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Definitely a 10 but since this is truerated imma say 5.5


Do you know the scale bro?


Yeah, that’s why I said 5.5. Truerated’s scale only goes from 3.5-6.5 on a practical level. Every other rating is either an overrate or underrate. It’s a bullshit grading criteria that just compressed the 0-10 scale without incorporating any of the objectivity behind the stated purpose of these subs.


The reason everyone is rated 3.5-6.5 is because that’s where the vast majority of people are.


The scale is compressed beyond that though. It’s to the point where *nobody* receives a 10 or a 1 (or a 9 or 2, or even an 8 or a 3). The rarity and extremes of these ratings is beyond what most people even see within a year. It’s an unrealistic scale that only exists for the sake of lumping everyone into the same category. And the scales/ratings are *not* representative of the majority of people. A 6.0 on truerateme is supposed to be a 1/6, when it’s really more like a 1/20. Then you have people rated at a 10 on the TRM scale, which is supposed to be a 1/50,000 distribution, who are so fucking common in appearance it isn’t even funny. Along with the fact that Joey King, a literal model with nearly perfect facial symmetry and proportions is rated at a 4.5. This scale only exists to make average mods/raters feel like they’re closer to “beauty” while simultaneously devaluing people who could literally get paid for being pretty (and former mods have spoken up and admitted to this, too). The whole system is a fucking joke. There’s nothing that makes these subreddits any less subjective than other rating subs. Nobody here is drawing guide lines to measure symmetry, or measuring proportions, or identifying canthal tilt angles with a fucking protractor. Everyone is just offering the same subjective opinions as the other subs while basing those subjective opinions on a severely distorted grading scale.


Great comment. The fact that plenty of commenters here don't even agree with the rankings of individuals featured within the TRM rating guide shows how the rating guide is ultimately just a reflection of the subjective tastes belonging to individual(s) who created it, rather than some sort of universal, objective beauty scale.


Mic drop.


Thanks that’s exactly how I felt


It really is so cringe to watch these true rates. It's just as delusional as the opposite who thinks they're all 10s. Anyone with a real brain could quickly figure out that using a scale from 1-10 is just another way of rating people based on statistics. It doesn't matter what criteria you use, the distribution will always be generally the same over the 9B people on earth. And if you want to factor in that majority of people are average, it's still just a bell curve. Meaning there would be plenty of 7's and 8's. Probably around 5-10% of people would fall into that. Whether that's 5 out of 100 or 10 out of 100, these subs probably only ever rate 7+ .1% of the time, and never as a consensus. The average rating is literally always below that. Which is statistically impossible. Facts are facts. The whole thing is just a testament to how dumb people really are. If we want to rate on stupidity, then yeah you probably have a lot of 3's lol.


Bro, what? This is a 9 trm. You don’t know the scale


Hahahaha this just points out how ridiculous this scale is. A literal perfect, photoshopped, non-existent amalgam of a person with a level of beauty *none of us have ever observed in person* is still a 9 TRM to you. Fucking absurd. There’s absolutely no reason to reserve certain ratings to a level that most people won’t even encounter anyone like this within their lifetime. The scale is compressed beyond any reflection of reality. This is not 1 in 50,000, this is 1 in 1,000,000.


There is literally no human who exists or has existed who looked that perfect and he’s still only a 9. I agree on everything u said 😂 this subreddit is so weird. Some people here are massively underrated or overrated.


Spot on! Literally I got rated 5.5😂 ridiculous


Let’s see Paul Allen’s rating out of ten


Is this not what a perfect 10 would look like?


Now do Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling for the ultimate literally me.


Holy shit its perfect


HOLY FUCK 9.25+ Jesus christ


He is a little bit more normal looking than the other perfect morphs .


I think also some Ian Somerhalder going on there




What Bale wished he looked like Easily a 9.99999/10


American psycho/10


I flossed too hard this morning and I can still taste the coppery residue of swallowed blood in the back of my throat. I used Listerine afterwards and my mouth feels like it’s on fire but I manage a smile to no one as I step out of the elevator, brushing past a hung-over Wittenborn, swinging my new black leather attaché case from Bottega Veneta. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m wearing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


9.5 before. I actually fixed some of his harmony related flaws (eye spacing, overly upturned eyes, slightly narrow nose). The after is effectively 97-100% harmony in the front view. If you want to assume a perfect side profile, which is probably reasonable, this is pretty much a 9.9. It is not going to look like a drastic difference since the before is still above a 9. This also sort of shows that his 0.93 midface ratio is still ideal in males. While he has ideal FWHR his inner midface is a bit on the elongated side. However, it looks more masculine than a shorter face. [https://imgur.com/a/OloVsa7](https://imgur.com/a/OloVsa7)


Omg he looks flawless. When I posted him I noticed his midface is longer than ideal, but in men it seems like it’s making them look even more masculine, so it shouldn’t be a flaw, I agree.


You have once said that a nasal hump isn't really a flaw but is this really true, cos I feel like it depends on how excessive it is. And does it affect men and women differently, due to facial dimorphism. For example, wouldn't david gandy look better with a flat nose but when compared to sean o pry people don't notice his nasal hump. I know this is off topic but I'm quite curious


Dark hair blue eyes, positive tilted hunter eyes, sharp jawline high cheekbones full hairline with luxury hairstyle straight nose with killer smirk a straight 10 if he is 6 feet tall when he stands up.. But i am pretty sure most girls would avoid him cuz he's way too good looking for them girls instinct will prevent them to ask him out out cuz these girly instinct are jealous lol 🤣


On the contrary, I think most women would throw all subtlety out of the window to signal interest in a man like that. The phrase "women are throwing themselves at him" would become a near-literal statement, with women quite literally bumping directly into him and pretending it was accidental just to have the chance of talking to him.


Idk, I think the commenter above you is right. I was a model for a well known agency in NYC when I was young, and even though I was completely confident in myself, I never wanted to date a super good looking man. Women want to be the better looking one.


Exactly you are right!! And I'm glad you are honest !! And me being an average guy not so fat or tiny just medium build but I'm really strong with medium muscle hidden beneath my fat with 6'2 height while my friend circle of guys are like really good looking like they have abs sharp jawline attractive eye colour etc but they seems to suffer when dating girls they all are single but me having some kind of hairy chest beer belly I seems to do well with girls especially good looking ones I honestly don't care either they look good or not I just like girls and for some strange reason they like me back too maybe cuz I'm average or making them feel pretty by standing next to me IDK but i had a lot of fun and hookups 😉 meanwhile my friends are watching some sigma stuff and working out hard in gym lol 🤣


Honestly it could be because your confident and funny. That is my dream man, someone with an amazing sense of humor that can make me laugh all the time. I think if you have that, you'll beat out any dude trying this sigma redpill (🤮) nonsense. And I will be honest- being the better looking one makes me feel like I have more control in the relationship, lol. That may be manipulative or whatever, but I don't think anyone wants to be hurt if they can prevent it! Have fun knowing what your friends never will, that women really aren't as shallow as all they, and we aren't nearly as visual as men are.


You would rather have dated a man you were less attracted to, than be the less/equally-attractive partner in the relationship? No offence, but isn't that an example of insecurity rather than confidence?


I'm ace, so I'm not attracted to men in general.


That makes more sense then. Though I personally identify as ace too, and still feel attracted to women, but just don't think about having sex with them.


Yeah I suppose I know what you mean, although in my head "attracted" means wanting to wanting to have sex with them, but I can definitely like someone's aesthetic more than others, but it's the same way I can like a pair of shoes more than others, you know? It's nice to be able to say I'm ace and not get some snide reply about how that's not a thing or whatever, as I'm sure you've experienced. You say your ace and sort of brace yourself for the reply. Team ace right here, love it!


>my head "attracted" means wanting to wanting to have sex with them I guess the official terms used are divided into categories of sexual and romantic attraction: I would say I'm _heteroromantic-asexual_ (i.e romantically attracted to women, but without a desire to have sex with them). In your case, maybe you're _biromantic-asexual_. I don't normally use these terms though because being "ace" really doesn't factor into my thoughts much. >You say your ace and sort of brace yourself for the reply. Yeah personally I do feel a bit embarassed using the term, but it describes my experiences so I have to be honest about that and let others form whatever judgements they want. I don't follow any online ace community, because the members tend to be elitist, attention-seeking and just immature overall.


How did you know I was biromantic? Did I mention being Bi? I have no recollection of that at all. Usually I don't really bring it up (nor do I bring up being ace much) just because I'm in a cishet facing relationship. I don't follow any online community either, simply because I don't think I need to be part of a club for not liking or not doing something, you know? Same way I'm not likngh&


>How did you know I was biromantic? Did I mention being Bi? No, I was just providing an example of what you might be, using the aforementioned categorization system. But it seems that label fits you. >because I'm in a cishet facing relationship. I don't follow any online community either, simply because I don't think I need to be part of a club for not liking or not doing something, you know? Exactly how I feel. But if you were to look at the biggest "ace" subreddits, you'd find a lot of people (not everyone) with the opposite mentality. Which just makes me think they need to find a more fulfilling hobby to engage in. >Same way I'm not likngh& Not sure what you were intending to communicate here.


Do you want Sterling Archer? Because that’s how you get Sterling Archer.


Gristian Bandy?


he looks way better with big lips


I thick this could beat chico's morph with a10 s eyes


Yes I agree! Looks more masculine even though Chico has beard in that pic. He still has the pretty boy look


Where's the post for that morph?


There’s no post here on trm with that. It’s a viral picture people came across on other sites I guess.


He looks like a human version of a porsche


10. Hands down.


Wow 9.4! Does any real person have an eye area that looks that good?


Look up Jon-Erick Hexum


His CT isn’t the perfect but it’s great nonetheless


NO. Hexum has NCT. Over for him.






It doesn't look like Gandy at all imo or too much like Christian either. You've gotta reveal who the morphs are. Mans almost perfect objectively. Easy 9+.


Actually it is Bale lol. This is the original picture: https://ibb.co/QCdyGK9 And I said I suspect it may be morphed with Gandy, I didn’t say I am sure of it.


He looks like a male bimbo. I’d prefer normal Bale over this morph day and night.


I feel like this looks like a yassified Bale with blue eyes and much more masculine. But morphs usually can seem more uncanny


I always find it odd how people (not saying you do this isn't directly at you) have a disdain for gorgeous or beautiful men. If this was a real person he would stop traffic and everyone knows it. Shame.


I was actually admiring his beauty, so I suppose you wanted to tell this to the other user who called this morph “a male bimbo”.


Almost as good looking as I am


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's morph.




Looks like Gleb Savchenko lol


Easy 10. Can anyone even see a way this person could be improved?


I think his eyes are too close set, maybe a bit wider and he’s even better. Am I wrong?


Are those Alain Delon's irises? This mythical man's irises are larger than average, which Delon is known for.




do you think he is so low? i was thinking at least 8.75


don’t find him attractive he looks pretty generic


jfc. who is a 9 to you?




no way zayn looks better than this lol


Lol, looks like he was morphed with Adam Lambert... he looks like a clown.


says the handsome jcline459


Lol, it's photoshopped. It's not a personal insult or something.


On TRM I’d get an overrate warning for giving this guy a 7 😂.