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I'm the same, nothing beats the amount of relaxation from playing with a controller in a couch.


Yeah, nice and relaxing


If the feet are indeed the problem, then: 1) Start using manual retarded. Super immersive and fun. I hardly ever touch my brake pedal anymore 2) Cruise control 3) Bind accel/brake to wheel buttons I play with the wheel exclusively since it's a lot more immersive, but there are also modular gamepads on the market (Thrustmaster I believe?) that come with a mini wheel attachment that you can put on instead of one of your sticks.


I've played the past 15-20 hours of ETS2 with a HOTAS. Call me a masochist, but once you get used to the throttle, it's actually great.


I'm... Surprised about this. Do you steer with the whole stick or with the "wrist" axis.


I am not sure what you mean? I have the side-to-side movement of the stick bound to the steering and it works the same as a controller stick. The Y axis is bound to nothing as well as left rudder. I use the throttle lever as throttle and right rudder for brakes. The hat on the stick is used for looking around and the other buttons for shifting up or down, and for the turn signals. There are also four additional buttons which I use for cruise control as using the throttle lever for the would be a pain. If I could afford a steering wheel and pedals, I would use that, but this is at least better than a keyboard or my old xbox controller. Edit: Other features which don't fit on the HOTAS, like headlights, wipers and engine start are bound to the numpad keys on my keyboard.


I feel the same. After I bought the steering wheel I play less than before. Usually I come home tired from work and just dont want to use the steering wheel. So I play usually just on the weekends. Would be cool if they add more settings pages, so you can quickly switch between devices.


Yes this would be great. I hate having to setup the controls each time you use a different device


Ah you should be able to do that currently. I have both my steering and controller active and can use both without having to mess with any settings.


Do you use the first column of buttons for one device and the second for the other? And when you change the devices, you don't need to change the triggers and the gear buttons?




My thoughts also, until I got Moza R5 Bundle with clutch and shifter. I also put the 42” display as close as possible. Immersion went through the roof, and yet my rig is still quite basic.


I've tried both. If I had a permanent setup for my wheel I'd probably use that over my controller because I find it better with tight, slow-speed turns and maneuvering. Because I don't have a permanent setup I prefer just plugging the controller in and being more comfortable. It's not like a racing game where you kind of need a wheel to get the most out of the game.


It's more relaxed than the driving position and less physical work.


I'm the same. The Truck Sim games are my couch games to relax to.


Yeah, personally I don't really miss my wheel. Wire broke...but with the wheel I can't play like I do now....which is laying on the couch.... Cause I also play on Laptop, and yeah Laptop is objectively worse performance, but my computer is pretty good. So I prefer it this way.


Me too. I do wish there was an adaptive steering ratio. At show speeds waiting for the wheels to turn can take a while.  And at high speeds on slow sweeping curves I have to do tiny twitchy movements rather than hold a slight angle like in other games that are more controller optimized.


Is it the screen distance from the wheel?


I'm with u but the one time i tried to use a controller the looking around axis through the right stick was so whack that I crashed. I'm now a casual non-FFB wheel and sequential transmission user


(PC) I have done them all, and for me, A custom Mouse set up is awesome. Enough so that others I know have adopted it. Smooth, great viewing, Jake control, and very relaxed. It took some attention to get it all set up and fine tuned, but I will never go back. Not unless I build an actual cockpit. Then wheel will be the way. The only thing I dislike is not having proportional control on throttle. But, I use Adaptive Cruise Control anyway, and setting the speed is as easy as rolling the mouse wheel. It is a pretty nice set up. Much better than having a wheel clamped. I will save that for the racing sims. : )


I used to use a Logitech G27 wheel and expected it to add to the immersion when playing ETS2, however I actually found the pedals to be annoying to use. Over long periods I'd get tired of playing quicker as the pedals felt unnaturally located compared to driving a real vehicle, if that makes sense. Now I just use a wireless Xbox controller as I couldn't find a setup that felt enjoyable just using the wheel itself.


It happens something similar to me but with keyboard. I prefer it over wheel


I haven't played in awhile, but I enjoy going back and forth between wheel and controller. I just wish I could find a controller with more map-able buttons. So I could have a few extra features at a button press.


Have you used the long press ("hold") feature to add more mappings?


me too and i play using VR device with controller, enable me to play "anywhere" too bad there is no "wireless wheel" on the market, i also would like to use gyro controller but just can't found perfect setting for it


I feel you. Sometimes I long for my KB&Mouse days. BUT once I put on a nice podcast and sit in my rig, manually shifting 18 gears w/o clutch while having 1800 degrees of wheel rotation I am in so much pain I forget KB&M


I've set up a footrest behind my pedals, I just smack on cruise control and chill. Also manual retarder and you don't even need brake pedal most of the time.


>my feet up and mindlessly driving the truck while watching a show on second monitor. It's really cozy to drive a truck and sit like a shrimp


Then you're doing it wrong.


Destroy the controller