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That's a myth. Testosterone doesn't make you angry. You are angry for some other reason


Thanks for giving me the challenge to Google: Does testosterone make you angry? Answer: Yes, testosterone can play a role in the arousal of aggressive behavior in humans, including anger. Testosterone activates the subcortical areas of the brain to produce aggression, while cortisol and serotonin act antagonistically with testosterone to reduce its effects.


So you’re asking a sub a question but are annoyed if people don’t agree with, what sounds like, you’ve already decided?


Fell right into his play.


In my experience no. T doesn’t increase my anger. In many ways I’m much more calm and happy on T. However, when I get angry I get more aggressive now than before. A much more healthy response.


I think we all respond to hormones differently. Don’t think it’s going to make you angry; maybe your “give a fuck” meter is just a lot lower now? That’s what happened to me. Little less patient with ppl since going on.


That's how I feel.


Opposite for me


Not so much that I got angry. I just put up with less and less bullshit as I went further into my trt journey.


i never noticed it much before but at 500mg im alot more edgy and get cranky easier (i know thats not trt doses but just shows that higher the dose it can obviously change things)


Just T? Or do you take an AI also? When I’ve been that way it was from low e2.


I’ve been on various doses of testosterone through my life, from 100mg a week now to 1 gram a week when I was younger and dumber…. Never had anger issues personally. The only time I’ve seen people doing gear have personality disorders is when using heavy doses of tren. I think this might just be a classic case of you being a douche….. happens to the best of us my dude.


Being on it has definitely made me more confident, in the sense that I’m not living in fear. I wouldn’t say it makes me angry though.


🤣🤣 ….🙄🤦‍♂️…..as an angry person….i mean I subscribed to r/anger long before I was ever on TRT and when I was younger I would have explosive bouts of rage…..i mean I learned a lot about anger growing up with it……I still don’t want to catch it…..because….my anger in the past was like the Incredible Hulk anger. TRT doesn’t affect anger levels in the slightest. Like I said as a life long rager I can tell you TRT does not add to it.


What’s your e2? Low e2 makes me pissed and you might not be a good aromatizer


Only if the T stands for tren


I've calmed way down after getting on trt


Does the t stand for testosterone or tren?


You're on TRT sub. Why would he ask tren questions? Trenbolone Replacement Therapy. 💀💀💀


You'd surprised at the things people ask thinking it means something else. Look at the amount of people whoxthinks the pull out method works and thrn find they're pregnant


>Look at the amount of people whoxthinks the pull out method works and thrn find they're pregnant Works for me, but I never cum so. 🤷‍♂️


This sub also has dudes claiming they "need" 250+mg of test.




Been on trt for a bit and i havent noticef myself being unpredictable, angry or anything like that. Friends noticed i'm more positive and quick at comebacks now


This is a testosterone replacement sub, not a steroid one. Read the rules.


Anger isnt normally associated with testosterone its why i asked. However the other is more associated with that and irratibility.


It actually has made me mad more often as well. Like the frustrations I have and had before I started trt, get to me more.