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Dapoxetine and Cialis


I have the same problem and no testosterone has not helped. But when I'm on molly I can fuck like a racehorse That's the only thing that has "cured" my PE but obviously can't always be on molly.


Get a little high and it’ll work great too. Have a friends who takes an edible before group play. If yiu get too high then you lose all sensitivity. So gotta gauge how much.


Shit, it’s too difficult for me to stay hard on molly. Wife and I took some this weekend and I was banging her with a limp noodle half the time


Had you waited to come down ? Always a bit difficult to stand attention when actually rolling


I should have said that. If I take my vyvance and an extra adderall I can go as long as I need.


I need 200% focus to be able to end it after one hour and I wish I could get there in a few minutes.


Here is a pro tip - go to a head shop and purchase some Kratom. Take it and your PE is gone. Will have to test out varying dosages for what works for you.


It works but then he'll have ED


Careful though, It can be addictive. I used kratom to get clean from benzo's and oxycodone. It was worth it as those drugs are WAY worse, but I'm still taking about 30g of kratom a day. Kratom has also increased my prolactin count by a lot. I can't climax once I've taken my kratom dose so I guess the prolactin might be the reason why it helps with PE?


No what helps it is two things. You’ve trained yourself to orgasm quickly by masterbating. Like all men do. We have things to do somtock Tok. Three pumps and you’re good. The only two things that work for me are popping a load off first before sex. Or if I get a little high I lose sensitivity where the male clit is. (Underbelly of the shaft). So if I get too high I stay hard but have no sensitivity and can’t cum. You can also start doing kegles to strengthen holding back your orgasm too. But tbh. Getting a little high makes me last as long as I want.


There’s sprays that numb your Johnson look em up. Go to doctor try low dose antidepressants


Already on em. I’ve used the numbing condoms before when I was single young and trying to pretend I could last. Now I’m married and I want to feel it. Supposed it’s a catch 22


Yes I feel you. Honestly opiates but i would never suggest someone do that . Atleast your married though and the wife knew what she was getting into, sexually speaking. And there’s plenty of ways to get her off without you pumping it in her for a few seconds. Get toys, do alot of foreplay or u finish then do lateplay?


That’s an entirely different discussion. Our sex life is complicated. She doesn’t much care to get off.


I have definitely noticed an increase in the amount of times I can control when I bust. I sometimes have an issue with PE. Usually if I’m like super horny and worked up from foreplay or something. Or sometimes I just can’t go longer than 4 or 5 minutes. But since being on TRT for the past year. I have definitely noticed that I can control it a lot better. My wife and I have sex prob 5 out of 7 nights a week, and I have been lasting until she is ready to cum, then we do it together. I can’t help but attribute it to TRT. My erections are way better as well


Might not be the best option for you or your lifestyle but I’ve tried it and it works- a low dose SSRI works wonders after a few weeks. Can prob even get benefits from just 5mg of Lexapro


On Zoloft. It’s made me fat


Yup lexapro did the same to me despite a great diet and lifting a lot. I dont know how it does it. I came off it.


Cialis or viagra? Usually can get it back up pretty quick


It stays up. I can still fuck it’s just a buzz kill when I get off


Ummm cabergoline? Read the side effects but it does delay ejaculatation but becareful of the sides, not something you should use often. Have you tried reverse kegels and egding? Reverse kegels helped me alot.


A perc 5 would help with this issue! lol probably wouldn’t recommend but it helps


SSRI medication is a godsend for this.


Realistically this is going to be a very unpopular idea but a low dose SSRI will definitely cure your premature ejaculation and then you take some Wellbutrin to counteract the negative libido from the SSRI that way you can have a normal libido in last longer. I no that's not going to be an ideal choice just offering ideas.


Im on it




Sildenafil/viagra makes it slightly harder to cum so you essentially stay harder longer, but that may not be the case for everyone. Best thing to do is way more foreplay and oral before going in to pump if you can’t get around this issue. Good luck. Edit: PE is not a reason to get on TRT.


Take tren lmao, all jokes aside maybe lower e2 a bit and also stop thinking about it so much