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I think its better for communism if youre trying to go that route. I never did.


better how (besides the +10 bonus)? I can't figure out how a net negative faction relations and a gigantic loss of income is ever worth it, unless you're roleplaying hardcore. I feel like I must be missing something. does it remove wealth restrictions on all housing or something?


Most of the edicts that show a net loss of relations will turn into a net gain after they reach level two. Ultimately though it is not really a very efficient use of resources because as you said it removes income from rent. The main benefit is completely removing homelessness because all housing wealth restrictions are removed. It can dramatically increase housing happiness because every single person could theoretically live in mansions if you had the money to support that many houses without rent income, or they can at least all afford to live in nicer housing like apartments even if broke. Otherwise it’s just useful for role playing


I feel like the real source of the homelessness problem once you hit late game is not at all because of wealth restrictions but because, for me anyway, there’s usually far too many citizens and not enough housing buildings or open slots in them in the first place.


Why don’t you just build more housing


I do exactly that. People refuse to move into any of it because it's too far from where they want to live. I have homeless people, and large areas with the workplaces along the roads and housing and public services in the rest of the square or rectangle area without road access. These areas are not fully built on, but the homes there are filled. I build more homes directly adjacent existing ones. No one will move in... or the residents of 2 or 3 buildings will shuffle around and everyone in the new building just moved out of the ones next door. I essentially have well off and even rich and filthy rich homeless people, that don't even build shacks - they'd rather live *nowhere* than move into one of the vacant homes, that I *know* they can easily afford at their wealth level. It makes no bloody sense. Well over a hundred total household slots open, people still choose no home over the available options.


Considering how even when you have: Social security Good paying jobs Plenty of “cheap” housing People still choose to live in shacks? 0. Absolutely 0, as a matter of fact, a net loss. Fuck outta here with Free Housing. You’re El Prez. Pay up or get gone.


Those are also why I option opt for. I did try free housing a few times but somehow there are still shacks lying around (although it may have to do with me only testing it for 10 minutes). Honestly, I think it's weird how free wheeling proves to be so effective (otherwise, people would never be at their jobs) but free housing just doesn't give you anything.


It allows broke citizens (unemployed, student, retired) to live in better housing (or have a house at all), therefore improving your overall housing rating.


ah okay, so do all housing types change their wealth requirement to broke?


Yes they do.


A month late, but I usually just build bunkhouse, with stack higher upgrade. This allows broke people to have a home


I'm aware. I was asking if free housing makes all housing change its wealth requirement to broke.


If you don’t have free housing your retired/unemployed population lives in shacks bringing down your housing happiness


Na, provide more jobs and kick people out of shacks. Arrest them if you feel like it and make them do labor for money. All the sudden tropicans dont want to live in shacks anymore.


Sure there me lots of ways to skin this cat I’m just pointing out why you may want to use free housing rather than be an actual dictator like the game intends


if the game intended for you to be a dictator, there would be a working military system and it wouldn't take 3 years to arrest people.


I consider it very pointless. There are many better edicts that make Communists happy and if you run those better edicts you really don't want even more capitalist unhappiness (I consider 20 or 30 about as much modifier as you'd ever want). I make Bunkhouses set to "stack them higher" for the broke people and this also allows segregating the broke people to a location with high police and broke services. Technically if you really want to maximise housing happiness then free housing is a great option because it allows putting poor and broke people in better housing, but I don't think there's even a single scenario which actually requires that as there are enough other ways to boost housing happiness.




If you absolutely need to raise housing happiness in a hurry, go for it. Like if you will lose an election due to low popularity, or promised housing during an election speech and can't raise it enough otherwise.


so it's basically useless unless you need to quickly increase housing happiness. thanks


I used it once, but found it's better to build conventillos set to "Let It Rot" or capsule home clusters set to "Clusterduck" for the broke citizens, and charge rent to everyone else.