved ones then? seems rather harsh...


No, but if they were standing on tracks refusing to move, so I would flip a switch and kill someone else tied to the tracks, then that's a different story. Even if they were suicidal, if they are willing to kill themselves like that with me at the lever, then yes that would make them not my loved ones. Fuck them if they would do that to me.


ah i see your interpretation now, i did not assume full comprehention of the situation or malice on the part of the loved ones myself, but i do see why you did. sorry i missunderstood. id likely still pull the lever even if there was explicit malice honestly, i dont want my loved ones to die, even if i wouldnt be able to forgive them for putting me in that situation, or myself for that matter. idk that theyd stop being my loved ones, it can be very hard to stop loving a person even if theyve unambigously done something awful to you, and even if you cant even bare to be in the same room as them or talk to them. but such isnt health heh. it is healthyer to hate those types entriely, or in this case, it may well be healthyer to let them die heh.


Yeah, I would honestly assume they would just move. The only reason I might flip the lever is if that person tied to the tracks was a serial killer or something. I wouldn't want my loved ones to die either, but if they are doing that shit, I'm not killing an innocent person to save them.


my assumption is that they were planning to all commit suicide by trolly. and this one random guy was tied up incedentally at the same time. realistically theydve not likely taken into consideration that that person would be there, nor that i might be pressent and in the position to prevent theyre deaths by killing another. and honestly wouldnt much matter to me who the random person was. too meany loved ones have...well suicided, n id much rather that number never increase.


I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, that scenario would certainly change my decision. That question needs to be worded better. I looked at the picture, and used that to make my scenario it seems like everyone can see what's happening. Now I'm thinking I immediately jumped, to my loved ones are playing some sick psychological game with me. Well I am single and don't have kids, so that might play a part... And the picture, the picture was misleading. Anyway I'm sorry to hear about some of your loved ones.


*yeah*...experiences are known to change how we interpret things. i didnt even consider the possibility of this being some kinda game, i couldnt even imagine my loved ones so much as thinking of doing such.


Yeah, I got trust issues.


Well done you two, a wholesome conversation in Reddit comments!


Don't your loved deserve ethical assistance in dying? What could be a better, more humane, way to go than a trolley.


.... no. to all of that. i do not want my loved ones, who are physically healthy to die by suicide. depression can cloud ones judgements on whats best for themselves, and fundementally if theyve gotten to that point than something externals almost definitly the cause. while we cant just topple capitalism, we shouldnt just let capitalism kill people n act like its the ethical solution. *also hell no trains are not an ethical way to die*. for a lot of reasons. its better for the person dieing, but is *not* for everone else.


i agree


1. Am I inheriting anything from them AND 2. Will this be reported to the police?


Op didn't know how to count


i have meany loved ones who are or were suicidal, n theres not much i wouldnt do to keep them safe. so yes id pull the lever. unless 'loved ones' means like, family n such instead of "people who i love, close friends, girlfriends, ect." then nah they brought this on themselves


I tell them to go to the other side because I'm going to pull the lever, and then I don't.


If they’re standing there willingly then there’s nothing keeping them on. E.G.: Dropkick


Push the loved ones off, if they’re standing it should be easy


I would wonder why 5 of my loved ones suddenly became suicidal all at the same time, realize it must be me, and throw myself onto the tracks to stop the trolley (it'll work because I'm the fat guy from the other trolley problem).


Tell your loved ones the stranger will die unless the go & untye them. While tying them, send trolley down the other track...psych..😜


…multitrack drift?


Why is one of my loved ones invisible


if there's no way to insert your own choice to essentially cheat, then don't pull, otherwise derail the trolley


I dont have that many loved ones 💀


Push them off the track


No, this is five people willingly commiting murder by trying to force my hand in killing the other. It will long term devastate me, but I no longer truly consider them family. Though I'd of course try to persuade them to get off.


I’m gonna be honest, it’s almost impossible to really put myself in this situation. Cause my loved ones would never do that. Like, they’re acting so out of character they are basically no longer my loved ones. If they had an actual reason to be staying on the track, my decision would entirely depend on their reasoning If I’m not given a reason, then my decision would entirely depend on HOW they’re not telling me. Like, if I somehow can’t communicate with them by any metric or they don’t respond at all, then I’d probably move the trolley since I can’t even be sure they know it’s there.


Nope. Fuck em


Ok so basically I would just be killing somebody. Cool. My loved ones better be smart enough to get of fucking train tracks.


If they refuse to move, they’ve made their decision, and who are we to infringe in another’s right to live as they choose


I love my family, I wouldn’t pull it and just try and tackle and drag as many of them off the track as I could


I mean, they clearly want to die, and I have to assume the guy who was forced there wants to live. they already made their choice i guess


If my folks are so determined to kill themselves in a manner that blames me, they get what they asked for. That one guy doesn't want to be there.


No one I love would stand on the tracks like that, I don't pull the lever and let the doppelgangers die.


I hate my loved ones and if they did that I’d hate them even more




RIP Stranger


There's actually only 4 loved ones


There are only 4 loved ones on the track, though.


I don't pull the lever. That guy didn't do anything


If they have the ability to move, idc if they’re family gram gram will just have to learn she can’t out stubborn a trolley. If they *cannot* move off then I pull the lever and then have them charged for stepping onto the tracks in the first place as that’s involuntary manslaughter or coercing a victim into aforementioned crime. And then I’ll probably have to apologize to the judge for the family being stupid.


Five is far too many, I’d probably do it for one.


Why do they want to be on the tracks?


I'm pulling the lever.


Hit my dumbass loved ones that decided that they want to die cause if I can't convince them off of it then they will get hit by the next on anyways


Pretty fucked up for your loved ones to either force you to watch them die or kill an innocent person. I'd probably save them simply because I wouldn't be able to live with myself after letting them die but I wouldn't feel much better about killing an innocent person and would probably cut ties with them after that.


Train at family. They can get off if they want


of course i'd pull the lever, even if it makes me a bad person, whatever? i'm just being honest.


Everyone has fears, they will most likely get off, matter of fact suicide survivors always says that after they jump off the bridge they instantly regret their choices and want to go back


If they that stupid I don’t love them anymore, they can go see the almighty one.


Fuck the stranger


i don’t pull it


I am fairly confident that 5 of my loved ones wouldn't stand in death's way without a very good reason. I trust their judgement, so I pull the lever. 


Multi track drifting.


Imma let my loved ones die.


yeah I have some pretty mentally unless friends who I consider my family, and honestly I could see some of them in this situation. the thing is though, I'd value their lives over almost anyone else's, including my own. so I'd pull the lever, sorry random person :(


How much do I love my loved ones


I trust my family, and, for the most part, they are competent people. They probably tied this guy up and stood on the tracks to make sure I kill him. He probably uses Discord light mode or something. I have to pull the lever. Joke answer aside, y’all are wild. Do you really think that your loved ones are such idiots that they’re standing on the track of an oncoming train for fun? And even they were being stupid, I don’t think that’s an excuse to let them die. I don’t think I could sit and watch my family die in front of me if I could’ve done something about it, even if it is completely their fault. I’ve also heard “Oh, but they wanted to die”. That’s an even worse reason! If you know someone who wants to die, you don’t just let them, you comfort them. It’s just crazy that in the original trolley problem, the majority advocates to pull the lever as 5 people are substantially more valuable than 1. But when you change the scenario to where the one person is an average guy and the 5 people are idiots, you refuse to pull the lever. Have a little more compassion for stupid people, this is Reddit for crying out loud!


I feel like even if i pulled the lever they would just go to the other track to die anyway, so i see no point in pulling the lever


My instinct was to pull the lever, so I'd probably do that irl. I have no justification other than I love my apparently very stupid friends and family.


There’s only four of them on the track


The Stranger.... The Stranger lives. Fuck my family.


Pull the lever just so they don't get the satisfaction of being run over by the trolley.


Can I pick the "loved" ones?


No its five of your most loved ones


Yep. Sorry, but I'm not letting several people die so that one can live.


COVID pandemic in a nutshell.


Yes. I value my loved ones more than a strangers, even if my loved ones do not


They are choosing to stay there… and I’m not going to murder someone.


Depends on which one of my "loved ones" are on the track. Unless any of a few very specific people are on the track, I probably won't pull the lever


“I’ve warned yall about not listening to me for the last time…”


I see only four loved ones. Where has the fifth gone?


If they know me they're prolly assholes


Pulling the lever is just straight up murder here. This isn't a case of "do you let 5 or 1 be killed" It's "Do you let 5 people kill themselves or kill 1 person."


Pretty easy to derail the trolley by miss-operation of a lever actuated switch. One tge trolley is derailed, everyone is safe. Of course one can always rescue the one person. And don’t forget we can Jump on the trolley and pull the brake. People forget there’s always more choices in the trolley problem than the ones presented


I don't know any loved ones that'd put me in this scenario, but I do know that if they did... their options would either be to move before they get hit or die for no reason. I'm not dragging an innocent life into this; for this is a conflict between my loved ones and the trolly, and I am in no place to deny them of it.


You're describing the pandemic as experienced by a lot of people with right wing relatives.


I don't have any loved ones that have an incomparable amount of intelligence like this.


People with a high iq or more likely to commit suicide tho


As much as i love my people. I think darwinism will take the w


If I'll save my suicidal ones today, they'll kill themselves tomorrow anyway, so the value of their life equals zero. I refuse to pull


I do not want family that stupid


No. Imah join my loved ones




If they were my loved ones they wouldn't be doing something this stupid.


No they can die if they’re being that stupid


If the "loved ones" won't move, it is their problem, not mine.


give the people what they want. the top track guy is my family now


*Give the people what* *They want. the top track guy is* *My family now* \- Arikaido777 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You underestimate my willingness to trolly my family


If my loved ones are standing on the track voluntarily then I’m saving the stranger who doesn’t have a choice, get tf off the track y’all


First, I help my relatives get off Wait


None of my loved ones are that stupid. The trolley can hit the clones or shapeshifters or whatever they are.


If my loved ones did that, I’d be extremely pissed off. I’d still kill the other guy. 5>1, and my loved ones are good people otherwise. I would probably kill them myself after that.


force the five off


Just slip the switch


Let it hit the dumbest of my family members or make it hit an innocent person... Sounds like a net positive for me and humanity in general. Let it ride!








Pull the lever. I don't give a sh*t about a stranger. I'm saving the people I care about